
Chapter 270 Joining the Glorious Evolution

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There were many sounds of flesh and bones being torn apart, and there were also some cries for help from the Mirror Twins, but they were basically swallowed up by the sounds of living corpses and toads.

Xu Le did not intend to stay here any longer. While he was entangled with the Mirror Twins, the airship in the sky had already released its second space-based cannon.

But the location of area 6 is basically opposite to area 3 where the furnace is located.

Although I feel a little distressed about the energy consumption of the space-based cannon, the use of this strategic-level weapon also gives the entire Zion absolute confidence.

The confidence of the people and the confidence of the powerful.

Xu Le knows very well what these confidences will bring to him. The confidence of the people can bring him real power and push him to the position of the powerful class.

The confidence of the powerful class is more complicated, but what they give is also excellent.

More power, more money, more channels, and some things that I don’t know, secrets, or the real framework of this world, etc.

"Brother Gua." Xu Le suddenly shouted.

"What should I say?" Jin Chan touched his mouth and walked over.

"It's better not to call me Lord from now on, it doesn't taste like that."

Toad thought for a moment, then nodded.


Xu Le smiled and nodded.

The change in the gap between status and strength is almost inevitable, and Yama's attitude towards him has improved a lot even without looking at it.

This is the change brought about by strength.

Xu Le didn't deliberately say anything more, just hit the point.

"I'm going back."


After so many battles together, it goes without saying that Xu Le and Toad have a tacit understanding. To a certain extent, it is Xu Le's excellent fighting partner.

The seal opened the door to cross the border, and Xu Le came to the door of Guangming Soap Factory.

"Damn, it's crooked again."

It's not that he doesn't want to go back to the furnace directly, but at such a long distance, the cross-border gate often produces some fluctuations, causing the position to shift.

Only when a mark is left can the shuttle be carried out more accurately.

Returning to the core of the furnace, under the gaze of Yan Luo, Xu Le first walked to the tree of soul and hugged Ding Ke down.


The intensity of the Red Moon Tribulation should have had an impact on Ding Ke, but Xu Le didn't know what the specific impact was, so he could only touch it as much as possible to make it feel a little more comfortable.

"You just...went to find her?" Yan Luo spoke first when Xu Le didn't speak.

Its tone was somewhat tentative, but Xu Le pretended not to hear it.

"Mirror Twins? They are gone."

Seeing Xu Le's admission, Yan Luo nodded slightly. There was no murderous intent in Xu Le's body, so the Mirror Twins became his summons?

Become the same as the black and white witch cicada?

"Her ability is indeed difficult to deal with. It's a good thing that you conquered her, because I found that your warlock ability is very similar to that of the Mirror Twins. Maybe we can discuss it."

Xu Le nodded and said very casually:

"Well, I also discovered that our abilities are very similar, so I killed her."

Yama was obviously stunned for a moment.


This result is not unacceptable, but according to Xu Le's character... shouldn't there be a delay, negotiation or something?

"Mirror Twins and I are actually the same."

"No, Yama, you are not the same. At least in my eyes, you are different, and there is a big difference."

At this time, Xu Le's way of speaking was a bit strange, and Yan Luo found it strange anyway.

"I don't think you understand what I mean."

"No, I understand. What you mean is that you and the mirror twins are of the same kind. You both belong to the same species. How weird is the pure ancient sound? Or a similar name, it belongs to the same race. The same goes for the black and white witch cicada. It's this Do you mean it?"

Yan Luo was stunned for a moment, then nodded:

"Yes, that's what it means."

"We are together, become friends, and become our own people, not because of racial classification. Brother Gu is obviously just an ancient god, and he has become a very good friend with me.

I, or most humans, make friends in a different and weird way.

There is an element of coincidence in the relationship between us. This coincidence does not apply to all weird ancient sounds. It is probably like this. "

Yan Luo frowned slightly, but before he could say anything, Xu Le interrupted him and continued:

"Yam Luo, I know what you are thinking. I have always known that the Lord of Guyinduo, who claims to be loyal to the mother tree, yearns for your once powerful and prosperous Guyinduo life? He has his own system and ethnic group.

Mirror Twins, Black and White Witch Chan, you are all a member of this group, so when you saw the Ancient Yin Duo Soul Tree, you began to fantasize that one day, this Gu Yin Duo Soul Tree could grow into a new one. mother tree.

Become your master and the new symbol of your tribe. You stayed because you saw hope in me, right? "

Yan Luo didn't expect that Xu Le would suddenly say these words to it.

It subconsciously wanted to refute:

"My will..." But he was interrupted by Xu Le.

"You have the will of a hammer. Stop bragging. I didn't understand many things before. Even if I did, I would pretend not to understand because I had no room for resistance.

But things are different now. Although I am still weak compared to many people, I have more or less the ability to protect myself.

So it’s time to make some things clear. "

The artillery fire on the city wall continued, and there were a lot of weird and dead sounds outside the door. The ancient Yinduo tree in front of them would stretch out its branches from time to time, killing the weird things that appeared outside.

Everything was in order, as if this was not a black tide, but an ordinary day of communication.

"What do you want to make clear?" Yan Luo's eyes flickered.

Although it has never been said explicitly, it is a very pure idea after seeing the Soul Tree in Xu Le's spiritual world, Xu Le's various abilities, and Xu Le's own control over the Soul Tree. , has been born in Yama’s heart.

Only the soul mother river can give birth to the soul tree. The soul tree has the power to gather all mental energy, desires, and obsessions.

That is Gu Yinduo's secret, so Xu Le himself is their new beacon.

is their Lord.

The proud Yan Luo never acknowledged the difference in strength, but after it regained consciousness, it never stopped helping Xu Le.

Regardless of the theories, knowledge, techniques it knew, or even Hong Sha's unique secret technique that belonged to Gu Yinduo, they were all handed over to Xu Le without reservation.

It is precisely because it thinks Xu Le is a confused master that it gives selflessly.

That's the truth.

But now it seems that the Lord is no longer confused, but He also seems to be no longer the Lord.

When Xu Le said that he wanted to make things clear, Yama Luo, who had never been afraid, actually became afraid at this time.

It is worried about the collapse of its own faith, and it is confused about the future of Guyinduo.

Xu Le felt the fear energy keenly, and he slowly stretched out his hand and pressed it on Yama Luo.

By the way, absorb all the fear from it.

Yama:? Why is this person so shameless?

"I'm not the kind of person you imagined." Xu Le made a pun.


Yama was silent for a moment, and then asked:

"What kind of person?"

Xu Le knew very well that Yama had a vital position in his camp. It could work hard for the Ancient Yinduo Tree without any reward and only needed a little energy.

Try your best to protect the tree.

Apart from a dirty mouth and a bad temper, he has almost no shortcomings.

Well, that's a lot like him.

But there is no way. If the matter is not made clear, he and Yama may even be on opposite sides in the future.

Today's mirror twins are just the beginning, the beginning of his real contact with the weirdness of Gu Yinduo.

He may have the power of Guinduo, but he is not Guinduo, and this is crucial.

"I am not the leader you imagined, nor is I Guyinduo. I am a pure human being who thinks and behaves normally."

"Normal humans don't think about women when they are practicing, then make themselves feel uncomfortable thinking about them, and then use the cross-border gate to find her."

Xu Le:?

"Can we have a good chat?"

"Okay, keep talking." Yan Luo was a little angry, but Xu Le actually said this.

He is not a leader, nor is he Gu Yinduo.

My faith collapsed instantly, but it didn't seem too uncomfortable? Or let's see what he says next.

“My way of thinking and development direction are biased towards humans. Guyinduo is a kind of power and energy. For me, it is a very great discovery, scientific research and technology.

But fundamentally, I am using Gu Yin Duo, not me becoming Gu Yin Duo.

In the coming days, I will become a congressman and become one of the leaders of Zion. After that, I will implement my new policies.

The whole of Zion will enter the age of ancient Yinduo. This is an era where humans and ancient Yinduo energy coexist, and can even coexist with some weird things. "

Xu Le's words sound very nonsense. If weirdness can coexist with humans, then what is the black tide?

"What you said sounds a bit like farts, a bit like oral pleasure, and a bit like a combination of oral pleasure and farts. So which one is it?"

"I'm serious, Yama, I have never been the recipient of Gu Yinduo's weirdness, not now and never in the future.

People who can become friends will naturally become friends, but if they cannot become friends, they can only be eliminated.

Feel the power of a space-based cannon? That is the new power that belongs to Guyinduo, and it is also the power that belongs to human beings. "

This time, Yama did not immediately refute, but stayed where he was and thought for a while.

"Would humans accept this kind of thing? Will anyone in this place called Zion believe you?"

"How many people will believe in me, Ai Li, Wang Shu, Li Wen? But this is actually not very important. Even if no one believes in me, I will execute it, just slower.

For a better life, I can only make a desperate move. This is a change for the entire human race and an evolution of the times. Believe me, this is a matter of restoring the glory of ancient Yinduo.

So Yama, let us... join the glorious evolution! "

Xu Le stretched out his fist towards Yan Luo, and Yan Luo also nodded heavily after hesitating for a moment.

"Then...what do you want me to do?"

"For Guyinduo, I want you to be the first one to sacrifice yourself."

For Guyinduo, what a great sentence!

But Yan Luo always felt that something was wrong. He seemed to have been deceived by Xu Le, and this person had always been very strict in his deception, so he probably couldn't find any flaws.

"Is it really to restore the glory of Guyinduo?"

"That is inevitable. It is our duty to restore the glory of ancient music."

Yama savored these words, and then nodded heavily.

"You are right. It is our duty to restore the glory of ancient music."

"Then let's enter the ancient Yinduo technology era."

After squatting in the furnace and arguing with Yama for half an hour, Xu Le put Ding Ke back on the tree and left the core of the furnace.

There is no problem with Yama, and the back plate is stable.

Once the back plate is stable, many things can be done next.

At the other end of the city, where the three Guinduo black trees were left during the last Guinduo Kuroshio, the cleaned ground suddenly began to squirm.

This is the root of the ancient Yinduo black tree twisting and moving, as if it is exploring something under the earth.

Wang Xi stood on the balcony nearby.

Originally, he was here to supervise Heishu's exploration of the underground, but since the two space-based cannons were fired, he could no longer concentrate.

"Guyin Duo's core technology, what a powerful force it is. This power is actually controlled by humans, and it can be fired continuously."

After seeing the Tianji Cannon, Wang Xi doubted the decision he had made for the first time.

If humans could really control this power...

"It seems that this time the black tide has been steadily passed."

When Wang Xi was praising the Tianji Cannon, a man next to him who was wearing a hood and couldn't see his figure suddenly said:

"Now that you have made a choice, don't change it easily, and don't look too wide. If you look too far, you will lose yourself and your motivation."

Wang Xi was stunned for a moment, then nodded:

"That's what you said, but I still want to know, what exactly is it that we are looking for?"

"Do you want to know?"

Looking at the other party's pure eyes, Wang Xi hesitated for a moment and then shook his head.

"No, I don't really want to know."

In order to avoid embarrassment, his eyes wandered towards a building, where a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old was sitting.

Looking at the girl, Wang Xi criticized:

"Even though the alarm didn't go off, some people still don't want to sleep. I wonder if staying up late is bad for your health."

The cloaked man shook his head again:

“Staying up late is to buffer the fear and anxiety about tomorrow, as if we have a time and space gap to escape reality. During the day, all our time and energy are occupied by work, study, and confusion about the future.

So even late at night, we are not willing to rest easily, because we all know that when tomorrow comes, we will have to face it all again.

If you rest at this time, as soon as you close your eyes and open them, tomorrow will come, and all the problems will be directly in front of you, and there is no way to escape.

If you are still awake, the longer you are awake, the longer it will be until tomorrow. This is a spiritual buffer brought by staying up late. "

Wang Xi:?

He just found an excuse to get out of the embarrassment, why was he being taught another lesson?

A chapter written just after returning from the hospital, "Catch the bugs for me"

If you have a bulging cervical vertebra, I suggest that you try to lie down when playing with your mobile phone in the future, and don’t hold your head while playing, otherwise you will be like me.

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