
Chapter 127 Xu Le is not the only one who can use anima

"Glib, do you know there was an accident in the institute last night?"

"I know, something strange has appeared, but those things are your night watchman's business, what does it have to do with me? I'm not a night watchman."

What Xu Le said felt a bit strange, but it seemed like there was nothing wrong with it.

"Report your whereabouts."

"I've been resting. Didn't you come over and ask me last night?"

"What about the morning?"

"I bought potted plants at the flower and bird market this morning. Miss Gu was too hard at this time, and the research process was also very depressing.

I planned to buy a pot of grass to put in front of her bed to ward off evil spirits. I also bought a doll for her so that she could poke me with needles to vent her anger.

When a subordinate does something for the leader, I hope she can be happy, isn't that right? "

Xu Le said, and walked up the stairs so blatantly that several night watchmen from Team 2 didn't know whether they should stop him.

Afterwards, Xu Le placed the potted plants and dolls in front of Gu Jianuo's bed in a grand manner.

"There's something weird happening nearby. You night watchmen have a big responsibility. Why are you always staring at me? I'm not weird. Can't you work hard?"

You are wasting your time, and by wasting time you are wasting taxpayers' money. "

Wang Yueqin didn't let Xu Le go because of his few words. She directly grabbed Xu Le's arm.

"Have you seen Wei Kui?"

"I saw it."

"Where is he?"

"How do I know? I'm not his father." Xu Le looked surprised.

"Didn't you say you saw him?"

"I saw him yesterday, and I even said hello to him."

"Xu Le, don't play tricks."

"Captain Wang Yueqin, I am not your subordinate, nor am I a night watchman.

I am now a researcher employed on the Beacon University campus. You have no reason and no right to question me like this. "

Faced with Wang Yueqin's questioning, Xu Le refused to give in at all.

The key is that there is no evidence, and there is nothing Wang Yueqin can do against him.

The investigation did not last long. Today is already the 29th, and the Kuroshio is approaching.

As night watchmen, at this point in time, they have begun to urgently prepare for the coming black tide.

And this time, the tasks of Team 2 and Team 6 of the Night Watch Division in Area B are different from before.

The request above is to protect Bachelor Gujiano until the end of the black tide.

Does this clear protection requirement mean that Gujiano will go to Xiacheng District during the Kuroshio?

"After the black tide, I will investigate this matter clearly."

"We really should find out." Xu Le nodded.

Later, Xu Le touched the head of the little puppet and narrowed his eyes.

[Countdown to the Red Moon Tribulation: 1 day, 13 hours, 24 minutes and 16 seconds]

The night watchmen were preparing weapons and ammunition, and Xu Le himself was also preparing.

The Night Fury Black Staff is indeed very powerful. After killing Bai Gui and absorbing part of the descendant's power, it became even stronger.

But Xu Le couldn't use it all the time. The bullets shot by the Night Fury's black staff required energy.

He is just a level 1 warlock. No matter how abundant his spiritual energy is, he cannot consume it without limit.

Therefore, conventional weapons and equipment, as well as explosives are needed.

"These grenades should be recorded in the institute's account. Don't forget them."


The time of the red moon is very close, and Xu Le doesn't know when Gu Jianuo will come back.

Based on the experience of the last Red Moon Tribulation, on the 29th, people in Xiacheng District were already buying nails, iron sheets, and iron spines one after another, and began to build defenses for their homes.

It's not because people in Xiacheng District care about their lives, but because Xiacheng District faces far more dangers than Upper City District.

There will be smart people in the lower town, even if they don't have enough education.

But relying on their own intuition and experience, many people feel that this time the Kuroshio will still be very different.

Therefore, at this time, people in the lower city area pay more attention to the defense facilities of their homes than before, regardless of whether they are useful or not.

Xu Le is also one of those who prepare for a rainy day.

He prepared a large number of bullets, grenades, psychic recovery medicine, and wound medicine.

A new Scarecrow of Fate was also made.

After touching Ding Ke's head, Xu Le asked curiously:

"Do you think I can win?"

Meow! ~Ding Ke nodded.

"What if we lose?"

Ding Ke picked up the backpack beside him, jumped to the window and sat down, then spread his paws and made a slightly helpless and human expression towards Xu Le.

That expression seemed to say:

"Then what can we do? If you lose, we can only pack up and run away."

Xu Le also laughed after seeing it.

"You are really a down-to-earth guy. There is really nothing you can do at level 1. The strength gap between the two sides is too big.

But if it is level 2, there is a chance to win, what do you think? "

Meow! ~

Another day has passed.

On the afternoon of the 30th, in a laboratory in Shangcheng District, Xiong Zemo and Gu Jianuo looked at Anjie who was conducting an indicator experiment.

Regarding the experimental results of the Lead of Light, no research materials were reported at the strong request of Gu Jianuo himself.

Her reason is also very simple. Although the experimental subject is already in a relatively stable state.

But it has not yet passed the final test, and it needs to go through the final test to determine its stability.

This reason is very reluctant, but the person in charge of the experiment now is Gu Jianuo, and she has already produced the finished product of Anjie's experiment.

As for the Light Lead project, once it is completed, it will be a revolutionary qualitative change for the entire lighthouse.

Therefore, Xiong Zemo and the people in Shangcheng District did not press too hard.

"An ordinary person actually has level 2 strength and the power of light overnight. It's really an incredible breakthrough.

Didn’t all previous experiments fail? Why was it successful this time? "

Looking at the completely normal Anjie in front of him, Gu Jianuo's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a hint of inexplicable emotion.

"Didn't the teacher see it either?"

"Huh? What do you see?" Xiong Zemo frowned slightly, perhaps because he didn't expect Gu Jianuo to speak to him in this tone.

Gu Jianuo lowered his head slightly apologetically:

"Sorry, teacher, I just acted on a whim and my attitude was a bit wrong."

"It's okay. Let's talk about the last step in detail. Even if you can't announce it directly, it shouldn't be a problem if you tell me first, right?"

Gu Jianuo shook his head slightly when he heard Xiong Zemo ask him about his final experimental requirements.

"Sorry, teacher, I can't publish the specific experimental data yet.

And I want to apply to the teacher for a batch of life-inducing potions.

The final test will be carried out in this black tide. After the test is completed, the research data can be truly released. "

"I gave you a lot before, but have you used it up?"

"There's not much left. After all, this time of the black tide... I have to go to the front line."

Gu Jianuo's attitude was very resolute, and her slightly confident attitude made Xiong Zemo feel out of control.

"Since you insist on doing this, I'll batch you another 100.

The people above are no longer patient. I hope that in this black tide, your research results can shut up those people. "

"Thank you teacher, I will definitely do it."

After Gu Jianuo finished his report, he picked up a suitcase containing 100 medicines and left the research institute with his assistant and Anjie.

Xiong Zemo stood at the window on the roof and watched the three people leaving, his eyes gradually becoming glazed over.

He took out a doll from the hidden compartment of the bookcase on the side.

This puppet is Gu Jianuo's puppet.

Moreover, this doll is more exquisite and has more details than Xu Le's one.

"Do you want to break away...let me see what you can do."

The assistant, who had been silent in the car, looked a little flustered. She had heard the conversation between Gu Jianuo and Xiong Zemo just now.

As an assistant, she is very smart and understands that the more you know, the more dangerous you are.

But Gu Jianuo just lowered his head and played with the ring with the sun symbol.

When the car was halfway along the road and reached Xiacheng District, Gu Jianuo suddenly said:

"Xiao Li, your level of anima is very high. What are you afraid of?"

"I, I, I didn't."

"Oh, don't be nervous, Xiao Li. In fact, things are not as complicated as you think."

"I understand, Miss Gu."

Assistant Xiao Li felt a little calmer after hearing Gu Jianuo's comfort.

But Gujiano's next words made her even more frightened.

"Xiao Li, you know, the composition of this world is actually not as complicated as we think.

Although it has many powers, systems, and abilities, the essence of the extraordinary world is composed of three types of energy, Red Moon, Ancient Sound, and Heart Energy.

In the past 20 years, I have always believed that Anima is the power of ancient sounds.

Anima is dangerous, difficult to control, and can cause distortions.

But then I met a very interesting person. I saw a breakthrough in him and completely changed my mind.

Anima is actually a kind of energy that can be controlled.

It is a kind of power that belongs to us and can be controlled, but it is very difficult.

Those who can control mental energy are equivalent to controlling more powerful power.

Being able to lower one's mental energy is a rare and extraordinary quality.

This is actually a means of controlling one's own mental energy. Its expressive power generally lies in a person's willpower, which can allow people to exert stronger strength.

But there is another way to use Anima, Anima Release!

This is a more artistic way of using anima.

I accidentally saw Xu Le using anima, more than once.

Originally I thought this was the Red Moon Warlock's method, but later I discovered that this was his own ability.

Now, I also have this ability.

The changes it has made to me are simply immeasurable!

Although I don't know why a level 1 warlock like Xu Le can control his anima so accurately.

But it doesn't matter, I never think that my talent is weaker than anyone else.

He thought that by controlling the puppet, he could control anyone.

But in fact, we all know that puppets cannot control people's hearts, and teachers spend too much time facing puppets.

Puppet has no anima, so..."

Gu Jianuo didn't finish his last words, but Xiao Li, the driving assistant, was completely panicked at this time.

She wasn't quite sure why Gujiano wanted to talk to her so much, but she was scared.

"Miss Gu, I have always been loyal to you."

"I know that I was just too excited because of the success of the experiment. I just wanted to find someone to vent these words that I had been suppressing in my heart.

I won't care about the fact that you secretly give information to the teacher at 2pm every week, because the teacher is supposed to monitor me.

If you usually use my official seal to embezzle, I won't care, because I don't care about money at all.

But you are still wrong. You are wrong because you should not have given my information to the teacher and then sold it to that woman Luo Juya.

Women are all sensitive, what if she finds out? "

The assistant had just braked and was about to escape.


The branches glowing with golden light passed behind her head.

Anjie's fingers that turned into branches surged, she opened the car door and threw the assistant's body next to the sewer.

He took out a small bottle of potion from Gu Jianuo's purse, sprinkled it on her body, threw a match and lit it.

Gu Jianuo had already sat in the driver's seat, started the steam car, and left.

This scene of murder and burning of corpses appeared in front of many people.

But these people just looked at the burning corpse to confirm whether it was completely burned to avoid distortion.

Everyone was busy building up the defenses of their own homes and there was no time to waste.

After a while, a nearby store contacted the guards and asked them to deal with the street.

Today is a good time to sell defense supplies, and business cannot be delayed because of a corpse.

This is the indifference that belongs to the lower city.

When Gu Jianuo took Anjie back to the temporary research institute, it was already 6 pm, and there were less than 6 hours left before the red moon came.

"Miss Gu is back!"

As soon as he got out of the car, Gu Jiano could tell something was wrong from the expressions of the night watchmen present.

"what happened?"

Wang Yueqin hesitated for a moment, and finally explained the situation of the night before yesterday truthfully.

Bull demons, living corpses, broken windows on the second floor, chases, and the missing Wei Kui.

"The night before yesterday? The weird bull demon and a bunch of living corpses?"

Gu Jianuo raised his eyebrows slightly, why do these kinds of weird things sound so familiar?

During the mission in Block 53, Xu Le also summoned the Bull Demon and the Living Corpse.

Pushing up the glasses on the bridge of her nose and looking at Xu Le, she already guessed that Xu Le should have done something last night.

Sure enough, he had discovered it a long time ago. The young man still couldn't bear his temper!

If the soul puppet technique was so easy to crack, she wouldn't have been controlled by Xiong Zemo for so many years.

If the doll cannot be completely destroyed, even stealing the doll is meaningless.

Because the master of the technique can control the puppet through the technique anytime and anywhere.

If you try to destroy the doll violently, you will only end up with your soul shattered and you will die on the spot.

Xu Le was still alive in front of him, and Gu Jianuo felt that he had not done anything stupid like destroying the doll.

At most... it's just hiding the doll.

Seeing Gu Jianuo looking at him, Xu Le immediately smiled and nodded.

"Miss Gu is back, have you finished eating?"

"Not yet. Let's go upstairs and have a look?"


Gujiano walked slowly to the second floor and saw the broken windows at first sight.

She glanced around, and her expression became subtle when she saw that the potted plant doll was still on the bedside table.

"Didn't you take it away? Are you so cowardly? Didn't he do what happened the night before yesterday?"

When Gu Jianuo was confused, Wang Yueqin asked directly:

"Miss Gu, take a good look to see if there is anything missing. Guard against day and night. It is difficult to guard against house thieves."

When Gu Jianuo heard her asking this, he knew that she must be suspicious of Xu Le. It should be Xu Le who did it, right?

“There’s nothing missing, and there’s nothing important here.

Captain Wang Yueqin, we'd better go to the city wall as soon as possible. I'm afraid we will have to fight side by side in this black tide. "


After Gu Jianuo finished speaking, he turned around and went downstairs.

Xu Le had expected her to pick up the doll, find something was wrong, and then become angry and angry did not appear.

While feeling strange in my heart, I also had some vigilance and understanding.

She just glanced at the doll and didn't even pick it up. long as the doll exists, she thinks she has me? The young man is very good at pretending.

Thinking of this, Xu Le also smiled slightly and followed Gu Jianuo.

"Miss Gu, do you want to go to the city wall area? During the Kuroshio, it is very dangerous there."

"It is precisely because of the danger that my presence is needed!"

"Ms. Gu is such a selfless person."

“It’s all of us who are selfless.”

The two smiled at each other and got on the car heading to the city wall area.

When a group of people arrived at the city wall area, it was already 8pm.

Outside the city wall, the guards had already arranged a large number of fences, iron nails, and strange ashes.

Then there are layers of double rows of gun barrels with a slightly unique shape, arranged in a cross formation.

There were many guards riding on the top of the city wall. Most of them were holding long-barreled rifles. There were also some watchtower personnel holding machine guns. There were also a few security warlocks standing on the top of the building.

Many shooting holes were opened in the middle of the city wall for additional auxiliary shooting.

According to the lighthouse guard Colonel Ruan Di, the lighthouse's preparations for this black tide have increased its defense strength by more than 2-3 times compared to previous ones.

After Ruan Di made an introduction, he looked at Gu Jianuo:

"Scholar Gujiano, how do you feel?"

"It's impregnable. With the black tide tonight, Colonel Ruan may become a general."

"This is just our responsibility, but the council mentioned before that this guard mission will include warrior strengthening potions provided by Bachelor Gu. I don't know..."

Ruan Di looked at Gu Jianuo, even a bit flattering.

Xu Le understood that for a general standing on the front line, it was really important for Gu Jianuo to provide such a medicine that could strengthen the body.

Even if it has huge side effects, what kind of side effects can be compared to death?

The value of life is above all else.

As the colonel guarding the city wall, he just wanted the soldiers to survive as much as possible.

Gu Jianuo asked Anjie beside him to open the box in his hand, revealing 13 light-inducing potions and 13 colorless potions inside.

I don’t know where the other potions were hidden by Gu Jianuo.

It seems that these are the only 26 she brought tonight.

"The Light Lead Type I has the effect of strengthening the warrior's body, and it will be accompanied by the power of light belonging to the lighthouse.

Originally, its side effects were very huge, but in the past few days, we have overcome the technical hurdles. "

Gujiano said, taking out another colorless injection!

"With this, you can become warriors with light!"

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