
Chapter 424 Aiming to Kill Hongyue

After falling from the tree, Xu Le quickly patted his butt. To be honest, it hurt.

He looked around suspiciously, and after confirming that no one was there, he looked at the tree in front of him.

"Is it you who's talking?"

"These temptations are meaningless."

Hearing this affirmative answer, even though Xu Le was prepared, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

"Is it Lord Mother Tree?"

"According to your understanding, yes."

The will of the mother tree is hazy. Although it also has its own consciousness, it can even give birth to something like the son of Gu Yinduo.

But the identity of the mother tree is always hazy.

Even though there had been some communication with Xu Le before, that communication was always in a vague state.

But it was different now. The other party's ability to express himself was very clear, and there was no ambiguity in his words.

In this state, you can already communicate with yourself normally.

The current environment is most likely the mother tree's home field, or some kind of place that is convenient for it to express its personal will.

Xu Le deliberately looked around, then said:

"The environment here is nice. Is it the home of Lord Mother Tree?"

"Yes, this is where I was born."

When Xu Le heard this, his pupils shrank again.

Birth... This word sounds a little wrong.

It's not that there was something wrong with the birth, but considering the environment here, something was very wrong.

This place, this cabin, and its contents.

They all clearly indicate one thing, that is, someone once lived here.

The Guyinduomu tree was born here. Does that mean it was a tree planted by someone?

"I think I know something terrible."

"Everything in the past has disappeared, and we should look to the future."

"Indeed, does Master Mother Tree have anything to say to me? It shouldn't be for no reason that I was brought here."

“Only here can I express myself clearly.

In other places, my will will be misinterpreted, including yours. "

"Although I don't know what I misinterpreted Lord Mother Tree, what Lord Mother Tree did before was not particularly friendly in my opinion."

Xu Le told the truth, but the mother tree hesitated for a while in response.

“I hope that you will become a practitioner of ancient music in this world and spread the power of ancient music for me.

Just like the red moon. "

When Xu Le heard this reason, he frowned slightly:

"Practitioner of the Ancient Sound? Spreading power? Master Mother Tree, it's not me. The red moon is in power in the human world now.

There are so many weird ancient sounds. If you ask me to spread the power of ancient sounds and promote them in the human world, you are forcing me to die. "

"I never want you to die, so I always give you the most powerful power. You should be able to feel this."

Xu Le's mouth twitched:

"The so-called most powerful force is to force a son of Gu Yinduo?

Sorry, I don't want to be the new son of Guinduo, nor do I want to be a container. "

"That was my previous mistake, and I can apologize for it. You are very special, and I should not have set your boundaries as small as the son of Guyin Duo.

You should have a broader stage. "

"It's not interesting to draw cakes, and I don't really like eating cakes either."

Xu Le waved his hand and rejected the mother tree's "kindness".

Although the mother tree seemed sincere, the repeated designs were enough to make Xu Le wary of it.

"I need you to help me."

Xu Le:......

You don’t even draw cakes anymore, right?

Although he thought so in his heart, Xu Le still responded to the mother tree. After all, he hadn't figured out the environment here yet.

"My ability is meager and I really can't help you much, Master Mother Tree.

If you need a strong person, I think Chi Xiao should be a better choice than me.

Even if you don't want to choose Chi Xiao, there are many other geniuses in the world.

Anyway...let me refuse. "

As soon as Xu Le finished speaking, the big tree in front of him shook.

Angry? Xu Le is not sure.

But soon... snap!

A fruit from the tree hit Xu Le on the head.

What Xu Le can be sure of is that this matter has nothing to do with gravity. It is definitely caused by the trunk of the tree in front of him.

"Why is Master Mother Tree doing something that looks like you are showing your temper? Are you angry?"

boom! Bang bang bang!

As soon as he finished speaking, several other fruits also fell down, hitting Xu Le on the head with the same accuracy.

Xu Le:......

"It's too much!"

Xu Le said without stopping, and quickly collected the fallen fruits one by one.

Then he took out the [Light] he had put in his pocket before and placed it on top of the pile of fruits.

"What are these fruits?"

“The rules of the original division were also the weapons given to the sons of Guinduo.

I can't move, I can only split my power into agents and let them do things for me. "

Xu Le nodded, then shook his head:

"Since they are weapons that have been split off, why are there still these here, and there are rules of fate that do not count the sons of Guinduo."

Xu Le had some doubts as to whether Guyinduo's mother tree wanted to develop a Guyinduo son system.

Come to check and balance the previous son of Guyin Duo.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't make sense, and today's mother tree doesn't seem to have such an ability.

"These are just residual information, only information, no power, so even if it is absorbed, there will be no increase in strength."

The mother tree's voice became a little deeper. This explanation...Xu Le could barely accept it.

"Then, what do those sons of Guyinduo want to do now? What do you want to do? Why did you bring me here?"

Xu Le asked three questions in a row, and then simply sat cross-legged under the tree, as if he wanted to listen to your explanation.

The mother tree also pondered for a moment, seeming to organize its own language:

"The sons of Guyinduo have my order and rules. They are very powerful, and some of them will soon break through the original seal and truly come to this world."

"What does "arrival" mean? I have met the sons of Gu Yinduo before, such as puppets, and I didn't feel there was any problem?"

"The puppets you see are definitely not the puppets themselves, but their temporary wills or clones, and I am talking about their bodies."

"What changes will be caused when the son of Guyin Duo arrives in his true form?"

"This world is already damaged. Their power is too chaotic. Their chaotic energy will only make the world more complicated."

Xu Le frowned slightly and continued to ask:

"You haven't answered me clearly yet, what will they do after they arrive?"

"The first thing they will do is to kill Hongyue..."

Xu Le didn't know how many times he was shocked.

The idea of ​​killing Hongyue... was indeed not the first time he heard it.

But listening to other people's words and analyzing it yourself are not as straightforward as Guyinduo Mushu's own words.

Hong Yue's strength has been deeply rooted in people's hearts. Although many people have told Xu Le, even Xu Le himself thinks that Gu Yin is more powerful than Hong Yue at the same level.

But the actual situation is that the Red Moon Temple is spread across the four cities, and there are only weird things here in Guyinduo...

Weirdness shouldn’t be considered the same as human beings, right?

"Can they...really be able to kill Hongyue?"

"You haven't seen the power of Gu Yinduo's sons in a true sense. They are my descendants...killing Hongyue is really not as difficult as you think."

Xu Le was silent for a while and then continued to ask:

"Then what happens after they kill Hongyue?"

"After killing Hongyue, it will be me." Shu responded directly.


"Yes, after Guyin Duo's son killed Hong Yue, I became the last obstacle to reshaping rules and order.

After killing me, it was their civil war.

The final winner will integrate all the rules and energy to establish a new order and even a new world. "

Xu Le swallowed his saliva. Although it sounded outrageous, he felt that the mother tree's statement was not alarmist.

The previous Night Fury had made similar remarks.

The son of Guyinduo will kill the Red Moon and the Guyinduo Mother Tree itself, and then become the new master...

Xu Le took some time to digest this information before continuing to ask:

"What about Master Mother Tree, what do you want to do next?"

"The reshaping of the world is dangerous. I don't want that. I just hope that the red moon can be driven away and everything returns to its essence."

Hearing this statement, Xu Le nodded again, making a reasonable request.

"What about me? Why did you bring me here?"

"Bring you here? What are you talking about?" The mother tree suddenly looked a little confused.

This made Xu Le also become confused:

"Didn't you bring me here? Then why are there this house, this tree, and these fruits here."

Xu Le pointed at the fruits in front of him and questioned.

"This is not my world, but your world. The original power has caused division in you.

A new tree has been born in your soul, and the existence of that tree has the same origin as mine.

It is through the tree from which I originate that I communicate with you.

This place is just a projection of your soul world, and these fruits are just pheromones retained by your tree. "

After hearing this statement, Xu Le became even more confused.

Is this really the projection of his own soul world?

After thinking about it, even Xu Le himself couldn't be sure. He could only look at the big tree in front of him:

"Then how should I get out now?"

"I hope you can help me collect the power of Guyinduo's son and become the new Guyinduo..."

"Forget it, son of Gu Yinduo, tell me how to get out of here first, and then talk about other things later, okay?"

"My intention is not to make you the new son of Guyinduo, but to gather all the power of Guyinduo's rules to become the new Guyinduo..."

"Tell me how to get out, please." Xu Le began to pretend to be pitiful.

But the mother tree is still talking to itself:

"After you collect other ancient Yinduo rules, you will be the new order and the new master..."

Both sides talked about their own things, but when it came to this point, Xu Le stopped.

"Am I the new order and master? What about you?"

"My original intention was to maintain the original rules and not change them. This world was originally very stable, but the arrival of the red moon broke this stability.

So I just hope that everything will return to its original state. As for whether I still exist or not, it actually doesn’t make sense. "

Xu Le was a little surprised by what the mother tree said, so righteous.

"If that's the case, then I can consider it, but can you tell me first how to get out here?"

"Sorry, this place doesn't belong to me, so I don't know how to get out of here."

Xu Le:......

"Are you kidding?"

"I don't mean to joke with you. I also hope that you can wake up as soon as possible so that you can fulfill our agreement."

"Oh, promise..."

Xu Le waved his hand, stood up and left the tree.

After talking so much, in the end he still didn't agree to the mother tree's request.

What it did before is really not worthy of trust.

"But the way to leave really need to think about it carefully."

Xu Le circled around the surrounding area, and he found that this place, filled with birds and flowers, was essentially a small island.

The island is surrounded by an endless layer of ice.

The wind and snow on the ice were extremely strong, and the resistance to movement was also extremely high.

Xu Le has lost all his abilities now. Whether he sets foot on the ice or explores further, it is an extremely risky behavior.

After thinking for a moment, he decided not to take the risk and chose to give up and return to where he was.

He didn't know if he would die here, and if he died, he didn't know if he would die in the real world.

Avoiding risks is the most correct choice.

"Let's go back to the house first, it feels like it's quite cold here at night."

As time passed, Xu Le felt the cold. He had not felt the cold for a while.

Back in the house, Xu Le got a dusty broom from the door and briefly cleaned the wooden house.

The house can resist the cold wind from outside, making him feel slightly better.

However, as time went by, the surrounding temperature continued to drop, and his body felt increasingly uncomfortable:

Gu Gu! ~

My stomach suddenly made some noise.


Xu Le shook his head helplessly. Losing the ability of a transcendent seemed to be not only a lack of force, but also a fear of the cold.

"Just the cold and hunger make me unbearable. The lives of ordinary people are so fragile, hey."

In the history that Xu Le studied, cold and hunger killed countless people.

Tens of millions, even hundreds of millions.

It is such a simple request that many eras, many dynasties, and even prosperous times cannot achieve.

The struggle of ordinary people is so difficult.

Xu Le stared at the fireplace in a daze. He had no ability to light a fire, so he could only block the fireplace with wood, otherwise the wind would come in from the chimney.


There was a sudden knock on the door, and Xu Le frowned slightly.

"Will anyone come to this place at this time?"

Xu Le walked slowly to the door:

"who is it?"

"it's me."

When Xu Le heard Ai Li's soft voice, his eyebrows suddenly stretched.

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