
Chapter 392 Black Tide

In addition to the insulting meaning of raising the middle finger, it also comes with Xu Le's most powerful attack move before.

"Some unscientific electromagnetic gun."

The dazzling beam of light passed through the insect swarm. Facing this dense weirdness, this beam-shaped attack seemed a bit stupid.

However, Xu Le's expression did not change, and he continued to stretch out his index finger and bring his two fingers together.

When the two fingers merged, the original electromagnetic beam instantly shattered.

The starlight spread outwards all over the sky, and these star spots continued to flicker in the air, starting from bluish-white and gradually turning into black.

This process is like the process of a wage earner releasing an artificial sun on a rainy day.

The light spot is getting dimmer and dimmer, but the power of darkness attached to it is also constantly absorbing the surrounding energy.

All kinds of energy are gathered in a small point of light and eventually become unstable energy matter.

Then it exploded.

boom! Boom boom!

The starlight explosions connected together and wiped out all the bugs in front of Xu Le in an instant.

This blow almost hollowed out Xu Le, who took a few steps back and sat on the ground.

Although he used the Soul Tree to kill a level 6 foreign god, his mental burden was also extremely severe.

Level 4 facing level 6 was just like when he was at level 2, he glanced at Yama secretly and was almost killed on the spot.

Now that he has more cards, he can fight beyond the limit in extreme situations.

But the limit is the limit.

It is difficult to make this kind of move again in the current situation.

"Are the creatures from the outside attacking Deep Blue..."

Xu Le took a breath, then stood up and looked into the distance.

But what happened next was beyond his ability.


A large number of meteors fell from the sky. It seemed that there were dozens of them at this scale.

The contents of these meteors are the same as before. Each one is a big bug, a level 5-6 external creature, and its race is an alien god.

Just that one, Xu Le was already exhausted.

Now this amount is simply beyond his control.

"Okay, we can only run away."

One of the meteors was already close at hand, and Xu Le had already grasped the black gun, preparing to run into the dark place.

There was nothing he could do. With his current level, it was very difficult to fight one.

The second one will die.

So running away is the best choice. As for leaving Chi Xiao here...

"What are you thinking? He is a level 7 peak master, so he is not from the same dimension as me."

When Xu Le was about to open the door and run away, the red figure stopped in front of him.

The prosthetic limb glowing with light golden light was gently raised, and a layer of sparks appeared around the two people.

Insects like meteors hit it and were instantly smashed into pieces.

And those little bugs that burst out were burned out by Chixiao's flames immediately.

"Why are you so dazed here?"

"Um... I'm a little worried about you." You can't say that I just wanted to come and take a look, and then I was ready to run away, right?

Since you are here, you must say something nice.

If I really said that I was going to run away, the girl would definitely be unhappy.

Sure enough, when Chi Xiao heard what Xu Le said, his expression softened instantly.

Xu Le didn't see any emotions like joy or joy, but Chi Xiao's attitude was at least not so cold.

"It's no longer safe here. Just stay here and wait for me."

"Okay." The honest Xu Le rubbed his hands.

He could have run away originally, but now that Chi Xiao looked like he wanted to protect him, it would be inappropriate for him to run away again.

This is called not giving others face and not being a good person.

He Xu Le has spent a lot of time in several major city-states, so naturally he doesn't even have this kind of discernment.

Chi Xiao was already rising into the sky, and Xu Le felt that the ground beneath his feet was beginning to crack.

The Soul Tree that he originally summoned was actually burned by Chi Xiao in an instant.

Xu Le felt that she did this on purpose.

He glanced at Chi Xiao's back. He was fighting and had no time to pay attention to him.

The shaking continued, and the ground around Xu Le began to melt.

The original rocks were burned into magma, and all the ground turned into a sea of ​​​​blazing fire. Xu Le immediately elementalized his body to avoid accidental injuries caused by such large-scale indiscriminate attacks.

"The range of this attack is exaggerated..."

Xu Le stared at Chi Xiao intently, fearing that he would miss a battle of this level.

The surrounding magma was becoming more and more active, and Xu Le felt that something was rising in it.



A long metal rod flew out and flew towards a meteor bug.

If it were top-down, it would be almost the same as the space-based weapons in some previous concepts.

Xu Le's space-based cannon has a similar idea, except that it is completely replaced by energy.

However, the current angle obviously needs to be controlled by Chi Xiao's power.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from Chixiao floating in the sky:

"Xu Le, many people don't understand the difference between ordinary extraordinary people and legendary extraordinary people. This difference is actually greater than you think.

Because the reason why legendary extraordinary people can be called legends is not only their own strength.

They can still use the power of this world, but their methods are different.

Next, you watch. "

It's better now. Xu Le didn't even blink when he heard Chi Xiao say this.

Staring at Chi Xiao carefully, he also checked the changes around him.

Then, a second and third metal rod appeared.

Clang, clang, clang...

These metal rods that were refined underground were fired like cannonballs, each shot carrying strong kinetic energy, heat energy, and the blazing heat of the sky.

After these energies are mixed together, it only takes one strike to completely crush a level 6 alien insect.

The small bugs that burst out after the bugs shatter will be completely burned out by the flames of Chixiao.

The insect that had used all Xu Le's cards before was now a target in Chi Xiao's hands.

"The power of the world..."

Xu Le looked at the ground thoughtfully.

Something even more special seemed to be happening beneath the raging magma below.

"It seems that you have noticed that this is actually a very simple compound technique, which is also a combination of the fruit's ability and my own technique.

I use high temperature to melt the earth, turning the entire earth into a hot pool of high temperature and high pressure.

And then smelt the metals underground to turn them into hard weapons.

Then use the underground environment, high pressure, and high temperature for explosive launch.

This kind of weapon does not need to be particularly sharp, it just needs to be strong enough to produce enough power.

One hit can instantly kill level 6 monsters.

This is the power of the world, the power of the earth.

The legendary extraordinary people are a group of people who can reasonably utilize these abilities, which we also call the power of the world. "

Teacher Chi Xiao's new class was somewhat familiar to Xu Le, but also somewhat unfamiliar.

The progress in the past two years has made him a little inflated. When he was truly taught by top masters, Xu Le was not used to it.

Moreover, Chi Xiao's current ability also made Xu Le realize how big the gap was between himself and the legend.

"Moreover, this compound technique is not over yet, after all... I have been preparing for it for a long time.

Technique - Streaming Star Fall! "

The flowing magma began to break away from the ground. The magma actually floated and gathered in Chi Xiao's hands.

The rolling molten fire and magma rotated in her hands, constantly rotating, and finally formed a huge molten fireball.

Then, throw it directly into the sky.


If the meteors before were just the infringement of the outer gods, then the meteors in front of him were the power of Chi Xiao.

The intense heat brought by the explosion burned away the last remaining extraterrestrial insects.

Then countless fireballs fell from the sky.

After these bolides fall to the ground, a more powerful explosion will occur.

Kill those weird black tides.

The power of legend is vivid and vivid.

"Too strong." Xu Le said sincerely.

Chi Xiao's figure has slowly descended and stopped next to Xu Le.

"There's something strange about the dark tide tonight."

"Is the Kuroshio weirdness too strong?"

"No, it's too weak."

"Too weak?" Xu Le couldn't be sure for a moment whether Chi Xiao was showing off.

But after thinking about it, I can confirm that it is not the case. Although Chi Xiao is very fierce, her style of doing things has always been very low-key.

"Yes, it is indeed too weak. Under normal circumstances, the strange black tide should not be of this intensity.

Both the puppet's stand-in and the Angel of Sin appeared tonight, which meant that they also had a premonition of the danger here.

My initial judgment was that evil gods would appear here, so I stayed here specifically...

But it hasn't appeared now, which is so strange. "

Even Chi Xiao couldn't judge something, and a player like Xu Le, who was completely beyond his cognitive level, couldn't even intervene.

"Um, is it possible that the timing is wrong?"

Chi Xiao hesitated for a while, then shook his head.

"It shouldn't be like this. When the Sin Angel and the Puppet were here just now, I clearly felt the dangerous atmosphere.

The danger should not only be brought by them, but also from the outside world.

But now there is none, and the angel of sin and the puppet have left.

Their perception may be stronger than mine, and they may have more information channels than me, so they sensed the danger in advance and left..."

Xu Le stood aside silently, still unable to speak.

"Um...if the danger is over, do you still want to stay here to protect me?"

"Of course, this is my second hometown, the place that gives me hope."

Chixiao's praise and love for Tianrui Lifeng were completely in contrast to when she was at the lighthouse.

Xu Le even felt that Chi Xiao hated the lighthouse even more than the Red Moon Temple.

What an unspeakable past.

"Then I stay here. Is there anything else I can do?"

"Watch me kill the enemy."


Xu Le sat down again and watched Chi Xiao take action, mowing the grass in patches.

Every attack she makes carries great power...

Xu Le felt that this kind of observation was meaningless. It was absolutely impossible for his spiritual energy output to reach this level, but as Chi Xiao explained, he became serious.

"Don't think there is a big gap between you and me. Although it is really big, my fighting skills are worth learning.

Each warlock's spiritual energy is limited and precious, so even for advanced warlocks and legendary warlocks, the distribution and use of spiritual energy must be carefully arranged.

Each of my attacks seems to be powerful and ridiculously expensive, but in fact, most of the time I use borrowed power.

Use my magic to create an attraction and then let it move on its own.

Not many people usually have the opportunity to observe my fighting at such a close distance. Watch carefully and learn well. "

"Create an introduction and then let it move on its own? Is there any specific way to say it?"

"Be specific? Just give you what you want to use, rules."

"Give rules?"

Xu Le immediately thought of the tree of souls, its fruits, and Bai Jing, whose destiny he had entrusted to him.

Isn't this a manifestation of giving rules?

Turning his head to look at Xu Le, Chi Xiao nodded when he saw Xu Le's thoughtful look.

"Your thinking is fast and broad. You have actually come a long way on this path.

You are only limited by your own level now. When you become stronger, your horizons will be broader.

When the time comes, by giving rules the ability, you will be able to use it more proficiently. "


With the clues in mind, Xu Le also started to get serious.

Tianrui Lifeng City.

The polluters headed by Bai Jing took out their weapons one after another.

After being eroded by the power of darkness, these polluters have basically given up most of their firearms.

They are better at using melee weapons.

In the vague dark nightmare, many polluters will even have some hallucinations, and their weapons and bodies will be stuck together because of the darkness.

Staring into the darkness beyond, these Defilers prepared for their final battle.

Bai Jing suddenly let out a low shout and rushed towards those weirdos who had passed through Tianrui Lifeng's first line of defense.

"With your blood, I will strengthen my heavenly auspiciousness and life, and kill them."


Unlike the warlock's combat style, which is full of strangeness and destructiveness, the warrior's combat is much simpler.

Bai Jing took the lead and rushed towards the weird group.

The sword in her hand was swung wildly, and the fluctuations of her heart energy were transmitted outward layer by layer. She continuously killed the weird ones in the black tide.

The polluters behind her also entered the battlefield one after another. Although their strength was not as strong as Bai Jing's, they were able to face level 1-2 monsters with ease.

However, their number was too small, and they were soon surrounded by a large number of strange things.

The polluters have long been prepared to face death. They only exist in this world to wash away their sins and darkness, so they will not retreat even one step from the fight.

But the problem is...weird also has no fear of death.

They are more crazy and bloodthirsty than the Defilers, until the first Defiler falls.


A deformed claw pierced the Defiler's chest, and the Defiler used his last strength to cut off the opponent's head.

But once he died, a gap appeared in the entire Defiler formation.

The second and third warriors died in a very short period of time.

Bai Jing's team is on the verge of collapse.

At that moment, bursts of gunfire came, and thunder and lightning appeared on the street corner accompanied by shouts of death.

"With your blood, I will strengthen my heavenly auspiciousness and prosperity. Today is the moment for us tree shepherds to become famous. Let me kill you."

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