
Chapter 304 The person between light and darkness

It's a bit dark inside the stairs, but there are certain lights to maintain a basic brightness.

There was no one else there, it seemed like it was just the two of them.

Mo Chen pushed the wheelchair to the wall, turned on the headlight here, pointed to the stairs opposite and said:

"You can go up there directly. You...oh, I forgot. You should have some knowledge of the laboratory building."

"Well, let me push you over."

Xu Le pushed Mo Chen towards the stairs. On both sides of the road were some experimental equipment and some things covered by white cloth.

Xu Le "accidentally" knocked off a piece of white cloth, revealing what was inside.

A doll was staring at him.

The real doll is white, and it feels like it has not been finished yet, nor has it been painted or beautified.

"Semi-finished product? Are you still studying puppets?" Xu Le asked.

"Yeah, but this thing is considered a failure. I don't want to study such things anymore. I have made a new discovery recently." Mo Chen laughed.

"Oh, I'll have to see it later. After all, I also like dolls. I bought a lot of them before."

Xu Le was talking about the past life. At that time, he did buy many, many dolls, and they were all serious dolls.

"Ah? It turns out that Mr. Xu Le also likes this kind of thing. It's rare for me to meet someone with the same interests."

"This should be called sympathy."

"Yes, we appreciate each other."

Xu Le and Mo Chen both narrowed their eyes and laughed, but Xu Le still thought of another meaning of the word sympathy.

Xingxingxiangxi: Pretending to cherish each other, a metaphor for people who have a good relationship on the surface but stab each other in the back.

"Come on, come here."


This experimental building has an elevator, as if it was specially configured for Mo Chen.

"There is actually a special elevator for you here. Your status is really high."

"It's not that high. I'm just an honorary professor. I no longer teach, and the community work has been handed over to others. Now I spend most of my time doing research."

"Focusing on what you like makes you really happy."

"Yeah, I think so too."

"Which floor?"

"Third floor."


The elevator reached the third floor, and Xu Le pushed Mo Chen to his home.

Unlike the mess on the first floor, the third floor is very clean and tidy.

Xu Le glanced at Mo Chen and narrowed his eyes again.

Oh, by the way, do you have a toilet here? I want to go to the toilet. "

"Yes, there it is."

"Okay, thank you."

Arriving at the toilet at Mo Chen's house, Xu Le took a look at the toilet tools, a toothbrush and a towel.

Is there a problem? problematic.

After peeing, Xu Le walked out of the room.

"Mr. Mo Chen, do you usually live alone?"

"Yeah, I don't like to make friends on weekdays. My personality is also weird for many people. Who wants to come with me?"

"Well, I think you've made this place quite clean."

Mo Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled:

"Basic hygiene cannot be ignored. Although I am disabled, I still have to maintain self-discipline."

"makes sense."

"Mr. Xu Le, I have to go to the toilet too. You go ahead and relieve yourself."


Seeing Mo Chen walk into the toilet, Xu Le's eyes turned cold.

Instantly elementalizing his body, he came to the toilet door without any sound, and took out his black staff.

The black staff gradually turned into an ancient sound multi-energy hand cannon in Xu Le's hands, which was pressed against the door.

The atmosphere fell into an eerie silence.

Xu Le's mind was stretched infinitely as he entered the ethereal state.

Can the identity of the other party be determined?

Even if it is certain, is it possible to kill the opponent with one's own strength?

Is this a test or a provocation?

If it was a provocation, why were you so sure?

There were too many things to consider, but Xu Le had time to think about it. He slowly closed his eyes and sorted out the thoughts in his mind.

Thinking about every movement and detail of Mo Chen, Xu Le felt a natural mellowness and calmness.

"Hey, if you are really sure, you don't need to think about it."

The sound of Mo Chen peeing came from the toilet, and then the sound of flushing the toilet.

Xu Le's eyes were calm. After being silent for a while, he quietly took back his weapon and put on a smiling face.

When Mo Chen opened the door, Xu Le was admiring a potted plant.

"What kind of plant is this? It feels quite magical."

"This is called a seven-leaf clover."

"It turns out this thing is called a seven-leaf clover. I went to the flower and bird market and bought a similar one before and gave it to my friend."

"This is a very rare species. Can you buy it at the flower and bird market?" Mo Chen was a little curious.

"No, I bought a plant with big leaves, and then cut off all the other leaves, leaving only seven leaves."

"Ah? Why do you do this?"

"Because I broke the original seven-leaf clover." Xu Le smiled and touched his head, looking very silly.

"Has the horse chestnut been damaged? It's such a pity for such a precious plant. Didn't your friend blame you?"

Mo Chen asked as he poured a glass of water for Xu Le, his eyes slightly expectant.

"She no longer had the chance to blame me because she passed away."

"That's really a pity. How did she die?"

Xu Le originally thought that the conversation between the two parties would become peaceful, but Mo Chen's question made the atmosphere weird again.

"She, she was killed by her teacher. Her teacher was a very bad person. I heard it was dermatitis that caused pus."

Mo Chen:......

"It turns out that her teacher is so bad, that's really a pity. Someone who can become friends with Mr. Xu Le should also be outstanding."

"Really outstanding."

"Mr. Xu Le, do you want to see my research?"

"Is this kind of thing allowed? I heard that every researcher's results are secret and generally cannot be seen by others."

"In fact, every researcher hopes that his success will be announced to the world, and they all hope to see the moment when they become famous.

Revealing your secrets to others actually gives you a strong sense of satisfaction, and I feel the same way.

And the things I research are not important secrets, they are just some private gadgets and are out of the way. "

Facing Mo Chen's invitation, Xu Le smiled and nodded.

"Okay, since Mr. Mo Chen has said so, it would be too rude if I refuse again."

"Haha, come with me."

Xu Le followed Mo Chen to a laboratory on the third floor. There were a lot of equipment, petri dishes, and jars containing many internal organs.

Heart, liver, lungs.

Some of these things are still in a state of survival, especially the heart, which feels like it may jump out at any time.

"These collections of Mr. Mo Chen..."

"These are not collections. As I told you before, I am also engaged in biological research. These things are the results of my research."


"It's an artificial organ, the kind that can be used normally."

Xu Le frowned slightly at this time, this technology...

Although I don’t know what the other party’s purpose is, the technology itself is of great significance.

"Can artificial organs be used normally?"

"It seems that Mr. Xu Le has already thought of the effects of this scientific and technological achievement. Yes, if this achievement is completely successful, it will bring about a subversion of the existing human medical system.

From traditional healing to current replacement, what's wrong is replaced. Doesn't it sound amazing? "

Xu Le nodded slightly. If everything goes ideally, this technology is indeed a special technological breakthrough.

It is a great achievement for the entire medical community.

But that is something that can only happen when everything is ideal.

What happens under normal circumstances?

Death is the greatest justice in this world. Even the longevity fruit cannot sustain life forever.

If a person can live indefinitely by relying on replacement organs, then as long as people like old Moen don't seek death, considering the influence their family has had on Zion for generations.

Sooner or later, he will become the emperor of Zion, this is almost inevitable.

"This kind of thing is indeed great, but it still depends on its cost and usage conditions. If it is too expensive, it can only become a tool for the superior to extend their lives.

Moreover, it will take time to verify whether this kind of thing that replaces normal organs will have no side effects at all. "

Xu Le was quite serious when he mentioned the issue of harmony, and Mo Chen looked a little pleased.

"Sure enough, Mr. Xu Le is really a very smart person, because only smart people can think of these things in a flash.

Yes, the cost of this technology is very high, and the current technology is not mature enough.

If it is announced now, even if the technology is not mature enough, it will flow into the upper market and become a tool for those in power to extend their lives.

There is no possibility for ordinary people to turn around, and it is not a situation I want to see, so I have always hidden it. "

"Why would Mr. Mo Chen show such a precious thing to me?"

"Because of the environment of the lighthouse, there is no one worthy of trust..."

"The environment of a lighthouse? A person worthy of entrustment?"

"Yes, the environment of the lighthouse is a bit bad. The division of the upper city and the lower city has made the lower city completely hopeless.

But I know that this world is never static. Human beings are full of the power of life. There will always be some great people who come out of despair and difficulties.

Take us towards the light and bring this world towards the light.

Although Beacon does not have such conditions or people, it does not mean that there are no candidates with such character in the world. "

Mo Chen's words made Xu Le fall into an illusion for a moment.

As for why he said it was an illusion, it was because he felt that the other party would not give up so easily, which did not meet the definition of a strong man.

"Mr. Mo Chen really thinks too highly of me. Many times I feel that I suck. I don't understand anything and I can only live by bragging all day long."

"Hahaha, Mr. Xu Le, please don't be so arrogant.

I actually research a lot of things, and in the eyes of many people, there are some things that are more valuable than these organ replacement technologies.

But I personally still hope that this technology will be passed on. "

"I understand, Mr. Mo Chen, no matter what, this technology will be passed down. After all... this is a beautiful thought for this world."

Mo Chen paused for a while and pushed his wheelchair to another room, which could also be regarded as an office.

Xu Le followed him, not knowing what he was going to do.

"I think time and power should be in one's own hands, and people should have confidence." Mo Chen's conversation suddenly changed.

Xu Le didn't feel uncomfortable. In his opinion, this kind of emotion was the right attitude that Mo Chen should have.

"Yes, everyone should have confidence, trust in their own strength, and be able to do their own things well."

"We felt like old friends at first sight. I want to give Mr. Xu Le something as a gift."

"Ah? Why is Mr. Mo Chen so polite?"

"I just think it's rare to meet someone with the same interests." Mo Chen opened the drawer in his office and took out a small packet of seeds.

After taking out the seeds, Mo Chen did not give them to Xu Le immediately, but stared at them for a while.

"These...give them to Mr. Xu Le."

Xu Le hesitated slightly, but he still took the small packet of seeds from Mo Chen's hand.

Although Mo Chen didn't introduce what these seeds were, after Xu Le took the seeds and opened the package, he already knew what they were through Gu Yinduo's vision.

[Seeds of the Golden Tree, Red Moon]

Introduction 1: The spirit of the red moon comes to the earth. It wants light but there is no light. The red moon is not light, it only has power.

Introduction 2: Infused with the seed of light-forging power, Hongyue analyzes its rules so that it can grow into a tree that brings light.

Golden light tree!

Xu Le thought of many things in an instant. There was no way to create a bright red moon. If he wanted to win the favor of humans, he had to bring light to humans.

Only when humans have light can they be convinced of the power of the red moon.

So the red moon needs light to cast.

We need the rules of Lightforging, and we also need the power of Lightforging to bring light.

After guessing all this, Xu Le still kept the confusion on his face, and then asked curiously:

"What is this thing? It looks like watermelon seeds."

"Hahaha, they are just the seeds of some trees. They are a specialty of my hometown. It is said that these things can bring light to people. The lighthouse has a tall tower and is full of light.

Therefore, this thing is no longer needed and should be given to Mr. Xu Le. "

Xu Le did not refuse and directly took the seeds back into his hand, nodded and thanked Mo Chen:

"Then thank you Mr. Mo Chen. I quite like planting trees."

"As long as Mr. Xu Le likes it, I'm worried that Mr. Xu Le won't like this kind of thing."

"How is it possible? Since it is something that can bring light, it is worth studying whether it is useful or not. This is especially true for a tree planter like me."

"That's good... Oh, by the way, does Mr. Xu Le believe in time and space travel?"

Xu Le's body tensed up instantly. Is what Mo Chen said about time travel?

"Huh? I don't quite understand what Mr. Mo Chen means."

"I've heard that every time you think about trying to get better, it's your future self asking for help from your present self."

"Mr. Mo Chen, do you also want to change?"

“Of course I really want to get better, I want to get better myself, I want to get this city better, but it doesn’t seem to be successful, or I don’t know if it will be successful.

But I will probably keep going because I am a lighthouse person. "

Mo Chen didn't look at Xu Le anymore, but moved his gaze out the window to the direction of the tower.

The curtains blocked part of the sunlight, and the other half of the sunlight shone on Mo Chen's face, half bright and half dark.

"I understand what Mr. Mo Chen means, for the sake of ideals."

"Yes, Mr. Xu Le really understands me for my ideals. This is where we cherish each other."

"You're welcome, it's all about seeking light."

"To the light."

"To the light."

After chatting with Mo Chen for a while, Xu Le stood up and left.

"Okay, it's been a long time since I've bothered you, so I'll take my leave now."

"I had a great time chatting today, Mr. Xu Le. I hope we can have such a great time next time we meet."

"I hope so too."

Xu Le went out, glanced at the elevator in the stairwell, and finally took the stairs.

This old-fashioned elevator always gave him an unsafe feeling. It was unclear whether it was the people or the equipment that were unsafe.

Walking downstairs, Xu Le looked back at the location of the laboratory window.

Coincidentally, Mo Chen was standing there and waved to him.

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