
Chapter 311 Death of Mo Chen

"Huh? Tongue?"

Xu Le is not the kind of college student who has no power to restrain himself. He will be scared when he sees a deformed tongue sticking out in front of him.

With such a deformity sticking out in front of you, isn't that looking for death?

Xu Le directly held the tongue-like branch. The slimy feeling made it impossible for him to tell whether it was a tongue or a branch.

Xu Le suddenly tugged.


A humanoid creature whose whole body was covered in various mucus was pulled out by Xu Le.

The reason why this humanoid creature cannot be called a human is except for its long, plant-like tongue.

Its head has also been completely opened.

In other words, the place where the tongue sticks out is not his mouth, but his head.

The body of the humanoid creature is covered with bubbles, and golden energy like a golden tree swims under its skin.

This feeling reminded Xu Le of Wang Shu's appearance when he exerted his strength.

"Is this creature... a sacrifice for the Life-inducing Potion?"

During the time Xu Le spent at the lighthouse, he was very aware of some of the research and experiments being conducted by the lighthouse.

Gu Jianuo once told him that the lighthouse had conducted many experiments, and the fusion of the Lead of Life and the Golden Light Tree was just one of them.

This experiment seemed to be led by Gu Jianuo, but in fact the person behind it was Gu Jianuo's mentor Xiong Zemo.

So it is actually quite normal to have this kind of hybrid cyborg here.

Sizzle! ~

After Xu Le pulled out the first cyborg, more and more tongues protruded from the wall.

Their states are somewhat different. Some have been completely assimilated by the energy of the golden tree, while others are mutually exclusive with the energy of the golden tree.

But what is certain is that a large part of the biochemical people here are still in a "alive" state, but it is not known whether they still have consciousness of their own.

"If you had been chasing down from the beginning, you would have ignored the secret room on the side, this Mo Chen."

Xu Le raised the black sword, and the radiating energy lit up the surrounding area, turning it into a light blue fluorescent stick.

Then he wiped his hair that was burned by the mucus and continued walking down.

The blood stains on the ground were still clear, and Xu Le couldn't remember how long he had been gone.

He even tried to sense whether everything in front of him was an illusion, but unfortunately it was not. Everything in front of him should be real things.

"Is it so deep..."

Xu Le was walking when he suddenly felt the stairs under his feet squirm.

This feeling made him stop immediately, and then a drop of sweat rolled down his forehead.

Looking down from the side, there is a bottomless abyss beneath our feet, like a huge black mouth.

Xu Le didn't know whether he should continue to track this situation.

After thinking for a while, he began to form seals.

"Spell - Forbidden Summoning Formation."

A large number of living corpses began to crowd in the corridor. Xu Le was not afraid of the consumption of spiritual energy at all, so since he was worried about danger, he just used his physical body to clear the way.

The physical body of a living corpse is also a physical body.

As for himself, he directly transformed his whole body into elements, and floated downwards following the living corpse in the form of a ball of lightning.

After Xu Le left for a while...


A mouth protruded from the wall, swallowed the living corpse, chewed it for a few times, and then spat it out.

Xu Le drifted a distance and looked at that place, only to realize that it was a human-like mouth, with blisters around the mouth that seemed to be on fire.

It's just that the size of this mouth is too outrageous.

"Uh..." Xu Le made some noises, frowned slightly, and then threw a dice into it.

"rest in peace."

He knew that this thing was also a human being entangled with the Golden Light Tree.

It's just that his final result wasn't that good...

The blood stains on the ground became darker and became more crooked.

Xu Le knew that Mo Chen's condition must be getting worse.

He summoned the black and white witch cicada again, and the two demons opened the way. The living corpses followed closely behind, and the mighty army rushed to the bottom of the dark chamber.

A swamp-like place.

Even though Xu Le had already elementalized his body at this time, he could still feel the stench here.

Rot, death, and a lot of excrement mixed together, it was like an abyss of decay.

Towards the front, there is a dark tunnel. There is a door in front of the tunnel, but the door has been opened.

"Mo Chen should have opened it."

The strong smell made Bai Chan shake her head. Being weird, she also had a normal sense of smell.

It's just that their endurance is stronger than ordinary people.

"Let's go and see what's inside."

The living corpse opened the way, and Xu Le and his party headed to the innermost part.

After entering the passage, the inside gradually became spacious. The ground in front of him looked like a swamp pond. Xu Le did not walk over rashly, but let the living corpse go over to test it out.

The living corpse walked carelessly towards the pond.


As if falling into a swimming pool, the living corpse fell directly.

However, relying on its stronger body than ordinary people, it still struggled in the mud.

But soon, it seemed to be grabbed by something and suddenly dragged into the depths of the pond.

Xu Le held the black sword tightly in one hand and took out a dice in the other hand.

"There is indeed something."

He didn't follow martial ethics, so he activated all the dice in his hand and threw them directly into the pond.

Boom boom boom!

hold head high!

Continuous explosions finally broke this strange and quiet situation. A monster that didn't know how to describe it burst out of the pond.

It has a body like a twisted tree, with a large number of bare branches like arms, and there are actually human legs and other organs behind it.

[Golden Light Tree, Mo Chen, human, weird, level 4. 】

It's like a community of deformed humans and trees.

There are many, many things mixed in...

"Mr. Xu Le, this is the gift I prepared for you!"

Mo Chen had been fused with this strange tree, and his face was squeezed into the upper branches by the tree demon.

This scene reminded Xu Le of something.

Wang Man's description of Light Casting.

The light-cast head was dominated by the golden tree of light, pierced by countless branches, constantly absorbing the energy within it.

Lightcast is the son of the powerful Gu Yinduo, and even it will be dominated by the golden tree.

Is Mo Chen in front of him in the same situation?

"You're so ugly."

Mo Chen:......

"It doesn't matter, whatever you say, we will become one soon."

A large amount of mud was sprayed around, but Xu Le maintained his elemental body and was not bothered by the mud.

But the black and white Wu Chan in front of him was not so lucky.

After this mud is spilled on the body, it is more corrosive than ordinary acid.

The white cicada's already weak wings were directly cut off by the mud, and then fell to the ground.

ah! ~

Bai Chan screamed and was grabbed by the ankle by a branch that suddenly stretched out from the mud swamp, and then dragged into the mud.

Xu Le didn't rush to rescue him. He couldn't act rashly in such a situation.

"Ordinary disguise, magic - wildfire."

Flames spurted out from Xu Le's mouth and immediately ignited a large number of swamps. Just as he imagined, branches in such an environment were very afraid of flames.

The tree demon that was ignited by the wildfire began to roar and struggle, and it once again revealed Mo Chen's crazy face:

"Mr. Xu Le, Mr. Xu Le, your destruction and killing made me even more excited, Mr. Xu Le."

Mo Chen opened his mouth, and a golden sphere of bright energy gathered in front of his mouth.

This kind of bright and pure energy, combined with the rotten and dirty body of the Mochen tree demon, is simply a contrast and irony.

call out!

The beam hit Xu Le at an extremely fast speed, and even an elementalist could not avoid this attack speed.

Xu Le fell to the ground after being injured.

Once the protection of the elemental body is lost, the dryad's roots begin to wrap around it.

These evil roots actually contain some human arms, which are very useful for dragging things.

The black sword wielded by Xu Le was slashed with the red spirit attached to it.

Every slash was covered by his lightning sword energy.

However, such actions were still in vain. More and more branches and arms wrapped around them, and they grabbed Xu Le's calf. The bright energy in the branches directly penetrated the elemental protection and fell into Xu Le's calf. .

"This fucking... light?"

Xu Le pierced the ground with his sword and relied on the strong black staff to stabilize his body, but the surrounding roots continued to climb toward him.

After a series of battles, although Xu Le can still maintain his psychic output, his physical strength and injuries have been somewhat affected.

The effect of the Substitution Technique is close to collapse. Under the current situation, it should be best to evacuate.

"Why are we always so far behind? I'm a bit unwilling!"

Xu Le silently clenched the black staff, and a ray of black energy emitted from his body inexplicably, but soon, this ray of black energy dissipated.

The tree demon opposite had killed all the living corpses summoned by Xu Le, and the black cicada was completely entangled in the endless branches and torn into pieces.

At this point, Xu Le was already running out of gas.

Mo Chen's face came closer again, coming to Xu Le in an extremely close state.

"Mr. Xu Le, as I said, I will give you a chance to become one with me."

"Rong your mother!"


Xu Le's chest was pierced by the root, and the originally bright blue light had now become extremely dim.

Xu Le knew that the technique of substituting one's life was about to fail.

The rhizome penetrated a little further, burrowed into the blood vessels in his body, and began to steal the power from his body.

Psychic energy, vitality, and even want to enter the world of Guyinduo Soul Tree.

Xu Le was finally injured. This was his real injury.

Just when he was about to run away with his stick, a voice appeared from the bottom of his heart.

"You chose fear and darkness, but you didn't try to use them. As Gu Yinduo, you should bring fear to them. You have this ability."

Xu Le narrowed his eyes. This voice... was not the voice of his elder brother.

Relying on his own will, Xu Le raised his hand and looked at the Ring of Space in his hand.

Is Gu Yinduo's power...

The dragon is in the sky, the light cast is divided into corpses, the night evil is sitting in the dark place, and the others are missing and sneaking around.

Compared with the red moon standing in front of the world, what else can Gu Yinduo have to brag about?

The rhizome of the Guyinduomu tree that is about to rot?

Xu Le thought that he was obviously Gu Yinduo's Ma Zai, but he never received real group support.

Except for the Night Fury standing behind him, the other sons of Guinduo may even become hostile.

For a moment, he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"Yes, don't suppress your own anima. Anima will always exist. They originate from your emotions. They don't disappear after being absorbed.

Your emotions have not been released, so if you are not willing to do it, go ahead, kid..."

Xu Le knew that this was not a Night Fury, and he also knew that the other party was probably trying to trick him.

The ring of space in your hand glows faintly. Is it a dragon?

Want to let yourself borrow the power of a dragon?

"Let's talk about it, it's not necessary."

Xu Le gently turned the black staff. Compared with the dragon, he had a more reliable existence.

"Night is coming!"

The door of darkness was opened by Xu Le, and using the aura of fear on his body as the coordinate, whirlpools appeared from Xu Le's body.

Xu Le's eyeballs quickly turned black, and those black lights could swallow up everything, including the light of this strange, rotten, golden light tree in front of him.

Black spreads like ink, quickly invading the mire pool.

The swamp, which was originally a mixture of scarlet and yellow, was quickly losing its original color after being invaded by darkness, and also turned black.

This darkness, like pollution, began to spread rapidly.

"what have you done?"

"I already know what's going on with the Red Moon's Golden Light Tree, and I also have a rough understanding of its specific functions, so go to hell..."

This time Xu Le was just like when he was trapped in the black and white world by Xia Libo.

It's just that Xu Le was restrained that time, but this time he was completely released.

The blackness like ink soon contaminated the dryad's body, and the dryad's thick body began to struggle in this darkness.

The roots that penetrated Xu Le's body also began to decay.

At this point, Mo Chen, who had been in a frenzy before, suddenly calmed down, stared at Xu Le below, and smiled slightly:

"This is Gu Yinduo, what a terrifying power."

"Yes, the essence of Guyinduo is pollution." Xu Le also nodded and admitted.

The essence of Gu Yinduo is pollution. This characteristic was taught to him by Bai Jing, Wang Shu, and Gan when he first came into contact with the extraordinary system.

Level 3 ancient sounds are very weird, and polluters will appear in powerful populations.

After Xu Le gained Gu Yinduo's power and was promoted to level 3, he also gained the same pollution characteristics.

It's just that Xu Le has always been suppressing his own power and suppressing his pollution.

It wasn't until now that he truly released himself.

"Brother took away Gu Yinduo's darkness, so feel the darkness."

A black pustule suddenly appeared on the tree demon's body. The pustule soon swelled and burst, and a night demon emerged from it.

Night Demon looked around blankly, feeling the dark and peaceful atmosphere, and then turned to look at the tree demon behind him.

He took a bite.

And this is just the beginning. More and more black pustules appear, and more and more night demons are hatched.

They swallowed up other colors, and also swallowed up this rotten golden tree of light.

The compound growth in this scene happens to be very similar to the mushroom spores released by Mo Chen before.

The principles and development directions of the two seem to be the same.

Mushrooms and golden trees can swallow Guyinduo's spiritual energy, while night demons can also swallow red moon and golden trees.

Both are natural enemies of each other.

"I finally lost, Mr. Xu Le." The tree demon bent down and let the night demon gnaw on its body.

Xu Le glanced at the tree demon and the mo dust on the tree demon, and shook his head slightly:

"You don't look like you're defeated, you look like you're relieved."

"Yeah, I'm relieved, so I want to thank you for those things..."

"Don't worry, I will bring your technology back to Zion, and someone will conduct research and development at that time. After all, it is also a breakthrough in the medical field."

Xu Le didn't know if this was Mo Chen's last wish, but at this time, he could only make this promise.

"Then thank you so much, Mr. Xu Le, you will definitely accomplish what you want to do, and you will definitely find the light of this world..."

The darkness completely eroded the tree demons, and more and more night demons appeared.

After the night demons appear, all creatures will become their prey, even other weird ancient sounds are no exception.

This seems to be a rule, and I don't know if it is a rule passed down by the Night Fury.

The erosion of darkness lasted for a long time, and Xu Le finally saw the night demon swallowing everything.

Their presence turns everything into darkness.

"That's almost it!"

Xu Le turned his cane again, and the black vortex appeared from his body again.

When the Dark Portal appeared, these night demons seemed to have seen something frightening and began to flee frantically.

However, the Dark Door has a gravitational pull that keeps pulling these monsters fleeing outwards, causing them to sink completely in this deep pit.

After opening the Dark Door, Xu Le felt a little bit uncomfortable in his body.

He seemed to have absorbed part of the Night Demon's power and aura, and that feeling was really not a good one.

And as more and more night demons were recovered by the Dark Portal, Xu Le felt that his state had also changed. The power of darkness was so overwhelming that it seemed to overflow.

But no matter what, he couldn't let the night demon wander around the city. This kind of creature was a more terrifying monster than the succubus.

While they bring fear, they are also extremely polluting.

Ordinary people have no way to compete with the Night Demon.

Even an ordinary level 1-2 warrior would have a very difficult time fighting against the Night Demon.

"Is this creature really a subordinate of Big Brother?"

Xu Le became suspicious of this situation.

The darkness gradually faded, and the situation in this underground secret room gradually appeared in front of Xu Le.

Without those decayed things, the place still looks dilapidated, but it is much cleaner than before.

Things that were originally covered by the decaying mud were also revealed.

Most of the human tissue has been devoured and digested, and most things have decayed over time.

But there's still something brand new here.

Xu Le's original idea was to set a fire and burn the place down, but his curiosity about Mo Chen's real situation made Xu Le stop this action.

He picked up some things left on the ground and looked at them.

There is a list of experimental data. Although the handwriting can no longer be seen clearly, judging from the flipped pages and rotten photos, it is true that many people died in his experiments.

Xu Le had nothing to say about this. The current situation in the lighthouse was no longer something that one person could turn around.

Unless there is an absolute external force to break the original rules, the lighthouse can only delay like this.

Throwing the useless experimental data aside, Xu Le picked up another notebook and looked at it.

The first few pages and the following pages have been corroded, but the writing on the middle pages is still clearly visible.

This shows that the notebook was brought here not long ago, and it is likely to be something new.

Xu Le looked at it carefully.

[...The whole body has small bones and strong muscles, but it is still well-proportioned.

His skin was dark red, the result of exposure to wind and sun, and it had lost the vigor of a young man.

There is a fermented feeling in the sweat in the clothes, just like my once elegant brother. I still remember that he had long and thick hair, as long and black as crow wings, and as thick as horse hair, so his head looked... Extraordinarily large.

Well, his mouth is a little bigger, and his lips are slightly pursed, but they are as red as blood and strong, with a row of large, white teeth.

The most beautiful thing about him is probably his resolute temperament, which is very endearing. 】

It's him here, not her.

It's describing a man.

Xu Le saw the handwriting on Mo Chen's place, and it was the same as the one here, so these words were written by Mo Chen?

There is a photo of a man in the record. Unfortunately, his face is blurred and he cannot be seen clearly.

Then, Xu Le continued to turn the pages and looked down.

[The girl's fresh yet sour and graceful breath can tightly grab people's throats. The wet forefoot area is like a dark swamp in the wild, sucking up the sweat from the girl's arches and toes.

The sourness of lemon exudes under the action of microorganisms, which really makes people yearn for and imagine.

Such a vivid body, if it could be made into a doll, it would be a perfect work.

I saw her again, it was such an exciting moment. 】

There is also a photo at the back of this page, but it only shows black stockings and a pair of high heels.

Xu Le pondered for a while and smiled:

"This guy is really a pervert."

He put the notebook into a bag and prepared to leave. The current situation here should be left to the lighthouse people to handle.

He needed to go back and collect his thoughts.

But as soon as he walked out of the aisle and stood on the stairs, Xu Le stopped again.

He looked at the half-rotted notes in his hand and suddenly remembered something.

It was a period of the three of them having sex on the airship.

Gu Beichen: Hey, Xu Le, look at that girl, she has nice legs.

Wang Shu: It’s really good.

Xu Le: My evaluation is not as good as Alley.

Gu Beichen: How worthless you are when a man is still discussing his wife outside.

Xu Le: It’s really not as good as a dog’s legs are long and strong.

Gu Beichen: Look at your potential, you can't even handle the women around you.

Xu Le: You fart.

Wang Shu: He's talking about Wang Man, right? She walks around in front of you wearing stockings every day. It's obvious at first glance that she does it on purpose.

Gu Beichen: Hit the nail on the head.

"Stockings, high heels."

Xu Le suddenly opened his eyes and reopened the bag in his hand...

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