
Chapter 125 A weird distortion formula


This approach is not just crazy, it is completely insane.

The so-called light should be some kind of extraordinary power, right? Illuminati? Or maybe it's a special product from the upper levels of the lighthouse.

Xu Le had heard a theory whether from books or Gan's rhetoric.

The importability of extraordinary power.

The law of sacrifice is transaction, the law of belief is charity, and the law of ritual is rule.

Even the promotion of a warrior is due to the accumulation of self and the breakthrough of willpower.

If you want to ask if there is a supernatural power that can be transplanted in this world, then there is.

There is a lot of pollution from ancient sounds.

The only extraordinary energy in this world that can be transplanted in a true sense is Guyinduo pollution.

What is Gujiano doing now? Is she trying to recreate Gu Yinduo's power?

The power of light shouldn't be something she, an alchemist, can easily obtain, right?

"Ms. Gu's Guidance of Light Type I contains the power of the Illuminati?"

"Obvious things." Faced with Xu Le's doubts, Gu Jianuo did not deny it.

"Miss Gu is also a warlock. You should know the risks of this approach, right?"

"There are dangers in any experiment."

"Okay, then do you still remember the distortion during the school experiment a few days ago? That third-level Guinduo heir."

"Remember, what happened?"

Xu Le narrowed his eyes slightly, and the current situation was no longer stubborn.

But she knew it for sure and didn't even try to hide it deliberately.

"Miss Gu, do you still remember the state of the deformed person at that time? He turned into a tree, a golden tree that radiated light."

"Xu Le, have you ever thought about how far a warrior's upper limit will be raised after they possess some kind of extraordinary power comparable to that of a fruit?"

Xu Le did not answer this question, but continued to ask:

"In other words, Miss Gu had expected the distortion that day?"

"The experiment has reached this stage and it cannot be stopped. There must be results before the Kuroshio.

In fact, what we lack may just be a stable dose threshold. "

Xu Le nodded, with a calm expression that showed no emotion, and he did not refute Gu Jianuo.

"That's it, I understand."

"If you understand, let those night watchmen do their work. We need enough strength to face the black tide."

The experiment continued silently, but when the third experiment failed, Xu Le had already guessed that some of the assumptions he had talked about with Luo Juya before might become a reality.

At night, Xu Le stood on the rooftop and looked at the location of the new laboratory.

Gu Jiano lived there, and she should have placed the potted plant of the fortune-telling doll in that place.

Regardless of whether he can complete the promotion or not, getting back the fortune-telling doll is the first thing to do.

Although Luo Juya promised him to get the doll back, what if she couldn't get it back?

How to say?

He cannot leave his fate in the hands of others.

It's better to control your own destiny when it comes to things like fate.

Pulling out a card at random, Xu Le felt that his good luck was coming.

【White Brand-Four Leaf Clover】

A four-leaf clover symbolizes luck.

Positive: Unconditional luck, good things will happen.

Opposite: Fragile life.

"I wonder what good things will happen."

"Without psychic fluctuations, does it count as divination?"

After Xu Le took out the card, a voice appeared behind him, it was Wang Shu.

Xu Le did not look back, but silently collected the cards and put them in his arms.

"I thought that idiot Gu Beichen couldn't understand it."

"Don't speak ill of me behind my back, you brat."

"Oh, you're here too."

At this time, Wang Shu took out three potions that emitted golden light from his arms.

"What you want."

Xu Le glanced at the potion. The pale golden halo itself symbolized power beyond the mortal world.

Gujiano and Beacon Uptown really made some kind of supernatural power into a potion, and even conducted experiments on it. It was really outrageous.

"Brother Shu has become really powerful after becoming captain. I originally wanted to ask Gu Jianuo for it, but after thinking about it, it's more appropriate to get it from you."

Xu Le put the potion into his pocket and praised Wang Shu.

But Wang Shu is still a little strange:

"What do you want this thing for? During this period, the results of the experiment should not be ideal, right?"

"Not ideal? Brother Shu, you have overestimated the ambition of the lighthouse."

Xu Le looked in the direction of the tower and suddenly said:

"Have you two ever been to the Tower?"

Wang Shu shook his head directly. He was from the Lower City. It was impossible for him to go to a high-end place like a tower. Even if he became a night watchman, he would not have a chance.

So he looked directly at Gu Beichen.

"Why are you looking at me?" Gu Beichen glared.

"Just tell me whether you have been there or not."

"I've been there, but I've only been to the first few floors, which are the sightseeing floors where the lighthouse is open."

Faced with such a major issue, Gu Beichen still knew the severity, so he didn't pretend to be unreasonable, and now he had something to say.

"Brother Chen is so amazing. The tower is a place that poor people can't touch in their lifetime." Xu Le said angrily.

However, Gu Beichen didn't hear it at all and immediately raised his head.

"That is required."

"Let me guess, the floor of the lighthouse should be wooden, right?"

"Um? I remember it was made of wood. How did you know?"

Xu Le pointed at the lighthouse with his finger and said to Gu Beichen and Wang Shu:

"What kind of construction methods do you think can build such a straight and towering tower? Is it possible to achieve it with our current construction methods?"

Gu Beichen and Wang Shu looked at each other, although they were not quite sure what Xu Le wanted to express.

But this question is something that almost every lighthouse person has thought about.

Especially when they were children, anyone would say with emotion, the lighthouse is so high!

But adults always say, of course, the tower is the miracle of the entire lighthouse city. Miracles are naturally very high.

But when I grow up, if I analyze it from an architectural perspective.

There is simply no way that humans at present can build structures like towers.

Not only in the current Fourth Era, but even in the ancient First, Second and Third Era, there was no way to build such a tall building.

"Xu Le, what do you want to say?"

"Brother Shu, do you think there is a possibility that the tower is not actually a human building, but a tree?

A very tall tree that actively emits light? "


Wang Shu and Gu Beichen frowned. Xu Le's statements were all his personal conjectures and guesses. There was no actual evidence. He had never even been to the tower.

But the two of them just felt that what Xu Le seemed to be talking about... seemed really possible.

Very strange feeling.

"When did you find out?"

Xu Le stared at the tower. In fact, the original owner had thought about this question in his memory, so he answered:

“I’m from Zion, and I didn’t hear many stories about lighthouses when I was a kid.

So when I first came to the lighthouse, I had an idea, how could this tower be so high?

I had never been exposed to transcendence before, so this question has been postponed.

Until a few days ago, Gu Jianuo’s experimental body became deformed..."

"Let's talk about it in detail. We have also heard about what happened that day, but the specific content has been suppressed by Mrs. Ju Ya. She only said that it was an experimental accident at the school."

Xu Le nodded, Gu Jianuo was the Bear District Chief's employee after all.

Even the experimental project itself included a part of District Chief Bear, who was once one of the leaders of this experiment.

No matter how much Luo Juya dislikes her, it is inevitable to help her wipe her butt.

"Gujiano was conducting an experiment that day, and the subject of the experiment was a warrior prisoner.

The situation at that time was a bit strange. After the warrior prisoner's anima broke through the cordon, he suddenly experienced Guyinduo distortion.

This kind of distortion had almost no previous signs, and he suddenly became the heir of Gu Yinduo.

He became a tree, a golden tree. "

Gu Beichen and Wang Shu glanced at each other. The fact that there was no warning sounded a bit nonsense.

In the past, there was a lot of pollution in ancient music, whether it was mental pollution, blood pollution, or white corpse pollution.

Even if it's corpse transformation, they have a fixed process.

These distortions all have signs. Now that Xu Le says there are no signs, it can only explain one problem.

"It should be that Gu Jianuo reached a certain special distortion condition during his experiment." Wang Shu affirmed.

"My thoughts are the same as Brother Shu's, but before that, there were many things that I couldn't figure out until I had a private conversation with Mrs. Juya."

"You and Mrs. Ju Ya still have a problem?" Gu Beichen asked in surprise.

"go away."

Xu Le was not angry, and Wang Shu also glared at Gu Beichen.

"Go on, what did you and Mrs. Juya talk about?"

"Where did all the anima about the lighthouse go?"

"Lighthouse's anima? What's there to talk about?"

"The structure of the lighthouse is a little different from that of several other city-states. The earliest lighthouses only had the upper city area, and the moat existed to protect the lighthouse.

All the buildings in Xiacheng District were developed and constructed slowly in the later period.

Because of the existence of the moat, the lighthouse is divided into upper and lower city areas.

Nowadays, the upper city is very luxurious. Compared with the lower city, they are like the aristocratic life in ancient times.

This means that the lighthouse will generate a large amount of mental energy, which is continuous and very large and concentrated.

I asked Mrs. Ju Ya, where can these hearts go? "

"What did Madam say?"

"She said that there is something at the top of the lighthouse that can block the energy of the mind."

"Then what?"

"Then I guessed something privately. Does the black tide being so violent have anything to do with the anima of the lighthouse itself?"

After Xu Le asked this question, both Gu Beichen and Wang Shu were silent for a moment.

The fierce battle during the last Kuroshio left a deep impression on everyone.

If a situation like that happened again, no one could guarantee that they would survive.

"Even if the lighthouse is related to the intensity of the black tide, what does it have to do with the distortion of the experimental subjects?"

Xu Le took out a bottle of reagent called Guangming Yin Type I.

"Gu Jianuo said that there were many experiments in the past, but there was no distortion, until they started to conduct this experiment called the Lead of Light.

So I think there is a formula for weird distortions!

Guyinduo + Red Moon + Anima is a weird distortion formula. "

"Distortion formula? So you asked us to steal the potion. Are you going to verify it yourself?"

Xu Le didn't say yes or no. He turned to the two of them and said:

"Except for Guyin Duo's pollution, there have been no other types of transfer forces in this world.

I originally thought that Miss Gu was also a warlock, and a warlock shouldn't have such thoughts. Now it seems that I am too small.

She now plans to take the initiative to control this power. "

"What are you going to do now?"

"You don't have to worry too much about me. I have a lot of life-saving abilities. Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for me to die.

But you two should pay attention, be careful with the black tide this time. "

After hearing Xu Le's instructions, Gu Beichen and Wang Shu were silent for a moment.

After Xu Le is gone, the current Night Watch Team 6 is actually close to falling apart.

"Xu Le, will you return to the team?"

"Don't worry, as long as I'm not dead, I will always be Night Watch Team 6 - Logistics Department - Xu Le."

Wang Shu nodded, it was time for them to leave.

Such a secret meeting is still inconvenient, especially since Xu Le's current situation is more complicated.

"Then let's go first. Be careful. If this matter can't be investigated, just give up."

Xu Le narrowed his eyes. The person who couldn't care less about Bai Jing's death was actually Wang Shu.

He likes the captain very much, he really likes him.

"Brother Shu, actually I already know how the captain died."

"How did you die?" Wang Shu did not turn around.

"She died on her own terms."

"That's good." Wang Shu's body suddenly relaxed.

"And Brother Shu, the higher ups will definitely give you potions for this black tide."

"Then what?"

"Don't drink."

"I know." Wang Shu nodded.

After watching the two people leave, Xu Le breathed a sigh of relief, and then moved his gaze back to the room where Gu Jianuo was.

He muttered silently:

"There is a section of sewer pipe on the right side, which is suitable for climbing. If you break in from the outside window, you can try it from this distance."

Xu Le silently planned several action routes in his mind, envisioning what might happen after he sneaked in.

First of all, one thing must be determined, that is, Gu Jianuo himself cannot be here.

A level 3 alchemist who has a devil form and can grasp elemental bodies, she is definitely not something Xu Le can compete with now.

While the demon form lasts, Xu Le estimates that most level 3 warlocks are no match for Gu Jianuo.

Therefore, his actions can only be carried out when Gu Jianuo leaves.

Maybe Gu Jianuo will stay in the research room during this period of time, but Xu Le knows that she will definitely leave for one day.

That was the day when the research progress was reported and the medicine was delivered.

For such a major matter, Gu Jianuo definitely had to handle it in person.

When the time comes, it’s your chance!

After silently calculating everything in his mind, Xu Le took out the moonstone powder, black sheep's blood, and three chicken legs from his backpack.

I began to silently draw moon-mooning rituals on the ground.

"This kind of cultivation method is really expensive. Fortunately, the tribute of three chicken legs is very cheap..."

Meow meow! ~

In the next few days, Xu Le seemed to have not woken up every day. During the day, he felt like he was being sucked dry by a woman.

Gu Jianuo naturally noticed that Xu Le's condition was extremely poor.

But her experiment has now entered a critical moment, and there is no way to distract herself from checking Xu Le's situation.

Xu Le is in a bad state, but no matter what, he has done his job conscientiously in recent times.

It was not until September 28 that Gu Jianuo asked Xu Le:

"What's going on with you lately?"

"No, it's just that I've been busy practicing recently and haven't slept well."

Gu Jianuo frowned. Although she was a little confused, she nodded. The black tide was approaching, and it was normal for Xu Le to practice.

Without talking to Xu Leduo again, Gu Jianuo returned to the deepest part of the laboratory.

The experiment was restarted.

After more than 20 consecutive days of high-intensity work, Gu Jianuo's physical burden reached its limit.

She sat on the chair slightly tired, staring closely at the dead and possibly deformed experimental subject in front of her.

"Why did it fail again?"

She seemed to be asking herself or her assistant.

The assistant did not dare to make Gu Jianuo angry at this time and could only lower his head.

"I have no idea."

Gujiano raised the pistol, she first pointed it at the subject's head, and then put it down.

Under the watchful eye of his assistant, Gujiano suddenly took out a needle and inserted it into the neck of the experimental subject.

At this time, Xu Le, who had been sleeping at the door with his eyes closed, suddenly woke up.

[Affected by the Son of Guyinduo, the Anima Alert target will undergo unpredictable distortion after 30 seconds. 】

"Guyin has many heirs?"

He quickly wanted to take out his cane, but when he saw that the team on duty was the Night Watch Team 2, he gave up.

Forget it, even if an heir appears at this time, Gu Jianuo can handle it with his strength.

The so-called Light Lead Experiment should have failed.

As long as the experiment fails, even if the Kuroshio this time wants to distribute medicine to warriors or the people, they will only be able to use old-style medicine.

At least the old potions won't kill people directly.

In the research room.

When Gu Jianuo was about to shoot and kill the experimental subject, the seemingly dead woman suddenly woke up.

Her eyes were still cloudy, but they were human cloudiness.

If she were in a distorted state, her eyes should emit the unique blue halo of ancient Yinduo.

The fatigue on Gu Jianuo's body was instantly wiped away.

She stared at the experimental subject who woke up in front of her, although she didn't know how the other party woke up, or even came back from the dead.

But the other party's current state is exactly the same as her ideal experimental state.

"Can you hear me?"

"Yes, I can hear it."

"Can you feel your power?"

The subject's eyes gradually brightened, and her fingers were emitting a faint golden luster.

"Is this what you're talking about?"

Seeing that faint light, the surprise on Gu Jianuo's face became even greater.

"Sure enough, what's your name?"


The assistant on the side was a little strange. They had failed for many days in a row. What did Gu Jianuo inject into the experimental subject just now?

"Ms. Gu, what did you inject just now?"

"Shh, at least we made it, didn't we?"

The assistant was stared at by Gu Jianuo, his eyes flickering, and he finally nodded.

"Yes, we succeeded."

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