
Chapter 423 The initial fruits

Toad and Ai Li looked into the darkness following the sound, and Chi Xiao's figure walked out of the darkness.

Ai Li's observation skills are very keen. The moment Chi Xiao appeared, she noticed something was wrong.

Chi Xiao's hair color has darkened, or it can be said that it is not as bright and bright as before.

The previous Chi Xiao had fiery red hair, which Ai Li was quite envious of.

But now her hair color is very dull, and she feels like she is malnourished.

This situation is somewhat similar to Xu Le's previous captain Bai Jing, but it is still relatively rare for a level 7 legendary master to appear.

"Lord Chi Xiao." Ai Li greeted politely.

Chi Xiao is so powerful that even Xu Le uses honorifics on weekdays, so Ai Li is also very sensible.

Chi Xiao looked a little tired, but normal communication was no problem.

She pinched her eyebrows to relieve her headache.

"It looks like something happened over there... something special."

Ai Li nodded, then looked at Xu Le and began to talk about the previous battle:

"What happened at that time was like this..."

Ai Li was very professional in her work. She told everything she knew about the battle process in a very rhythmic manner.

But nothing is known about what happened after she and Toad died.

At that time, she clearly remembered that the toad was killed by the light-forged incarnation, and she herself died in battle because she helped Xu Le resist the light blade.

How they were resurrected afterwards, they still haven't figured out yet.

"Resurrection..." Chi Xiao looked at Ai Li and Toad.

Toad, who had always talked a lot, acted like an obedient little frog in front of Chi Xiao.

"Let me see your wounds and the recast parts."

"Oh, okay." When the toad heard this, he immediately wanted to take off his armor.

But when it made this move, it discovered that part of the armor was actually stuck to its flesh and blood.

It's like a hardened shell that grows together.

"Uh... I can't take this off."

Chi Xiao touched the hardened armor without forcing it, but during the process of stroking it, she felt the power of ashes flowing in the toad's body.

"Did that guy actually give you the same power as me..."

Chi Xiao looked at the giant toad in front of him with a strange expression.

After all, it's always a little weird to see an ancient god use his own abilities.

"Well, Lord Chixiao, my current use of the power of ash is not stable enough, and I feel that it is not a simple flame.

It also incorporates some other things, pollution, corruption..."

As the toad spoke, he showed Chi Xiao a trick of toad breathing fire.

Seeing the ash flames spit out by the toad, Chi Xiao nodded.

"The nature of the energy has been changed...your experience seems to be quite special."

Chi Xiao seemed very interested, but her mental state was really not good.

After studying the toad for a while, he sat down next to the fire.

Ai Li saw that Chi Xiao didn't make any further moves, so he took the initiative to ask:

"Xu Le is still awake here. Is there anything Mr. Chixiao can do?"

"I am thinking……"



Chi Xiao's answer left them speechless.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and as time goes by, the surroundings are getting darker and darker.

There are no jungles in the wild areas of Tianrui Lifeng. Most of them are Gobi landforms.

There seemed to be some creatures surrounding them in the darkness. Judging from the smell, it must be something weird.

"Night Demon?" Toad also felt something was wrong.

"It seems so." Ai Li nodded, confirming this statement.

There is indeed the smell of Night Demon around, but the strange thing is, why is Night Demon refreshed in this environment now?

If we talk about the conditions for the appearance of the Night Demon in detail, it is still very complicated.

Anima, darkness, both are indispensable.

At present, their anima levels are stable, and now they have lit a bright enough fire. There is really no reason to refresh the Night Demon, so it is very strange.

"Lord Chixiao, are you ready to fight now?"

Alley made a fighting stance. She was never afraid of fighting.

The problem I'm worried about now is that I can't take Xu Le into account during the battle.

She glanced at Chi Xiao. If there was a master like Chi Xiao here, there should be no problem.

Chi Xiao frowned slightly at this time, stared at Xu Le on the ground and said doubtfully:

"There is no problem with our anima and the brightness. Is there something wrong with Xu Le?"

"Xu Le has never had anima problems."

"That was before. He didn't have anima problems before. It doesn't mean that he won't have anima problems now.

Every promotion is a change between life and death. This change may be good or bad. "

Ai Li naturally cares most about Xu Le, but as a warrior, she really has no good solution.

"What to do now?"

"Look around and make sure it's safe. Let me give it a try."

Hearing what Chi Xiao said, Ai Li and Toad looked at each other, and then nodded:


Chi Xiao came to Xu Le and sat cross-legged as if in the realm of the mother tree, then gently reached out and grabbed Xu Le's finger.

When her fingers touched Xu Le's hand, a strong mental shock almost destroyed Chi Xiao's mental defense.

The chaotic flow of information made it almost impossible for Chi Xiao to maintain a stable mind.

"How is this possible?"

Chi Xiao concentrated slightly. According to her thoughts, even if her current condition is not very good, it should be no problem to enter the spiritual world of a level 5 warlock.

The impact on Kexule's spiritual world can be called an information explosion...

Moreover, this information explosion continues and is not a peak.

"That means he has so much information in his mind all the time?"

Try to understand the information flow released by Xu Le.

In addition to Gu Yinduo, Hong Yue, combat, ability, and Ding Ke Aili, there were many information flows in Xu Le's mind that Chi Xiao didn't recognize.

"What is a computer? What is a cell phone? Who is Tifa?"

This information was fragmented, so Chi Xiao had no way of understanding its meaning.

Only affixes such as Guyinduo and Hongyue could be understood immediately.

Getting rid of this world of information, Chi Xiao continued to delve deep into Xu Le's spiritual space.

This is a long road, but it is an extremely beautiful road.

The endless Milky Way, the distant starry sky, and the rainbow bridge like colorful gems, connect to the end of the world.

Xu Le's thinking is actually not a region or a world, but includes the universe.

Magnificent pictures can be seen everywhere, and this place is simply synonymous with miracles and wonders.

"Is this why he was chosen by Gu Yinduo?"

Chi Xiao didn't know what was at the end of this rainbow bridge, but in order to regain Xu Le's consciousness, she had to explore it.

For the next time, Chi Xiao just walked on the Rainbow Bridge.

Along the way she also saw some strange and even dangerous things.

A hut hidden in the black mist, an island above the clouds, a golden city, and a huge lake.

"Too bad it's freezing."

Chi Xiao felt the spiritual energy under the frozen lake, which was very huge and turbulent.

She didn't know if this was Xu Le's spiritual power. If it was really his, it would be terrible.

There is no way forward until the Rainbow Bridge. If we go further, there will only be this frozen psychic lake.

Chi Xiao still needs to be vigilant about this dangerous psychic area.

Psychic energy is likely to breed terrible creatures, and there may also be some unknown dangers.

The greater the total amount of psychic energy, the higher the possibility of danger.

After looking around and confirming that there was no other way, Chi Xiao could only step on the ice in front of him.

"The rules here...even flying is allowed."

Xu Le woke up, but not completely.

Because the place in front of us, with its singing birds and fragrant flowers, does not look like the location of Tianrui Lifeng.

And he didn't see Alley or Toad around.

Logically speaking, he finally fell down next to Alley and Toad. Even if they didn't wake up when he woke up, they should be near him.

So the current environment is definitely abnormal.

"It looks like the puppet's cabin from before..."

Xu Le looked into the distance. It really looked like the cabin where he saw the puppet before.

However, there are still some differences in environmental details.

There are not so many trees, but there are many more flowers and plants.

Xu Le walked towards the house. It took him nearly 3 minutes to reach the short distance.

It seems that the wooden house is far away from me, but it seems very close at the same time.

"There is indeed a problem here."

No matter what, Xu Le finally came to the wooden house.

Opening the door gently, a long-lasting feeling hit your face.

First of all, there is too much is so thick that you can make an obvious groove when you press it with your fingers.

“To be able to accumulate such a thick dust, it’s either because it’s very dusty here or it’s been too long.

But the furniture here looks new, not like it has lasted for a long time. "

Unlike the previous situation where the puppet was sitting at the dressing table putting on makeup, there was no one in this room and there was no sign of life.

The only traces left were the footprints and handprints left by Xu Le himself after he walked in.

Xu Le wandered around, and finally moved his eyes to a wooden barrel that should be in the kitchen.

There are actually some fish in this bucket.


Xu Le bent down and wiped the fish gently. They were definitely dead fish.

But there are too many strange things. The surface of the fish is also covered with thick dust, almost like furniture.

But despite the accumulation of so much dust, these fish did not rot, and their flesh was still soft to the touch, as if they had just died.

This is what Xu Le can't understand.

"Is time... fixed here?"

Xu Le didn't know whether this explanation was correct, but there was nothing worth studying in the room at the moment.

"Let's go out and have a look."

Compared with the house, Xu Le cared more about the tree at the door of the hut.

He remembered that there was a similar tree there, but it was an apple tree.

The tree right now doesn’t look like an apple tree, right?


The breeze blew gently, and the big tree in front of me swayed slightly.

A few yellowing leaves fell, and a fruit fell by the way...

The fruit rolled down to Xu Le's feet, making Xu Le a little at a loss.

Because this thing is not a normal fruit at all, it emits a strong light after falling to the ground.

"This is...light."

The fruit is white, like a flawless lamp. You cannot see the bulb, but you can only feel the light inside.

Xu Le immediately thought of the Guyinduo fruit, but even the [Element-Light] fruit could not produce such an effect.

After Xu Le realized this, he immediately raised his head and looked at the treetops.

Although the yellow leaves on the tree obscured many places, Xu Le could still clearly feel that there were still 7 fruits left on the tree.

Including the one on the ground, there are 8 fruits in total.


The colors of these fruits are different, but each fruit gives Xu Le an unknown aura.

He looked down at the bright fruit at his feet again.

A new mutation has appeared again.

The ancient sound multi-view, which is usually useless in such critical situations, actually works!

[Eye of Vision-Brightness]

The bright affix Xu Le can be understood:

"What is the Eye of Vision?"

Picking up the fruit, the light in the fruit gradually dissipated, and the fruit gradually returned to its original shape, almost like an apple.

"Is this kind of thing edible?"

Xu Le felt that it would be a bit reckless if he took a bite at this time, so it was better to put the fruit away first.

After collecting the fruit, Xu Le looked at the other fruits on the tree.

"If these fruits represent the rules of the Sons of Ancient Yinduo... then now is the opportunity to learn more about the Sons of Guyinduo."

After having this idea, Xu Le climbed up the tree without saying a word.

From a distance, Gu Yinduo's vision had no way to confirm the information about these fruits, so he wanted to take a closer look.


[Things that cannot be changed - trajectory]

[The ants look up to the sky]



[Root roots - plants]


Each fruit corresponds to a suitable name.

The name of the eighth fruit is, as Xu Le expected, destiny.

Until this moment, Xu Le was completely certain about something.

The destiny is lower than that of the mother tree of Guyinduo, and it is on the same level as the son of Guyinduo.

However, there must be something special about the fate, so it is not classified as the son of Guinduo.

"Destiny is indeed the special son of Gu Yinduo..."

Xu Le was lost in thought when the trees under him suddenly made a sound:

"You looked at it very carefully. Why don't you just pick one off?"

"Uh, huh?"

His abilities couldn't be used here at all. Xu Le was startled and fell directly from the tree.

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