
Chapter 124 She injected light into the experimental subject?

Luo Juya smiled. She liked Xu Le's sense of maturity. He was smart and clever, but also had clear judgment at critical moments.

This is a rare quality.

"There is less than a month left in the Red Moon Tribulation. This catastrophe may be more difficult than the last one. You and I must be prepared.

The greater the intensity of the disaster, the higher our profits will actually be.

But there is only one premise for all, and that is not to die in this disaster. "

Is this a friendly reminder from collaborators?

Xu Le nodded. He still had a question about the Red Moon Tribulation, which was the dark tide of Gu Yinduo.

"Ma'am, I have a question for you."

"Okay, I'll answer you as best I can."

“The Black Tide used to be very peaceful, so why has the Red Moon Tribulation become so violent now?

At my current level, I don’t have access to this level of information, so if Madam has any information, please let me know. "

Xu Le's attitude was very sincere, and Luo Juya had nothing to hide.

"The higher-ups suppressed the news, but according to the boss, it was because of Gu Yinduo's son."

Xu Le was a little helpless when he heard that he was related to Gu Yinduo's son. Now he also has some relationship with Gu Yinduo's son, such as the unlocked black card - Black Sheep Girl.

His current situation should be the same as Gu Beichen's, he is a tainted heir of Gu Yinduo.

Is the true identity a rape?

Xu Le felt a little resistant to this situation, but he didn't say much.

"Is he the son of Gu Yinduo? I understand... Oh, by the way, who is the boss the lady mentioned?"

"You should have seen that one-eyed woman in the Realm of the Mother Tree. She is a member of the Red Moon Temple's military organization Xiao Xiao. I heard that she used to be a mercenary of Tianrui Lifeng."

"That's it..."

Xu Le nodded. Before he had enough strength, it was better to keep the relationship between him and Chi Xiao secret for the time being.

The most important things right now are, first, how to get promoted, and second, how to survive safely while reaping benefits from the Red Moon Tribulation.

Luo Juya saw that the two parties had entered the stage of friendly negotiations, so she said:

"After entering the realm of the mother tree this time, I hope that the two of us can negotiate peacefully. If we can trade, of course it would be best. If not, we can also exchange information."

"Okay, what kind of fruit do you need?"

"Intermediate level and above, both elemental fruits and biological fruits are acceptable."

"Intermediate? This is a bit difficult for me."

"It doesn't matter. As long as you grow up safely, we will get the fruit sooner or later."

Although Luo Juya also had a certain purpose, she did speak the truth.

Xu Le has already eaten the Elemental Electric Fruit, and she knows this.

So after this, as long as the fruit Xu Le obtains is not of the elemental electricity series, it can be traded.

If two people accumulate fruits, the resources and speed can be said to be doubled. Sooner or later, they will be able to get the fruits they need.

"Madam has high expectations for me."

"It's not that I have high expectations for you, but I am full of confidence in my vision. After this mission on Block 53, your value of living is far higher than that of death."

What Luo Juya said might not be pleasant to hear, but Xu Le still understood what she meant.

"I see."

"If there is nothing else, just go back to Gujiano. I will tell you any additional news."

Xu Le nodded, got out of the car and was about to leave, when he suddenly turned around and asked:

"Oh, by the way, ma'am, there's one more thing."

"Say it." Luo Juya was not impatient.

"I just want to ask, life in the uptown area should be very good, right? Very luxurious?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Will a life of extravagance and extravagance produce a lot of anima? Greed and lust?

You know, I'm a Red Moon Warlock, and I'm very sensitive to things like anima.

Logically speaking, Shangcheng District should produce a large amount of anima, but where does this anima go?

If the amount is small, it can self-eliminate, neutralize the mind, etc., but the amount in the entire Shangcheng District is not large! "

If they had met yesterday, Xu Le probably wouldn't have asked directly.

But when what happened today, after contacting the Red Moon Tribulation and what Luo Juya said, Xu Le felt that something was wrong with the lighthouse.

He clearly remembered the distortion of today's prisoner.

[Influenced by the son of Gu Yinduo. 】

In other words, the current son of Guyin Duo can even directly affect the creatures in the city.

Contact the state of the aberration at that time, including madness, anger, fear, and desperate hatred for Gujiano.

The part of Gujiano's anima that disappeared is very suspicious.

Xu Le felt as if he had caught something, but he couldn't express the specific situation clearly.

When Luo Juya heard Xu Le's question, she didn't answer immediately, but pondered for a while.

"Isn't it convenient to tell?" Xu Le asked.

"No, I don't know how to tell you, and even I don't know what is at the top of the lighthouse.

But I can probably tell you that it is the uppermost level of the lighthouse, which is the top of the tower.

There should be something that can suppress the overflow of emotions. It may be some kind of creature or some kind of object. "

Xu Le nodded and pondered. Luo Juya thought he had nothing to say and was about to leave.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Xu Le nodded, and when Luo Juya was about to close the car door, he suddenly blocked the door.

"Madam, do you think it's possible that the lighthouse's anima has been accumulated, so there won't be any problems on weekdays.

But since the last red moon catastrophe, whenever the red moon appears, the accumulated anima will overflow, attracting more powerful weirdness?

Like a lighthouse, light, shine, etc.? "

Luo Juya was stunned by Xu Le's statement. This guy almost named the Illuminati and said that there was a problem with the Illuminati.

But Xu Le immediately continued:

"Of course this is just a conjecture on my part, maybe it's just random thoughts."

"Xu Le, this idea of ​​yours is very dangerous... Why do you have this idea?"

"The distortion in the afternoon experiment was a bit special. You know I am the Red Moon Warlock. This feeling makes me feel a little uneasy."

Luo Juya nodded.

"I'll go back and ask Old Bear and give you the answer, but don't tell anyone else about it."

"I understand that this is the secret of Gu Yinduo's fate, and I hope that Madam will not forget what she promised me."

"Don't worry, since I promised you, I will try my best to do it."

Luo Juya is gone. For now, the cooperative relationship between the two parties is pretty good.

But Xu Le couldn't put all his hopes of getting the doll on her.

He himself also has a lot of opportunities.

First of all, Gujiano is moving.

The laboratory is moving to Xiacheng District, so her things on the third floor of the laboratory building will inevitably be moved to the new place in Xiacheng District.

That's your chance.

Xu Le walked to the snack area on campus and bought some expensive snacks, cat food, and canned food.

"Who is this classmate?"

"Charge it to the Alchemy Research Laboratory's account."

"Huh? Accounting"

"What for? Can't you keep accounts?"

"Uh, yes."

"Okay, let's keep the accounts."

When Xu Le returned to Gu Jianuo's place, she was staring at the almost destroyed second floor in a daze.

When Xu Le walked to her side, the short alchemist said directly:

"What did you say to each other?"

"She asked me why I came to help you and what my purpose was."

Xu Le answered truthfully, but Gu Jianuo seemed to have no intention of pursuing the question.

"According to Luo Juya, we have to move out of here."

"Are you sure you want to move out?"

"Well, Uptown will not allow such a weird experimental accident twice, and my experiment must use living humans, and the distortion is likely to happen again.

Xu Le, did you not finish asking questions before? Now if you have anything to ask, you can continue. "

Xu Le confirmed Gu Jianuo's anima state at this time, and after confirming that she was still normal, he slowly spoke:

"First of all, we should do some weird analysis. The prisoner experimental subject may have been affected by some special power.

The transformation occurred after he accumulated a huge amount of pain, sadness, hatred, fear and other mental energy. "

Gu Jianuo shook his head directly and denied Xu Le's statement:

"I did the same experiment before, and nothing like this happened."

"Perhaps the anima accumulated by the previous experimental subjects is not enough, or it may be your own problem."

"My problem? What's my problem?"

"That aberration has a goal, and its target is always you, and the anima breath it emits has your own feeling.

So I think its distortion may also be related to your anima state. "

Xu Le originally wanted to vaguely remind Gu Jianuo that this kind of experimental method might lead to even more terrifying distortions.

Unexpectedly, Gu Jianuo's tone and expression turned cold at this moment:

"Are you trying to persuade me to give up this experiment?"

"It's not about giving up, it's about safety verification."

“With all the research on alchemical life science, nothing is truly safe.

Everything I do is for the lighthouse. Maybe I will hesitate when I see the tragedy in the lower city, or maybe I will be confused when I encounter aberrations.

But my inner thoughts have never changed. You should understand me, right? Xu Le..."

Hearing this tone, Xu Le narrowed his eyes.

Things didn't develop as he had planned and prepared. Was it a bit natural for him to try to change the heart and ideals of a level 3 warlock?

Is trying to change the mind of a level 3 warlock another form of arrogance?

What should I do next?

"I know you, Miss Gu."

"Very good, get ready to move. The experiment will continue after we go to the Lower City."

"Should the experiment continue even if there are certain risks? For example, the problem of anima?"

"Any risk will continue, and the lighthouse needs more powerful force. As for the issue of anima, that is something that the upper management of the lighthouse needs to consider.

All I need to do is make the Lighthouse strong, whatever it takes. "

Seeing Gu Jianuo's cold and determined eyes, Xu Le knew that things might have developed completely in another direction.

Gu Jianuo's attitude towards experiments has not changed because of his trip to Xiacheng District and this experimental accident.

On the contrary, her eyes were full of determination at this time, and she no longer meant to waver.

If he can't change Gujiano's will.

Then will his promotion plan fail?

Wait, we haven’t lost yet!

"Yes, I'm going to prepare now. Where are the ordinary researchers on the first floor?"

"Them? If they are willing to come with me, they can leave. If not, let them stay in school."


Gu Jianuo is not the kind of person who plays power and manipulates people's hearts.

Her focus is more on experiments, or her personal ideals.

Under the setting sun, Gu Jianuo walked down from the third floor holding a pot of green plants.

When she walked to Xu Le, she suddenly asked:

"Human life is as fragile as this grass. Only enough nutrients can make it strong. Xu Le, do you think we will succeed?"

"It will work."

"I think so too." Gu Jianuo said, his eyes becoming playful.

She put the potted plants in the car in front of Xu Le and headed to the Lower City with the convoy moving out of the laboratory.

After Gu Jianuo left, Xu Lecai narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Is what she did just now a test or a provocation?"

Xu Le's warlock level is indeed average, only level 1, although his progress is already very fast compared to other warlocks.

But the difficulty of promotion for warlocks is still much greater than that for warriors.

But just because his level isn't good doesn't mean his ability isn't good.

Guyinduo Vision is not just for free.

"She actually handed the fortune-telling doll in front of me. She was so pretentious. Did she think... I couldn't recognize that thing?"

In the next few days, Xu Le basically traveled between Shangcheng District and Xiacheng District to build a new laboratory for Gu Jianuo.

While he was busy, Gu Jianuo's experiments did not stop.

She did not let anyone else handle the matter of finding people. Instead, she directly found the night watchman in Area B and asked Team 2 and Team 6 to find the first batch of experimental volunteers for her from homeless people and blood sellers respectively. By.

Sometimes things just have so many coincidences.

The first volunteer among this batch of experimenters was the girl Xu Le and Gu Jianuo met that day, Zhang Li.

Zhang Li was lying on the experimental bed, with the iron rings and locks fixed on her body.

Looking at the expressionless Gu Jianuo, she felt a little flustered.

For some reason, she always felt that Gu Jianuo was no longer as weak as she was a few days ago, and her eyes were... a little scary.

So Zhang Li was a little worried whether Gu Jianuo would retaliate against her during this experiment.

"It turns out that you are really doing human experiments... Is that okay? If not, I can leave now."

Looking at Zhang Li's slightly panicked eyes, Gu Jianuo just comforted softly:

"Don't be afraid, it's all the same, it will be fine soon."

Zhang Li's eyebrows flashed, but she still didn't resist for the 500 yuan promised by the night watchman.

The reputation of the night watchman can be said to be the highest in Lower City and is trustworthy.

Moreover, 500 yuan is too much for her. It can relieve a lot of family pressure and is an amount that she cannot refuse.

"Okay, come on!"

Seeing Zhang Li's expression of despair, Gu Jianuo started the experiment directly.

She asked the experimental assistant beside her:

"How is the carrier situation?"

"The carrier is 19 years old, 159 centimeters tall, and weighs 40 kilograms. He has no history of practicing cultivation, has mild sexually transmitted diseases, and is malnourished."

"Got it, prepare the nutritional injection, Guangming Yin Type I, 5 ml, ready for injection."

"Yes, Guangmingyin Type I, 5 ml, is being injected."

During the experiment.

Standing at the door, Xu Lezheng, Gu Beichen, Wu Shana, and Zheng Wen stared at each other with big eyes.

Team 6 and Team 2 were sent to take turns guarding the new laboratory. This was an order from the branch.

Because the new laboratory is relatively simple, they can hear the conversations in the laboratory.

Xu Le had no intention of talking to these people, but in this silence he had made eye contact with Gu Beichen several times.

But these two fools would stare, and Xu Le didn't know if he understood what he meant.

Suddenly, Xu Le turned to look at the laboratory.

His nervousness also aroused the emotions of Gu Beichen and the others. Wu Shana asked directly:

"Senior, what's going on?"

Xu Le frowned and said nothing. He was not sure what the progress of the experiments inside was now.

However, he clearly heard that the experimental subject inside was making a "drinking" sound.

Something didn't feel right, and her anima levels, especially fear, were constantly rising.

This is Xiacheng District, so the risk is even greater.

[The anima level has exceeded alert level 1, please be careful. 】

[Affected by the Son of Guyinduo, the mind can alert level 1 target creatures, and unknown distortion will occur after 30 seconds. 】

"Get ready."

"Prepare? Prepare for what."

"Ready to fight."

ah! ~

As soon as Wu Shana finished asking, a howl appeared in the laboratory. The howl was long and hoarse, and it didn't sound like a human cry.

Then, there were continuous gunshots.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

After a few cycles, Gujiano had taken off his gloves and slowly walked out of the laboratory.

She looked at Xu Le expressionlessly, shook her head slightly and then said to the members of Team 6 who stayed here:

"Please take care of it inside. The experiment will continue. Bring the next volunteer."

"What's going on?" Xu Le asked.

“The experimental process went very smoothly, and all indicators of her physical fitness have been greatly improved.

It can be said that the first time she took the medicine, she reached a level approaching that of a level 1 warrior.

It's a pity...she is deformed. "

Xu Le stared at Gu Jianuo, not knowing what to say.

Before, her requirements for experiments were somewhat conservative, but now she has completely changed.

Xu Le feels that the risk of this experiment has reached an unpredictable level.

If there is another level 3 heir, can they handle it?

"Miss Gu, have you ever considered the cause of the distortion?

If an ordinary human suddenly becomes a warrior and does not have the willpower consistent with a warrior, will there be some bad consequences? "

"It is indeed possible, but the potion works smoothly and the strengthening effect is excellent.

The only thing I'm not sure about now is why her anima level increased so quickly, even though anima neutralizer couldn't suppress it. "

"So why don't you check out the anima..."

Before Xu Le finished speaking, Gu Jianuo said first:

"No, we should continue the experiment now and use more experimental data to rule out the cause of the psychic accident.

Pensions and other things have already been prepared.

Xu Le, you have to understand that kindness cannot save Xiacheng District. What they need... is strength.

This time, the Light Lead Type I can not only bring them the power of a warrior.

Maybe even bring light to them. "

Xu Le was suddenly stunned.


Since when did the lead of life become the lead of light?

Sure enough, all alchemists are crazy?

She, or they, injected something that did not belong to a warrior into the experimental subject.


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