
Chapter 254 The Polluter Xu Le

After the battle, Xu Le directly asked Ai Li, Xia Libo and the others to set up a bonfire. Today was a real holiday.

In addition to normal fielding, everyone can take a break.

In fact, the real core defense of the entire furnace is Yama. As long as it is still there, not to mention all the problems, most of the problems will not be a problem.

"I, Xu Le, will pay the bill tonight. Let's have a good time,"


As soon as Xu Le said such words, the guards and researchers cheered. After nearly two months of high-pressure research and development and construction, even with the help of Warlock Luo's replacement ability, the people who stayed in the factory were already exhausted physically and mentally. .

No one asked for a vacation, and these researchers were unwilling to take a vacation.

In their perception, they are not working, they are creating the future and fighting for an opportunity for Zion. This is what researchers love most.

Do what you like and love the most, and naturally you won’t ask for a vacation.

However, being tired is really tiring.

Now Xu Le has proposed that he can rest, which means that the construction stage of the furnace has stabilized and can even be used normally.

The pressure on these researchers has suddenly reduced, and this is what makes them cheer.

As for why those guards were cheering? Ha, vulgar warriors know this, some of them are not even warriors.

Cheering along is purely because it’s great to have a holiday.

However, Xia Libo on the side didn't look happy until his assistant asked:

"Why does Dr. Xia look unhappy? Isn't it good for Mr. Xu Le to pay the bill?"

"He paid for nothing. Believe it or not, he turned around and wrote on the reimbursement form that the wine and meat were damaged by the enemy in the battle, applied for additional reimbursement, and then multiplied it by 1.5 times."


The assistant dared not get involved in such a topic.

Xu Le, that's the factory director.

Maybe the factory director was just a bastard before, but after the furnace was successfully built, the factory director became the factory director.

As the only person who can control the furnace, Xu Le already has supreme power in the three-acre land of Guangming Soap Factory.

"Dr. Xia, I'm going to have dinner!"

"..." Xia Libo was speechless, and finally waved his hand:

"go Go."

After the assistant left, Xia Libo slowly raised his head, opened his empty eyes, and looked up at the moon in the sky. The red moon that was caused by Xu Le and Zhou Di had now returned to white.

The eye sockets that didn't even have eyeballs seemed to be gradually filled with light, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

"He actually turned into a full moon angel, hehehehehe."

Xia Libo covered his mouth, as if he thought of something particularly funny.

His understanding of Xu Le is not very deep, but at least it is deeper than most. It cannot be said that Xu Le has no relationship with Hongyue.

Many of his abilities are indeed related to Red Moon, such as Mu Yue's body training, or his current transformation into an angel.

But the relationship between this person and Hong Yue is like the latrine and paper in the toilet, which are thrown away after use.

"What kind of warlock is he?"

With doubts, Xia Libo also returned to the crowd.

Xu Le took Ding Ke out of the cat's nest. No one had taken care of her recently, and she was almost sick from being left in the factory.

When he saw Xu Le, Ding Ke jumped up and down, and of course he didn't forget to leave a few claw marks on Xu Le's arms.

"Well, at least now, we are safer than before."

Meow! ~

Ding Ke lay on Xu Le's shoulder. Xu Le was stronger than before, so it didn't feel as uncomfortable as before when he put his soft belly here.

"I'll treat you to a feast of ancient gods tonight."


Ding Ke raised his head in confusion, not quite understanding what Xu Le meant.

Until it followed Xu Le out and saw the grilled goose head and goose legs, the cat's eyes, which had been cloudy because they hadn't been out for too long, suddenly glowed green.

He jumped directly over Xu Le, but when Ding Ke came to the goose leg, the toad blocked its way.

"Where did the wild cat come from? Stand back a little, or I'll eat you."

Meow! !

Ding Ke stared at the toad, his expression becoming fierce.

Toad suddenly felt that the black coal briquettes in front of him looked familiar. It felt a bit like the black cat Xu Le raised, but the guy in front of him was much fatter than the black cat, and it didn't look like one.

The toad lowered his head, smelled the smell, and then asked tentatively:

"Ding Ke?"

Meow! Ding Ke goes up with a claw.

Then the toad grimaced and handed over a goose leg.

"Forget it, forget it, don't argue with you."

Seeing that the cat and Gua were harmonious, Xu Le also sat down and reached out to catch the goose leg, and then the cat caught it.

He turned to look at Goose Tou. Fortunately, the gentle dog had prepared rich food for him.

"That's just what life is."

Xu Le felt very satisfied, but when he ate a few bites of meat and drank a drink, a strange feeling came to his heart.

It seems like something is leaking out of my body...

Is there a wound bleeding? Or leaking urine and feces?

No, it's neither, it doesn't feel like that.

Xu Le stood up slowly and looked at himself slightly blankly, while Ding Ke, who was on the side, seemed to have noticed something, and actually put down his cherished goose legs and jumped on Xu Le.


Everyone was also wondering what was going on with Xu Le, but Xu Le realized when Ding Ke jumped over that there might be some problem with him.

Otherwise, Ding Ke, a foodie, would not be able to give up his favorite goose legs.

"You guys eat first, I'll go to the bathroom."

Xu Le took Ding Ke and quickly walked to the core of the furnace.

As soon as they entered the door, they found that Yan Luo was still holding his chin and thinking about something. When Yan Luo saw Xu Le come in, he was slightly confused, and then suddenly said angrily:

"You didn't know who knocked on the door when you came in? You didn't think that it would be fine after you advanced to a higher level, right?"

Xu Le was stunned for a moment. He originally thought about whether Yan Luo's attitude towards him would be better after he reached level 3, but now he seems to be worse than before. What do you mean?

"Uh, sorry, it's a little urgent."

Yan Luo saw the black cat on Xu Le's shoulder and was about to curse. Suddenly it realized something and its eyes instantly became frightened.

"Xu Le, this guy brought such a monster in, are you trying to scare me? Am I scared?"

Yama's eyes were fierce, but when he spoke, his tone changed:

"Ah, hello, kitty."

Meow! Ding saw that Yan Luo took the initiative to greet her in a friendly manner, so he stretched out his paw and shook hands with Yan Luo.

This is treatment that Xu Le has never seen before!

After the two sides said hello, Xu Le put Ding Ke down and began to check his body.

Yan Luo originally had something to ask him, but seeing that Xu Le seemed to have more important things to do, he stopped disturbing him at this time.

Xu Le walked to the ancient Yinduo tree and sat down cross-legged.

Ding Ke just squatted next to him.

When facing the Ancient Sound Tree, Xu Le felt that things were flowing out of his body faster.

"What happened to me?" Xu Le looked at Ding Ke who was standing aside.

He knew that Ding Ke could understand what he meant, and maybe Ding Ke even knew exactly what happened to him.

Because he has seen many warlocks of all kinds, but warlocks are taboo.

Apart from himself, Ding Ke is the only taboo warlock.

Meow! Dingke tilted his head. He shook his head first, and then licked his paws.

Pull up on the ground.


It was just 3 words, and Ding Ke had no intention of continuing to write it.

"Guyinduo? What do you mean?"

Ding Ke thought for a while, and then wrote two more words on the ground.


"The ancient music is so polluted!" Xu Le suddenly seemed to understand something.

He felt that something was leaking from his body, but it wasn't actually leaking.

It was because after his promotion, his Guyinduo psychic output channels were too large, and the total volume of the psychic pool was quite astonishing.

The soul tree and pool began to naturally radiate Guyinduo energy to the surroundings through him.

This kind of leakage feels like the evaporation of gasoline. He would evaporate in the past, but the hole is too small. Unless he uses abilities or spells, this evaporation is almost imperceptible.

But it's different now. Someone has reached level 3, the small needle has turned into a small candle, and the volatilization speed has become faster.

This natural overflow of ancient music energy has become the norm in Xu Le today.

This is nothing to Xu Le himself. It is a normal physical state that has always been stable.

But for most people, especially ordinary people, Xu Le's status has a very clear explanation.

Ancient music is so polluted!

Pure Guyinduo energy is harmless, but this is a relative condition.

According to the weird rules, Guyinduo + Hongyue + Anima will cause certain changes in normal humans.

This change may be good, such as Wang Shu, who completely mastered the state of the Golden Light Tree, but it may also be bad, such as those who completely became weird during the second black tide that Xu Le experienced. Soldier.

Xu Le slowly stretched out his palm, thinking that most of the stronger ones among Level 3 weirdos had a fixed label.

【Polluter of ancient sounds】

Weirdness that is not strong enough is just an ordinary weirdness, but when it is strong enough, it will become polluting and become a polluter.

If an ordinary person is too close to a Guyinduo polluter or is harmed by a polluter, he is likely to be contaminated by it.

Xu Le now also inexplicably possesses this characteristic, the characteristic of pollution.

"I kind of know what's going on with me."

Then he looked at Ding Ke and asked slightly strangely:

"Have you never been in this situation before?"

Ding Ke nodded, then shook his head, as if he didn't know how to express what he meant.

After tilting its head and thinking for a while, its eyes lit up and pointed at Yama opposite.

Xu Le looked at Yan Luo, his expression also became strange.

Yes, Yama is at level 5, and it is a lord-level monster. Lord itself is a powerful label, representing the almost ultimate strength in this level.

So...why is it not polluting?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Yan Luo felt that the cat opposite him had a strange look in his eyes.

Xu Le quickly rubbed his hands and asked quietly:

"Brother Yan Luo..."

Yama's scalp was numb, Xu Le was a man who carried Gu Yinduo's will, how could he be like this...Does this man have any ideological consciousness?

"Go away! If you yell like that again, I will kill you right now."

Seeing that Yan Luo didn't accept this trick, Xu Le simply asked directly:

"They are all from the Guyinduo lineage. You are already level 5, so why are you not polluting?"

Hearing this question, Yan Luo was also stunned. He sniffed Xu Le's body and found that it smelled much better than before, and it looked more pleasing to the eye than before.

He also wondered if it was his illusion, but he didn't expect this to be the reason.

"Polluting? Did you leak?"

Xu Le doesn't like the word side leakage, although Yama's description is really very appropriate.

It felt like he was always leaking information, but he still didn't like the word.

"That's probably what it means, but can you change the word?"

Yan Luo still ignored Xu Le. He looked Xu Le up and down. Although there was no clear expression, two words were faintly revealed in his eyes, satisfied!

Normally speaking, when you have just entered level 3, no matter how many descendants the human ancient sound has, or how weird the ancient sound is, it is unlikely to be polluting.

Only those who have absorbed spiritual energy and reached level 3 perfection may be in a state of contamination.

Generally speaking, this is a very long process.

And Xu Le showed this state just after being promoted to level 3, which means that his spiritual energy has reached perfection, or his total spiritual energy is very huge.

No matter which result it is, it is enough to show that Xu Le has great potential.

Not only does he have potential, but by level 3, he already has some abilities that can be recognized.

Overall, not bad.

"The cause of side leakage is that your control of your Guyinduo energy is not precise enough. This can actually be controlled through training."

"Can it be controlled? That's good."

Xu Le breathed a sigh of relief. If Gu Yinduo's pollution could not be controlled, it would be a disaster for him.

In the future, he will mix in human society and become a leader.

If he can't control how polluted his ancient music is, even Li Wen, let alone an ordinary person, won't be able to accept him.

My body has always been in a polluted state. I am afraid that getting married and having children will be a problem in the future. I can't go into the mountains and be a cowherd.

"Teach me how to control it."


Ding Ke lay on Xu Le's head, and it could be seen that he was also very concerned about this matter.

Because it will always follow Xu Le in the future, it also knows very well that whether Xu Le can control the pollution will determine whether it will eat chicken legs in the city or go to the mountains to graze and catch mice.

Let a cat eat a mouse? This is no joke.

Facing Xu Le's question, Yan Luo grabbed a piece of yellow soap at hand and asked slightly confused:

"Tell me first why it is yellow."

Xu Le looked at the yellow soap in front of him, his expression lost in thought.

"I don't know?"

At night, Yan Luo and Xu Le began to discuss matters about controlling the pollution of Gu Yinduo.

"Guyinduo pollution is a natural overflow of energy after perfection. It is just like the body odor naturally emitted by human beings. Everyone has it, but the degree is different.

Some people can barely smell it, while others can smell it very strongly.

If you want to control the natural dissipation of energy, there are two methods. "

"what way?"

"The first is to let your energy system form a loop, cycle, and let the ancient sound energy rotate naturally in your body, endlessly."

When Xu Le heard this method, he felt it was very complicated. Needless to say, he also knew that this would probably not be learned in a while.

"What about the second one?"

"The second one is much simpler, it's consumption."


"Guyinduo's energy will only dissipate to the surroundings when its energy is overflowing. As long as you keep your energy dissatisfied at all times and keep yourself in a state of recovery, there will be no problem of energy dissipation."

Hearing Yan Luo's explanation, Xu Le nodded slightly.

It's not difficult to keep the energy consumed, but he has too much psychic energy...

If that pool must be consumed, how can we maintain a stable consumption state?

"It's a bit difficult. It's hard to come up with a reasonable long-term energy consumption move. I'm afraid it won't work for a while."

Xu Le thought of Leifer who was released by Noi before.

The energy consumption of that technique is very huge, and it is continuous, so it is very suitable to use on yourself.

But that move was too conspicuous.

Is there any way to optimize it?

Relying on his own brain and knowledge to improve a level 3 thunder disaster spell is almost impossible for Xu Le.

But if you rely on [Devil Eyes-Excellent Disguise], this matter will become interesting.

Previously, he had used excellent disguise to change the form of this technique and unleashed an unscientific electromagnetic gun.

It's very powerful and has a cool posture.

But that's not normal, so how to change this move into a normal ability is the next problem that needs to be overcome.

Meow! ~

After the discussion was over, Ding Ke began to look at Xu Le eagerly.

It can be seen that it wants to run back to eat, after all, the goose legs are still stored with the toad.

Storing it with a toad is a scary thing when you think about it. If you go back late, there is a high probability that only the bones will be left. If the toad is more cruel, it may not even leave the bones.

Seeing that Ding Ke was pitiful, Xu Le waved to him:

"Okay, you can go back. I happen to have other things to do. Next is the section that is not suitable for children."

Meow? Ding Ke's face was full of doubts, and then he was carried out by Xu Le.

When he came back, Xu Le was holding a half-dead woman in his hand.


With Xia Libo's help and treatment, of course Rona would not die so easily. She was even quite conscious at this time.

Different from the last time, as soon as she entered the door, she saw Yama and the yellow soap placed in front of it, as well as the dots of stars in the room, and the last...

The tree of ancient sounds.

"There is actually an ancient Yinduo tree here?"

Rona's eyes were a little shocked. The Ancient Yinduo Tree in front of her was very big, at least much bigger than the ordinary Ancient Yinduo Tree.

And it was very pure, so pure that even a warlock like her from the Red Moon Temple could feel it.

This shocked Lorna.

"Xu Le, is this the secret you hide? You have raised an ancient Yinduo tree and a level 5 Yama."

"Yeah, how does it feel?"

Hearing Xu Le's question, Luo Na subconsciously wanted to despise everything in front of her, but when she stared at the ancient Yinduo tree, those derogatory words seemed to be unable to come out.

"It's so beautiful."

"Well, I also think it is very beautiful. It is my treasure. I call it the Guyinduo Soul Tree."

"It's not a big crime to secretly keep weird and ancient Yinduo trees in captivity. It doesn't need to be so troublesome, right? It has enclosed so much land and also got the name of Guangming Soap Factory."

As Luo Na spoke, she suddenly remembered the soaps placed in front of Yama Luo...

She looked at the soaps again. Although she did not understand Zion science, as a level 3 Red Moon Warlock, Lorna's perception was enough for her to distinguish the energy contained in these pieces of soap.

Psychic energy, anima, the power of ancient sounds, and even life energy.

These yellow soaps!

"Xu Le, are you practicing the forbidden art of refining the human body? No wonder you hide it so deeply. It turns out that you are studying the forbidden art."

Refining the human body into a forbidden art? Forbidden magic?

Xu Le frowned subconsciously.

"This should be a forbidden technique related to alchemy, is it from the Red Moon Temple?

Judging from Lorna's appearance, she should have seen similar spells or energy forms somewhere, most likely the Red Moon Temple. "

Various doubts flashed through Xu Le's mind, but he still kept calm and said with a smile:

"Although you have a rich imagination, unfortunately, you gave the wrong answer."

Xu Le took out another piece of soap, a blue soap, from his pocket, and placed it next to the yellow soap.

When two pieces of soap with completely different colors were displayed in front of Lorna, her eyes became even more confused.

"Gu Yinduo energy block?"

"Well, it's probably something like this, but I named it Guyin Duo Technology Core."

Lorna's eyes flickered, this pure energy block...

"Is the secret to casting these energy blocks the furnace, or is it the ancient Yinduo tree in front of me?"

"This is a secret. If you want to know my secret, you have to exchange your secret."

Xu Le's voice was somewhat seductive, but Luo Na frowned slightly.

"You brought me here. After knowing so many things, is it possible for you to let me go? Are you still going to exchange secrets with me? After the exchange, what will you do to me? Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Ashima Warlock is really decisive."

"Why should I tell you my secret since I have no chance to survive?"

Lorna's expression has become a little indifferent. She had some thoughts of survival at the beginning, but now it seems that she has no chance at all.

According to Xu Le's meticulous character, even Zhou Di's careful plan can be taken into account. There is absolutely no possibility for him to let him go.

"Warlock Ashima still thinks it's easy for me. I will spread the news about you after you die."

"What's the meaning?"

"Ashima Warlock has a companion named Gu Beichen, right? He is a not very smart warlock. If Ashima Warlock dies like this, Mr. Gu Beichen will return to Red Moon with the news of Ashima Warlock's death and the wrong news. of the temple.

Ashima Warlock, you don’t want Mr. Gu Beichen to be bullied by me, right? "

Lorna lowered her head and hesitated.

As for Mr. Gu Beichen... he was grabbing Wang Shu's neck in the courtyard of Guangming Soap Factory and laughing loudly:

"Ha, Xiaoshu, I was the one who informed you about this matter. Do you know my role now?"

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