
Chapter 412 The First Seal

"This thing is hidden very cleverly. It is indeed here in the pool, but it is not in the water or underground, but in the air.

If you keep focusing on the pool and underground, you may never find this place. "

Xu Le said as he walked to the left side of the center of the pool, which is under the seal.

Ai Li followed him, while Chi Xiao flew directly over and came to the side of the seal.

Through the refraction of light, Chi Xiao could barely see the looming seal.

But even she didn't quite know how to open the seal and get the light-forged hand inside.

"This feeling is like being sealed in a different dimension..."

"Your feeling is correct, it is actually in a different dimension."

Regarding the exploration and understanding of different spaces, Xu Le's level can be said to be stronger than Chi Xiao's.

With the power of Gu Yinduo, he has traveled through multiple different dimensions.

The puppet ones, the night fury ones, and the light cast ones.

Of course, there is also the realm of the mother tree, the underworld with many roots and stems, and so on.

After having these experiences, Xu Le naturally had a certain understanding and guess about the seal in front of him.

It is sealed in its own world.

A world forged in light.

"There should be a key or something like this in this place, but if not, it doesn't matter."

Xu Le also turned into an elemental body at this time and slowly floated up.

When he came to the seal, his fingers turned into points of light, and he pointed lightly and touched the seal.


A pair of eyes appeared from Xu Le's vision.

The strong feeling was like looking at him from the inside of his sight. This was an indescribable sense of gap.


He wanted to interrupt the light spot in his hand, but then found that he couldn't do it.

Some kind of force is driving him to lift the seal...

This power... is Gu Yinduo!


"What?" Chi Xiao was stunned.

She glanced at Xu Le. At this time, Xu Le's whole body was wrapped in the light source, and nothing special could be seen.

Chi Xiao didn't think anything would happen to Xu Le, at least she didn't feel anything was wrong with Xu Le yet.

But soon, Xu Le repeated it several times.

"There are many ancient sounds, many ancient sounds!"

The continuous repetition of ancient sounds made Chi Xiao realize that there might be trouble on Xu Le's side.

"Xu Le? What's wrong with you?"


Huge spiritual energy flowed out of Xu Le's body, and the spiritual energy pool dropped a bit because of this.

This psychic energy drilled into the seal in front of me like an electric drill.

The powers of light casting began to connect with each other, and the seal hidden in the air was disintegrated little by little.

A huge finger appeared in front of several people.

"Light-forged arm!" Chi Xiao glanced at Xu Le, who was still glowing.

Xu Le also stopped extracting energy, and the light emitted from his body dissipated instantly, and he immediately fell from the air.

Ai Li's focus has always been on Xu Le and he quickly caught him.

Chi Xiao also noticed something was wrong with Xu Le and asked aloud:

"You don't look good, what's going on?"

Xu Le's face looked a little ugly. He had thought about the problem of light casting power, but he didn't expect that so much spiritual energy would be extracted.

This process is Gu Yinduo's control of the power of light casting.

And the light casting itself... has been recycled by the ancient Yin Duomu tree.

At least some of it was recycled.

"It's not that we found this place, but that it's waiting for us to open the seal..."

"Is it guiding us?"

"The bugs are coming."


Harsh and sharp sounds came from the surroundings, and the sound was endless, but there was no specific location.


Suddenly, the hard barrier of the pool under their feet made a crisp sound, and Xu Le and Ai Li jumped up immediately.

A section of the insect's mouthparts bit into the burned ceramic wall and stuck out from the soil.

"Already arrived."


A long voice came from the east, and it felt like something was accumulating its own power.

When this voice appeared, Chi Xiao's eyes instantly became solemn, staring at the east and never looking away.

There was fog all around, so even Chi Xiao and Xu Le couldn't be sure of what was on the far side.

The feedback from Gu Yinduo's vision was vague, and he could only feel that the other party was a very scary creature.

"Legend!" Chi Xiao said suddenly.

"It seems that only you can solve it." Xu Le said helplessly.

Legend-level weirdness can only be solved by legend, and a transparent person like him will not touch it.

Chi Xiao nodded:

"It seems to be the one that was hidden before. I have to deal with it. You should be careful."

"No problem, but what about this light-forged arm?

I really want this thing, but I also know very well that if I hold it now, I will instantly become a target for bugs.

So, you better take it..."

Xu Le is very sober. At this time, the light-forged arm is a hot potato.

With his level, he simply can't hold this thing.

There is only one legendary target now, but what if there was a second one.

One can hold Chi Xiao back, while the other can easily kill him instantly.

It was impossible for him to put himself in such a dangerous situation and take the risk of taking away the light-forged arm. It was not advisable...

"Okay, I'll take this thing first."

Chi Xiao lifted his blindfold, and a vortex of blue light appeared, absorbing the light-cast arm in front of him.

This should be her other dimension.

Xu Le watched the light-forged arm disappear, and the regret in his heart became even stronger.

He knew that this was a side effect of the power of light casting, and he could only rely on his own restraint.

"Alley, let's go."


After Chi Xiao took away the light-forged arm, Xu Le and Ai Li quickly left here.

He chose to fly elementally, while Alley followed him with moon steps.

At this time, there were bugs all around the farm pond, and it was definitely impossible to stay on the ground any longer. It was too dangerous to fight the bugs on the ground.

You can only rely on your flying ability to keep a distance from these bugs.

"Xu Le, the number of bugs is so amazing."

"Well, it's really outrageous. There are dozens, even hundreds, of times more bugs hidden underground... than we imagined."

Only by flying in the air and looking at the ground can you feel the astonishing number of Zerg.

Xu Le doesn't know what these bugs eat to grow up.

The Zerg army at this time was simply larger than during the previous Black Tide.

These bugs are surrounding and have begun to fight with some of Keen's regular supernatural beings.

Xu Le couldn't understand that even if the Zerg reproduction ability itself was very powerful, the most basic energy intake should always follow the law of energy conservation, right?

If any living thing wants to reproduce, it needs to consume a lot of energy.

Energy can be many kinds of things, such as energy crystals, the spirit of the red moon, ancient Yinduo psychic energy and other direct energy.

In addition to these direct energies, bioenergy can also be used as the most common energy supplement.

Food, plants, meat, these are all conventional sources of energy.

But the question is, if we want to raise so many bugs, how much biological energy is needed? How many resources?

So many bugs breed in just 2-3 days.

The resources that need to be consumed are several times that of normal conditions.

Even if it’s pork…

"Wait, meat?"

Xu Le, who was flying in mid-air, suddenly stopped.

Alley on the side also quickly stamped his feet and stopped on a building.

"What did you think of?"

"There is a place that really has a lot of meat, and it's free. No one wants it."


"Kuroshio's weird cleanup place."

When Xu Le said this, Ai Li understood.

"Yes, the number of weird people who died in the Black Tide is extremely shocking, if the bugs get this part of the weird corpses.

It is indeed possible to reproduce in large numbers in a short period of time, producing such staggering numbers. "

"But there should be dedicated personnel to clean up the weird corpses. It's the same in every city."

“Yes, it’s the same in every city, there will be dedicated people to clean it up.

The problem now is the person who handles the strange corpse. "

"...Has it been penetrated?" Ai Li already understood what Xu Le meant.

“The person who can handle the entire black tide of weird corpses has decision-making authority and blocks other people who have questions.

The power and strength among them should be enough to reach the top of Tianrui Lifeng.

There are very few such people, and their characteristics are very obvious. If she can calculate it with Chi Xiao, she should be able to guess who this person is. "

"Are you going to find Chi Xiao now?"

"No, legendary level battles are too dangerous. You can easily lose your life if you go there."


"Follow the bugs and see where they go before we tell you."

When Xu Le followed the bugs, Chixiao also looked for the breath of the legendary bugs and came outside the city.

Gu Gu Gu Gu! ~

A strange sound, like the croaking of a frog.

Chi Xiao remembered that Xu Le's toad could make a similar sound, but the opponent's strength was obviously much stronger than that toad.

Even she has to be careful.


A strange cry was followed by a deep purple beam of light.

The beam was too fast, even Chi Xiao couldn't dodge it.

She clenched her right hand into a fist, and a shield fused with metal and flame appeared in her hand.


Chi Xiao took a step back and stood firmly on the spot.

All the surrounding bugs had died in the aftermath of this attack, which made Chi Xiao feel a little uncomfortable, because she originally wanted to burn these bugs to death with a fire.

When she was a child, she used the soles of her shoes to burn ants...

At this time, she was trying to recall her interesting childhood.


Just as Chi Xiao was about to form a seal to fight, his fingers suddenly stopped again.

"This is?"

The purple energy beam just released by the opponent left a light green afterimage.

This lingering image is most obvious in his defensive position.

At first, Chi Xiao only thought it was the remnant of energy and didn't pay much attention to it.

But if you look closely, you will find something strange about this afterimage.

The green traces are becoming more and more obvious, with obvious lines and curse marks on them, which are corroding the surrounding air.

To be more precise, it is corroding the surrounding space.

"That insect wants to tear apart the space here?"

Chi Xiao is probably 70-80% sure of his judgment.

And she soon realized the key.

The insect was summoned by Gu Yinduo.

But the bug itself is not a harmonious creature. It is a race of alien gods, the Devourer of the Void.

After being summoned by the Ancient Sound Mother Tree, these bugs are definitely not without purpose.

They themselves have bad intentions.

After coming to this world, there is only one thing this kind of Outer God Zerg will do.


Eat any creatures that resist, then eat the plants here, and finally eat the entire Deep Blue.

This is how terrifying the outer gods are.

Perhaps they are not the strongest individuals, but they are definitely the most threatening of all creatures.

This green afterimage should be the space beacon they left behind.

Used to form space channels or summon more bugs.

Goo! ~

While thinking, the second beam of light has appeared.

This time, Chi Xiao, who had gained experience, did not block completely, but used the shield he had just formed to block part of the energy.

It's not that she can't stop it, she just wants to test it.

Seeing the newly left afterimage, Chi Xiao said thoughtfully:

"Is that true? The collision of energy will cause afterimages to remain.

Is it because my energy has traces of this world? Its energy has traces of their world, so the collision between the two will leave a mark? "

Chi Xiao didn't know whether his guess was accurate.

But in the current situation, it's best not to have an energy collision with the other party.

Moreover, the two previous traces also need to be dealt with after the battle.

"Gotta get it in close combat."

Chi Xiao's body ignited with flames, and with a blast, her body disappeared on the spot.

The Void Breather, which had been hiding in the mist, suddenly lost its target.

As a Zerg, it lacks the combat experience and coping methods of humans like Chi Xiao.

After losing Chi Xiao as its target, it began to look left and right.

At this moment, a ball of flame suddenly appeared, and the small figure actually stood on its nose, pressing one hand on the eyeball of its right eye.

"The Wrath of the Dragon."



The Void Breather screamed, and half of its face was shattered by the blow.

It was a massacre before his eyes.

"Chixiao, let me help you."

"Jidu?" Chi Xiao looked at the visitor with some confusion.

On Xu Le's side, he followed Chongzi very casually.

Soon I followed the insect stream and came to the Tianrui Lifeng Heroes Monument.

Under Xu Le's gaze, these insects climbed up the monument in dense numbers.

Although there are usually many people here to watch and worship, there are so many bugs now that even extraordinary people have to stay away.

The extraordinary beings who could not fly were forced back by the Zerg, and most people could only climb upstairs to observe.

Only beings like Xu Le who could fly could check the bugs at close range.

"Their goals are so strange..."

"It's those monuments."

"Why would a bug be interested in this stone?"

"It can't be for food. There should be something they need, or something required by a higher will."

"Is the light-forged body here?"

"It should be, and it was sealed by some special means, just like the one in the pool before."

Just as Xu Le finished speaking, a familiar breath appeared at the end of his field of vision.

The power of darkness and ashes comes from the same source.

"Is it the eaten fruit?"

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