
Chapter 383 Chapter 379-4 Fruit Ceremony

"Can this tree really bear fruit?"

"It feels so outrageous to me too."

Many of the new mercenaries who joined the Tree Shepherds expressed disbelief. Fruits were no stranger to their mercenaries.

But when it comes to saving money to buy a fruit, it is almost impossible for most of them, at least level 2 warriors.

Consumption of weapons and equipment, family support, and daily enjoyment.

All this costs a lot of money, and many mercenaries can only maintain a balance of payments.

Saving money is really difficult for them.

As for not having fun...

This request is even more outrageous. Most of the mediocre mercenaries have mediocre talents.

They live a life with their heads in their belts. If such people are allowed to stop enjoying themselves, what if they save 30,000 to 50,000 and then just go on a mission to cool off?

The money doesn't all go to the bank, or it's buried directly in the ground.

In this case, it is impossible for most ordinary mercenaries to save money. At most, they can save some money to replace new equipment.

Now there is an opportunity...

Everyone was moved, but most of them were skeptical.

"You asked us to hunt monsters and bring back corpses, but if we can't produce fruits, wouldn't our work these days have been in vain? It's still so dangerous."

Hearing these people's doubts, Chang Fengle felt a little disdainful.

Sure enough, these people are all ordinary people, a bunch of rotten wood that cannot be carved.

Fortunately, he followed his elder brother, otherwise, he would have become a member of this group of rotten trees.

He spends his whole life in the wilderness, until he dies of injury or is killed by something weird in the wild.

Now, they are already people from two worlds.

Chang Fengle looked at these people, and then stretched out his right hand.


The electric current gathered on his arm, which was terrifying.

Regarding the control of thunder and lightning, although he practiced diligently, his talent was only average.

Therefore, it cannot achieve the effect of Bai Jing's arm-like command, but it is completely enough to scare them in front of these ordinary mercenaries.


Chang Fengle shouted low and punched the iron pillar of the old factory building.

The hard iron pillar was bent by his punch.

This power is really amazing.

“Many people know my level, and being able to exert such power all depends on the effect of the power of thunder.

Of course, my talent is limited, and the development of my fruit abilities needs to be improved.

In addition to me, several of my companions also gained the same power. "

As Chang Fengle spoke, the old mercenaries from before also showed their skills.

Use their own thunderous power to split bricks and smash boards.

It's strange that the ability to activate lightning is used by them to do this kind of thing.

However, their level is just that. The fruit does have the effect of improving strength, but the final result still depends on talent.

But these people demonstrated their own lightning abilities, and they all had the same attributes.

The new members of the Tree Shepherd can’t sit still!

"It's actually true!"

"They all have the power of lightning. If a new fruit is born, will it also have this ability?"

Chang Fengle nodded kindly.

“That must be the case, this is your chance to reach the sky in one step.

There are still 11 days until the Black Tide comes. Can you seize this time and provide enough resources for the tree to definitely improve your strength?

It depends on your mentality. "

"What if you lied to us?"

People questioned one after another, and Chang Fengle suddenly became angry.

"Then get out! Did I put a knife on your necks to force you?

I, Chang Fengle, have always been hanging out in Changfeng District. I was originally a small gangster. Now I have the opportunity to take everyone with me to fly together. I call you to join me.

You guys who are forced to raise questions, sometimes you question this, sometimes you question that, if you don’t want to do it, just get out, I will never stop you. "

The empty factory building that was originally noisy suddenly became quiet.

Chang Fengle's anger was very effective.

After he lost his temper, there was no voice of dissent.

And the few people who raised questions had no real intention to quit.

Chang Fengle was really angry just now. He was just a young man, and he really couldn't control his temper in many cases.

The anger just now was not an act.

But this time, he got angry, which was surprising.

Chang Fengle secretly thought:

“When I was really angry, no one dared to question me, and no one really left.

Poor mountains and rivers bring out unruly people, and these people are all bullies and afraid of the strong. "

The cruelty and evil in my heart are growing.

Chang Fengle inexplicably improved the posture and experience of some superiors. He did not understand these situations before and could not figure them out.

It was so much fun.

"Okay, everyone, if you want the fruit, then charge and kill.

Your efforts will be rewarded accordingly, and this comes from the recognition of the tree.

And we are called tree shepherds. "

A few more days passed, and it was not far from the arrival of the black tide.

In a state where everyone in Tianrui Lifeng is a soldier, anyone who is determined will definitely seize the last few days and increase their strength at all costs.

Even the shepherds, a group like this, are loosely organized.

After Chang Fengle repeatedly assured that the tree could bear fruit, other members of the team also began to get excited.

Nonsense, that’s the fruit.

For ordinary people, this is an opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

Of course, one fruit cannot actually change their fate.

But it can indeed steadily improve their strength by a large level.

It is impossible for level 2 to fight level 3. Under normal circumstances, level 3 warriors can easily kill level 2 warriors.

But if the level 2 warrior is blessed with the power of thunder and lightning, it will be different.

Perhaps a level 3 warrior would be stronger in a head-on attack, but with the power of thunder and lightning, a level 2 warrior would have a chance to make a comeback.

Such an increase is completely equivalent to giving away a level for free.

How difficult is it to break through from level 2 to level 3?

This is the difference between a high-level warrior and a master warrior, a gap that many people cannot cross in their lifetime.

But now you only need to eat one fruit to achieve it.

How tempting is this?

So these people are working hard to hunt down the monsters and bring them back to the tree herdsman base factory. These monsters are spread all around the tree.

In the past few days, the members of the tree herders have begun to believe in the magical power of trees.

In just 6 days, strange corpses were presented.

The tree grew from the size of a sapling to about the size of an adult willow tree.

Yingying blue light and black light will emit at night, which is very mysterious.

However, no fruit was born on the tree, which made some members of the tree herders a little anxious.

"Ale, this is almost reaching the black tide, why haven't the birth fruits come out yet?"

"It will definitely be born. You have also seen the growth of the tree. At this time, you will not still doubt me, right?"

"I'm not doubting you, it's just that there is only a little time left. If we delay it any longer, the dark tide will come.

During this period, everyone is exhausted from hunting monsters. There must be a few days to rest and prepare materials to deal with the black tide, right? "

Chang Fengle frowned slightly. As for why the fruit was not born, he actually knew best in his heart.

Xu Le gave him three seeds.

But there is only one tree in the factory, and this is why.

Another seed was planted in another place by Chang Fengle, and that tree belonged entirely to him.

Many of the weird corpses that were transported here were all quietly brought to him, sharing the resource absorption.

This was indeed using power for personal gain, but no one knew Chang Fengle would be so bold.

No one could have imagined that the precious fruit tree actually had three seeds.

However, Chang Fengle only planted one in private.

One is that there are not enough resources, and the other is that he has left a seed. Even if something happens here in the future, he is still qualified to make a comeback.

This is the retreat a superior should prepare.

He has become more and more skilled in becoming a superior.

Chang Fengle looked at everyone, closed his eyes slightly, felt the moonlight scattered on the ground, and then opened them.

"I have a feeling that tonight is the day when the fruit will be born.

Everyone, please be patient and wait for the tree to grow. "

"Tonight? Really or not?"

The mercenaries were surprised and happy. The approaching black tide made them very anxious.

But now that Chang Fengle suddenly gave a positive answer, they seemed not to be so anxious anymore.

The expectations in my heart were hard to control, and the anxiety I had before no longer existed.

"Of course it's true. The tree gave me feelings and responses. The fruit was born tonight."

Chang Fengle was so sure that the tree would produce fruit because he had already obtained a fruit from his own tree last night.

That fruit was really the fruit "given" to him by the tree.

However, more than one fruit was born on the tree, but the tree only gave him one.

This made Chang Fengle feel strange, whether he had made some wrong judgment.

The degree of nourishment of the trees on both sides is similar, so the tree in the tree herder's base, after absorbing the strange corpses during the day, should also give birth to fruits tonight.

Chang Fengle needs to observe whether this tree will also give birth to new fruits.

And is it only for one person.

After Chang Fengle made his promise, everyone began to wait.

Some Tianrui Lifeng mercenaries who never prayed actually started to pray at this time.

Sure enough, something like faith still needs to be put together with benefits.

Time passed by, and everyone waited until exactly 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. The tree, which had been silent until now, suddenly began to squirm.

The bare branches began to move, and red flowers began to grow on the tree.

This tree has no leaves, and it still looks a bit scary to have flowers growing without leaves.

This scene shocked many people, and they all started talking.

"It's blooming, so will it bear fruit?"

"I do not know……"

"Stop talking and be pious. Chang Fengle has never said anything about this fruit in detail."

"Maybe he doesn't know either."

"Stop being so pushy, I am now a tree shepherd, a tree herder in the true sense. We are just new members."

"Do you really think of yourself as a member of the organization? Haha, I'm just here to fool you."

The mercenaries were a mixed bag, and they all had different ideas.

There are not a few people who hold a piece of fruit to mix it with.

But if they really got a free fruit, would they still leave? This is a question that many people have not thought about.

Because for these mercenaries, a fruit is already a distant wish.

No one thinks about the future.

Only Chang Fengle is different.

Xu Le once said with certainty that you can eat many fruits of the shepherd, and the same fruit will strengthen the power of the same kind.

This is the real attraction.

After eating one fruit and getting a huge boost, how can you refuse the second fruit?

When the time comes, I will start running for the Tree Shepherd Organization again.

Then comes the second, third fruit, ad infinitum.

The power of the polluter will also be spread quietly during this process.

"It's begun!" Chang Fengle whispered.

After he spoke, the flowers on the tree quickly began to wither.

He had seen this scene once last night.

What surprised him was that the resources here were obviously less than those there, but there were more flowers blooming here than the tree he raised.

How is this going?

As the flowers withered and withered, the fruits began to grow rapidly.

Most of these fruits are blue, with the power of thunder and lightning visible to the naked eye entwined on them.

Obviously, this is the Thunder Fruit!

There are also some red fruits, there are a lot less red fruits, and the specific effect is unknown.

There is also a black fruit, only one, which is even more fascinating.

"The thunder and lightning fruit is really the thunder and lightning fruit. Chang Fengle did not lie to us."

Chang Fengle was also confused at this time. He could not judge the rules of the tree because he felt the tree calling him.

This is the second time.

Can he get another reward?

Chang Fengle walked slowly to the tree.

A branch suddenly rolled up a fruit in front of him. It was actually a red fruit, the kind he had never eaten before...

Chang Fengle was stunned for a moment, and then quickly took down the fruit.

He shouted to the crowd:

"This is the gift of the tree!"

Afterwards, Chang Fengle ate the fruit in one bite, and it was overflowing with sweetness.

"Didn't you eat the thunder fruit?" Someone immediately reacted.

"This is not Gu Yinduo!" Chang Fengle grinned.

He doesn't know what kind of power he has gained, so he will show off first.

If you don't show off, there's no way to scare these gangsters.

"I have gained new powers, now it's your turn."

Under Chang Fengle's guidance, the second person stood in front of the tree with a puzzled face.

Then, a thunder fruit was rolled down by a branch and handed to the mercenary.

This man is a level 3 warrior and the only new level 3 warrior in their group.

"Is this... for me?"

Seeing the other person's excited and confused expression, Chang Fengle knew that this guy would never leave in the future.

"Of course, this is the gift of the tree, and we are the tree shepherds."

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