
Chapter 303 Mr. Wheelchair

"What's left behind?"

Wang Shu and Gu Beichen stared at Xu Lebala's wall. Soon, Xu Le peeled off a thick layer of these graffiti, which felt like a clay-like substance.

Below, there was a well-sealed document, and Xu Le took it out.

"We were not the only ones who wanted to run away at that time, there were others."

"You mean, Gujiano?"


Xu Le opened the document bag. At that time, he was poisoned by a puppet, and Gu Jianuo began to gradually let go of his trust.

Perhaps just like what Xiong Zemo did to Gu Jianuo, under the puppet technique, nothing seems to be able to resist.

In the process of joining Gu Jianuo's group, Xu Le discovered that Gu Jianuo himself was not so convinced and loyal to Xiong Zemo.

She wanted to run away a long time ago. She had her own ideas, but she never had the strength to resist Xiong Zemo.

Because of this, Gu Jianuo prepared a lot of information about Xiong Zemo.

There are information about Xiong Zemo’s laboratory, his funding clients, various research projects, criminal evidence and so on.

These things are really meaningless for bringing down a district chief.

Because in addition to the gap in strength, there is also a difference in power between the two sides.

Xiong Zemo is the district chief, while Gu Jianuo is just a researcher. Although he is a very distinguished doctor, it is still meaningless compared with the district chief.

"These things are of little use in Gujiano's hands, but here they might have some meaning."

"Are you going to follow the legal procedures of Lighthouse?" Alley frowned slightly. Although she was a good young man who enforced the law and abided by the law, she still felt that.

It would be really stupid if Xu Le wanted to take legal proceedings against Xiong Zemo in Lighthouse.

"Of course not. This evidence and information can help us collect information about Xiong Zemo's true identity. We still have no way to determine where Xiong Zemo's true identity is.

This is the first thing, and then we need to formulate a plan to deal with Xiong Zemo. We will only take action if we are confident.

Only if Xiong Zemo is successfully assassinated will these criminal evidences become meaningful. "

At this point, Aili Wangshu and the other two people already understood what Xu Le meant.

It is difficult to overthrow a living district chief with evidence and information.

Because the dark ages are not only about power and status, but also personal strength. Xiong Zemo's strength can be respected, so he will not fall easily.

But if he dies...

There is no value after death, the same goes for everyone.

For those who have died, only the memories of their relatives and friends remain.

"Okay, each person will take one copy and collect information separately. As a tourist in Zion, try not to do unnecessary things, do not do too many extraordinary actions, and do not set foot in dangerous areas. How much can you collect? Just collect as much as you can, even if you don’t have any, it doesn’t matter.

The main goal is to determine who Xiong Zemo's true identity is. "

"Understood." The three of them took the order and went their separate ways.

Ai Li and Wang Shuxule were not too worried, but Gu Beichen was different.

"Gu Beichen, are you okay?"

"I used to be the captain of the Night Watch team and the leader of Wang Shu. What nonsense are you talking about?"

Although what Gu Beichen said was true, Xu Le was still worried about him.

"I just want you to be careful."

Gu Beichen:......

"Can you please stop talking to me like this? I'm not used to it."

"Anyway, everyone has to be careful, but don't worry too much. After all, we are from the outer city. People from the outer city are generally given preferential treatment in the lighthouse."


The four of them acted separately. There were not many people, but they were all elite.

It is completely sufficient when only investigating a certain person.

Now they are still in the dark about Xiong Zemo's real information.

All I know is that District Chief Xiong, who is usually amiable and amiable, is a tall and strong man. He should be Xiong Zemo's number one puppet.

The driver who often drove Xiong Zemo was a thin middle-aged man. According to Xu Le's memory, this person was the number two puppet.

As for whether Xiong Zemo has other puppets and who his true form is, these are all things that need to be confirmed by them during this period of time.

"Okay Ding Ke, we are going to conduct investigation, and the target is Shangcheng District."

Meow! ~

After leaving the dormitory, Xu Le took a bus to the moat of the lighthouse.

I don’t know if the policy of the lighthouse has changed during this time. Now there is no direct bus to the upper city.

So after arriving at the Moat Suspension Bridge Station, Xu Le got out of the car and prepared to walk across the bridge.

"Ding Ke, do you remember this place? I remember you were standing on the handrail of the bridge."

Meow! ~

Xu Le pinched Black Cat's head and walked towards the moat bridge.

When he walked to the bridge, Xu Le saw a man in a wheelchair. He looked troubled and seemed to be struggling.

Xu Le looked at the wheelchair man, then at Takahashi in front of him, and pinched his chin.

"A good deed is done every day, and a calamity is avoided every month. Well, although I have forgotten about this for a long time, now that I am here, I naturally want to do something good and do good things. Are you right?"

Meow meow! Ding Ke nodded in agreement.

As a result, Xu Le walked behind the wheelchair man and quickly pushed him up.

"Hello? What are you doing?" The wheelchair man's body seemed a little unbalanced, and his voice became a little frightened. Because Xu Le was walking very fast, he was more or less scared.

"No need to thank me, please call me Lei Feng."

"No, no, I mean... I really don't need you to push me up."

"You're welcome. After doing this, I feel that the red scarf on my chest is more vivid."

Meow meow! ~Ding Ke also echoed.

One person and one cat pushed the man in the wheelchair in front of him and ran across the bridge in a hurry.

When it was time to go downhill, the man in the wheelchair looked even more frightened.

"Hey, hey, hey, can you slow down a little, or you'll fall to death!"

"Don't worry, I can drive very steadily." Xu Le said proudly.

Two people and one cat swooped down from the high bridge at an extremely fast speed, even surpassing some private cars.

The man in the wheelchair tightly grasped his armrests and tried his best to maintain his balance.

Soon, they were off the bridge.

Xu Le's physical fitness is now very good, so he is not too tired after running this distance. After exhaling, he said to the man in the wheelchair:

"A good deed a day will save a calamity every month. You're welcome. Please call me Red Scarf."

Man in wheelchair:...

"I actually don't want to cross the bridge."

Xu Le:......

He suddenly felt that he had done something stupid. He originally thought it was a good thing, but now it seems that it must be a stupid thing.

"Um, you're not crossing the bridge. What are you struggling with under the bridge?" Xu Le was a little fierce.

"I was hesitating just now whether to go over there and buy something." Facing the menacing Xu Le, the man in the wheelchair seemed a little submissive.

Xu Le was silent for a while.

"Okay, I'll take you back."

No good thing was done, and some of my own time was wasted. It's so stupid.

"Then, I'll trouble you." The man in the wheelchair did not refuse, perhaps because it was indeed very difficult for him to cross the bridge alone.

But just as Xu Le was about to take the man in a wheelchair onto the bridge, the sound of a bell on the bridge came to him.

Ding ding ding ding! ~

The suspension bridge was suspended in front of Xu Le and the man in the wheelchair, and they looked at each other.

The suspension bridge is raised, and it may take some time before we can return to the other side. This is completely embarrassing.

"Um, I'm really sorry for wasting your time." Xu Le said a little embarrassed, losing the momentum he had just now.

"It's okay, just wait here for a while. If you are busy, go back first. I will go back when the suspension bridge is lowered."

The wheelchair man's mood and attitude were very good, he wasn't angry, and he didn't blame Xu Le.

But this made Xu Le feel even more stupid.

"I'd better stay and wait with you. Anyway, I have a lot of time and don't have much else to do. Besides, it would be quite inconvenient for you to go back alone."

"Then...thank you. Oh, by the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Xu Le, what about you? What do you call me?"

"My name is Mo Chen."

"Mo Chen..." Xu Le thought, this name feels like the protagonist of the novel, could it be a character?

Xu Le looked Mo Chen up and down.

The wheelchair has two bags hanging on the side, one of which contains some bread and vegetables, and the bags on the other side are all books. It looks like a scholar living alone.

"Are you alone on weekdays?" Xu Le asked tentatively. This question was a bit rude, but it would be better if he could contact the other person's family.

Mo Chen smiled and shook his head:

"I had a partner before, but now I'm alone."

Xu Le said "Oh" and did not continue to ask.

Because whether he was dumped by his girlfriend or his wife passed away, it was a huge blow to Mo Chen, who needed a wheelchair to support his life.

Continuing to talk will only hurt the other person and is not advisable.

Xu Le feels that he is a decent person and cannot treat others like this.

"Actually, being alone is pretty good. You know this kind of thing about women. Sometimes too many women are not good for your health."

Mo Chen:? ?

"There will always be some emotional demands and spiritual companionship in life, so if you have a partner, life will become more fun."

"Is that so... I have never had these insights." Xu Le felt that he still had a few friends.

Therefore, there are relatively few situations such as emotional appeals.

"Mr. Xu Le must be a sociable person. I may be different from you. Because of my work, I don't have many friends, so I don't like to socialize with others.

Most of the time, apart from work, only my wife would accompany me, but unfortunately, she left after all. "

"That's it..."

Xu Le nodded. After all the talk, he still mentioned the other person's sadness, so he was ready to change the topic.

"Hey, what do you do?"

“I personally work in the community and am a community service worker, but in my spare time I will also do some research that interests me, usually biological research.

You see, these are all books I bought. Although some of them I don’t read at all, they just sit at home and gather dust after I buy them. "

Mo Chen said with a smile, and Xu Le also laughed.

He used to do things like buying books and leaving them to eat ashes at home. Buying more books would make him appear to be well-educated and easy to learn.

"I'm also involved in biological research, and I buy books and get ashes... Hahaha, it seems we still have something in common, and you don't seem that bored."

"Really? Maybe I haven't met such an interesting person as Mr. Xu Le before."

At this time, the suspension bridge announcement rang again.

"Dear citizens, the suspension bridge gear is currently malfunctioning. The No. 1 suspension bridge in Area B is no longer usable. We will repair it as soon as possible. If you need to cross the bridge, please move to the No. 2 suspension bridge.

We sincerely regret the impact on the general public. "

After hearing the broadcast, Xu Le and Mo Chen looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time.

"It's over, there's no going back."

"Well, if Mr. Xu Le has something to do, he should go back first. In this situation, I can't go to Xiacheng District to get things."

"Oh, I was the one who tricked you. How could you just run away like this? Just tell me where you are going and I will just take you back, right Ding Ke?"

Meow! ~

Mo Chen glanced at the cat on Xu Le's shoulder and frowned slightly:

"Mr. Xu Le's cat is very intelligent. It can actually understand what you are saying and even interact with you."

"That's necessary. My cat is smarter than a human. Is your home uptown? I'll take you back."

"In this case, please trouble Mr. Xu Le."

"piece of cake."

Pushing Mo Chen, Xu Le arrived near Beacon University.

Xu Le was not surprised because Mo Chen himself looked like a scholar. Isn't it normal for a scholar to live near a university?


"Does Mr. Mo Chen live in Beacon University?"

"Yes, how does Mr. Xu Le know?"

"It's like this. When I was young, I studied abroad in Lighthouse for a period of time. That time was neither long nor short. It left a deep memory in me..."

When he was young, he meant 1 year ago. Xu Le was indeed younger 1 year ago than he is now. Is this reasonable?

"Mr. Xu Le looks very young. I didn't expect that he actually studied abroad in Beacon. Have you graduated?"

"Yes, graduated."

"It's really amazing. It's just a few steps ahead, probably in the dormitory of the experimental building."

"The dormitory of the experimental building!" Xu Le looked at this slightly familiar building and narrowed his eyes slightly.

In this experimental building, he had many pleasant social experiences.

For example, in the Gu Jianuo group, we confronted the old employees head-on and taught them how to be normal people.

"Has Mr. Xu Le been here before?"

"Ah, I did come here and even worked here for a while."

"Have you ever worked here? The academic staff in the laboratory building should all be Ph.D.s. Mr. Xu Le is so young, has he already become a Ph.D.?"

"Yes, I am a doctor."

Xu Le narrowed his eyes and smiled, and was about to push Mo Chen in.

But when he arrived at the door, Mo Chen waved his hand:

"Mr. Xu Le went to the wrong place. This is Building A of the laboratory building. I live in Building B."

"Oh, is it the building next door?"


Xu Le breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, and let go of the emotions he just mentioned.

When Xu Le stopped in front of Building B, Mo Chen asked:

"Mr. Xu Le, do you want to sit upstairs?"

Xu Le looked at the dark experimental building in front of him, and then glanced at Mo Chen:


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