
Chapter 312 I helped him break the seal of the passage

Looking at the stockings and high heels in the photo, Xu Le narrowed his eyes slightly.

I turned my head and looked at the movement on the corridor. A bright spot of light began to appear at the end of the corridor, seeming to be moving downwards rapidly.

Xu Le briefly assessed his condition. He was injured, physically exhausted, and mentally exhausted.

The only thing worth bragging about is probably that the psychic power is basically no different from the full state.

"This feeling doesn't feel like a night watchman..."

Xu Le glanced at it again, and then began to form seals.

"Spell - Gate to Transcendence."

Spiritual energy emerged, and the surrounding air fluctuated, but the cross-border door that Xu Le expected did not appear.

Layers of golden marks appeared on the sticky walls around him.

Xu Le seems to have seen these marks somewhere.

"The ones I saw on the Golden Light Tree when my soul left the body, some kind of space-sealing effect?"

Xu Le knew that there was a high probability that this place was some kind of testing site related to the golden tree.

In order to ensure that the existence here will not be spread or transferred, the people who are really responsible for guarding this place set up a magic circle to seal the space here very early on.

In this way, there is only one way to escape from here.

The clues are gradually becoming clearer, but now I am trapped.

Although you can survive by escaping to your elder brother's place, you may never be able to find out the truth of the matter, and you won't be able to determine whether Mo Chen is dead or not.

And even if you escape to Big Brother, the time you can spend in the dark place is limited.

If the people who come here stay here, there will still be risks when they go out.

"It's really bad."

He summoned the toad again and climbed onto its back.

"Why are you looking for me again? This place is so narrow, there is no room for me to perform."

"Escape." Xu Le said calmly.

"Huh?" Toad's brows furrowed, and then he stretched out his hand with a claw, a steel fork in his right hand, a shield in his left hand, and pushed his legs on the ground of the steps.


This big jump made Toad and Xu Le fly diagonally upward like cannonballs.

Toad didn't know why Xu Le said this, but it looked like... he was already very tired.

I just don’t know what the enemy will be like...

"Isn't it resolved yet? It feels like you have cleared this place."

"There should be some people from the Red Moon System coming up. I'll take a rest."


Because the stairs down were too long, when the toad had jumped about a third of the way, several rotten ones crawling out of the wall had already appeared in front of them.

"Without the original seal, will these rotten things in the wall come out? We have to get out as soon as possible."

"Why are there people inside the wall?"

“Tens of thousands of people go missing every year at the Lighthouse.”

"What's the meaning?"

"How can something like the Lead of Life, which requires the energy of the golden tree, be easily obtained by ordinary extraordinary people?"

"Forget it, I don't understand what you're saying. I'm sorry."

[Rotten Acolyte, Level 2 Weird, Red Moon-God. 】

The toad's eyes shot up and he knocked it down with a stick.

The huge shield opened the way, and it knocked all the acolytes in front of it into the abyss.

Although the Acolyte is of the Red Moon system, the gap between level 2 and level 4 is really too big.

The toad went on a rampage, killing many people in a row.

After some acolytes sensed something was wrong, they pressed their palms against the wall.

Thick branches stretched out from the wall, stabbing Xu Le and Toad.

"Why is it a tree? And it looks like the ancient Yinduo tree."

"It is indeed a tree, and it does resemble the Ancient Yinduo Tree, but the two are not the same thing." Xu Le affirmed.

"What's going on?"

"I also want to know what's going on, but there is insufficient information right now. Even if I have some ideas, they are just inferences, and I haven't figured it out myself."

"Okay, then you have to hold on tight."

"I know, come on."

Toad puffed up his chest as he charged.

"Water Style - Infinite."

A large amount of water spurted out, and all the acolytes who were blocking Xu Le and the others were washed away by the water.

But further up, there was a guy who looked more advanced than the acolytes below. Xu Le's eyes stayed on him for a while.

[Rotten Sacrifice, Level 3 Weird, Red Moon-God. 】

"Level 3 guy, be careful."

Hearing what Xu Le said, Toad was a little unhappy.

"You have to remind me specifically for Level 3? Do you look down on me?"

"Stop talking nonsense, he's here."

"Ring Curse."

A halo of light rose from the priest's hand, but as soon as he made such an action, a black sword was pulled out to an extremely long distance, directly piercing his brain.

Mimicry, the Night Fury's approval can mimic other weapon types.

This 40-meter-long thrusting sword is a copy of Puppet No. 2 Golden Sword Man.

"Continue upward. The real guards probably haven't come yet. It's not too late to leave now."


The lightning spread from Xu Le to the toad. After receiving the activation blessing of thunder and lightning, the toad's speed doubled.

He rushed all the way to the end of the stairs.

"You'll all die for me!"

The toad wielded the steel fork and shield, slashing all the way, ignoring the bites of these strange red moon monsters, and forcibly carved a bloody path for Xu Le.

Above is the door at the top of the secret room.

The light is right in front of you.

Xu Leti Qi seal:

"Spell-Thunder Tribulation."

"Water Style - Infinite."

Thunder and water intersect, and Xu Le also injects red evil spirit into it.

A rough energy water column spurted out and bombarded the door of the secret room.

But this impact is not enough.

The flying toad made a charging gesture, and Xu Le injected all the lightning into its weapon.

"Toad thrust! Open it for me."


The toad's huge body directly smashed into the hole of the secret room, and when it flew into the sky, piercing sirens already appeared around them.

"What's going on?" Jin Chan asked a little strangely.

"This is not Zion. The guards are not the same as us."

Xu Le has always felt that he hates the privileged class, but now he misses being a privileged class in Zion.

"Thanks, Brother Gua, let's run away."

"And you?"

"This is already an external environment and can no longer trap me."


The toad didn't talk nonsense. There were already too many night watchmen around it. Since Xu Le had a way to escape, there was no need for it to stay here.

"Slip away!"

Xu Le saw the toad turn into white smoke and disappear, and he was ready to leave.

"Don't move, just stand there and hold your head in your hands!"

Looking at the night watchmen approaching with guns raised, Xu Le couldn't help but feel a little nostalgic.

Once upon a time, he also wanted to be a civil servant with peace of mind.

"Magic Eye - Technique - Gate to Transcendence."

The space door opened directly in front of many night watchmen and guards. Without the restrictive formation, Xu Le left openly.

However, the toad broke through the secret chamber and revealed it.

Those rotten acolytes made a small sound in the corridor.

The night watchman in Area C looked at the rotten weird things that gradually crawled out of the passage, and his expression gradually became serious.

"Notify the top."

"Above? Is it the captain?"

"What the hell are you doing, captain? I'm informing the district chief about this situation. What are you waiting for? Go quickly."


The situation instantly became chaotic, but Xu Le, who had escaped from here, had already met Ai Li and the others at the previously agreed place.

"Has everything been resolved?"

As soon as they met, Xu Le took off his shirt and sat on the sofa.

Ai Li didn't waste any time. He knelt on one knee in front of Xu Le and began to disinfect and bandage his wounds.

As a warrior, these are all basic skills.

"Well, puppets No. 2 and No. 3 have been dealt with. What about you? Have you dealt with Mo Chen?"

Xu Le shook his head slightly:

"It looks dead, but I don't feel like it."

"What's the meaning?"

Xu Le took out his previous notes and dumped out the two photos inside.

Gu Beichen was an old man. He could tell at a glance that the shoes and stockings in the photo belonged to Wang Man.

"Wow, Xu Le, do you still have this hobby?"

"go away."

Xu Le did not take the photo, but the photo of the rotten young man.

"This man's clothes are the same as Mo Chen's, and his figure is also very similar. Moreover, this man also happens to be lame."

"What do you mean?" Wang Shu and Ai Li didn't quite understand.

Xu Le opened his notes again at this time and pointed out the passage describing young people.

[Probably the most beautiful thing about him is his resolute temperament, which is very endearing...]

If this Mo Chen is Xiong Zemo's prey, then Mo Chen being killed by me may not make the real Xiong Zemo die.

"Actually, I don't know what his name is, Xiong Zemo, Mo Chen, or something else. In short, his next prey should be Wang Man."

Xu Le pointed out the passage describing Wang Man in the note. Gu Beichen and Wang Shu both felt a little numb after reading it.

"Is this person a foot control?" Gu Beichen asked.

Xu Le did not refute this time:

"It is indeed possible."

Ai Li pondered for a while and suddenly said to Xu Le:

"Do you still remember the first time Puppet No. 3 Luo Juya went to the dark alley?"

"Tell me what you discovered." Xu Le and others looked at Ai Li.

Alley thought for a while, then repeated:

"What Luo Juya said to the bunny girl at that time felt very strange to me. Although I didn't know what the meaning was, I still wrote it down.

A woman soaked in alcohol and love fluid is full of rotten and rotten smell, like maggots and rats crawling out of the gutter. Her diseased lower body is like a swamp filled with the smell of death. She does not know she is dead. several lives.

A mind dominated by desire has no desire for life, only endless lamentation and confusion in the dark night.

After being questioned by the bunny girl, she said that she was not interested in a life like yours.

These words don't sound like a normal conversation at all, nor are they what I need to say to search for your information.

While she was looking for you, she stared at many women. At that time, Luo Juya seemed to be simply interested in young and beautiful women. "

Hearing this, Xu Le frowned:

"We'll discuss it after we get in the car. Also, when we came down from the tower, did Wang Man say where she was going?"

"She said she wanted to get the qualifications to actually enter the tower."

"The real qualifications to enter the tower..."

Xu Le pondered for a few seconds:

"Let's go, drive to the Illuminati church uptown."


The motorcycle was driving on the road, but it was very silent. No one disturbed Xu Le, who was thinking. Even Gu Beichen was very honest at this time.

"He is very happy." Xu Le said suddenly.

"What? What's so exciting?" Ai Li turned to look at him.

"When I broke free from the restraints, Mo Chen was very happy. When I injured him, he was even more happy. Even before killing him, he looked relieved.

I also made a promise to him at that time, saying that I would help him pass on the medical technology he developed. "

"What's the problem with this?"

Ai Li and the three of them were all very surprised. The contact between Mo Chen and Xu Le was always one-on-one, so no one else could know the specific details between them.

"What if everything is arranged?" Xu Le's eyes flickered, not knowing whether he was asking the other three people or himself.

"Arranged? The initial meeting did seem to be arranged, but didn't he want to hand over medical technology research to you? And everything that happened next was exactly as you expected."

Xu Le also nodded. Many things were true. There was no doubt that the laboratory building and Mo Chen's research and technical information were all true.

But that false feeling never goes away.

Just when Xu Le was frowning, Gu Beichen suddenly interrupted.

"My family was quite rich when I was a child, but I didn't have any. When I was 7-8 years old, I didn't even eat candy. At that time, in order to make myself look good, I even lied to my mother, let alone Damn it, when I’m cruel, I even lie to myself.”

Wang Shu glanced at him:

"Actually, you are like this now, not when you were a child."

"Fuck! I'm talking to Xu Le about something important, why are you so stubborn?" Gu Beichen became a little angry.

However, Xu Le did not understand what Gu Beichen meant:

"What exactly do you want to express?"

“It’s like when I was a kid, I did all kinds of things to make myself look fat, just to hide the fact that I actually had no money.

This Mo Chen has done so many things, I think he must also be hiding something special, something particularly important. "

Xu Le stared at Gu Beichen for a while. Every time like this, Gu Beichen's IQ would be online for a while.

Sometimes Xu Le couldn't figure out whether he was stupid or just being secretive.

"You're awesome... What is the thing that Mo Chen or Xiong Zemo wants to hide? Wang Shu, drive faster."


Xu Le turned on his ethereal state and sorted out the information about Mo Chen.

"Xiong Zemo, the district chief of Area B, is a level 4 puppet warlock. He is powerful and has a complex system. He has masters like Luo Juya under his command, but these are just superficial things.

He trained talented alchemists like Gu Jianuo, and developed the energy of the golden light tree and the life-inducing potion.

But according to my contact and understanding, Xiong Zemo's power is not that great, and the experiment on the Golden Light Tree requires a large number of living bodies.

Although he is the executor of this matter, he is not the leader of this matter.

Xiong Zemo knew everything he did, so he said such words in Mo Chen.

Those dissatisfaction and resentment towards the lighthouse are real.

All of his research, including medical replacement technology, is real.

His own ideals are true.

But in the end, his desire for life was real, so he sifted through his prey and found Mo Chen and Wang Man.

Transmission cannot be done in the secret room to prevent the information in the secret room from leaking out. This should be the work of the Illuminati.

In the secret room, there was actually only one person.

That's Xiong Zemo himself..." At this point, Xu Le suddenly stopped.

Ai Li stared at Xu Le and muttered to himself, not daring to take a breath. After a long time, Xu Le suddenly said:

“The Illuminati was never there to prevent me from escaping, and they couldn’t have prevented my appearance.

The person they were guarding against was always Xiong Zemo.

He arranges everything, drives everything, because he is the puppet warlock himself.

What he wants is to live in the true sense, so he looks for a new body and longs for fresh life.

His real purpose is to work again. "

"What do you mean?" Alley.

Xu Le bit his lip:

“I originally thought he left through some kind of puppet reincarnation ability.

But now that I think about it, I just thought I killed him. In fact, he was not dead at all, and he never left.

He only really escaped after I escaped from the secret room.

It was me... who helped him break the seal of the passage. "

I have a bit of a cold and a fever, I’m sick, and I’m a bit painful.

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