
Chapter 18 Psychic Code

[Soul of Veteran]

Ancient Yinduo Relics-TU Level

Experience: Your shooting and fighting skills have been slightly improved.

Soldier Soul - Effect 1: Physical fitness is slightly improved.

Soldier Soul - Effect 2: Release the soul of the veteran to temporarily strengthen yourself. The relic will be destroyed after use.

Description: The condensed will of the veteran, which is more powerful than himself.


Xu Le suddenly laughed to himself, ignoring the rolls of eyes and contempt from passers-by on the road.

The sudden unblocking of the Veteran's Soul may be the happiest thing in this period of time.

This slight improvement in physical fitness seems to be a bit big.

I have not fulfilled those promises, or even carried out them.

But Lao Zhou's last wish has been fulfilled.

It was as if the remaining will in this medal knew his attitude.

"It will be done, don't worry."

Xu Le pinched the medal and felt the power flowing from this ancient Yinduo relic.

How should I describe it... It's like everything that was originally became lighter at this time.

Now he should be able to easily lift things that he couldn't lift before.

Such as bed boards, cabinets, or the corpse of an adult human.

"Well, although I have taken on a lot of responsibilities, I also have a lot of vision, such as becoming a warlock or something like that.

But before that, let's find a safe place and survive first. "

Xu Le's goal is clear, to go to the few places in the upper city where he can freely enter and exit.

The school he attended, Beacon University.

There are discounted campus dormitories and low-priced canteens, but of course these are not the most important.

Most importantly, there is the second largest library in the entire Beacon, the Beacon University Library.

For a poor student studying, these conditions are really tempting.

Xu Le knew very well that he would have to live there for a long time in the future.

The policy of Beacon University is very special. You can stay there as long as you don't choose to graduate, up to five years.

The original owner was very generous. He completed his credits in two years, but he never chose to graduate.

The reason is the preferential policies of Beacon University.

Without transportation, Xu Le's pace seemed a bit slow.

At this time, a steam tricycle stopped in front of him, and the driver waved to Xu Le.

"Young man, are you a student at Beacon University? I'll take you to the suspension bridge for two cents."

The suspension bridges are moat suspension bridges. There are four in total. They are the only way from Lower Town to Upper Town other than by water.

At this time, Xu Le's location was still far away from the suspension bridge, but he didn't have money.

Looking at the driver, Xu Le pondered for a while:

"Master, I see your eyebrows are dark..."

"Go away. If you don't have money, just say you don't have money. You're wasting my time here."

The driver drove away in his steam tricycle without giving Xu Le a chance.

Xu Le opened his mouth:

"This society is really realistic!"

The area of ​​the lighthouse is still very large.

Without any means of transportation, it would probably take 3-4 hours to walk from the outskirts of the lower city to the upper city, even if you walked very fast.

Xu Le has no money, so walking is the only way to reach Shangcheng District.

"Forget it, walking is also a kind of strength."

Xu Le's mentality was very good. Although it was tiring to walk such a long distance, he could use this hike to familiarize himself with the improvement in physical fitness brought by the veteran's soul.

The noisy city, the diffuse smoke, and the whistles that sound from time to time all declare the vitality of the city.

After walking for nearly a whole morning, Xu Le finally arrived at the central moat.

A repeating broadcast is playing here:

[Dear citizens of Lighthouse, tonight at 12 o'clock, that is, June 30th ends and July 1st begins.

The dark tide of Guyinduo will usher in the hot season. Please do not stay away from your residence unless necessary.

Don’t go out, don’t communicate too much, protect your home, and wait for the black tide to end.

This is for ourselves and for the bright future.

The light of the lighthouse will always shine on the earth. May the light bless you. 】

The radio kept blaring, but no one paid any attention.

This is already inside the city, and they no longer need to build various fortifications like the ones on the edge of the lower city.

Xu Le was walking towards the moat suspension bridge, but was stopped by the guards here.

There were many pedestrians here, but the guards stopped him, which made Xu Le feel nervous.

"Mr. Guard, what's the matter?"

"You have the mark of the Night Keeper on your body, I can't let you in."

The guard's eyes were somewhat conflicted, as if he was unwilling to communicate too much with Xu Le.

But what he said about the mark of the night leaver made Xu Le feel helpless. This was something he couldn't handle.

"I am Xu Le, a student at Lighthouse University. I am going back to school now."

Xu Le took out his student ID card and handed it over, wanting to explain himself.

But the guard looked at his student ID card and shook his head again:

"No, as a night stayer, you need to wait in Xiacheng District for 3 days."

"But I've passed the sleepover check."

"Don't worry about those who are there or not, tonight is the black tide.

Let a night stayer like you go in. If you become deformed and become a weirdo, and kill a few people from the city, who will it be?

Who can take on this responsibility? you? still me?

I am just a bridge guard, can you please not harm me?

Either way, if you go back and issue a certification document with an official seal, I will let you pass. "

Xu Le was helpless. He had expected the worst case scenario, but it seemed that it had already happened.

It is about the identity of the night stayer that will cause trouble for him to return to the uptown area.

Xu Le hesitated:

"I don't know if it's too late to ask the guard to issue a certificate now."


Just as the two were arguing, a cat meowed from the side of the suspension bridge.

Somehow, the meow made Xu Le and the guard look over at the same time.

A black cat with shiny fur was sitting on the handrail of the suspension bridge, licking its paws and combing its hair.


When Xu Le looked at it, it also glanced at Xu Le.

"It's it again? Every time I see it, it seems to be very unlucky!"

At this moment, a voice appeared behind Xu Le.

"Xu Le?"

"Mr. Gan?"

Xu Le turned around and recognized the person, the psychic warlock who had examined him, Gan.

"Are you going back uptown?"

"Yes, Mr. Gan, but now I..."

Gan smiled, turned to the guard and said:

“Let him go in with me, I did his examination and here is my ID.

If something goes wrong, it is me and the external inspector who are responsible. "

The guard glanced at Xu Le hesitantly, and finally nodded:

"Yes, Lord Warlock."

"Thank you, Mr. Gan, you have done me another favor." Xu Le nodded to Gan gratefully.

Gan waved his hand:

"It doesn't matter. Do one good deed every day and avoid one calamity every month. This is the rule of a psychic."

The rules of a psychic?

Xu Le suddenly remembered the promotion method of the Fire Mystic Warlock.

Can you ask Gan in front of you about the authenticity of that manual?

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