
Chapter 269 My Lord is kind-hearted

Looking at the giant mouth rushing towards her, Jing Shuangzi also burst into a ferocious smile. She is Gu Yin Duo Wei, is there anything wrong with Gu Yin Duo Wei? of course not.

"Something without teeth, a catfish? Haha."

Although the toad is also a level 4 weirdo, Gu Yinduo's attitude of looking down on the ancient gods is still vividly displayed by the mirror twins.

However, the toad did not tolerate her. Rows of fine and sharp teeth suddenly appeared in its mouth, turning its huge mouth into an abyss.

"Die to me!"

When the toad bit the mirror twins, Xu Le's black sword also swept over at the same time.

Mirror Twins quickly twisted her body in the mirror water, and her palm turned into a giant-like arm, slamming into the toad.

The toad suddenly spit out a ball of oil, blocking Jing Shuang's sight. At the same time, he passed the steel fork of Jing Shuang in his hand and came to Xu Le.

Xu Le's black sword didn't kill the mirror twins at all, but he held the steel fork in his other hand.

While the toad was pulling back, the black sword swept towards the blue skin of the mirror twins again.

She absolutely couldn't avoid this angle.


Blue blood sprayed in the water, and one of Mirror Twin's hands held down the black sword.

Xu Le didn't talk nonsense to her at all, and the black flame exploded on the black sword instantly.


"Death by destiny?" Mirror Twins quickly retreated. This power originated from Gu Yinduo's fate, and it was an ability that she could not copy.

Looking at his palm that had been ignited, Jing Shuangzi gritted his teeth and cut off the palm that was ignited by the black flame.

Before he could stabilize his body, the toad in front rushed over again.

When fighting in the water, Toad's sensitivity is even better than hers.

"Water-type water cannon."

"Spell - Forbidden Summoning Formation."

The technique uses two shots, and Toad's water cannon is hidden in the mirror water, making it almost impossible to detect with the naked eye.

Mirror Twins could only use her keen sense to avoid the water cannons piercing the water.

She dodged and moved around, dodging several water cannon attacks in a row, and then managed to stabilize her body.

Staring at Xu Le and the toad under him, the top pair of mirror twins' fingers faced each other again, but when she made this move, Xu Le had already guessed her next move.

The black sword quickly transforms into a black gun. The advantage of the black staff is that it can be used normally in any environment, even in harsh mirror water.

The spiritual energy gathered, and the bodies of Mirror Twins gradually became distorted. It was obvious that this was her ability to copy.

However, her movement was interrupted by a twisted and withered palm.

It was the hand of a living corpse.

"Living corpse?"

In the mirror water, Jing Shuangzi felt densely packed living corpses swimming toward her. There was something wrong with this number!

For a Level 4 Guyinduo polluter, a living corpse with this level of weirdness is just garbage among garbage.

But garbage belongs to garbage. If garbage blocks your way, then you will feel uncomfortable too!

Not to mention, these living corpses have absolutely no martial ethics.

It doesn’t matter if I lift your fingers, scratch your itch, or pull your hair. These are considered normal fighting moves. It’s a bit despicable, but as Guyinduo polluters, what kind of battles have the Mirror Twins not experienced?

She could tolerate this behavior.

But the question is, what's going on with those people who grab your skin, pull your penis, and poke your eyes and nostrils?

Is this the behavior a normal zombie should have?

Can you guys be a little weird about the basic qualities you should have?

Jing Shuangzi kicked a living corpse away, and then crushed the head of a living corpse.

The copy of the mirror has been interrupted. Now facing Xu Le's army of living corpses, as well as toads, and Xu Le's own body, he is inexplicably at a disadvantage.

This is completely different from the one-on-one environment she originally envisioned.

As if Xu Le had guessed what she was thinking, he continued to provoke:

"Is there no more 1-on-1? If this continues, it will be very detrimental to you."

Xu Le said as he began to form seals again, another taboo summoning formation.

When Jing Shuangzi saw Xu Le's seal, his figure quickly disappeared.

Since her fight with Xu Le, this is the only spell that Xu Le has used. Although she doesn't like summoning spells, there is no better way now.

The mirror twins gradually turned into Xu Le's appearance, and then also began to form seals.

"Spell - Forbidden Summoning Formation."

The corners of Jing Shuangzi's mouth suddenly started to rise, but in fact it was not her who was smiling, but Xu Le.

Xu Le was laughing, and she in the mirror copy state also laughed.

She didn't understand why Xu Le was laughing, but soon she realized something was wrong.

After forming the seal normally, the power of Ancient Yinduo in her body was being rapidly withdrawn. This feeling was like her own power returning to the mother tree.

Mirror Twins really wanted to interrupt the technique at this time, but it seemed that there was no way to reverse the withdrawal of energy.

In just a few seconds, all the ancient Yinduo power had been drained from her body.

This should not be an ability that a normal level 3 warlock can use at all.

Jing Shuangzi raised his head and looked at Xu Le, who was not far away. After the energy was drained, her flesh and blood began to provide energy for the spell, and the spell was still uninterrupted.

This was beyond Jing Shuangzi's understanding. If Xu Le and she used the same technique, how could Xu Le himself be fine?

"What exactly...did you summon?"

"Black and white witch cicada, bull head and horse face." Xu Le said very calmly.

Jing Shuangzi was slightly startled. Her teeth had begun to loosen due to the loss of vitality, but fortunately, the technique was completed.

Behind Xu Le, black and white witch cicadas, cow demons, horse ghosts, and endless living corpses appeared. At the same time, similar summons also appeared behind her.

At this moment, Jing Shuangzi finally confirmed that those living corpses were indeed summoned by Xu Le purely by relying on his own abilities.

It's not the power of the relic, nor is it some kind of mark.

"Black and white witch cicada..."

When the black and white Wu Chan on the opposite side saw the mirror twins, although they didn't speak, they made extra moves.

Bai Chan nodded slightly to the Mirror Twins, and even spoke:

"Long time no see, Master Gemini, I never thought we would become enemies."

But Hei Chan's performance was much more straightforward. He said nothing and directly made a gesture of slitting the throat of the mirror twins.

Although Xu Le doesn't like his subordinates pretending to be cool in front of him, as that would steal his limelight, Xu Le should give full marks to Hei Chan for showing off.

Jing Shuangzi narrowed his eyes and looked at Black and White Wu Chan with incomprehensible eyes and no response.

Then, she took another look at the black and white witch cicadas she summoned. The two black and white witch cicadas she summoned had expressionless faces, but judging from their aura, they were indeed genuine.

Jing Shuangzi endured the nauseating feeling of being drained of energy and said forcefully:

"Although it didn't turn into a 1 vs. 1 situation, such a chaotic battle is not bad for me."

After she finished saying this, the corners of her mouth raised again.

Xu Le has discovered that if he does not move during the copying process, the Mirror Twins will also not move and can control him.

But if he makes a move, Mirror Twins will also copy it.

"A chaotic situation? Have you misunderstood the current environment? This battle is under my control from beginning to end."

Xu Le's words were very arrogant. Although Jing Shuangzi didn't understand why he said such arrogant words, the spell has been copied, so just cancel the mirror copy.

Transforming back into a blue-skinned monster, Mirror Twins looked at the toad that was flying towards them again and said:

"Do you only count on your summons and this catfish?"

"I'm a toad!"

Jin Chan's steel fork swept across, and Mirror Twins took a step back and said to Black and White Wu Chan:

"Stop it."

The white cicada slowly floated up, while the black cicada drew out a short sword.


Jing Shuangzi was stunned for a moment, then looked at the dagger on her waist, and then turned to look at Hei Chan behind her. Hei Chan gave her a throat-cutting gesture as she wished, which was exactly the same as the Hei Chan summoned by Xu Le.

The white cicada floating above also began to release bugs. Needless to say, these bugs were all used to attack the mirror twins.

Just like Xu Le said, this battle was controlled by him alone from beginning to end.

"I may not be the only one who can summon the weird things of Gu Yin Duo, but I am the only one who can truly control the objects summoned by Gu Yin Duo. Have you learned it?"


The blue energy bullets ejected from the sniper rifle passed through the mirror water and hit the mirror twins' chests accurately.

The ripple-like state dispersed again, and Mirror Twins wanted to take advantage of the situation to retreat, but the toad chasing after them didn't give her a chance at all.

He bit Jing Shuangzi's blue thigh, then pointed the steel fork at her body and head, poking her several times.

"Remember, I am a toad, not a catfish."


The toad ripped off half of Mirror Twin's body in one gulp, then pierced her with a fork and lifted her up.

Endless zombies rushed over, and they began to bite and gnaw at the bodies of the Mirror Twins. Even if the Mirror Twins' blood continued to emit poison and energy, killing these living corpses, they did not retreat at all.

Without wisdom or emotion, he only knew how to charge towards the Mirror Twins according to Xu Le's simple orders.

The Mirror Twins, who were drowned in the group of living corpses, suddenly laughed:

"You really have something, no wonder an old guy like Yama is willing to be your dog."

Jing Shuangzi's words are still arrogant, which means that she still has trump cards and confidence. Xu Le knows that even he can probably guess what Jing Shuangzi's trump cards are.

Stepping on the army of living corpses, Xu Le slowly came to the front of Jing Shuangzi.

Looking at her body that was almost eaten by living corpses, Xu Le leaned down and said without any mercy:

"In the current combat environment, you have no advantage at all, but even so, you have not removed the mirror water. So, can it be said that without these mirror waters, I can return to my original position?"

"So what?"

Seeing her admission, Xu Le smiled and stretched out his black sword to cut off her head.

Then he grabbed her skull with one hand, and blue light emitted from his hand.

But even so, the skull in his hand can still speak.

"Are you angry? Since you are angry, you must express it directly. Controlling your own mental energy is not a wise approach.

Anima can build up, explode, and eventually murder you.

Entrust your heart energy to Gu Yinduo..."


Xu Le smashed her skull with a black stick and stopped her.

’s continued talking.

"There are so many criticisms."

A mark of a tree has been lodged on the skulls of Mirror Twins.

As the skull was broken, the mark gradually dissipated in Xu Le's hands.

The rippling mirror water gradually disappeared, and Xu Le fell to the ground as if he suddenly fell into the air.

It's still the same scene where I pushed the door open before, and it's still the center of the furnace.

Yama was right in front of him, and the black cat on the Guyinduo Soul Tree was also sleeping.

As if sensing Xu Le's arrival, Ding Ke suddenly woke up and called out to Xu Le.

Meow! ~

Xu Le felt that Ding Ke had absorbed a lot of Guyinduo's energy, but his body seemed to be unable to digest it and looked a little uncomfortable.

Xu Le stepped forward and touched Ding Ke. Seeing that it seemed reluctant to move, he did not pick it up.

Because he has other things to do next.

"Have a good sleep and you'll be fine when the Kuroshio ends."

Xu Le said, looking at Yan Luo, and Yan Luo also looked at Xu Le at the same time.

It knew what Xu Le wanted to ask, so it answered first:

"The Mirror Twins came here, but I drove them away."

"Well, I understand, we met just now." Xu Le said seemingly relaxed.

"Have you seen it? It seems that she has already fought with you. You shouldn't be able to kill her. Her ability is more complicated. Soul double means one body and two souls. If you can't kill her at the same time in a short time... …”

Xu Le waved his hand and did not let Yan Luo continue talking, because it was no longer necessary.

"I have actually guessed the information you mentioned. I will go out for a while and come back later to talk to you in detail."

Yan Luo was stunned, do you know?

And why does Xu Le's expression feel a bit strange?

"What do you want to know?"

"Let's talk about it after I get back."

Xu Le's eyes deformed slightly, and the magic pupil-ordinary disguise was used again.

"Spell - Gate to Transcendence."

A door to space was opened, and Xu Le walked in without hesitation.

Then, he came to a cliff in the wasteland outside the city.

In front of Xu Le, a red mirror twin was kneeling on the ground, constantly absorbing the surrounding Guyinduo spiritual energy and repairing his body.

The moment she saw Xu Le appear, Jing Shuangzi was stunned for a moment, and then she immediately knelt down, just like Yama when he was prostrate in front of the tree of soul:

"My lord, you are finally here. Everything before was just a test for you by Guyinduo. Now that my lord has truly controlled the tree of Guyinduo, it is time for us to return to our positions..."


Xu Le smiled and then snapped his fingers.

Thousands of living corpses climbed up. The red mirror twins quickly retreated because they had consumed too much before.

But after taking a few steps back, he bumped into something huge.

Looking back, the toad with the steel fork gave her a kind smile.

Xu Le glanced at the black tide at his feet and said to Toad:

"Brother Gua, you handle it."


Toad grabbed Jing Shuangzi's head and walked towards the other side. Jing Shuangzi quickly shouted in horror:

"What are you going to do? Let me go."

The toad keeps laughing:

"My Lord is kind-hearted and would hate to see such a bloody scene."

My cervical spine has been in bad condition recently. I have to go to the hospital tomorrow for a checkup. I think I need intervention. I'm afraid of bulging. I apologize for the lack of updates.

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