
Chapter 306 The Black Alley Boss

At noon the next day, when the sun rose three poles high.

Xu Lecai walked out of the hotel, his steps were frivolous, and he felt as if he had too much and was about to die.

Ai Li followed him out, his face cold and he seemed to be in a very bad mood.

Xu Le and Ai Li waited at the door for a while, and not long after, Gu Beichen and Wang Shu also walked out of the hotel.

Gu Beichen's state was similar to Xu Le's. He was very floating and felt as if he had been sucked dry.

On the other hand, Wang Shu was in good condition, and the spirit of a warrior was always so full.

The four looked at each other and then exchanged some words.

Watching from a distance, Gu Beichen poked Xu Le in the waist. Of course, Xu Le poked him back.

It feels like two gay friends fighting, and as long as a man looks at it, he will know what kind of joke they are playing on each other.

This process lasted for a while, but not too long.

Soon, the four of them got into the same car and drove towards the west.

These scenes in the distance all fall into a pair of telescopes.

Retracting the telescope, the tall and thin driver Xiong Zemo, also known as Puppet No. 2, slowly walked towards the rooftop stairs.

He has confirmed the direction of Xu Le and the others, and all he has to do now is track them.

Xu Le and the others will probably be hanging around the lighthouse for a long time in the future. This period of time is his opportunity.

Xiong Zemo also knew that Xu Le also wanted to kill him.

But what is sad is that Xu Le cannot find him at the lighthouse by relying on his own strength.

Never possible!

"Okay, can you feel the prying eyes?"

After getting in the car, Xu Le calmed down his expression and looked at the two warriors Wang Shu and Ai Li.

In terms of combat perception and danger perception, the two of them have stronger abilities.

Wang Shu shook his head slightly when he heard Xu Le's question.

However, Alley nodded and said with great confirmation:

"On our left, on the roof of the second tallest building, there is a smell, but it's not strong."

"It's such a long distance... no wonder."

Ai Li was able to confirm that Xiong Zemo was tracking them, which was a good thing, because Xu Le himself was planning to let Xiong Zemo track them.

What surprised him was that Xiong Zemo's pursuer actually had a human aura.

There is no doubt that they are human puppets.

"Are you going to downtown now?"

"Of course, go to the dark alleys in downtown, which is a nightclub area similar to Zion's red light district, and there are lawless places, which is very suitable for launching an attack on us.

This is an opportunity I created specifically for him. "

Xu Le said and looked at Gu Beichen:

"Gu Beichen, do you have any powerful taboo formations in your hand? It can be destructive or disturbing. I'm not good at this. You studied abroad in the Red Moon Temple, so you should be involved in this area. "

Gu Beichen had a fake face, which was different from Xu Le's disguise. He really felt weak when he woke up this morning.

Because the girl last night was so awesome.

The feeling of the lighthouse is different. The quality of the lighthouse uptown is that it has an aristocratic style.

Well, returning to the lighthouse is like returning to your own home.

Hey wait, it seems like the lighthouse was originally his home.

"Ah? What did you just say?"

"What the fuck..."

"No, I was thinking about a very important spell, so I got distracted. Please say it again."

Gu Beichen's expression was serious, and Xu Le couldn't tell whether he was lying or not.

"I asked, do you have any destructive or disturbing formations?"

"This... I think I really have it."

During the next period of time in the car, the four of them were basically discussing Xiong Zemo's possible puppet assassin.

In the vision of Alley and Wang Shu.

Puppet No. 1, Xiong Zemo, should not appear because he is the district chief.

The identity of the district chief is very important. It has the meaning of power, resources and connections.

Such an identity cannot be abandoned casually.

So even if assassins are sent, they think they should be led by Puppet No. 2, the driver.

Xu Le was noncommittal about such a judgment, because it was indeed possible.

But there were still some doubts in his mind.

What is the significance of what Xiong Zemo explained before?

With doubts in their hearts, the group of people had crossed the bridge, headed to Xiacheng District, and came to the dark alley in Area C.

Just like the previous time, Xu Le stuffed a gold bar into the iron gate of the black alley.

It’s still 20 grams, and the price is enough for them to get in.

"Gold? It's interesting. Come in."

The red-painted door of the black alley was opened, Wang Shu took the lead and walked down, while Ai Li stood at the end.

Even in such a downtown area, they still maintained a formation with warriors outside and warlocks inside.

This has become an unintentional habit.

"Nightclub?" Alley looked at the flashing lights and frowned slightly.

"The nightclub is just a guidance area, which contains a larger environment, trading area, snow collection area, and some entertainment facilities."

Xu Le briefly explained, but Alley just curled his lips:

"You seem to be very familiar with this place."

"Ah, before I met you, I was actually a lost lamb, Gouzi, you know what I mean." Xu Le suddenly said affectionately.

Alley's face turned slightly red, but it couldn't be seen at all under such lighting.

She didn't speak, just turned her head slightly.

But Gu Beichen, who was standing in front of Xu Le, couldn't help but said:

"Damn, you're so oily, oilier than me!"


After making a fuss, Xu Le continued to walk forward. The bunny girl who greeted the guests was still so charming, and she greeted her warmly at first.

But after looking at each other with Alley, the bunny girl subconsciously froze.

"Well, let's go."

Quickly walking through the nightclub area, Xu Le came to the trading area that he had visited before.

According to Care Beichen, this should be the most important place in the entire black alley, and the girls here are also the most beautiful.

In other words, if you want to find Zhou Tianming, this is undoubtedly the best choice.

As soon as we entered the trading area, a service maid came over enthusiastically.

"Do you guys need anything?"

"Yes, yes." Xu Le looked at the other person up and down.

Standard professional attire, almost no part of the body exposed, but the upper neckline of the suit is a bit deep, and the skirt on the lower body is also a bit short.

It's a very attractive business attire. The designer must be a knowledgeable person.

"Sir, you can tell me anything you want. I will serve you well within my capabilities."

"Ah, I need to find Zhou Tianming. He should be here with you. I haven't contacted him for a long time. I have lost his contact information."

Xu Le is not lying.

It had been a year since he ran away to Zion, and he couldn't remember many things about the lighthouse, or at least his memory was vague.

He did have Zhou Tianming's contact information, but he had already lost it when he ran away.

Come here now, he can only ask hard.

"Zhou Tianming? You..."

The waitress was a little confused at first, but her eyes immediately turned evil.

Faced with such a combination, he suddenly wanted to find the boss.

Their first reaction was naturally that someone was coming to cause trouble.

Seeing the service lady taking out her communicator, Ai Li flashed in front of her.

Before the service lady could clearly see Ai Li's movements, the communicator in her hand had been taken away.

"Don't scream, we don't want to cause too much ripples, and we don't have any malicious intentions, let alone low-level things like gang vendettas.

We are members of the special department. We would like to find out about the situation from Zhou Tianming, and then make some cooperation on some occasions. These are official tasks. I hope you understand. "

Ai Li's way of speaking is very professional. When she was in Zion, she had done this kind of thing countless times to help Zhang Nuoan capture the succubus.

She is actually more familiar with nightclubs than Xu Le.

She was familiar with what the women here were worried about and what they were afraid of.

"Are you really not here to cause trouble?"

"No, we won't hurt you. Take me to see your foreman. Don't worry."


Under Ai Li's coercion and the service girl's "enthusiastic help", Xu Le and his party quickly found the foreman here.

Sister Sha.

"Sister Sha, these people..."

"Okay, you go out first."

Sister Sha waved directly to the service lady, leaving only Xu Le and herself in the room.

This form made Xu Le a little curious. This sister Sha should be just an ordinary person.

"Are not you afraid?"

"Um, Mr. Xu Le, we have met once before." Sister Sha said softly.

Xu Le is a person who Zhou Tianming once specially warned.

Unlike those ordinary ladies, people who reach Sister Sha's position have a delicate heart.

She must give a death order to remember what the boss told her.

After the last time, she repeatedly looked at Xu Le's photos, engraved Xu Le's appearance in her mind, and warned herself not to forget.

Although a year had passed, she could still recognize Xu Le at a glance when she saw him.

"you know me?"

"Yes, Mr. Xu Le is here to see the boss, right? Please wait a moment, I will contact you right now."

"Then, thank you very much."

It went unexpectedly smoothly, making Xu Le very comfortable.

Sister Sha quickly dialed the communicator and contacted her boss, Zhou Tianming, who was deeper in the dark alley.

In fact, Zhou Tianming is not the boss here at all.

He is just the butler here, the butler who manages this place for the real uptown boss.

But so what, except for himself and a few people in high positions.

No one knows who the real boss is.

After a few minutes of waiting, Xu Le finally saw the person he wanted to see.

"Mr. Xu Le, Mr. Xu Le, it's been such a long time no see."

"Mr. Zhou's health looks very good. It seems that your troubles have been completely resolved."

"Solved, of course it's solved."

At this time, Zhou Tianming's complexion was rosy and he no longer looked sick as before. Although he was still very old, he was generally in much better spirits than when Xu Le last saw him.

"Let me introduce you, this is Mr. Zhou, Zhou Tianming, my friend at the lighthouse, he is a very nice person, and you, Ding Ke, they even bought you canned food, remember?"

Meow! ~Ding Ke turned his head and stuffed himself into Xu Le's arms.

Except for Xu Le, she didn't bother to talk to anyone else here.

"Don't say that. Things like cat food are just small thoughts. When Mr. Xu Le goes back, I will give you another car."

Xu Le just likes Zhou Tianming's sensible face.

Although he is no longer short of money, Zhou Tianming is very comfortable in doing things and understands people's hearts when he speaks.

Therefore, Xu Le didn't want to be too restrained in front of Zhou Tianming. After all, he still needed to find someone to do things.

"I came today because I want to ask Mr. Zhou for help with something."

"If Mr. Xu Le has any requirements, let's talk about them first."

He didn't agree or disagree, he just made a wave of tentative inquiries.

Although Zhou Tianming looks very kind, he feels as friendly as the grandfather next door.

But in the final analysis, he is still the boss here, the real boss of the dark alley.

When the person at the top doesn't show up, Zhou Tianming does all the dirty work.

According to the last divination and Zhou Tianming's state at this time, he might even have killed his son and mistress.

Such a character...

"Actually, what happened this time is simple to say, but quite troublesome to do."

"Oh, anyone who can make Mr. Xu Le feel troublesome must be really troublesome."

"Well, there is someone who wants to kill me, so I want to use your environment here to do something to prevent him from killing me."

After Xu Le clearly stated this information, Zhou Tianming raised his head slightly.

"I see. We often encounter vendettas like this. Who are Mr. Xu Le's enemies?"

"A person whose identity cannot be exposed, and someone you have absolutely no way to deal with."

Xu Le narrowed his eyes and laughed.

Hearing what Xu Le said, Zhou Tianming also laughed.

"As expected, Mr. Xu Le... There are experts in the circle of experts, and your vendetta may be more advanced than our slashing and slashing.

Since Mr. Xu Le has spoken, it would definitely be inappropriate for me not to agree, but I still venture to ask.

If a fight breaks out, will there be damage here? "

"Definitely, but any damage done here will be compensated according to the price."

Zhou Tianming smiled:

"Mr. Xu Le is joking, this is a dark alley. Although I believe in Mr. Xu Le's ability, the funds flowing in the dark alley are definitely not something that an individual can bear.

Even a very powerful extraordinary person can't do it, so I think..."

Xu Le waved his hand and interrupted Zhou Tianming directly.

"You don't have to think about it, I'm not alone."

"Haha, Mr. Xu Le still made a mistake. It's not a problem of a few people..."

"I suggest you watch the news and learn about the meetings between members of Congress, and you will naturally have the answer."

Zhou Tianming was stunned for a moment, then stared at Xu Le for a while, and then took a newspaper from his subordinate.

[Warmly welcome Zion Councilor Xu Le to visit the Lighthouse! 】

[Breaking news: This may be the lowest price ever for energy. 】

Zhou Tianming was confused after seeing the information in the newspaper.

Xu Le is a Red Moon Warlock and a former night watchman. These are all things he knows.

But these things are within the scope of reasonableness. If Xu Le resigns, Zhou Tianming will understand. After all, capable people can fly anywhere.

But why did you suddenly transform into a member of Zion?

There can be a span, and it's normal to get rich overnight.

But your span is too big, right?

[The most valuable scientist in Zion...]

Can such a name be given to an ordinary extraordinary person?

Another thing have such an identity, and others still want to kill you, so what is the origin of the person who wants to kill you?

"Mr. Xu Le, the person who wants to kill you couldn't be a congressman, right?"

“You can rest assured that neither I nor the members of the Lighthouse Council have any holidays, and our business has just been completed.

Everyone is waiting to make money, how could they attack me at this time? Wouldn't the relationship between Zion and Beacon be completely broken? "

"If it weren't for the MP..."

"There are always some people who don't want to see the construction of the lighthouse and the Zion Bridge. You should also know this, Mr. Zhou."

Zhou Tianming hesitated for a moment, seeming to be wondering about Xu Le's value.

Although the risks of this matter are very high, the benefits of helping Xu Le are also huge.

Energy provider.

In the dark age, anything that can be related to light is not cheap.

As for energy, it can almost be said to be the source of light.

"I helped with this matter."

"Hahahaha, very good, then I would like to thank Mr. Zhou first."

"If Mr. Xu Le has any instructions next, just tell me and I will satisfy you as much as possible."

Seeing Zhou Tianming extend his hand to him, Xu Le also extended his finger.

"First of all, we have to start with the venue..."

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