
Chapter 391 Distant Call

Before Xu Le used the tree world to descend.

In the distant lighthouse, Jin Mingzhu, who was watching the Soul Tree's strange killings around him, looked solemn.

The Red Moon Temple Warlock in front of her was too powerful.

"Puppet Master Duo En... She was the one who killed Xu Le in legend..."

The puppet master Dawn, as a master with a gentle voice but a very eccentric personality, was secretly kept in the lighthouse by the Red Moon Temple.

This matter was not made public, only Zhou Bi and Jin Mingzhu, as the leaders of the lighthouse, knew about it.

After all, he killed Xu Le. If this matter was made public, Zion, Beacon, and the people on both sides would explode.

The murderer of Xu Le in the Red Moon Temple actually appeared in the lighthouse openly.

As Zion's long-term strategic partner, Lighthouse turned a blind eye to the murderer and indulged him at will, which is intolerable.

People don’t have any upper-level thinking, and they don’t need to.

As long as most people are satisfied with eating and drinking, they will have some strange thoughts.

Jin Mingzhu knew it, and so did Zhou Bi, so they didn't mention it.

"Is that Xu Le really dead..."

Jin Mingzhu locked her eyes on Duo En.

There seemed to be threads in her hands that could not be seen with the naked eye, and she was controlling the surrounding trees.

These soul branches that were originally controlled by Xu Le have become Duo En's weapons in this black tide, and can be driven by her at will.


Dawn jumped and returned to Jin Mingzhu's side.

Now that the lighthouse has a soul tree, and the rhythm of the Kuroshio's strange attacks is not strong, it has become the safest place among the four major city-states.

Like a tidal wave of weird things hitting the lighthouse, they were all blocked by these soul trees.

After they are killed by the branches, they will become nourishment for the tree of souls and become part of the tree.

The soul is also sucked into the torch at the top of the tree.

Under this situation of cyclic absorption, the strange black tide cannot break through the current lighthouse defense at all.

The current situation made both Jin Mingzhu and Zhou Bi deeply gratified.

But it is a pity that Xu Le, the creator of Tree of Souls, is no longer here.

"I don't think that guy will die so easily. His abilities are too weird. Is it possible that he faked his death?"

"What are you thinking about?" Dawn beside him suddenly asked.

Jin Mingzhu, who was thinking, was shocked. This puppet rarely communicated with her.

He has always been mysterious, but he didn't expect that he would take the initiative to strike up a conversation with her at this time.

"Well, I'm thinking about how to make the lighthouse better. People can live and work in peace and contentment. At least they won't worry about their own safety, darkness, energy, food, etc. because of the black tide."

"I feel your pain. In fact, it is very simple to solve all this. Really join the Red Moon Temple.

The supreme power of the temple will solve everything for you. "

"Well... this doesn't sound like a very good proposal. The lighthouse will have its own path." Jin Mingzhu directly refused. Keeping the lighthouse was their bottom line.

Even if the lighthouse is being held hostage, this bottom line cannot be lost, otherwise, they would rather die.

"Hmph, after possessing the Tree of Soul, our lighthouse has entered a subtle state.

This tree will actively protect the city. Although I don't know whether the thing it protects is the city, at least the people living in the city are safe for now.

With such artifacts, you lighthouse people no longer need to consider too many safety issues.

Do you understand the significance of this? "

Duo En's words are a bit strange. Isn't it okay if it's safe? What else is the point?

Jin Mingzhu was not very good at guessing other people's thoughts, so it was more appropriate to leave this kind of negotiation to Zhou Bi.

But it was a pity that Zhou Bi was too weak to come out in the dark tide environment, so she was asked to accompany Duo En.

"Meaning? The lighthouse is safe?"

"You are such a shallow woman. No wonder you have no strength but let that incompetent man serve as the leader of the lighthouse."

"He is my lover." Jin Mingzhu's face suddenly darkened.

She can beat Zhou Bi, she can scold and ravage her.

But not others.

This is also one of her personal bottom lines.

"Well, it's a boring emotional trick, but your state of peace of mind won't last long. Soon, the lighthouse will usher in new changes, so be prepared."

"New changes? What do you mean?"

Jin Mingzhu stared at Duo En with a puzzled look on his face.

"A city with automatic defense functions but no matching power. Do you think you can really control this place?

This time, the black tide is a test of the Soul Tree's defensive capabilities.

When the upper levels of the Red Moon Temple receive the report on the effects of this Soul Tree, you so-called lighthouse upper levels will be dealt with one by one.

The Red Moon Temple will not let such an artifact be exposed. "

Duo En's words were very clear, and Jin Mingzhu understood the meaning no matter how slow her reaction was.

"What kind of treatment will you say?"

"How we deal with you, the senior leaders of the lighthouse, depends on your subsequent cooperation.

The choice is yours whether to surrender to peace talks or to argue with reason.

But although the choice is yours, the outcome is different.

You can only bear the final result yourself. "

Dawn said, his huge body raised his head slightly, condescendingly.

Jin Mingzhu didn't know that the body of Dawn in front of her was actually just a puppet, but she didn't like the condescending look from the other party.

"I remember Lord Dorn's words, but I can't make the decision on this matter. I will discuss it with Zhou Bi in detail after I go back."

"That Zhou Bi does have some tricks, but he doesn't have the strength to protect his abilities.

In this era, if you don't have power, your ability will become poison and shackles.

Just like Li Wen in Zion, if the Red Moon Temple really wants to deal with him, it can do so at any time.

It has not been dealt with just because there is no need to deal with it yet. "

The conversation with Dawn had changed from a casual chat to a blatant threat.

Dawn's threat was not concealed at all.

Jin Mingzhu was very uncomfortable, but she couldn't do anything to Duo En, so she could only breathe and adjust her mentality as much as possible.

"I know that the entire world is under the control of the Red Moon Temple. You are so powerful...

It's quite funny that it's so powerful but doesn't end the apocalypse and darkness. "

"There is no point in being sarcastic, and the rules of this world are not as simple as you weaklings think.

Consider my words carefully, but you still have plenty of time. You can make a decision before the next black wave comes. "

"Hmph..." Jin Mingzhu snorted, but did not refute.

She turned to look at the tree of souls in the distance, and her expression suddenly changed.

"Huh? Did you do that?"

Dawn was about to object, but her expression also changed.

At the far end of their field of vision, countless branches began to converge towards one location.

The branches of this tree of souls are intertwined and tangled, and eventually rolled into a thick and towering giant vine that connects the sky and the earth.

Although they were far away, the shock of the scene in front of them was still difficult to process.

"Tree of Souls...what happened?"

"How could I possibly know this kind of thing? I'm a warrior."

Neither Duo En nor Jin Mingzhu knew what was happening, but the changes in the tree of souls at the far end continued.

The surrounding space began to distort, but this spatial fluctuation seemed not to be in the air, but underground.

The towering giant vine branches suddenly began to shrink downwards, drilling into the ground at an extremely fast speed.

Subsequently, more intense spatial fluctuations appeared in that area.

The chaotic space energy can almost be seen with the naked eye, looking twisted and ferocious under the dim red sky.

Click, click, click!

Strange sounds appeared at the far end, and the surrounding weirdness was torn into pieces by the invisible space energy, exploded into flesh and blood, and then merged into the space channel.

It seems to be the energy of this space crack.

"Is this thing the tree of souls..." Jin Mingzhu was a little surprised.

Although the Soul Tree has always appeared as a living creature, this was the first time she had seen it like this.

According to what Xu Le said before, the tree of soul is a tree with life and soul.

The question now is, how do we calculate the terms life and soul?

Ordinary plants are also living things, but the tree of souls in front of them seems to be alive. It is no longer a plant, but an animal.

If it is an animal, should it be classified as weird?

The other thing is the soul...

Is it possible that the so-called soul is a kind of thought?

Is the tree of souls in the center of the lighthouse a thoughtful tree?

Jin Mingzhu looked at Duo En, who was standing aside. The puppet Duo En had many anthropomorphic expressions, but Jin Mingzhu still saw the false feeling in it.

"Not a human? No, it's a puppet."

Dawn tightened the psychic thread in her hand, but the Soul Tree did not respond to her like before.

It was not rejection or resistance, but simply ignoring her existence.

The pleasure of controlling everything is gone now.

"this thing……"

It felt very bad to be out of control, and Dawn also realized that the Soul Tree might not be as simple as she imagined.

Jin Mingzhu on the side saw Duo En's hesitation and disbelief, but at this time she joked:

"Is the situation in front of me out of Lord Dorn's control? Haha, let me tell you, the return work is not that easy to complete.

After all, it is such a big tree, so of course it needs more inspections.

I think... when the next black wave comes, we won't need to make an immediate decision, right? "

According to Dorn, if the Soul Tree is detected correctly, the Red Moon Temple will send people to take over the city of Lighthouse.

The development of Lighthouse during this period was entirely the result of her and Zhou Bi's hard work.

But if they really get to that point, they have only two choices, give up or die.

The Red Moon Temple will not leave the Soul Tree alone.

But things are different now. There are some problems with the Soul Tree, and they have some extra time.

Although extra time may be useless, Jin Mingzhu always feels that as long as time is extended, many things will always turn around.

"I have never experienced this kind of pain... Huh, good luck to you."

Dawn rushed towards the direction of the space rift.

Jin Mingzhu, who stayed where he was, smiled slightly, quickly took out his communicator, and dialed Zhou Bi's communication over there.

"Old Zhou."


"Red Moon Temple still has no intention of letting us go. We still have some time, but not much."

"Approximately how long?"

Zhou Bi on the opposite side was very calm and seemed not surprised by Jin Mingzhu's statement.

"Originally it was less than 3 months, but now it should be longer. I estimate it will be around 3-6 months."

"Next time, Kuroshio, right?"


"It seems that something happened to the Tree of Souls during this black tide. Am I right?"

"You guy, your guess is really accurate."

Jin Mingzhu smiled. Every time she talked to Zhou Bi, she would feel relaxed.

It was the feeling of having someone to rely on. Although Zhou Bi was weak, he was indeed very trustworthy and dependable.

"When I go back, I will reward you well."


Zhou Bi on the other side was silent for a long time.

"I think it's not necessary anymore."

Xu Le's side.

Looking at the giant bug jumping at him in front of him, it would be nonsense to say he wasn't nervous.

This insect exudes a layer of attitude, which is an energy that does not belong to Gu Yinduo or Hongyue.

The external energy of the Outer God.

Xu Le felt that this energy should be able to harm the elemental version of himself.


"Magic Eye - Teleportation."

Fluctuations in space appeared under the earth, and the insects with very keen senses immediately stopped.

It senses danger, but like a headless fly, it doesn't know how to avoid this danger.


Layers of soil exploded on the ground, and the branches and vines that penetrated the earth outside the lighthouse actually appeared in Tianrui Lifeng, thousands of kilometers away.

You know, even teleportation requires a lot of spiritual energy.

The sudden appearance of a creature of this size, even a plant, is outrageous enough.


The insect screamed, and the weird sound penetrated Xu Le's periosteum and almost implanted itself in his soul.

Xu Le's body couldn't help but tremble. This feeling was really bad...


Holding back the trembling of his soul, Xu Le stretched out his hand towards the insect.

All the soul branches are wrapped around the insect like Xu Le's extended arms.


The branches suddenly tightened and wrapped around the insect's carapace, and a large amount of juice burst out from all the gaps in the insect.

The insect let out a weird scream and began to flap its wings.

Xu Le's nose began to bleed crazily. With his ability, the burden of controlling such a large soul tree was too great.


The big bug exploded under the entanglement of the branches.

But this was not the end, a large number of small bugs flew out of its body.

Every little bug was like a firefly, and there were so many that Xu Le couldn't even count them.

Looking at the small insect like a black shadow, Xu Le raised his middle finger.

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