
Chapter 255 Yesterday’s Declaration

Wang Shu's mouth twitched when he heard Gu Beichen's words. This guy had stayed in the Red Moon Temple for so long and got the chance to truly join the Red Moon Temple, but he never regarded himself as a person from that place?

The two of them have been together for a very long time, which is ridiculously long, so Wang Shu knows Gu Beichen's character very well and has some guesses about his thoughts:

"Don't you like that place very much?"

"Uh? What did you say?" Gu Beichen's expression was a little embarrassed, and he even asked knowingly.

"I mean, do you dislike the Red Moon Temple very much?"

"Are you kidding me? That's the palace of warlocks, a forbidden destination. I've already achieved many dreams that warlocks never complete in their lifetimes. How could I not like it there..."

Gu Beichen's eyes were shaking wildly. He didn't like the feeling of being seen through.

In fact, for a long time in the Red Moon Temple, he felt that he had disguised himself very well.

At least when he was in the Red Moon Temple, no one could tell that he didn't like the Red Moon Temple. It was not easy to hold it in for so long.

"Have you ever considered coming back? In fact, you can completely change your identity."

Wang Shu put forward his own idea, but Gu Beichen shook his head.

"There is no need to escape like that. Everyone has something to do. I feel that you are doing some great things. I can't be too far behind."

Gu Beichen drank all the wine in his glass, his eyes showing the vicissitudes of life.

Wang Shu was shocked. He didn't expect that Gu Beichen could have such a ideological consciousness. He had indeed grown!

"That's nice of you to think so."

"Oh, okay, okay." Gu Beichen smiled casually.

Does he not want to change his identity and become a citizen of Zion? Of course I do, after all everyone wants a stable life.

Moreover, Zion's public welfare is among the best among the four major city-states, and there are also iconic places such as the city that never sleeps and the red light district.

Unlike the lighthouse, when you don't have a partner, you have to go to the Guangming Bathhouse to solve the problem.

But if he stays here, he will most likely become an ordinary warlock, or become Xu Le's subordinate.

Become Xu Le's subordinate? Are you kidding... Unless the world is destroyed, this will never happen.

"Anyway, it's a good thing you have your own ideas."

"the same as you."

"To the light."

"Well, to the light."

Although only one year has passed, too many things have happened between them and there have been many changes. It is actually quite difficult to retain the original friendship.

The core of the furnace, here is the ancient Yinduo tree.

Luo Na was not tortured, beaten, or interrogated, and Xu Le even brought her some water and food.

"I didn't expect you to be quite polite to me."

"Of course, I am a gentleman." Xu Le said with a smile.

"Gentleman? A gentleman would not take action while a warlock is giving a basic introduction."

Xu Le pondered for a moment.

"'s all the fault of that toad. I'll scold it for you later."

"Okay, tell me, what do you want to know?"

"What is the purpose of the Red Moon Temple sending you spies here? To cause sabotage? I don't seem to have heard anything about the destruction of the Red Moon Temple."

Xu Le's expression was a little curious, and Luo Na glanced at him. She originally thought that Xu Le would ask some secrets about the Red Moon Temple, but she didn't expect that he would ask such a non-nutritious question.

"How do we know about the superior's affairs? The Red Moon Temple sent us out, and our main job is just to investigate information.

You are doing something mysterious here, so I naturally have to investigate the situation here clearly. "

"Oh, so that's it. Are there many spies in the Red Moon Temple?"

"How is it possible? There are very few spies. After all, it is not easy to cultivate a loyal spy."

"Then are you loyal?"

"I must have been very loyal." Lorna's expression changed slightly.

The conversation between Xu Le and her was not an interrogation at all, but like a chat between ordinary friends.

Lorna was silent for a while, and then suddenly asked:

"Don't you want to know something about the Red Moon Temple? For example, the secret you mentioned before."

"No, no, no, the secret I'm talking about is not a matter of the Red Moon Temple."

"It's not about the Red Moon Temple? What kind of secret is that?"

"I'm not interested in the Red Moon Temple. What I want to know is information about destiny. There should be many Red Moon Warlocks in the Red Moon Temple. You are all beings who control destiny.

Can you tell me your analysis of the Guyin Duo Destiny card? "

Hearing this, Lorna's brows deepened.

"You, like Zhou Di, have the same idea of ​​getting rid of fate, right? But he failed, but you succeeded. Since you have got rid of the intervention of fate, why do you still need to learn this kind of information at this time?"

"It's not that easy to get rid of fate. I'm just lucky. Apart from being handsome, I don't have many advantages. My best thing is my studiousness.

I really like Guyinduo Destiny cards, but I don’t want to be bound by Guyinduo Destiny, so I wanted to ask.

You are all warlocks from the Red Moon Temple, why are you so close to the power of Gu Yinduo? When you were promoted and approached the taboos of Gu Yinduo, how did you avoid the prying eyes of fate? Did you adapt or resist? "

Xu Le's humility to study made Luo Na feel strange. She even forgot that Xu Le had just joked about how handsome she was.

Xu Le didn't ask about the things she originally wanted to hide, which made Luo Na feel strange.

"The Red Moon Temple has always been laissez-faire about the power of Gu Yinduo's taboos. It is not just laissez-faire, but also has some support. It is in this environment that we gradually come into contact with matters related to Guyinduo's taboos.

The same is true for the ancient Yinduo Destiny Cards, and the same is true for the Human Body Life Refining Formation..."

"Hey, hey, you just need to tell me about the Guyin Duo Destiny Card. I don't want to know anything else."

Xu Le quickly interrupted Luo Na, he was too lazy to know about this kind of thing.


Luo Na was not used to it, but she still changed the topic back to what Xu Le originally asked.

"Starting from becoming a level 2 Red Moon Warlock, every Red Moon Warlock needs to start accumulating the power of destiny. At this point, correct guidance is called obeying fate, and wrong guidance is called going against fate.

One of the two modes is biased towards belief, while the other is biased towards stealing..."

Luo Na taught Xu Le some ancient Yinduo secret techniques commonly used in the Red Moon Temple. Xu Le carefully recorded them, and then nodded to Luo Na:

"I'm ready."

"Okay? Is this what you call secret exchange?"

"Yeah, that's it."

"About the Red Moon Temple itself..."

Xu Le waved his hand again and emphasized:

"It's best not to know things you shouldn't know. In exchange, I should also tell you the secret of the furnace. The meaning of existence here is to use the ancient sounds to extract energy, pure energy."

Looking at the blue soap, Lorna was stunned for a moment before nodding.

"It's really amazing technology. Maybe Zion will be able to use technology to change the future one day as you preach."

"We are working hard." Xu Le smiled.

"But your thoughts are really different from most people. If someone catches me and has the opportunity to interrogate me like this, they will definitely not let me go."

Regarding what Luo Na said, Xu Le explained:

"The reason why I don't understand is because I don't want to cause trouble for myself. As long as I don't ask you about the Red Moon Temple, then you will have failed the normal mission. It is the relationship between you and the Red Moon Temple.

But if I know too much and are involved too much, then if I investigate, it will become the relationship between me and the Red Moon Temple. But I know that the Red Moon Temple has the ability to kill the evil god head-on. Not knowing is the best way to protect yourself.

I am happy and always fear God. "

"I know quite a lot."

"Is there any news that you need me to pass on to Mr. Gu Beichen?"

"Him? He's so stupid. There's nothing worth taking advantage of."

When it came to Gu Beichen, Luo Na's voice was a little soft, and her words seemed a bit like her last protection for Gu Beichen.

This should be regarded as a hint of goodwill towards Gu Beichen.

"Warlock Gu Beichen is my best friend, there anything else I need to convey to him?"

Luo Na was stunned again. She wanted to sneer at Xu Le's words, but she couldn't.

After holding it in for a long while, she smiled in relief:

"Unexpectedly, he is the one who hides the deepest. I don't seem to have anything to tell him..."


Back in the factory, everyone else was normal, but Gu Beichen was drunk and lying on a piece of sand.

Wang Shu seemed a little worried about him, so he kept standing next to him and did not leave.

Seeing Xu Le coming over, Wang Shu opened his mouth and said:

"When I went after the last weird one, someone took action and killed the escapee. He was a very strong master, but I didn't rush in."

Xu Le thought for a while and then nodded:

"If it's someone standing on the outside inspecting the furnace, it's most likely Zion's own top expert."

"Zion's own experts? Then why didn't they intervene in advance?" Wang Shu was a little surprised.

"Intervention? Why intervene?"

"Shouldn't they have stopped these attackers?"

Xu Le saw Wang Shu holding a cigarette, but he was still surprised and did not light it, so he kindly helped him light it.

"Brother Shu, have you put yourself on the side of justice?"

"Ah?" Wang Shu was stunned again.

"For the real top players in Zion, those defenders of strength, there is actually no difference between us and Wang Xi.

Whether it's smelting weird things in the furnace to create new energy, or joining the Son of Ancient Yinduo and joining a new camp.

To the protective forces standing at the highest level of Zion, we are all equally dangerous, so in their eyes we are all the same. "

"Then why did you take action in the end?"

"Because the person who can survive the game is the right one."

After hearing Xu Le's explanation, Wang Shu nodded, and then pointed to Gu Beichen on the ground.

"He drank too much."

"He drank too much and his heart energy fluctuated so much. He was just pretending."

Xu Le ruthlessly exposed Gu Beichen. After being exposed by Xu Le, Gu Beichen opened his eyes unhappily and sat up from the sand.

After getting up, he didn't say much, just stood there and sighed.


"Why are you sighing?" Wang Shu asked. When he was drinking just now, Gu Beichen seemed quite happy. Why did he look so depressed when Xu Le came over?

Gu Beichen ignored Wang Shu and turned to look at Xu Le:

"Is she dead?"

"Yeah." Xu Le nodded.

Xu Le then took out a small yellow crystal from his pocket. This crystal was much purer than the others, without the turbidity that seemed to be mixed with feces.

"What's this?"

"A relic left to you by Sorcerer Lorna."

Gu Beichen was stunned for a moment, and quickly held the small pure yellow crystal in his hand.

"Xu Le, are you destined to be in conflict with me?"

"How to say?"

"Every girl I have some feelings for has been stabbed by you, you beast... ugh!"

Gu Beichen really cried this time, but he was not as sad as when Li Shunliu died last time. Maybe the emotion was not deep enough, or maybe Lorna didn't look very beautiful, and Gu Beichen himself had grown up. So he didn't look like he wanted to break up with Xu Le like last time.

"She is a spy of the Red Moon Temple."

"I probably guessed it."

"I didn't expect you to become smarter."

Gu Beichen glanced at Xu Le up and down, then asked for a cigarette from Wang Shu, and then grabbed the lighter from Xu Le.

Treat yourself to some.

"Cough cough cough..."

After coughing several times in a row, Gu Beichen barely got used to the smell of smoke. He glanced at Wang Shu with some complaints.

"Why smoke such a strong flavor?"

"I am a warrior."

When Gu Beichen finished smoking, he stood up again, cheered up and took a few steps forward.

With his back to the moon, Gu Beichen turned around and said to Xu Le:

"I will replace Lorna and become the new spy of the Red Moon Temple."

Hearing what Gu Beichen said, it was Xu Le's turn to be surprised. He had originally meant this and was thinking about how to persuade Gu Beichen.

Unexpectedly, Gu Beichen actually proposed it.

"Is this a well-thought-out decision?"

"Xu Le, as you once said, if a person wants to be respected, he must have his own value.

So I want to have my own career and achievements, I want to become an indispensable figure in the Red Moon Temple, I want to become..."

Before he finished his passionate declaration, Gu Beichen discovered that Xu Le and Wang Shu were already squatting aside.

"How's the food tonight?" Xu Le asked.

"It's okay." Wang Shu replied.

"Is there any left? I didn't eat much."

"I left it for you."

Seeing the two people's closeness, Gu Beichen felt sad and angry:

"Xu Le, you are going too far!"

The next morning, Mrs. Archie walked quickly to her office in the parliament office building, and then picked up a newspaper from her desk that her assistant prepared for her every day.

【Zion Morning News】

[Recently, Zion Progressives have released a new moonstone weapon. 】

[Member Goode proposed that Zion provide temporary residence permits and work permits for non-indigenous people to facilitate reasonable distribution and management. 】

[15 necessary preparations for approaching Kuroshio. 】

Archie turned the newspaper over and over, reading it several times.

But she never saw the news she was looking forward to...

"Did Wang Xi's people fail?"

At this time, the guard outside the door knocked on the door, and Archie suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

She took out a pistol from her drawer and put it on her body, and then said:

"What's up?"

"Madam, Lord Moen invites you to testing area No. 5."

"Did Lord Moen say specifically what happened?"

"Lord Moen said that today we will witness a new miracle in Zion."

Today's chapter is a little sloppy and the number of words is not enough. I'll make up for it tomorrow.

Mainly, I used to revise my outline at the beginning of every month. This month I took my kids to play and I didn’t know what to write.

I will make up the outline tonight and will update the word count tomorrow.

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