
Chapter 411 Hidden Seal

Xu Le was stunned. When he was a child, his family and teachers always talked about not destroying public property.

Therefore, few people of their generation have the idea of ​​actively destroying public facilities.

"Evaporate the water? Isn't this kind of thing... not a problem?"

"What's the problem?" Chi Xiao didn't seem to care at all.

Xu Le's mouth twitched:

"Will it be reported or something like that... If this pool is evaporated, then the issue of drinking water..."

“First of all, no one will report me, and then even if they do, so what?

Finally, this is a backup water source. This is not a drought period. Even if the water supply is cut off here, there will be water supply in other locations in Tianshui Lifeng, so what are you worried about? "

"Well-founded and convincing..."



The corners of Chi Xiao's mouth rose slightly. She practiced flames not because she only had the talent for flames.

Her talent is colorful, which means she can practice any series of disaster spells.

She specializes in flames, mainly because she likes to set fires.

Well, it’s just fun to simply set the mountain on fire...

"Stay back a little so I don't burn you."

"Uh, okay."

Xu Le let go of the dead roots and showed no intention of taking back the roots he left on the ground.

Although recycling can save some psychic energy, he also has other ideas.

And psychic things... can they be counted?

Xu Le took a few steps back, keeping a safe distance from Chi Xiao, and then watched her perform.

Chi Xiao was seen gently twisting his prosthetic leg and making a chin-supporting movement with one hand.

Then...a drop of red tear left from the side of her chin.

This crystal clear red tear followed Xu Le's gaze and fell into the pool.

There was silence, like an ordinary drop of water.

But soon the pool began to change.

The gang members guarding the pool also noticed something strange about the pool and quickly came over to watch.

"what's the situation?"

"I don't know, it looks like bubbles."

Gulu gulu gulu...

The rolling water began to rise, and a large amount of water vapor came to the surface.

The heat flow made it impossible for people around to get close. They could only observe this place and said to other gang guards:

"Quick, go back and report."

"Okay, be careful."

The guard naturally saw Chi Xiao by the pool.

If you can still stand by the pool as if nothing has happened at this time, your strength will probably be very powerful.

If we go there now, will something happen?

With a responsible attitude, this gang member walked up to Chi Xiao.

"It's very dangerous here. If nothing happens, stay away as soon as possible."

The guard's words were very clever, but to be able to stand up and speak out at this time is indeed very conscientious.

"I'm standing here just because I have something to do. Are you meeting God?

Go back and tell your president that One Eye is working here and you don’t need to come over. "

Looking at Chi Xiao who was almost next to the steam, the guard swallowed his saliva.

Only then did he realize that the other party was indeed wearing a blindfold.


"Go ahead. If you stay here, you will probably lose your life."

"okay, I get it."

After dismissing the guards here, there was basically no one around the pool.

Even if some people who don't take it too seriously to watch the excitement come over, they will not be able to see clearly because of the diffuse water vapor.

Ordinary people simply cannot stay in a hot and humid environment.

After confirming that no one was around, Chi Xiao began to form seals.

"Spell - Tears of the Sun."

The teardrop that fell into the center of the pool expanded rapidly, burning particles in just a few seconds.

Evaporate all the water in a pond.

The pool could not hold such a huge pressure in a short period of time, and it erupted instantly.


Astonishing water vapor rose into the sky, and Xu Le, who had already retreated a lot, couldn't help but take a few more steps back.

"This guy's ability is just an exaggeration..."

After Chi Xiao completely evaporated the water in the pool, an exposed pit appeared in front of the two of them.

The moist soil has been baked dry, and in some places, ceramic crystals have even appeared, just like the previous Kuroshio.

All this is thanks to Chi Xiao's firepower.

"You boil water really quickly."

"Stop talking nonsense and go down and take a look."

Chi Xiao slowly floated up and then flew towards the pothole in the pool.

Xu Le looked into the distance. Ai Li, who was collecting information before, had also rushed back at this time.

When she saw the dried pool, no matter how calm she was, she couldn't hide the shock between her brows.

"Xu Le, this person..."

"Her strength is indeed very exaggerated." Xu Le waved his hand.

"Go down."


After putting away the collected bugs, Ai Li followed Xu Le down the pit.

The soil underfoot is very hard, and judging from the current situation, it should be able to hold on for a while.

"It won't be broken here for a while, and it can be safely explored."

"Broken?" Ai Li was a little confused.

What does it mean to be broken when your feet are already burned?

"There is underground water flow here. Even if it is burned dry or even solidified, the underground water flow will still continue to wash away the place.

After all, it was just ordinary clay that had been fired. It was irregular and had no solidification effect.

After being washed away by water flow, it will easily break.


"Besides what?" This time it was Chi Xiao who asked.

"Besides, the area around the pool is already covered with bugs. Even if you burn this part of the pool to death, a large part that was previously hidden in the soil will still survive.

They will continue to burrow into the ground and come towards this location.

The mouthparts of these bugs are very sharp and strong, and I don't think this ceramic crystal-like mud can stop them. "

Xu Le's analysis made sense, and Chi Xiao and Ai Li nodded.

Seeing that his analysis was recognized, Xu Le continued:

"Now we need to confirm one thing, and that is how to find the light-cast limbs when you can almost see the head at a glance."

"Does it have to be here?"

"At least I think it must be here. If it wasn't here, there would be no reason for the bugs to come here."

"Why do insects know this place?" Chi Xiao asked.

"Why do you know that thing is here?" Xu Le asked.

Chi Xiao was slightly startled by the rhetorical question.

Why did she know the lightforged limbs were here?

That's because of the teacher's instructions.

It's because she has strong personal strength and outstanding abilities.

The teacher told her the location out of safety and trust considerations, and even if he told her, he didn't tell her specifically where the seal was.

Now the bugs also know this, which means one thing...

The owner of the bug also learned of the location.

The only people who can know this location are Xiao's senior officials and some elders from the old Tianrui Lifeng government.

"High-level officials have been infiltrated..."

"Yes, the high-level officials were infiltrated, completely infiltrated, and even this core secret was revealed."

"Forget it, it's useless to talk about that now. As long as I'm here, nothing will be lost."

Faced with Chi Xiao's statement, Xu Le just shook his head slightly:

"This is just a point. You have no way to guarantee that there will be no other sealing points. There is no point in just guarding this place."

"It's really troublesome..." Chi Xiao frowned.

"Alley, did you find anything here?"

"The flames have burned away all the air here, and there is no other smell." Alley shook his head.

Seeing that Ai Li and Chi Xiao were unable to detect the seal, Xu Le felt helpless.

"It seems I still have to do it myself."

"Do you have any idea?" Chi Xiao was a little surprised, why didn't this guy tell him earlier?

"It would be impossible for me to use my lightcasting ability to sense without absolute necessity."

Chi Xiao thought for a moment and thought of what happened at the lighthouse before.

She thought it was Wang Man's death that put some emotional burden on Xu Le.

"Sorry, I was a little rude."

But Xu Le waved his hand directly:

"You think too much. I am a very practical person. If a power has an obvious effect on me, then I will definitely use it.

It would be even simpler if I didn't use it even though it worked.

This ability... is definitely problematic. "

"Is there a problem? Mother tree?"

"I don't know, I just feel unsafe, but there is no other way now."

"Do you need my help?"

"Just look at me and don't let anything happen to me. It should be fine, right?"


"Yes, just defend the outside."

"That's easy." Chi Xiao nodded.

"Well, I leave it to you."

Xu Le immersed his consciousness into the soul world and began to have the most in-depth consciousness integration with the soul tree.

Darkness, elements, and soul power.

After pushing aside these powers layer by layer, Xu Le's consciousness reached the deepest part of the tree of soul.

This is a place similar to the rhizome area of ​​a mother tree.

But this place is full of life, and blue soul energy fills every corner.

It is full of vitality and has no dead and rotten feeling like the roots of the mother tree.

"This is my base camp..."

After his consciousness came here, Xu Le walked towards the center of the rhizome.

Two balls of light, one black and one white, stayed here.

They are like the spores in the deepest part of the rhizome, part of the tree of the soul.

Xu Le has never been here, but he has always known about the existence of these two things.

Black represents the power of darkness.

Part of it comes from the Night Fury's approval, part of it comes from his own involvement in darkness, and part of it comes from understanding.

And the white one is made of light.

Xu Le only used the light-forged power a few times before he gave up on it completely.

It’s not that this force isn’t strong enough.

According to the rules of the Ancient Sound Tree, light and darkness are opposites, and the levels of the two should be exactly the same.

As for the matter of Lightcast being beaten to death by a Night Fury and then picking up the body...

That belongs to the pure Taicai of Light Casting.

Xu Le could only think of this explanation.

Otherwise, since the strength is equal, no one should be beaten to death on the spot.

"Forget it, now is not the time to think about how Lightcast was beaten to death by his elder brother...

There are more important things to do. "

Xu Le himself was not sure about the dangers of light-forged energy.

That is, every time he uses the power of light casting, he always feels like he is being spied on.

That feeling was completely different from the Night Fury's attention.

The Night Fury's attention is direct and explicit.

Every time the Night Fury paid attention to him, he could clearly feel it.

And you will feel blessed.

But after using the light casting, the sense of voyeurism is still vague, making it impossible to pursue the truth.

Every time I use it, the sense of peeping becomes stronger.

Xu Le knew that this thing came from the Guyin Duomu Tree. What happened last time could be regarded as his snatching this thing from the tiger's mouth.

Putting this thing in your hand, it feels more or less like a hot potato.

Xu Le's current idea is to use and open up.

Relying on the gaze of the Night Fury and Chi Xiao's protector, he forcibly used the power of light casting.

The first is to sense the positional seal of the light-forged limbs this time.

Secondly, he also wanted to completely eliminate the hidden dangers of the power of light casting.

Both of these things must be done.

Just right together.

Xu Le looked at the ball of light in front of him, closed his eyes and prayed slowly:

"Lord Night Fury, please protect me."

Invisible black light shrouded Xu Le's side, seeming to form a layer of protection.

Xu Le concentrated and stretched out his hand towards the light-cast spores.


The shining light almost blinded his eyes.

Xu Le subconsciously wanted to close his eyes, but at this moment, the voice of the Night Fury suddenly appeared.

"Don't close your eyes. If you close your eyes, you will lose completely."

"Close your eyes and you will lose completely?"

Xu Le didn't know what losing meant.

But he didn't dare not listen to the Night Fury's warning.

So even if his eyes were really going blind at this time and the bright light made him burst into tears, Xu Le would not dare to close his eyes.

I could only endure the discomfort and look directly at the light source.

The strong light made Xu Le feel like he was looking at the high beams of a large car with his eyes open.

And the effect is multiplied 100 times.

Fortunately, this kind of light does not feel hot, it is just pure illumination.

After a while, dark particles gradually emerged from all over the body, circulated, and began to gather towards Xu Le's eyes.

These dark particles slowly gathered and began to protect Xu Le from the light.

Then, his vision gradually became clearer.

It's not that the bright light disappeared, but the darkness in his eyes neutralized the light in front of him.

When black and white overlap, Xu Le can see clearly what is in front of him.

"The power of light casting is indeed domineering... The abilities of Gu Yinduo's son are all based on rules, and none of them are simple."

Holding the light-forged spores tightly, Xu Le's consciousness quickly returned to reality.

At this moment, he can already use light casting energy.

Chi Xiao on the side also noticed Xu Le's fleeting change and asked:

"What just happened to you?"

"I just quietly took out some collections, but this thing is a bit dangerous."

Xu Le stretched out a finger, and the fingertips glowed slightly.

The white light blocked the sun's rays in the sky.

This creates a visual deflection change in the perspective of the entire empty pool.

A prism-like thing is hidden about 5 meters above the pool.

This area is not very big, only about 2 meters * 2 meters.

If it were not for the refraction of light casting, it would not be detectable either by naked eye observation or by perception.

The level of secrecy is unparalleled.

"The Hand of Light is here."

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