
Chapter 408 It’s the Night Demon, brother

Xu Le also took a bite of the fruit in his hand and nodded to Ai Li.

"Well, it's a fruit, but to be more precise, it's a copycat fruit."

"Copycat?" Ai Li seemed to have heard Xu Le say this word before, but she didn't know what it meant.

Xu Le could only explain one more time.

“Copycat means imitation, but generally speaking, they are inferior imitations.”

"Inferior imitation?"

Ai Li looked at the fruit in her hand and roughly understood what Xu Le meant, but she was still confused.

Generally speaking, Xu Le is very confident about his own things. Why does he make such comments about these fruits:

"Are these fruits also of poor quality? They taste quite good."

Hearing Ai Li praising himself, Xu Le also smiled dumbly. This kind of praise is still very useful.

But he was also sober and did not swell due to this.

“If counterfeit goods can surpass the original fruit, there are only two possibilities.

The first is that I am too powerful, and the second is that the original strong person has become weak. "

He took Ai Li back to his residence, where Ding Ke was already waiting for him.

The person you were worried about stayed away all night long... Isn't this worrying enough?

In order to wait for Xu Le, it didn't even want to eat, so it ate three small bowls...

But when he saw that Xu Le had come back with Gouzi, Ding Ke knew that his previous worries were unnecessary.

"This guy is most likely going to check out a room..."

Meow! ~

Ding Ke screamed in dissatisfaction, then slowly walked away and rubbed himself in front of Xu Le.

Then... the fruits brought back by Barashele began.

"These fruits have your scent on them. It's very strong. Could it be that you pooped and irrigated meow?"

Xu Le:......

Xu Le grabbed Ding Ke, placed it on the table, and placed some fruits on it.

"If you don't like it, you'll fall down."

"Of course I want to eat, meow..."

Xu Le sat on the chair and began to rest for a while.

He also had a lot of fighting experience last night, and after the day, he went through Alley's strong destruction.

Physically speaking, he was more tired than Chi Xiao...

So now after returning to his residence, Xu Le just wants to have a good rest and get a real sleep.

Seeing that Xu Le looked tired, Ai Li took the initiative to walk behind him and began to rub his shoulders.

Xu Le leaned against Ai Li comfortably, feeling the other person's questions and the right massage.

I feel in my heart that it would be better to have a woman by my side.

My past few months... have been really rough.

"I'm sleepy."

"You still want to sleep?" Ai Li was obviously wrong. Previously, Xu Le was obviously in trouble.

Xu Le:......

He didn't know what to say. Only now did he feel that admitting defeat was not a shameful thing.

"I just want to have a good sleep. It was a dark tide last night and I was so tired."

"Oh, haha." Ai Li suddenly smiled, making Xu Le also blush.

"As expected, I gave in!"

"Tch...I'm not in a good state today."

Xu Le felt a little ashamed after saying this. This sentence had been written into a joke before and posted on the Internet.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xu Le is in bad condition."

The day after the Kuroshio, everyone seemed to be resting in tacit agreement.

The entire fast-paced life in Tianrui Lifeng seems to have slowed down because of this.


The owner of the breakfast shop swatted a bug to death, frowned slightly and said:

"Why are there flies at this time? No, is this thing a fly?"

Similar situations occur in every corner of Tianrui Lifeng.

High-end restaurants, clubs, nightclubs.

Low-end entertainment venues, homes, and even dirty alleys and stinking ditches have the footprints of these bugs.

Originally, many people also felt disgusted and disgusted.

But when there are more bugs, everyone becomes accustomed to them.

The main problem is that these bugs are not aggressive.

Just like ordinary flies, they often run away, and their escape efficiency is not as sensitive as flies.

It basically killed him with one slap. It wasn't dangerous at all, it was just annoying.

Since there is no danger, people's vigilance has been greatly reduced.

Not many people can truly perceive the threat of these bugs.

Xu Le is one of them.

The way he discovered problems was simple, with his eyes.

[Peeping Dog, Level 0 Weird, Outer God. 】

Xu Le wasn't sure why this kind of bug was called a spying dog. He guessed it meant spying?

But the detailed introduction of the properties of bugs is already very clear.

It is an external creature. Although it does not even have a grade, it does belong to the weird category.

This is a bit interesting.

"Nine times out of ten, these creatures are related to the hidden giant bugs."

"Big bug?" Ai Li asked doubtfully.

Later, Xu Le briefly recounted to her the matter about investigating bugs.

He had been in a state where no one was available before, supporting Bai Jing and Chang Fengle, and also wanted to deploy manpower.

Now with Alley, many things will be shared by others, and the pressure on execution will naturally be much less.

"External creatures are hidden in this city. I don't know exactly where they are. Anyway, this is what we have to do next."

"Is it more important than your promotion to level 5?"

"It's hard to say who is more important. Anyway, let's look for the bug first."

Ai Li is not sure what the relationship between the bug thing and Xu Le is, but since Xu Le said so, she is naturally responsible.

"I understand, what do I need to do?"

"this way……"

"Collect different types of bugs, explore and classify them in detail, they can be corpses or live ones, bring them back to me as much as possible."

Xu Le looked at Chang Fengle and gave his order.

The content of this order was similar to what Ai Li and Bai Jing heard.

Alley can rely on his sense of smell to quickly detect rare species and find them quickly.

Bai Jing uses her own darkness and psychic perception to search her surroundings.

As for Chang Fengle... it just depends on the number of people.

"I understand, brother, do you have any other requirements?"

Facing Xu Le, Chang Fengle maintained absolute respect and obedience at this time.

Because the more he grew up, the more he felt how powerful and unfathomable Xu Le was.

What kind of existence is the person who can create the fruit tree?

What level will Xu Le's ultimate strength reach?

Chang Fengle has been thinking about these questions after eating the Night Demon Fruit. The answer is also very simple. Only absolute loyalty and obedience can be rewarded.

And after eating the Night Demon Fruit, he always felt an inexplicable intimacy with Xu Le.

Maybe this is because he is one step closer to the truth about the fruit?

Xu Le looked at Chang Fengle. This kid's growth rate was far more amazing than Bai Jing's.

The unintentional planting of willows and willows may be referring to this situation.

"Why don't you ask why you want to catch bugs?"

"All members of the Shepherds have the responsibility to do what the elder brother has told us."

This attitude made Xu Le very satisfied.

I just don't know if this attitude will be maintained as the power expands and the strength grows.

So even if Chang Fengle is very loyal now, Xu Le still has to beat him up.

"How does it feel after eating the fruit? Can you complete the transformation?"


Chang Fengle was shocked!

really! Sure enough it was him.

No, it is indeed a gift from my eldest brother.

That fruit was the reward given to him by his eldest brother, that's right.

If it was a process of accumulation, then the number of weird corpses enshrined in the tree above had far exceeded the number in the tree below.

But the tree above showed no signs of producing new fruits.

The tree below actually gave birth to a fruit with extraordinary power. This is the benefit of believing in Xu Le.

Separate benefits.

"Ale is stupid. I still have little understanding of the power of the fruit. I hope my brother can help me clear up my confusion."

Chang Fengle is a very down-to-earth person who knows how to rely on his own ability to study fruits.

Even if it could be researched, it would probably take a long time. It would be better to ask Xu Le directly.

Time waits for me. The sooner I gain mature power, the safer it will be for myself now.

Although the Tree Shepherd organization was temporarily developed under his control.

But since he himself is not strong enough, it is inevitable that some people will have second thoughts.

By grasping the power of the fruit early, if someone really rebels, he will have the capital to resist.

Maybe it makes you look stupid.

But for bosses, it is actually a safer sign that subordinates are stupid.

Xu Le also felt the same way.

"The fruit you eat is called Night Demon. It is an intermediate biological fruit."

"Intermediate biological fruit? Night it the ancient Yinduo fruit?"

"Yes and no."

"Uh, I don't understand."

"No need to understand, you just need to master the power of the fruit as much as possible during this period of time."

"Yes, what should I do?"

"First of all, just feel the dark atmosphere."

"Feel the dark atmosphere?"

"like this……"

Dark fog instantly enveloped the two of them, and Chang Fengle suddenly felt that everything around him became dark.

Although the surrounding buildings have not changed, the light is no longer there.

What's strange is...even though it's dark, he can still barely see the things around him clearly.

"Brother, is it getting dark?"


"But I seem to..."

"You gained the ability to see at night, but it's still very weak, right?"

"Uh, right." Chang Fengle originally wanted to brag.

But he didn't expect Xu Le to directly say that his night vision was very weak, which made it impossible to continue the conversation.

"Then what should I do now?"

"First of all, you must become familiar with the dark environment as soon as possible and give yourself the ability to blend into the darkness."

"Integrate into the darkness..."

Under Xu Le's careful instruction, Chang Fengle began to practice fruit mastering.

This kind of one-on-one guidance is very valuable for Chang Fengle. Xu Le had only given guidance to Bai Jing before.

At that time, Chang Fengle was very envious, and he also hoped that he would have such an opportunity.

But now was the opportunity, and he must seize it.

The body gradually became hazy, and dark particles spread all over the body.

Although Chang Fengle cannot control the dark particles out of the body like Bai Jing does, as a special corruption attack method.

But using the power of darkness to fuse his own power, he can already do it in a short time.

In this regard, he progressed faster than Bai Jing.

In other words, he is more suitable for dark elements than Bai Jing.

Xu Le was a little pleased when he saw Chang Fengle's progress.

"Good. You're smarter than I thought. This will save me a lot of time."

"Thank you for the compliment, brother. I'm just doing what I should do."

"There is no need to be so self-effacing in front of me. This has just begun..."

"Um, has it just begun?"

"Of course, since it is a biological fruit, the ultimate goal is to completely transform."

"Transform completely and become a night demon?"

As a mercenary, Chang Fengle naturally knows what Night Demon belongs to.

It is a monster in the dark, a ruthless killing machine.

Even other weird ones will be killed mercilessly by the ancient Yinduo polluters.

Any mercenary's senses against the Night Demon cannot be said to be good, or even very poor.

Now Xu Le told him that the ultimate purpose of this fruit was to turn into a night devil.

Although Chang Fengle was very excited, he hesitated a little at this time.

"What's wrong? If you are hesitant, you can still refuse this power now. It doesn't matter."

The struggle in Chang Fengle's eyes lasted less than 3 seconds.

He had already struggled with this problem when he ate the fruit before.

What he was thinking at the time was what if this fruit was dangerous?

His answer then was simple.

Wealth and wealth are found in danger.

He was originally from the grassroots. If he could not quickly improve himself through some special channels, he would really have no choice but to be lost in the rolling torrent and never make any waves again.

Now that he had finally hugged Xu Le's thigh, he naturally had to hold on tight.

"Brother, don't think too much, this is my chance, and it may be my only chance in this life.

If I fail to seize this opportunity, maybe I will be just a salted fish for the rest of my life. "

Seeing Chang Fengle's determined look, Xu Le burst into laughter:

"Becoming a night demon is actually not that scary."

"What should I do?"

"Use the power of darkness to truly blend into the darkness, feel the dark vortex, and find your friends."

"my buddies?"

Chang Fengle can still understand what Xu Le said before.

But in the end Xu Le asked him to find his friends?

What's the meaning?

Although he was confused, Xu Le in front of him clearly had no intention of continuing to explain.

Chang Fengle could only give up.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, and began to secretly extract his own strength.

The power of darkness flows through the body and gradually blends into the surrounding darkness.

He was too raw and clumsy.

This clumsiness made his integration into the darkness unusually slow.

Fortunately, with Xu Le's guidance and care, there was basically no such thing as going wrong.

It will not be treated as a foreign object and directly swallowed by darkness.

In the end, Chang Fengle finally merged into the darkness.

Then...he saw a pair of eyes in the darkness.

"Night Demon? It's the Night Demon, big brother!"

"You call me."

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