
Chapter 382 Chapter 379-3 A kind smile

Xu Le stared at Chang Fengle with a smile:

"You helped me create Tree Shepherd? Then I really want to thank you for helping me do such a big thing."

Chang Fengle raised his head and glanced at Xu Le. His smiling face made him feel scared.

I haven't seen my eldest brother in just a few days. Why do I feel like my eldest brother is not as kind as usual?

"Brother, can you help me?"

"Help you? How can you help me?"

In fact, Chang Fengle really wanted to sit there and knock on the door, "Are you there? Give me some fruit."

When he knew that if he really said that, Xu Le would most likely be killed by Xu Le.

Although Xu Le seemed to be very talkative during the mission, Chang Fengle knew very well that he had never been a good man or woman.

It can be seen from the various things that happened between him and Bai Jing...

Even if Xu Le is not the top evil warlock of the Red Moon Temple, I'm afraid he won't be much worse.

Therefore... when you come into contact with a warlock like Xu Le, you must maintain a humble attitude.

Don't be proud and complacent just because you have achieved so little.

After Chang Fengle thought clearly, he knelt down again.

Bang bang bang!

"Stop knocking..." Xu Le was speechless.

If this guy talks about terms and cooperation with me, then he is still a little bit interested.

But this Chang Fengle has been kowtowing since he came here. What does this mean?

"Brother, if you don't kowtow, I won't even know what I will do next."

"The man has gold at his knees." Xu Le was still trying to dissuade him.

But Chang Fengle is more open and bright.

"Yes, the man has gold under his knees. I just took out the gold in advance. Brother's approval is the most valuable thing in the world..."

"Stop bragging, you weren't like this before."

"Brother, give me some fruits. The tree herders are doing well now, but there is an organization called the Polluters that is against us all day long.

Their power and strength are very strong. If they don't get some fruits, they won't be able to defeat them. "

Xu Le covered his face. Ding Ke, this guy, has done so many good things...

He hesitated for a moment, thinking about the reliability of Chang Fengle.

The conclusion is...completely unreliable.

Although Chang Fengle always looks stupid, he is an out-and-out Tianrui Lifeng mercenary.

He has all the characteristics of a Tianrui Lifeng mercenary.

Mercenaries are all driven by profit. Compared to Chang Fengle, Bai Jing is more trustworthy.

However, although it is unreliable, it is not unusable.

If you want fruits...that's not a bad idea.

Xu Le took it out from his arms.

In fact, he was hiding the extension of the branches of the tree of soul. He took out three seeds from his arms and handed them to Chang Fengle.

“Take these three seeds back, find a safe place to use as a base, and plant them properly.

A large amount of weird things should be used as sacrifices every day. After nourishing for a few days, the results should be there. "

Looking at the three seeds handed over by Xu Le, Chang Fengle quickly took them carefully.

He was indeed very happy, but he did not dare to act too presumptuously at this time, so he could only ask in a low voice:

"Uh, brother, do these seeds have to be nourished by weird corpses?"

"Yes, weird corpses are necessary, other creatures don't make sense."

"In this case...I understand, brother."

Chang Fengle didn't ask for anything more. He was very satisfied that Xu Le could give it to this extent.

If you continue to make more demands, it will only appear that you are greedy.

"Any other requests?"

Xu Le's sudden inquiry made Chang Fengle a little overwhelmed and a little flattered.

The organization of the Tree Shepherds itself is just for fun. At the beginning, it was just a group of mercenaries who wanted to stay together for warmth.

Borrowing Xu Le's idea, and then taking advantage of the situation and reputation.

It has developed to this point, and there is really no other way, so he came over to ask for the fruit.

Coming today, Chang Fengle was determined to die. After all, no one knew what a warlock was thinking.

But now it seems that... there is some talk?

If the Tree Shepherd really gets Xu Le's recognition, continues to develop, and has a steady stream of fruits...

Chang Fengle thought about it and felt that this matter was very interesting.

"Brother, do you think our tree shepherds have great potential?"

"Yes, if a group organization like yours can develop, it would be really good." Xu Le praised.

potential? This group of mercenaries has hammer potential.

The meaning of retaining them is nothing more than allowing his self-made fruits to be spread reasonably.

But after giving them the seeds, they can no longer keep them here, as others will definitely notice them.

"The roots of tree shepherds lie with Big Brother. Whatever orders Big Brother gives us in the future, we tree shepherds will be obliged to do so."

"With your words, I feel relieved."

Xu Le smiled and nodded, returning to his previous kind look.

So kind...

After Chang Fengle left the tavern with satisfaction, Ding Ke, who had been sleeping, opened his eyes and looked at Xu Le.

"Are you planning to keep this organization and work for you?"

"No, I don't plan to have anything to do with this organization, but I will secretly fund them."

"Why? You don't have much money now, do you?" Ding was not worried about Xu Le's money, but about what he would eat next.

"Of course it's not something vulgar like money. What the tree shepherds need now are fruits, and these are exactly what I can give them."

Ding Ke nodded.

"Homemade fruit...this is the real polluter."

Xu Le smiled and did not refute.

There are not many people who know him well, and Ding Ke is one of them.

The so-called tree shepherds, those thunder and lightning fruits they pursue are actually Xu Le's self-made soul fruits.

Although you can gain power after eating these fruits, you will also be imprinted by Xu Le's soul tree.

This is the true power of the Defiler.

So tree herders are polluters.

There is only one real polluter, and that is Xu Le himself.

And those who eat the fruit are among the contaminated.

On the contrary, the Dark Polluters organization founded by Bai Jing performs what a real tree herder should do.

Absorb the darkness, clear away the darkness.

Those who carry the will of the ancient Yinduo mother tree are the real tree shepherds.

This was Xu Le's original idea, but here, everything went wrong.

"Okay, let's leave this place as a reminder, we have to change to another place."

"Meow? Why, I don't like changing places. Every time I change places, it takes me a long time to adapt to the environment."

"There's no way around it, the polluter's seeds have been given to him, and desire and anima will spur the growth of the polluter's seeds.

Soon it will take root and attract the attention of other powers.

It may not necessarily be a big force, but we don’t need to bet.

We are still on the run, so let’s make do with it for now. "

"Okay then, Meow!"

After briefly tidying up the things in the room, Xu Le turned his attention to his recent research.


This is an ability that he always uses as an offensive tool.

First of all, plants are very good carriers of toxins. They can compound toxins, strengthen toxins, and release toxins.

Then if the Soul Tree is completely liberated, that kind of large-scale attack method will be too difficult to control, let alone precise point-to-point combat.

If a strong enough poison is added, then he doesn't need to spend so much energy manipulating the branches of the tree of soul to fight.

As for being a despicable poisoner…

Such things simply don't matter.

"Where are we going next?" Ding Ke lay on Xu Le's shoulder.

If it could move, it wouldn't want to move for a moment.

"Look for strong toxins, enrich your combat system, and prepare for promotion to LV5."

"Is it LV5..."

"It feels like it shouldn't be far."

"This should be the path you choose in a true sense, come on, meow!"

Ding Ke rarely said seriously.

She just took the wrong path as a forbidden warlock, so she turned into a cat.

After guiding Xu Le to become the same taboo warlock, Ding Ke felt that at least Xu Le should not become a gossip like her.

I have been in a state of confusion all day long. If I only rely on myself, I can't even stay awake in human form.

"Then I must work harder. When I reach your level, I will definitely find a way to completely treat you."

"You can definitely do it." Ding Ke leaned into Xu Le's arms very gently. This was the time he liked to be alone.

If it can keep going like this, that's pretty good.

Unfortunately, there is too much persecution in this world, and they will always struggle with it.

"What level does the babbler belong to?"

Xu Le asked this question again.

When he asked this question before, Ding Ke's answer was that he was still too weak and should not consider such distant things.

But now, Xu Le feels that he has become stronger, and the ceiling is definitely unreachable.

If you touch the floor, there should be some possibility.

Ding Ke paused for a moment after being asked.

But this time it did not continue to choose to hide it, but directly told Xu Le.

"The Whisperer is actually a Level 7 failure."

"Failed Level 7?"

"Yes, the Whisperer is a legend without legendary power, and is affected by the forbidden energy, and the whole person is in a state of confusion.

In fact, when I was at level 4, I had already embarked on a path of exploration by myself.

Then he went further and further on this path, making more and more mistakes, until he completely failed when he advanced to legend.

Became a babbler. "

When Xu Le heard this, he immediately reacted:


Ding Ke:?

"Are you talking about me?"

"No, no, no, I just think your description is very similar to a creature from my hometown."

"There are quite a few strange creatures in your hometown."

"Ha..." Xu Le laughed dryly, then immediately became serious.

"I understand, the Forbidden Warlock will become a Whisperer only after he fails to advance to Legend."

"Actually... I was too eager at the time. Xu Le, if you take a more steady path in the future, you won't be in my current situation."

"How to say?"

Ding Ke had a look of reminiscence.

"Although I'm very weak now, I used to be very strong..."

"I know this, Chi Xiao mentioned it."

When he was at the lighthouse before, Chi Xiao described a very strong Ding Ke to him.

At that time, Ding Ke always felt like a big sister.

Even in Chi Xiao's eyes, this is the case.

"You also said it, Chi Xiao. In fact, it's because I don't want to lose to her that I'm so rushed..."

"Is there another story like this?"

"Chi Xiao is a true genius. She is a genius who combines hard work with talent. She is a super genius."

Hearing Ding Ke's evaluation of Chi Xiao, Xu Le also agreed very much.

His criteria for evaluating whether a person is a genius is very simple.

Fighting power!

What is the level of Chi Xiao's combat effectiveness?

Killing gods with one hand, even though they are just external gods, wandering in the void, they are weird, but they are still gods!

Then at the lighthouse, he killed Yu Long with one hand and hammered the flower girl Andy with his backhand. Basically, he was crushed all the way and was invincible.

As long as Chi Xiao appears, as long as it is within the scope allowed by the rules, she can solve almost everything by herself.

This strength corresponds to her age.

To describe her as an ordinary genius is to underestimate her.

This is a true pride, the pride of heaven.

"Indeed, Chi Xiao's strength is beyond words."

"Chi Xiao said that I must be very arrogant, that happened when I was young.

At that time, I was young and ignorant, so I felt that Chi Xiao had already become a legend, and I had not yet been promoted to a legend. How could I be so embarrassed as a eldest sister?

So just..."

"So you're in a hurry?"

"Yes, urgent."


Xu Le really understood that this should have been two years or earlier.

Ding Ke probably wasn't very mature at that time either.

Seeing the sisters who have always been keeping pace with each other suddenly become stronger than themselves, it is normal to lose control.

"These are all wrong experiences, cat. Don't make such mistakes again, cat."

"I know, I know!"

After packing his luggage, Xu Le put 10 10-yuan bills on the table as settlement money and left.

Not long after he left, a figure ran in sneakily.

It was Ding Ke who had just escaped.

She grabbed five 10-yuan notes, put them in her pocket, and ran out of the window.

"Spending money randomly!"

Chang Fengle is here.

After bringing back the seeds from Xu Le, he spent a lot of money to rent a dilapidated factory in the wilderness and used it as the base of the tree shepherds.

In the past, tree shepherds did not have a base, but it is different now.

Xu Le gave him the seeds of the fruit, so there must be a base to provide the tree with growth.

The roof of the factory building has been removed by Chang Fengle.

This allows the sunlight to diffuse.

Pointing to the small sapling in the center of the factory building, Chang Fengle said with a pious look:

"Now, we need enough weird corpses to nourish the tree of our Lord.

Fellow compatriots, let us stand up, kill the monsters and bring them back here, and clear the darkness from this world!

For the sake of light. "

"For the light!"

Chang Fengle looked at the cheering crowd, pinched the other two seeds in his pocket, and showed a kind smile.

Just like Xu Le's smile.

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