
Chapter 409 There is something fishy about this person

Xu Le shook his head and slapped Chang Fengle on the back of the head. Chang Fengle then scratched his head and became honest.

But those vertical pupils around them are really terrifying. These creatures are definitely the legendary demons that kill everyone, night demons.

The surrounding eyes are densely packed, existing in almost every corner of the darkness.

So many night demons...

If all these night demons rushed over to attack them, they would be torn to pieces in an instant.

As soon as Chang Fengle came up with this idea, an unexpected scene appeared in his sight.

The eyes of these night demons moved towards him, and then showed respect?

No... I just gave him a cold glance when I looked at him.

The night demons looked at Xu Le with respect...

"Brother, these night demons."

"These are the faces you need to be familiar with, adapt to their atmosphere, feel their abilities, and learn from them..."

"Night Devil Fruit..."

"Yes, a very straightforward ability is the ability of the Night Demon. Let's experience their power."

After leaving Chang Fengle in the gathering place of night demons, Xu Le left directly.

Although he had some intentions of killing him and not burying him, he thought, if he had the power of the Night Demon Fruit but could not live in peace with the Night Demon, what was the difference between him and trash?

He doesn't accept waste here.

Well, that's the truth.

After dealing with Chang Fengle, Xu Le returned directly to his residence.

Not long after, Alley returned to his residence with a black bag.

"came back?"

"Well, I'm back."

Alley works very efficiently, and her strong sense of smell allows her to quickly detect different types of bugs.

As a senior law enforcer, her professionalism is also top-notch and she is definitely much stronger than the average night watchman.

After collecting the bugs, Alley packages the bugs in individual sealed bags.

If there were two of the same type, she would kill one and keep the other alive.

If not, she stuffs individual varieties of bugs into glass bottles and preserves them.

In this way, dead samples, living samples, and rare samples are all available.

All these samples are handed over to Xu Le, and it is much easier for Xu Le to check and classify them.

As expected, Xu Le looked pleased after getting the insect corpse brought back by Alley:

"It has to be you, even if you don't need to say it, you can understand my specific requirements."

"Okay, don't pretend to be strong even though you clearly can't do it."

Ai Li pushed Xu Le's hand away, and the guy became tough, but he couldn't be tough elsewhere.

Xu Le smiled awkwardly, and then started the formal work.

The first step is to confirm the species characteristics of the insect.

This can basically be achieved by relying on Guyin Multi-Vision.

Even in the classification of common bugs and rare bugs, there will basically be no mistakes.

"A sensory insect..."

There were three glass bottles that Alley brought back, just as she had prepared.

These three bugs are all rare bugs and all have unique abilities.

[Sensor Bug-Magnetic, Level 0 Weird, Outer God, Talent-Attraction]

[Teeth of the Gods, Level 0 Weird, Outer God, Talent - Faith Bite]

[Bright Sword, Level 0 Weird, Outer God, Talent-Beacon]

Although these three bugs are the same level 0 monsters as the previous bugs, they are undoubtedly unique.

Each one has a focused talent effect.

This is really too rare for a level 0 weirdo.

"Magnetism, faith, and a beacon to confirm location?"

"Are they looking for something?"

With just a few words from Xu Le, Alley had already made his own speculation, and the result of this speculation was basically consistent with Xu Le's.

Xu Le also nodded:

"Yes, they are looking for something, and it is related to gods, divine power, or something of the same level."

"What will it be?"

"I guess the limbs are made of light." Xu Le said very casually.

When he and Chi Xiao discussed the matter of light-forged bodies before, they had already mentioned the issue of light-forged limbs.

At that time, Chi Xiao and Xu Le did not reach a final result, and there was no solution.

Because at that time they were just guessing what the ancient Yinduomu tree was doing.

Since it was just a guess, it was impossible to imagine that this matter would actually be related to insects.

Xu Le groaned slightly, held his chin, and leaned his body against Ai Li.

If nothing else, it’s very comfortable.

Alley gently massaged Xu Le's temples to relieve Xu Le's mental pressure so that he could think more focused.

"If this matter has something to do with the Guyin Duomu Tree, it would be outrageous..."

"Why do you say that?"

Bang, the door was suddenly knocked open.

Xu Le, who was leaning in Ai Li's arms, was stunned for a moment. Who could be so stupid that he didn't see him thinking about the problem?

Oh, it's Chi Xiao, that's okay...

As soon as Chi Xiao entered the door, he saw Xu Le and Ai Li. This guy...wait, Ai Li seems to be his girlfriend.

If you think about it this way, it doesn't seem to be a problem.

Chi Xiao turned to look at Ding Ke who was eating, and suddenly became angry.

"You are willing to fall into obscurity and don't want to make progress."

Ding Ke:? ? ?

Just eating a can here, how come it has become synonymous with self-destruction?

Isn't your anger transfer too obvious?

By the way, I'm not angry, so why should I be angry? Can't figure it out.

Ding Ke turned his head dissatisfied, pointed his butt towards Chi Xiao, and simply ignored her.

Ai Li narrowed his eyes slightly, the woman in front of him...

So powerful!

This is the soul perception from the dog.

This kind of power is immeasurable. She is stronger than the strongest person in Zion!

How can it be?

But it's true.

"Hello, my name is Ai Li." Ai Li proactively greeted Chi Xiao.

When facing a strong person, you must have the minimum courtesy, even if the other person may have some problems on certain things, such as the relationship with Xu Le.

But when there are outsiders, it is what she should do not to cause any more trouble to Xu Le.

Seeing Ai Li taking the initiative to greet him politely and gently, Chi Xiao really had no reason to continue to frown.

So he could only nod his head and respond:

"Hello Chi Xiao."

The tone was still cold, but at least nothing strange happened...

Xu Le saw that something was wrong with the atmosphere at this time, and quickly spoke to stabilize the scene.

"Didn't you rest?"

"It's not as good as your rest."

Having said that, I actually didn’t get a good rest...

Xu Le glanced at Ai Li with a guilty look. He probably wouldn't be able to escape tonight...

"I'm asking people to investigate things about bugs, and now there are some results."

Bringing the topic back on track, Xu Le took out the samples that Ai Li had brought back.

Looking at the carefully classified insect samples, Chi Xiao was also slightly surprised.

"The classification is very detailed."

She came here specifically to see Xu Le today, and based on the results of the previous discussion, she also asked Xiao's people to search for bugs.

She got a lot of bug categories, but those people were obviously not as meticulous in their work as Alley.

Many bugs were packed into a bag, and a large number were already dead.

Such a situation cannot satisfy the task of gathering intelligence.

Looking at the bag of dead bugs that Chi Xiao took out, Xu Le shook his head slightly.

"That does not work."

"Isn't it okay... As expected, professional things still need to be done by professionals."

Being strong does not mean that you are professional in intelligence collection. If you have not been trained, it is not good.

Although Chi Xiao can let others do this, the person she finds may not necessarily be professional.

So the information she brought back was not as good as Xu Le's.

"It doesn't matter. Although many bugs have died, some of them can still be used as supplements."

Seeing Xu Le say this, Chi Xiao nodded.

"What did you infer about the bugs, the mother tree, and the light-forged limbs you just mentioned?"

The content of this topic is already quite scary. At least according to Ai Li's original level of strength, she cannot touch this level.

So she turned to Xu Le and asked directly:

"Do you need me to go out for a while?"

Xu Le hesitated slightly, not because he didn't trust Ai Li enough.

But the danger of the unknowable.

God's predictability is too strong, when an ordinary person knows something that he cannot resist.

It is very likely that we will suffer an unstoppable extra-dimensional attack...

Just as Chi Xiao and the others had warned, high-level Red Moon Warlocks could already perceive language.

As long as what you say is about someone or something, it can be perceived by them.

God-level creatures can do this easily.

Because of this, Guangzhu, who was completely disabled, was able to perceive Wang Man through a notebook.

The same is true for all the things that happened to Xu Le.

He was unscrupulous because of the care of the Night Fury.

But Alley didn't, so...

"Alley, please go out for a while. Knowing this will be dangerous for you."

Ai Li just nodded at this time and walked out directly.

"A very good companion." Chi Xiao suddenly said.


Xu Le affirmed, and then started talking about the discovery of bugs again.

"The following are just my personal inferences without any evidence."

"Tell me, many times, the inference itself is very close to the facts."

"The Ancient Yin Duomu Tree has lost control of the world, but it is also very anxious, so it did all the things it did before, including seducing me."

"That thing about light casting?" At that time in the lighthouse, Chi Xiao happened to be below.

So I still know a lot about what happened to Xu Le and the others in the tree.

"Yes, my existence may be an executor and spokesperson for the mother tree at the beginning.

After failing to seduce me, its light-forging plan no longer has a specific executor, so it needs new power..."

"It has no choice."

"Yes, Guyin Duomu Tree has no choice. The spirit of the Red Moon corrodes the earth, and there is a human body like the Red Moon Temple.

It can be said that in terms of execution, Red Moon Temple, as the Red Moon system, completely overwhelms the only weird Gu Yinduo in execution.

Then the sons of Guyinduo fell apart, and none of them returned to obey the orders of the mother tree.

Today, the mother tree is alone, with no executor and no one to drive.

One of the alien bugs you stored was also killed by you, and it has no helpers.

So, it ultimately chose bugs. "

"You mean..."

"I said, this is just my inference and cannot be judged as fact. I just think it is possible.

And in the world of Guyin Duomu Tree at that time, there was indeed a lot of time alone with bugs.

So it also has the conditions to summon foreign gods..."

Chi Xiao frowned slightly. It was indeed inappropriate to leave insects to protect the mother tree...

"It is indeed my problem to expose the Guyinduomu tree to a large number of insects, but then what?"

Seeing Chi Xiao openly admitting his mistake, Xu Le was speechless.

Is there any point in just admitting your mistakes?

Come up with a solution!

What next? How do I know then?

Seeing that Xu Le didn't speak, Chi Xiao urged again:

"Then what? Just tell me quickly."

"Then here's what we need to do now, which is what I'm doing."

"Be specific."

"We now need to collect various bugs, distinguish the species of these bugs, understand their characteristics, and infer the final destination and behavior of the bugs."

Seeing Xu Le's well-founded analysis, Chi Xiao also nodded.

"Are there any results so far?"

“You may not have heard clearly before, but the current information is about gods, beliefs, and beacons.

Generally speaking, it may be that the bug is confirming the position of something, most likely the light-forged limbs.

Oh, by the way, do you know the location of the lightforged limbs? "

"I only know one location. The information on other parts is not with me." Chi Xiao frowned slightly.

Xu Le was surprised that she actually had specific information.

"Then can you check?"

"No, every sealing point of the light-cast body is a place that has been sealed in dust. There are no keys or secret passages.

I just know where it is, not the specific point. "

"Then where is the point you know?"

"Big Farm Pond."

"Big farm pond?" Xu Le recalled.

He didn't know much about the topography of Tianrui Lifeng, but he seemed to have heard of the place called Da Nong Chi somewhere.

"Tianrui Lifeng's reservoir?"

"Yes, that's the place."


"Going to the farm pond?"

"Well, no matter what, we need to investigate it in detail."

"What exactly is being investigated?"

"No matter how smart bugs are, they can't blatantly do things in a human city like Tianrui Lifeng.

If they were really blatantly doing something here, there would only be one outcome.

That's where they have their protection.

As an umbrella, this person must be in a high position and have an important position.

It may even be very powerful.

So what we have to do is to follow the clues and find him or it. "

"Strong, with status and position..." Chi Xiao pondered.

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