
Chapter 425 Trapped Beast

"Alley, you're finally here. If you don't come, I'll probably freeze to death here."

Xu Le said, pressing his hand on the door handle.

Just when he was about to turn the handle and open the door...

The corner of Xu Le's eye suddenly glanced at the window nearby.

He seemed to see something gray...

After losing his ability, his observation ability also dissipated a lot, except that Gu Yin Duo Vision can still be used, which is the most original ability.

Vision, hearing, and perception have basically returned to the level of ordinary people.

So many times, Xu Le began to question his own judgment.

"Wait a minute!" Xu Le shouted at the door, but he didn't mean to open the door in a hurry.

Turning around and walking to the window, Xu Le gently leaned down, pressed against the window and looked out.


A mummy that was almost a skeleton was also pasted on the window, almost face to face with Xu Le.

Xu Le was startled and took a few steps back. Then he tripped over the chair under his feet and fell to the ground.

"damn it……"

"Xu Le, Xu Le, it's me, Ai Li, open the door quickly!"

The knocking on the door kept coming, but the mummy in the window was also crawling.

It licked the window with its freeze-dried tongue, making a tooth-piercing sound.

Then he licked all the dust on the windows.

Mummy, Ai Li's call made Xu Le feel a little confused.

He subconsciously wanted to activate the ethereal state and sort out his thoughts, but after a while he found that there was no response and had to give up.

"You can't use the ethereal state either."

Xu Le looked at the door. No matter how slow he was, he could still react.

This a bit evil!

At least this time at night is more evil than during the day.

Seeing Xu Le's delay in responding, the voice outside the door suddenly began to knock on the door.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of the impact was loud, as if the door could be broken in at any time.

Xu Le's breathing became a little rapid. He didn't panic, but the tension caused by the disappearance of his strength and the trembling of the body caused by the surge of adrenaline were all too obvious.

He can't control himself as accurately as before, and physical excitement is inevitable.


The door was suddenly knocked open by someone, well, it wasn't a person...

With his withered face pressed against the wooden door, he shouted to Xu Le:

"Xu Le, let me in."

"Get in!"

Xu Le picked up the chair at hand and threw it at it, without even escaping from the mummy in front of him.

Then a scene happened that shocked Xu Le.

When the chair hit the mummy, the lower half of the mummy's body exploded instantly.

It seemed that what hit him was not a simple chair, but an explosive such as a grenade.

After the mummy was blown away, Xu Le took a few steps forward in surprise and looked at the mummy.

Looking outside at this time, Xu Le found that the surrounding area was covered with thick snow. He didn't know when the snow appeared. He remembered that it was not there during the day.

"Is he dead?"

Just when this idea came to mind, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of the door.


Xu Le was startled again. His perception was so poor that he didn't notice the sudden appearance of the other party.

He cursed in his heart and took a few steps back, but his mood stabilized slightly at this time.

The other party...should not be able to enter this room.

At least not now.

This made Xu Le's heavy heart suddenly calm down.

The weather hadn't cleared yet and the snow hadn't stopped, but he felt he could hold on for a while longer.

"It seems like there is something in this house, at least these monsters can't get in.

Wait, monster? "

Xu Le was suddenly stunned. He realized one thing, that is, Gu Yin Duo Vision could be used, at least during the day.

At that time, he realized that Guyin's multi-vision was the only ability he could use here.

But when he looked at the two mummies just now, there was no hint in Gu Yinduo's vision...

"There is only one situation where there is no prompt from Guyinduo's vision. The other party is a human being, and a living person."

Then, an even more outrageous scene appeared. The mummy whose body had been blown apart by the chair suddenly lit up with a blue light.

This familiar blue light made Xu Le speechless, and then he saw a picture that made him even more speechless.

After the blue light passed, the mummy's body quickly repaired and then stood up from the snow.

"Guyinduo's life-changing technique!"

What happened to the mummy just now is obviously Gu Yinduo's life-changing technique. This is a technique that Xu Le is very good at, so he can tell it at a glance.

The structure and usage of psychic energy are all exactly the same.

"The forbidden warlock extended from the ancient Yinduo card can actually be embodied in a mummy... It's really outrageous."

Xu Le didn't consider that the mummies in front of him were really living people. They didn't look like living people at all.

Moreover, the way he imitated Alley just now, so vividly, does not look like a good person at first glance.

"Forget it, stay alert."

Xu Le took a few steps back and leaned against the wooden wall.

His attention never left the mummies outside the door, and these mummies were hovering at the door with no intention of leaving.

This confrontation lasted until late at night.

The things outside the door still showed no intention of stopping, but Xu Le had already pulled a chair over and was leaning on the chair to observe the outside.

His physical strength is very weak... He is very tired now.

"It's not just the ability that's been lost, the decline in physical fitness is really outrageous."

Xu Le had a physical fitness comparable to a level 1 warrior before, so he wouldn't have become so tired and sleepy after sitting here for half a day.

Xu Le felt that his eyelids were very heavy, as if holding on here would consume his extra energy.

Sleepiness came over him in waves, and Xu Le had to stand up from the chair.

He was so sleepy that if he continued to sit, he felt like he would fall asleep soon.

It was too dangerous to fall asleep in this situation. Even if these mummies couldn't come in now, Xu Le couldn't tell whether they would break through the door once he fell asleep.

Now that I am holding a chair, I have a trump card.

He still has a lot of things to do, and he doesn't want to overturn because of this mistake.

"Buck it!"

Time passed by minute by minute, and Xu Le just stood with his chair glued to his back all night.

The mental fatigue did not seem to continue to deepen. When the night passed, the sounds at the door finally faded away...

Xu Le was in a daze for a moment, and immediately realized that the mummies had left.

He quickly walked to the door and looked outside.

The snow on the ground is dissipating rapidly. After turning into snow water, these water traces will evaporate in a short time.

It just looks like a small wonder.

Unfortunately, Xu Le really didn't have the time to observe these wonders. After confirming that there were no other problems, he walked out of the room.

Standing at the door of the wooden house, Xu Le glanced at the ancient Yin Da tree, and then walked towards the edge of the island again...

Arriving at the edge of the island, Xu Le reconfirmed the situation here.

Glaciers and endless wind and snow.

These things haven't changed much, and he seems to be really sealed on this island.

"Have a look."

This time Xu Le did not return to the same place, he walked on tentatively.

The wind, snow and ice fields seemed to be separate worlds from the island at his feet.

When he stood on the island, his body could not feel the coldness of the wind and snow at all, but as soon as he stepped on the ice field, the biting feeling immediately hit his forehead.

it's too cold!

With this kind of low temperature and cold, Xu Le felt that with his current physical condition, he would not be able to withstand it for 2 minutes and would freeze to death.

"It seems that the idea of ​​exploring outside is not very tenable."

Xu Le, whose exploration failed, could only return to the door of the wooden house.

He was too tired, so after taking a look at the ancient Yin Da tree, he returned to the wooden house.

I briefly cleaned the room and shook off the dust on the quilt.

Xu Le lay on the bed in the wooden house.

Judging from everything that happened last night, this wooden house is special.

Perhaps there is some kind of restriction or barrier that prevents external hazards from entering this place.

All in all, it's relatively safe here.

In Xu Le's opinion, sleeping here is better than sleeping under a tree.

Xu Le has always been vigilant about the Guyinduomu tree.

After sleeping for who knows how long, Xu Le suddenly got up from the bed.

He first touched his belly, then looked around:

"It seems fine, but I'm a little hungry."

The only thing in the room that looked edible was the bucket of dead fish in the corner.

Do you really want to eat that kind of thing?

Those fish didn't know how many years the silk had been dead, or whether it had deteriorated internally.

"Let's go to the mother tree again."

Xu Le got up from the bed and didn't think about eating anymore.

Prior to eating, your own safety is more important.

"You came."

The sound of the mother tree is very peaceful, and no fluctuations can be heard.

Xu Le looked at the tree. The fruits under the tree were still piled there. No one had touched them last night.

"What were those two mummies last night?"

"I said, this is the projection of your soul world. What is here and what will appear is not something I can decide.

Your own will interferes more strongly here, do you understand? "

The projection of one’s own soul world…

Xu Le frowned slightly. He had guessed that the identities of the two mummies were actually the original owners of this body.

But if I think about it carefully, I feel that this inference is not very valid.

If it was the original owner of this body, why were there two mummies?

Could it be that this body was penetrated twice by the soul? Seized twice? This result sounds impossible.

Moreover, when inheriting the memory of the original owner, there is no such content.

"This place is really evil."

"I hope you can help me..." The mother tree was still repeating what it had said before.

However, the tone of the mother tree was weaker than yesterday, sounding submissive.

Xu Le waved his hand impatiently.

"Let's talk about it after I find a way out."

Using this reason to send the mother tree away, Xu Le returned to the wooden house again.

Then, another day of boring waiting.

During this period, Xu Le began to study his body, psychic powers, and wooden houses...

But these studies have all come to nothing, with no response and seemingly no clear significance.

The next night, the mummy arrived as expected.

After last night's experience, Xu Le's response became much calmer.

As long as he didn't leave the cabin, the two mummies had no way of harming him.

This house is a safe zone. As long as he stands in the safe zone, there is no threat...

A night of silence.

After this experience, it was easier to stay up late the second time.

However, Xu Le, who is physically weak and lacks food, still needs sleep to replenish his energy.

There is water to drink from the creek outside the house, but there is really nothing to eat...

At noon on the third day, when Xu Le woke up from bed, he was already very hungry.

After not eating for three and a half days, Xu Le was about to starve to death.

This is not an exaggeration, he is really starving to death...

The mental state is highly concentrated every night, coupled with a lot of thinking and exploration during the day, these things consume a lot of Xu Le's physical strength.

If he doesn't eat anymore, he really won't be able to bear it.

Xu Le has explored all the surrounding places. There is water in the creek, but there is nothing to eat.

The only thing that can be eaten now seems to be the bucket of fish.

Without thinking any more, Xu Le stood up and walked to the barrel.

There are a lot of fish, which should be enough for him to last for a while.

"Let's wash 2-3 strips."

I was so hungry before that Xu Le estimated that he could eat a lot, so he simply picked out three of the best fish.

I'm going to wash it in the stream outside the house, and then see if I can eat it raw or find a way to cook it.

It's been a few days and he still hasn't gotten the fire.

Because he is an extraordinary person, he does not have the ability to drill wood to make fire or rub wood to make fire like Alley.

And now he is very weak and does not have that kind of physical strength.

"Let's take a step and see."

Taking the fish, Xu Le walked towards the outside of the house.

But as soon as he went out, Xu Le felt obvious changes...

Some kind of energy was being lost, and he could even feel the flow of energy.

It's in his hands...

Xu Le quickly looked at the three fish in his hand, only to see that the three fish shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Their energy and vitality are rapidly dissipating.

Xu Le watched helplessly as the fish shriveled up, with no way to save them at all.

"Fuck, my fish."

In just over ten seconds, these fish turned into dried fish.

And it's not the kind of dried fish that looks edible, but the kind that has been decaying for many years and looks like a living fossil.

He was already short of food, and now he couldn't even eat fish.

This made Xu Le, who was already very anxious, suddenly become upset and his expression suddenly became unstable.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! What on earth is going on in this ghost place?"

Xu Le threw the dried fish to the ground angrily, then stomped on it a few times.

But he knew these actions were meaningless.

In the end, he has to return to the origin of the problem.

How to get out?

Xu Le suddenly turned his head and looked at the Guyin Duomu Tree...

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