
Chapter 17 White Lies

Xu Le looked at this pair of orphans and widowed mothers and sighed again.

He had thought of various ways and excuses to deal with their mother and daughter before, but in the end, he rejected all those ideas and excuses.

Zhou Keren is already dead. No matter how you make up stories, it is impossible for people to come back to life.

The so-called white lie occurred when the mother and daughter were dependent on each other and their own abilities were insufficient.

All may become a recipe for disaster.

That is not what Lao Zhou wants, and it cannot fulfill Lao Zhou's last wish.

He didn't kill the person, but Xu Le killed him, and he is Xu Le now.

So...he chose to tell the truth.

"You may have guessed that, yes, Mr. Zhou Ke encountered a strange ancient sound when he was out, and unfortunately passed away."

"You're lying. Although the old man is a bit rotten, he...his life is particularly tough.

Impossible, definitely impossible.

You are talking nonsense, get out, get out of here. "

Zhou Tingting was very emotional at this time. When she heard that her father had passed away, she was not as indifferent as before.

Because of her age, rebellion, and some ideological conflicts, she said what she said before.

But for Zhou Ke, Zhou Tingting actually has very strong feelings.

"Sorry, I can't deceive you about Mr. Zhou Ke's death.

Zhou Ke died heroically, and his death will be remembered! "

Xu Le added something in his mind.

"I will remember you."

After hearing Xu Le's words, Zhou Tingting also began to cry silently.

Mother and daughter hugged each other tightly, their only support in this world had disappeared.

Next, what they have to face is not just a difficult life.

There is also the wolf-like environment in the lower city after losing the protection of men.

Xu Le knew this very well, and he knew that this was Lao Zhou's last worry.

This should be Lao Zhou's last wish.

Xu Le also understood that at this time, he should play his intended role well.

"Sorry, although I know you are in grief right now, I still have to interrupt. I haven't finished speaking yet."

Zhou Tingting wiped her tears with her sleeves.

The girl who was a bit rebellious before quickly calmed down after learning that her father had passed away.

This may be the fate of children in Xiacheng District.

After losing support and protection, they need to grow up quickly.

Otherwise, in an environment like Xiacheng District, their mother and daughter would be chewed to pieces.

Zhou Tingting has always known these things, but Zhou Ke's existence gives her a buffer.

Now that Lao Zhou is dead, she must be strong.

"Okay, if there is anything else, please tell me."

Xu Le confirmed Zhou Tingting's mood, and then said slightly formally:

"Between Mr. Zhou Ke's heroic actions and his help to the lighthouse personnel.

Our company will carry out family management measures for the victim's family within 30 working days, and transfer their residence to an area near the moat, in a standard hall.

Within 45 working days, the pension due to Mr. Zhou Ke’s family, 7,500 yuan, will be paid.

Death insurance, 625 yuan, totaling 8,125 yuan. "

"So many?" Mother and daughter said in unison.

As a security guard, Zhou Ke's salary is 25 yuan per month, which is 300 yuan a year.

This salary is already a very good job in Dangtaoxiacheng District, and there is absolutely no problem in supporting a family.

But Zhou Ke wanted Zhou Tingting to go to Beacon University, and the salary alone was definitely not enough. This was the reason why he went out.

A normal pension is considered good if it is given for 2-3 years, but some companies don't even give it.

Not to mention the ridiculous-sounding number 8125.

This is almost equivalent to Lao Zhou's 27 years' salary, which is why the mother and daughter were so surprised.

"Is what you said true?" Zhou Tingting asked uncertainly.

Xu Le's answer was to take out a pair of white gloves and make a "please" gesture.

"If there is no problem, please give me a hair each."

Xu Le's expression was a little indifferent and absent-minded, and he did not explain the reason for this action.

Although the mother and daughter were a little strange, they didn't raise any questions.

Needing hair sounds like a request from Lord Warlock. Perhaps only Lord Warlock would pay so much money.

Xu Le took the two women's hair and wrapped it in white cloth.

"Okay, when I hand over the hair, the contract will be officially established.

If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave now! "

After saying that, he was about to leave, silently reciting the numbers in his mind:

"3, 2, 1."

"Wait a minute, when can we get the money?" Zhou Tingting stopped him.

Xu Le stopped. This reaction was normal, which meant that mother and daughter did not doubt themselves.

After all, for poor people, money may not be the most important thing, but money is definitely indispensable.

Xu Le turned around, took off his white gloves, and said:

"Normally, you can move within 30 working days. As for the pension, it should take 45 working days to submit it.

The operations of large companies are relatively complicated, I hope you can understand.

If there are no other questions, I'll leave. "

"Then, Mr. Xu Le...walk slowly."

Xu Le nodded and walked out of the door without any hesitation.

Under the gaze of mother and daughter, Xu Le threw his white gloves on the ground with a hint of impatience.

It seems that coming to their house is a bit boring.

His back gradually moved away and disappeared from the sight of mother and daughter.

After turning out of a few alleys, Xu Le leaned against the wall tiredly.

"Everything seems to be going well?"

Fake, everything is fake, there is no company at all, no pension, and no insurance.

The disdainful expression and indifferent attitude were all staged.

Everything Xu Le said was fabricated and fabricated by him. He had to do this because he wanted to fulfill Lao Zhou's last wish.

In order to fulfill his last wish, he made up all this.

But fabrication is not deception, and he did not intend to deceive. Therefore, he had to complete the relocation of the mother and daughter within 30 working days.

Within 45 working days, the pension payment of 8,125 yuan was completed.

In fact, if you want to complete this thing, it is difficult to say it is difficult, but it is not difficult to say it is not difficult.

The best solution is to become a warlock, and everything will be solved easily.

Zhongce, seek help from Bai Jing, she should be aware of her ability.

As a last resort, find a way to take out an ancient Yinduo fruit from the tree of souls and sell it to make money.

The best way is definitely to become a warlock.

And this is what he plans to do next.

Xu Le took out the medal and murmured:

"Lao Zhou, your last wish..."

Before the remaining words were spoken, Xu Le felt a wave of heat.

The heat entered Xu Le's body, causing him to clench his fists.

Although he had some self-doubt, Xu Le still felt it.

His power is growing! The body becomes lighter and the powers of observation become sharper.

It is the medal that is changing.

When Xu Le looked intently at the Veteran's Medal, the properties of the medal had changed...

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