
Chapter 128 The disaster of the red moon - there is no escape

A warrior with light!

What a beautiful word, Ruan Di's eyelids twitched. News about the warrior's potential potion has been spreading among the lighthouse guarding army.

I heard that guards in some departments have already used this kind of thing.

Is it finally their turn?

Ruan Di took the injection of Light Lead, took another reagent from Gu Jianuo's hand and asked:

"Do they have to be used together?"

"First use the guidance of light, and then use the second one."

Xu Le, who had been observing Gu Jianuo's actions, narrowed his eyes slightly. From the Anima injection, he felt the Anima and Gu Yinduo energy!

Gu Jianuo's so-called stabilization method is to inject the power of Anima and Gu Yinduo?

This did she do it?

When Xu Le looked at Gu Jianuo, he noticed that she was constantly wiping the ring on her finger, a ring that looked very old and had a sun symbol.

Xu Le frowned slightly, turned on the ethereal state, and continued to retrieve his memories from this period of time.

He suddenly remembered something.

At that time, Bai Gui said something when he saw Gu Jianuo.

[You took something you shouldn't have taken, little girl, and what I hate most is the alchemist. 】

That ring is definitely not an ornament that a normal woman would wear.

And when the mission first started, the ring did not appear in her hand.

There's something wrong with that ring...

After that, Gu Jianuo handed over a total of 13 pairs of golden + colorless potion combinations.

The amount of Light's Lead is very large, but Xu Le knows that using it alone will only cause distortion.

It seems that the production of anima potion is limited, she only has 13.

Gu Jianuo walked to Xu Le. Xu Le looked at her but said nothing.

He could feel the excitement and excitement in Gu Jianuo's heart, which had not dissipated for a long time.

However, Gu Jianuo did not intend to wait like this. On the contrary, she leaned against Xu Le and whispered:

"Xu Le, you are really a genius."

Xu Le was stunned, frowned slightly and said:

"Why did Miss Gu say that?"

"Being able to attach anima to bullets, among the geniuses I have seen, you are the first person who can truly control and use anima.

You can't imagine how much I've learned from you, how much strength and quality I've seen that I once ignored. "

Is this a compliment?

Did this guy really notice it? Anima!

Xu Le also knew that he could not hide his ability to use anima. He had used it too many times during battles.

However, he did not expect that Gu Jianuo could actually use his anima in her research.

He thought again of the experimental accident that day.

So... was that accident really an accident?

"So the distortion that day was actually something you did intentionally? Was the experience in Xiacheng District also an act?"

Xu Le originally thought she would admit it, but Gu Jianuo changed her way of admitting it.

"No, the experience in Xiacheng District really touched me a lot. I can feel the suffering in Xiacheng District.

But precisely because of that experience, I became more certain about one thing.

That is, if Xiacheng District wants to rise, it needs enough power. Everything will deceive itself, but power will not!

So after coming back, I started thinking about how to empower ordinary people!

Why is the power of Gu Yinduo so powerful?

What is the reason for the weird distortion?

These questions have been bothering me, especially the task in Block 53. After I saw Bai Gui and contacted you about your status, I understood.

The so-called distortion actually has a formula, and it is a magical power.

Bai Gui's state is that of a humanoid deformed body, a perfect state in which he can maintain human form's sanity and possess deformed power. "

Seeing Gu Jianuo's slightly enthusiastic look, Xu Le was actually a little speechless.

He was convinced that these researchers could think of so many fancy things.

He just thought Bai Gui was very strong and didn't think much about it at all.

However, Bai Gui's condition can indeed be said to be perfect. He possesses Gu Yinduo's power while maintaining human sanity, which is indeed amazing.

Xu Le still retained his attitude towards the distortion formula. He hesitated for a while before asking:

"What's the formula you're talking about?"

"The formula for distortion is the power of Gu Yinduo + the power of Red Moon + Anima, Xu Le, have you noticed it too?"

Yes, Xu Le also noticed it!

But now it seems that Gu Jianuo noticed this earlier than he did.

"So, you think you can control this power and start trying to use this formula?"

“This is what we discovered together and is the real force that can make downtown rise.

If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have been able to discover how to use my anima. We should witness this great moment together. "

I think this is not a great power, but a power to seek death!

Xu Le did not say what was in his heart, but pondered for a while and then asked:

"Are you sure we can really witness it together?"

Gu Jianuo was stunned. She originally thought Xu Le would agree or refuse, but she didn't expect that he would ask such a question.

"Um...why not?"

Xu Le said seriously:

"The black tide is coming soon, you know that, right?"


“The Kuroshio is a very dangerous situation, so we may not be able to survive tonight.

Maybe you will die, maybe I will die. If either of us dies, we won't be able to witness it together.

Of course, maybe both of us will die. "

Seeing Xu Le analyzing death seriously, the corners of Gu Jianuo's mouth twitched.

"I think both of us will survive and witness this great moment together."

"I think...even if I survive, it may not be possible." Xu Le interrupted Gu Jianuo again.


"Are you sure this moment will be great?"

"Why can't you be sure?"

"As we all know, the weird ones in the black tide are very powerful. What if the light-inducing potion you use cannot defeat the weird ones, or even gets killed by the weird ones?"

Killed by a strange explosion...

Gu Jianuo wanted to say how this was possible, but when she saw Xu Le's serious expression, she couldn't say anything certain.

"Okay, let's get over the black tide first."

Gu Jianuo came in high spirits and left in low spirits.

Xu Le looked at her back and said nothing.

Obviously, her act of expressing her will in front of Xu Le did not infect Xu Le.

But Xu Le also understands that winning or losing in a verbal confrontation is not important.

The game between him and Gu Jianuo can be regarded as the real finals from the moment the red moon comes.

While waiting, time passed quickly.

[Countdown to the Red Moon Tribulation: 0 hours, 14 minutes and 51 seconds]

Midnight was approaching, and the scarlet moon was completely exposed in the sky.

Xu Le also considered whether there would be cloudy weather covering the red moon, and he also consulted some books for this purpose.

The answer is never.

The red moon can affect the weather. When the Kuroshio comes, the red moon will definitely appear, and it must be a full moon.

The atmosphere approaching Kuroshio was extremely depressing.

All ground obstacles around the lighthouse walls have been basically leveled.

The light of the red moon has illuminated the earth, so everything in front of you can be seen clearly.

Xu Le checked the firearms and knives, and then occasionally made eye contact with Wang Shu and Gu Beichen.

This time Team 2 had the same mission as Team 6, which was to protect Gu Jianuo.

If the battle situation is unclear, their mission is to bring Gu Jianuo safely back to the upper city.

at all costs.

[Countdown to the Red Moon Tribulation: 0 hours, 1 minute and 00 seconds]

The soldiers were ready to shoot, and even the night watchmen were staring ahead.

Waiting for the last moment to arrive.

[Countdown to the Red Moon Tribulation: 0 hours, 0 minutes and 10 seconds]

Xu Le, who was closing his eyes to rest, suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the red moon again.

Just like last time, at the moment when the Red Moon Tribulation was about to come, he heard the sound that sounded like a whine or a scream again.

"Is this sound made by Hongyue?"

Under the moonlight, black shadows have appeared one after another. They are either huge or small.

Roars and wild screams came from these weird mouths, and they rushed to the lighthouse desperately in the process of running.

You can even see some trampling on each other or killing each other.

Xu Le looked at the scene in front of him. This slightly crude but shocking charge still made him feel slightly fluttered.

"Are they acting completely irrationally? What kind of power drives them to rush towards the city-state? Anima? Or something else?"

boom! boom! boom!

The gun barrel roared, and the power of the thermal weapon was fully demonstrated in the red plain.

The power of the artillery was astonishing, as the shells bombarded the strange swarms.

First, the shock wave of the explosion will tear apart some of the monsters, and then the impact of shrapnel and gravel from the artillery fire will kill a large number of monsters.

Round after round of shelling, the entire land not far away was baptized.

Strange creatures died in droves, but they still charged without fear, with only madness in their eyes.

Bang bang bang!

When the monster got close enough, gunshots began to ring out.

The long-term shooting training of the guards showed its effect at this time.

As warriors, they have stronger qualities than ordinary people. In this extremely depressing battle, they can bring their own qualities and team spirit to the extreme.

The cannons on the tower also began to fire.

The weird charge was truly suppressed at this moment.

Because the lighthouse's firepower this time was more powerful than the previous Kuroshio, even several times stronger.

The artillery fire lasted for nearly 40 minutes, and the weirdos were beaten like this for 40 minutes, unable to get even half a step closer to the high wall.

Until Xu Le saw layers of black shadows approaching the city wall from the red sky.

"Ghost species!"

"How do you know?" Guard Colonel Ruan Di asked.

"I can see them." Xu Le was very sure.

Ruan Di looked at Gu Jianuo again, and saw Gu Jianuo also nodded in affirmation:

“You better trust him, because when we’re out there, it’s because we trust him that we survive.

The potion I gave you is almost ready to be tried. "

Gu Jianuo said so, Ruan Di naturally nodded, and without saying anything, he took out the golden potion and hit himself.

Then, he inserted the colorless anima potion into his body.

His expression changed. Under Xu Leguyin's multi-view gaze, the two energies were constantly blending in Ruan Di's body.

Eventually, these energies gradually formed a strange and stable way under the neutralization of the heart energy.

Ruan Di clenched his fingers, and a faint golden light began to emit from his palms!

"Light? What a power this is!"

"Okay, Colonel Ruan Di, now you can show your abilities."

Ruan Di turned his head suddenly, his expression was a bit ferocious, this ferocity was not human, but when he looked at Gu Jianuo, there was a hint of confusion and resignation in his eyes.

Gu Jianuo whispered softly:

"Go ahead and kill them all."

Ruan Di nodded slightly dullly. Although the golden light in his eyes obscured most of his eyes, Xu Le's Gu Yin Duo vision was still clearly visible.

"Is this person... controlled by Gu Jianuo?"

Ghost species are extremely fast. Although they can also be injured by explosions, many ghost species can fly to a certain height.

When this wave of ghost species appeared near the city wall...

Ruan Di suddenly took a step out of the battle line, his fingers emitting golden light twisting.

Countless golden branches spurt out!

When the ghost species touched these golden branches, it was instantly purified by the power of light and turned into a pile of fly ash, floating in the air.

Under the stunned eyes of the surrounding soldiers, Ruan Di raised his sword with his branch arm.

"For the lighthouse! Kill them all!"

The soldiers were silent at first, and then burst out in agreement.

"For the lighthouse! Kill them all!"

The guns formed a symphony in the front line. With Ruan Di here to defend, the ghost species could no longer get closer.

Several warlocks standing on the towers of the city wall, including Gu Beichen, were once again immersed.

A cruel tug-of-war began, with weird waves of charges coming one after another.

Consuming the soldiers' ammunition and energy.

When the battle lasted for nearly 2 hours, an obvious explosion occurred in the internal area of ​​the lighthouse.


"Have other areas been breached?"

While the soldiers and guards were guessing, Ruan Di roared again.

“Everyone, stand at your posts, don’t think randomly, don’t be distracted, distraction will only make you die.

All the school officials who were assigned the golden potion are now making me drink the potion! "


After a roar, the 12 officers and soldiers who were also assigned to the Guyinduo Anima potions and the Gu Yin Duo also drank the potions one after another.

They all know that this medicine is likely to have side effects, but in such a battle, or even a war, they have no complaints.

Xu Le looked at the people who drank the potion and was silent for a while.

He could understand this behavior, but he felt that this method of using the power of Gu Yinduo would only bring disaster.

"Brother Shu, Brother Chen, be careful."

"Huh?" Gu Beichen was stunned. Although there were weird things inside the lighthouse, the war here was going well, and the firepower could basically suppress the weird things.

There are also golden tree guards. Although it feels weird that these warriors can transform into the form of a golden tree, at least they are helping the lighthouse defense, right?

But as soon as this thought came to an end, a strange thing that would never appear in a normal black tide... appeared!

"Fuck, what is that?" Gu Beichen said loudly.

Xu Le and Wang Shu also stared at the gradually enlarging figure in the sky.

"If I read it correctly, it should be a dragon, a living corpse dragon!" Wang Shu confirmed.

It was actually the first time for Xu Le to see a dragon. This level of weirdness... let's confirm it with Gu Yin Duo Vision.

[Living corpse dragon, level 4 weird, many ancient sounds]

The Living Corpse Dragon doesn't have many tags. In other words, is it an ordinary level 4 monster?

hold head high!

Just as Xu Le thought this, a stream of red dragon flames spurted out.

A frost disaster warlock immediately released a wall of ice to block the red dragon flames, but his face did not look good.

If his psychic powers were used for this kind of defense, that would not be good news.

"Knock it off for me."


Following Ruan Di's order, countless bullets and machine guns hit the living corpse dragon.

But these blows, which can injure Level 3 monsters, have no obvious effect on the Level 4 monster zombie dragon.

Although the dragon scales of the Living Corpse Dragon are in pieces, most of the bullets hitting it can only leave a clanking sound or a dent.

Xu Le suddenly felt bad.

The power of firearms may be a big problem.

There is only one level difference between level 4 and level 3, but once a special level 4 weirdness appears, such as the physical strength weirdness of the Living Corpse Dragon.

The damage caused by human firearms, except for artillery, will be extremely limited.

After this weird charge, the formation of the human guards will be chaotic.

Once the firearm loses its formation and line of attack, it will be torn open by something strange like a black tide!

Looking at the swooping zombie dragon, Ruan Di did not retreat at all and shouted to the melee team behind him:

"Brothers, prepare for battle!"


After the Great Sword Team shouted, Ruan Di also gritted his teeth slightly:

"Come on, bastard!"

The branches on his arms helped him swing the sword, and countless golden branches were wrapped around the body of the living black dragon.

The branch pierced the dragon's scales, and the dragon's mouth bit Ruan Di's arm at the same time.

"Die, bastard."

Ruan Di drew out his big sword and chopped off the wings of the living corpse dragon with one strike. A large number of warriors rushed forward to kill the living corpse dragon.

But at this time, another black shadow appeared and rushed towards the crowd at extremely fast speed.

It jumped suddenly, like death coming.


The visitor and his mount were wrapped in black armor. There were no eyes under the mask, only two groups of dark fire.

[Black Knight, level 4 weird, ghost species, ancient sounds, polluter, ability - fear aura]

Another level 4! Moreover, he is a ghost species wearing armor, a polluter, and even has a fear aura.

While Xu Le was shocked, a strange man covered in red tile-style armor, holding a samurai sword, and exposing his withered arms and face directly broke through the defense formation.

It's coming straight to Gujiano!

[Sleepless warrior-living corpse, level 4 weird, many ancient sounds. 】

When the sleepless warrior's blade pierced Gu Jianuo... and Anjie beside him, Xu Le finally understood where his sense of danger came from.

Becoming a warrior of the golden tree, or a person with the power of light, has a great attraction for high-level weirdos.

This light-inducing potion will become a talisman for people like them!

Xu Le glanced at the approaching black knights in the distance, immediately turned around and shouted to Wang Shu and Gu Beichen:

"Brother Shu, Brother Chen, if you can't beat me, run! Run!"

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