
Chapter 305 Pre-war Analysis

At night, Xu Le and his party met again in the hotel.

Ai Li was still very elegant and calm, Wang Shu was fine, but Gu Beichen looked a little dusty.

"Let's talk about our respective gains. Although we don't expect to gain much on the first day, it is much better than nothing, right?"

Xu Le's mood was a little inexplicable. Ai Li noticed that he was a little absent-minded and reminded him:

"What's the matter with you? Are you worried?"

Xu Le thought about the whole process of meeting Mo Chen during the day, and always felt that the special arrangement... was a kind of final announcement.

When he wanted to kill Xiong Zemo, Xiong Zemo also wanted to kill himself.

Like he said, he's tried, so...

"I don't know if his real name is Xiong Zemo or Mo Chen. If it's Xiong Zemo, that's fine, but if it's Mo Chen, who is Luo Juya..."

Xu Le didn't think deeply about this question. After adjusting his emotions, he looked at Ai Li and the others.

"Okay, I have no problem, you can start."

Seeing that Xu Le was fine, Ai Li nodded and took out a piece of information about Xiong Zemo.

"It was easy to get Xiong Zemo's information. I only spent dozens of dollars to bribe a few teachers and community workers, and then I got one from the local orphanage.

The information is very detailed, from Xiong Zemo's birth, to the death of his father and mother, to being adopted by an orphanage, to being self-taught and joining the Night Watch.

There is nothing hidden about the past in this series, and it is easy to find. "

There is a lot of information that Ai Li brought out, and it is also very detailed. It is so detailed that whether you read it normally or abnormally, there will be no problem with the information.

But Xu Le knows very well that this kind of growth information is the most outrageous.

If Xiong Zemo is a real person, then who is Mo Chen?

Who was that Xiong Zemo that he tried so hard to kill when his group left the lighthouse?

There are photos in the information. Although Xiong Zemo is relatively thin, you can still see some of the edges and corners of the tall man.


"Perhaps there really was a Xiong Zemo, but then he no longer existed."

"What's the meaning?"

"When Gu Jiano was working with us, he discovered the human puppet technology from ancient times, which is a taboo technology.

Do you still remember those shameless guardians? "

"Of course I remember." Wang Shu narrowed his eyes.

Bai Gui's building left a deep impression on them, and he himself broke through and reached level 3 while fighting the Beast Gunner.

"Sorry, it's been too long, and I can't remember what happened at that time, but I remember that I showed extraordinary power, right?"

Xu Le:......

"Extraordinary power refers to being thrown around like a dog by Bai Gui, and the one who was beaten could only lie on the ground and pretend to be dead?"

"Are you talking about me? I'm sorry I don't remember, but I feel like it must not be me."

Xu Le looked at Gu Beichen and was confused for a moment whether he really didn't remember or whether he was pretending not to remember.

"The time when Xiong Zemo appeared is very clear, he already existed before Gu Jiano.

Gu Jianuo only acquired part of the human puppet technology after going on a field mission with us.

Therefore, Xiong Zemo should have acquired human puppet technology before this, and the information Gu Jianuo brought back was at most a partial technical completion. "

Xu Le gave his analysis, Ai Li didn't know the situation, and Wang Shu nodded.

Only Gu Beichen put forward his own opinion.

"Have you forgotten Shunliu? Maybe the goal of our operation and Gu Jianuo's mission itself was to find that information.

Xiong Zemo should know that the information is with Bai Gui. He was afraid of Bai Gui at that time, so he sent Gu Jianuo there.

Luo Juya knew some of the information and didn't want Xiong Zemo to achieve his goal, nor did he want Xiong Zemo to know about it, so he asked Shunliu to take action against Gu Jianuo. "

Xu Le and Wang Shu glanced at each other, their expressions a little surprised.

Gu Beichen's statement seems to have some truth to it.

"You really remember that mission very clearly."

"It's all in the past, so don't mention it." In fact, Gu Beichen mainly didn't want to mention the part where he was beaten by Bai Gui, which would be disrespectful to his dignity.

"Is it still useful to understand this now?" Wang Shu looked at Xu Le uncertainly.

"Of course it is useful. The first thing we need to determine is Xiong Zemo's movement trajectory and his identity. Let's continue. Is there any other information?"

Wang Shu nodded and took out his own investigation results.

"I have Xiong Zemo's administrative promotion trajectory here, which is also very detailed. It is similar to what Alley checked before.

There is nothing hidden in this information, just like the trajectory of his life itself. "

Several people laid out the information and placed it all on the huge desk they put together in front of them.

Xu Le turned on the ethereal state and then ordered:

"Look for any major accidents during Xiong Zemo's growth. It could be illness, dropping out of school, or various changes."


Several people started to search separately. They were all professionals. After Xu Leti pointed it out, they understood the meaning.

Xu Le himself relied on his ethereal state to quickly browse the information and look for nodes where problems might arise.


"Neither do I have one here."

"I do not have either."

After some searching, the other three people all gave a negative answer.

In fact, Xu Le has gained nothing here. Xiong Zemo's entire past is too clean, and his resume is simple and clear.

Although there are many twists and turns in the growth process, the whole person belongs to the inspirational system, and his greatest characteristic is not going out of the way.

If we insist on saying that there were any huge changes in Xiong Zemo's past, then the death of his parents when he was young should be the biggest change.

Thinking of this, Xu Le narrowed his eyes.

"If there were no changes in Xiong Zemo's past, then the relationship between Mo Chen and him..."

"Who is Mo Chen?"

"I met a person today, a very strange person."

Xu Le told several others about his encounter with Mo Chen today. When they heard about the depressive atmosphere between Xu Le and Mo Chen, they couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Did you meet by chance?" Gu Beichen asked.

"What do you think?" Xu Le was speechless.

Alley suddenly asked at this time:

"How old does this Mo Chen look?"

"I don't know, but he looks 30 years old, so he should be in good health."

"If he really has the ability to replace organs as you said, is it possible that his age is false?

For example, he looks only 30 years old, but his actual age is already over 30 years old, maybe 40 years old, 60 years old, or older? "

Xu Le recalled what Mo Chen said at that time, and his words did have a sense of vicissitudes of life.

Regarding time travel, the reminder of the future self to the present self, and the long-cherished wish to make this city better and the lighthouse better.

These things and these emotions cannot be said to exist for a person who is only 30 years old.

But after all, it was a little too early.

Mo Chen's whole body was filled with lifelessness, as if he might die at any time.

He said that time and power should be in one's own hands. Xu Le thought this sentence was a bit redundant at the time, but now that he thinks about it, it may have another meaning.

"He's dying! Or nearly dying."


"How can you tell?"

"He is explaining his funeral arrangements."

"I'm going to tell you about my funeral? Why? You're not even a lighthouse person." Ai Li didn't quite understand Mo Chen's behavior.

Xu Le thought of what Mo Chen said to him before saying goodbye.

"Maybe it's because of ideals."


This word always silences people.

Because in the dark ages, everyone, every warrior and warlock, was a young man with ideals at the beginning.

Just like Alley, her ideal is to let Zion rise and get together with Xu Le. There are also reasons for this.

As for Wang Shu and Gu Beichen, they also had the same ideals at the beginning.

Maybe I don’t want to make the lighthouse better.

It is also because of this ideal that they work hard to practice and become night watchmen.

Everyone is actually the same at the beginning.

Their ideals are all about becoming something, accomplishing something, or accomplishing a great vision.

It shouldn’t be about buying a house or something like that…

However, in the process of realizing your own ideals, you will always encounter some obstacles, which will make you encounter difficulties, deviate from the track, and even deteriorate on the road to realizing your ideals.

Wait until what you do is completely contrary to your ideals.

Many people will feel confused.

For example... looking back on this life, are the things that I have worked hard for really what I want?

After this problem arises, more problems will follow.

Another example...if these are not what I want, then why am I working so hard?

The initial ideal?

It seems like becoming a scientist, a doctor, a night watchman, and then trying to make your city a better place.

"A person who pursues his ideals..." Alley murmured.

"Those who pursue ideals deserve respect, but the wrong path will inevitably lead to wrong results." Compared with others, Wang Shu has a thorn in his heart, and he will not easily forgive anyone.

"Maybe he doesn't feel that he made a mistake until now?" Gu Beichen said.

"No, he should have felt it. If he didn't feel it, he wouldn't have been able to find me today."

After making a preliminary judgment on Mo Chen or Xiong Zemo's situation, the four of them began to discuss and analyze his current situation.

The final study came to something like this.

[Mo Chen, his age is unknown, he is about the age when he is about to die. He has obvious personal thoughts, research results, and combat effectiveness.

Unscrupulous in the pursuit of his own ideas, with clear intentions to kill us, yet revealing some information and legacy to me because of his personal ideals.

The preliminary rating is Level 4 Puppet Master.

Puppet No. 1 is Xiong Zemo, a strong man with a strong physique and amazing defense. His fighting methods are metal sticks and extremely strong hand-to-hand combat abilities.

Despite his extremely strong physical fitness, he also possesses the psychic defense capabilities of a normal warlock, making him a humanoid tank.

Puppet No. 2 is a tall and lanky driver, also over 2 meters tall, with an arm length over 1.5 meters, and uses a longer golden sword weapon.

There is no more information. After all, when Puppet No. 2 appeared, they were wiped out with a few swords. 】

Ai Li had no experience fighting Xiong Zemo, so he was still a little shocked after seeing this information.

"This person is a very complex person, and his methods are also very amazing. With these various fighting postures, it is difficult not to make people think that he has a back-up plan."

"I also think so."

"We have already met Xiong Zemo when we were in the tower, so his behavior..."

"He will attack us." Xu Le confirmed.

Then, he repeated it again:

"He's going to attack us and he's ready."

"How to say?"

"There should have been an exchange between Xiong Zemo and Jin Mingzhu before, but Jin Mingzhu was a councilor and Xiong Zemo was just the district chief.

He should have told Jin Mingzhu his purpose, but he did not get Jin Mingzhu's consent. "

"Why didn't Jin Mingzhu agree? Aren't they in the same group?" Gu Beichen asked.

Xu Le's mouth twitched:

"You should understand that my identity is that of a congressman. I am not a street person. I am a congressman! I am a congressman from Zion!

I not only brought the core energy technology of Guyinduo Technology, but also brought the possibility of comprehensive open technology exchange of weapons.

For the entire lighthouse, I am the bridge between the lighthouse and Zion.

That Jin Mingzhu is also a congressman. As long as she doesn't have water in her head, I don't think she will let Xiong Zemo take action against me no matter what she does.

So she will definitely stop Xiong Zemo. "

"Didn't you say that Xiong Zemo would definitely take action?"

"Yes, Jin Mingzhu will definitely stop it, but Xiong Zemo will definitely take action. After all, it is revenge for killing his wife. There is nothing left to say between us."

"Then what should we do now? The enemy is in the open and we are in the dark."

Xu Le looked at the lighthouse map on the wall and slowly held his chin.

“The environment in the upper city is too close to the center of the lighthouse, where there are higher-level guards, the lighthouse council, and the lighthouse night watchman.

In such an environment, it would be inconvenient for Xiong Zemo, the mayor of District B of Xiacheng District, to take action.

Therefore, if you want to seduce him to take action, you must create a suitable environment for him to take action. "

"Create a suitable environment for him to take action?"

"We need a suitable environment to set up traps and battle venues. Of course, this environment needs to be a place that is beneficial to us but also reasonable."

Wang Shu and Gu Beichen frowned.

Downtown, reasonable, and beneficial to them?

To be honest, after they defected to the lighthouse, their network of connections in the lighthouse was basically cut off. In such an environment, where could they go to find the place Xu Le mentioned?

"That seems a little unlikely."

"Actually, there is a place, and there should be people."


Xu Le smiled and drew a place on the map.

"Area C, Black Alley, Zhou Tianming."

I'm having a hard time coding these days. I mean, there are a lot of things going on.

But I haven’t asked for leave this month so far, so that’s okay.

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