
Chapter 410 Give up thinking

Hearing Xu Le describe it like this, completely overlapping people immediately appeared in her mind...

Zhang Ji!

The first is strong strength.

As a level 5 warlock, Zhang Ji's strength is absolutely unparalleled. In any city, a level 5 warlock is extremely powerful.

Then there is the status aspect. Zhang Ji has a high social status in Tianrui Lifeng.

He is a gang leader himself, and he also works part-time to investigate the spies of the Red Moon Temple.

According to Chi Xiao's understanding, Zhang Ji fully meets the three conditions mentioned by Xu Le.

It could very well be him.

In addition, during the previous meeting, Zhang Ji's ears were shaking very regularly, which made him look like an insect.

In other words, someone possessed by a bug.

"Do you remember the man you met at the beef noodle restaurant?"

Of course Xu Le remembered that the fruit of free development... I don't know what happened to it.

He could feel that the power still existed from a distance. He must have been eaten by someone?

But the distance wasn't close enough, so he couldn't tell where the opponent was.

"Of course I remember, Xu Daqiang, a mercenary."

"No, I'm not talking about him."

"Uh?" Xu Le was a little confused.

"I'm afraid that the mercenary has been killed, and the person who killed him is the person I'm talking about."

Xu Le immediately remembered the meeting that day.

In addition to Xu Daqiang, he also met Chi Xiao walking with a man.

However, Xu Le didn't take this matter to heart at all and didn't pay special attention to that person.

But now there is something wrong with Chi Xiao's statement.

"That Xu Daqiang was killed by the guy you said?"

"There is no direct evidence, and I didn't have time to find it. Anyway, that aura is now on his body."

"What does this have to do with the bug thing?"

"This man's name is Zhang Ji. After he obtained that breath, he had some strange reactions. For example, his ears trembled at high frequency like insect wings."

Xu Le was stunned for a moment. The person who eats the fruit has the characteristics of an insect?

It’s impossible, it doesn’t make sense!

At that time, he had been paying close attention to the growth of that fruit.

However, it is also true that I went to the Night Fury once during this period.

But that fruit contained a dark aura, and because there were traces of Chi Xiao's battle nearby, it also possessed the power of ashes.

With darkness and ashes eroding each other, it is impossible to give birth to something related to a bug...

"are you sure?"

"You think I'm lying?"

"That was not what I meant."

"But your tone just now was very distrustful."

"All right."

Xu Le was a little confused at this time. What Chi Xiao said was completely unreasonable.

But she really had no reason to lie to herself, so what was going on?

"I already know the situation you mentioned, so do we need to find this person first, the person named Zhang Ji?"

"There is no way to find him. Although I can feel his presence, his breath seems a bit erratic. I can only feel that he is in this city."

Xu Le was even more surprised when he heard what Chi Xiao said.

Because he felt the same way about that fruit.

It's erratic, but it's impossible to pinpoint the specific location of the information.

Is this a coincidence?

Or is it that Zhang Ji has blocked their perception through some kind of ability and means?

Xu Le didn't think it was a big deal that his perception was blocked, because he himself was a level 4 rookie.

As long as your level is higher than his, it is always normal for you to be blocked.

Xu Le recognizes his own food.

But he has a friend who is level 7 and is even better than him, admit it.

But if he is better than Chi Xiao, then there will be a problem...

According to Chi Xiao's current strength level, if he wants to block Chi Xiao's perception, it must be at least the same level, right?

Another legendary master from Tianrui Lifeng?

"Is that Zhang Ji also a level 7 legend?"

"No, he is level 5."

Hearing Chi Xiao's answer, Xu Le raised his head slightly.

Level 5, that's fine, garbage, even though he's not at level 5 yet.

"Since there is no way to find him now, we'd better go to the Da Nong Pond and have a look first.\


The Dai Nong Pond is located in the northwest of Tin Shwe Lifeng.

Because of the population problems of the four major city-states, each city has similar reservoirs.

To avoid situations like drought.

The water sources here will be guarded, and each city has its own guards. Tianrui Lifeng used to be controlled by the old government, but now it is jointly organized by specialized gangs.

The water source cannot be drunk directly because it is easily contaminated.

Therefore, the water here is mostly used for emergencies. Even when it is really used, it must be purified and cleaned twice.

Chi Xiao led the way, while Xu Le dragged the whole family and brought both the man and the cat.

Seeing Xu Le bringing others over, Chi Xiao frowned slightly.

But she soon saw Alley's expertise in intelligence and search.

From a long distance, she can spot the rare bugs hidden around the pool, quickly sort them and bottle them.

At this moment, Chi Xiao realized that those previous samples were made by Ai Li alone.

"Sure enough, everyone cannot be underestimated."

"It's true. There are specialties in the arts."

"Is this her ability?"

"Yes, the characteristics of the canine fruit, but she has already used her abilities to the extreme."

"I see."

After the two of them praised Alley, they walked to the edge of the large farm pond.

Standing here, there are already vigilant patrols checking them.

Needless to say, it can be understood that no one usually comes here, but now a few people suddenly appeared, sneaking around and pointing.

It is easy to cause misunderstandings by others.

"Is this where it is?"

Xu Le kicked a stone, and the stone fell into the pool accurately.

The water here is quite clear. It doesn't look like stagnant water, but if it is living water, I don't know where the inlet and outlet are.

"Da Nong Pond is a very ancient place. My teacher told me before that part of the light-cast torso sealed by Tianrui Lifeng is here.

But I'm not quite sure which part of the Light Forge it is. "

"It doesn't matter which part it is, and we won't need it. Anyway, just make sure it's here."

"I am certain of this."

Xu Le nodded. He tried to use the Soul Tree to sense this place, but the hazy power blocked his perception.

This hazy feeling should be the seal.

If you can block the close-range perception of the Soul Tree, it is very likely to block the perception of the Ancient Sound Tree as well.

Because of this, Gu Yinduo needed to communicate with the insect, unite, and instruct the insect to come here to find the remaining parts of the light casting for it.

"What do you need me to do?" Seeing Xu Le's silence, Chi Xiao took the initiative to ask.

After all, this is her territory, and she is much stronger than Xu Le.

If there was anything that needed to be done, she could do it with both hands.

But Xu Le just shook his head:

"There are no clues. We still have to wait for feedback from Alley."


Chi Xiao did not continue to urge, and the two of them just observed and waited for Ai Li's results.

This process is undoubtedly very long.

Xu Le felt a little bored waiting, so he turned to look at Chi Xiao:

"If you summon something weird here, will you be arrested on the spot by Tianrui Lifeng's people?"

Chi Xiao looked at Xu Le with some doubts. After thinking for a moment, she remembered Xu Le's ability.

A lot of it is about weird summons.

So...he's going to summon weirdness here? Or is the ancient sound so weird?

"Are you planning to summon the weird?"

"In this case, if some weirdos can be summoned to coordinate the work, it will definitely be more efficient than waiting like this."

"I think it's best if you don't do this."


“The people of Tianrui Lifeng have a high degree of aversion to weirdness, because they are very involved in battles, so weirdness is a clear enemy to everyone here.

Then there is the method of summoning weird warlocks, which is usually only used by the people of the Red Moon Temple.

The people in the Red Moon Temple are also enemies to Tianrui Lifeng.

If you use Forbidden Warlock and summon Weird, that's an important enemy among enemies. "

Xu Le's mouth twitched:

"You've stacked BUFFs, right?"

"What's the meaning?"


Xu Le shook his head helplessly. Since he couldn't summon weirdness, he could only use other methods.

"If you can't summon weird things, you can only use some unconventional methods. I don't know if it will damage the topography here."

"As long as it doesn't make too much noise," Chi Xiao said.

"I will try my best."

Xu Le pressed his palms to the ground.

Ever since he came to Tianrui Lifeng, no, it should have been earlier... At the end of the lighthouse incident, he gradually went from being a simple forbidden warlock of Gu Yin Duo to becoming a forbidden warlock of the Tree of Souls.

Darkness, life, or control, guidance, and influence on living things.

These abilities become more useful and practical as he understands his own career system.

So much so that today's Xu Le combat system has taken a completely different path from that of ordinary warlocks.

So Xu Le sometimes thinks about what his combat system should be based on?

Cards related to destiny? Or maybe the powerful force of darkness? Or is it the tree of souls silent in the spiritual world?

Many people have no choice in the road to promotion.

There is only one way.

But the problem Xu Le faced was that he had too many paths and was dazzled by the choices.

At this moment, it is time to select the path that is most suitable for him from the many systems.

This process is actually a bit difficult to decide...

The main reason is that Xu Le himself feels that all his abilities are very useful and he wants to major in them, which is too difficult...

"Tree of Souls - Dead Roots!"

Under the urging of Xu Le's spiritual power, Chi Xiao felt the earth tremble, and something pierced into the ground.

Judging from the spell he just released, it should be some kind of plant ability.

He shouldn't have had this ability before. Did it start from the time of the lighthouse?

"Deadroot...does it have the ability to control plants? Your abilities are getting more and more, and they are getting weirder and weirder."

"Well, it's actually not bad. It's just an expansion of the previous ability to make fruits..."

Xu Le didn't know how to explain his abilities, mainly because he felt that he had too many abilities.

Chi Xiao stepped on the ground and felt the creeping movement under the earth.

This should be the ability released by Xu Le acting under the ground.

"What to do now?"

"I might need a moment now, give me a moment."

Searching the trees of the Soul Tree underground is Xu Le's only relatively covert method of collecting information.

It didn't take long for Xu Le's expression to change...

There are too many insects underground...

These bugs come in all kinds and are densely packed around the farm pond, in every nook and cranny.

Even the mole's nest hidden next to the pool was covered with bugs.

It goes without saying that the mole inside has become a skeleton, and nothing is left after being eaten.

Chi Xiao noticed the change in Xu Le's face and asked:

"what's the situation?"

"There are all bugs down here, there are too many of them."

"If this is the case, is it certain that the previous judgment was correct?

Is there really what they are looking for under this pool? "

"You can say that."

Xu Le relied on the powerful search range of the roots of the Soul Tree to quickly determine the general location of these insect clusters.

Although these bugs are also curious about the plants extended by Xu Le, at present, they have no intention of attacking.

Xu Le didn't take action.

"I have to continue to observe their positions..."

The branches continued to extend, and Xu Le's spiritual power was fully reflected at this time.

Relying on the feeding of spiritual energy, he has extended the branches to everywhere around him, even to the point of wrapping the entire pool.

Chi Xiao on the side was a little surprised at this time.

How could a normal level 4 warlock do this?

The spiritual energy emanating from Xu Le's body, the spiritual energy he used just now, has reached 10-15 times that of an ordinary level 4 warlock.

What's even more outrageous is that Xu Le's face is not red at this time, and his heart is not beating.

Just like a perfectly fine person.

For a level 4 warlock to have such a total amount of psychic energy, it's not even enough to describe it as outrageous, it's simply abnormal.

And looking at Xu Le's current appearance, this is not his total spiritual energy at all.

The more Xu Le probed, the more outrageous he felt.

“These bugs have wrapped around every corner of the pool, but judging from the current situation, they have not yet found the light-forged body.

Of course, I didn't find it either. The pool is so big and there is no hiding place at all.

Considering the size that lightforged limbs should have, this situation makes absolutely no sense.

Judging from the way the bugs behave, it doesn’t look like they are in a deeper place..."

Xu Le briefly explained the current situation to Chi Xiao.

Chi Xiao also pinched his chin.

Start thinking...


Give up thinking...

"I think we can set this pool on fire."

Xu Le:......

"What about water?"

"Just evaporate the water."

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