
Chapter 430 Seven Proverbs

"What if they don't give it to you?" Xu Le said reluctantly.

If he was faced with ordinary weirdos, even those of the same level or even one level higher, he would probably have already struck hard.

But these are the sons of Gu Yinduo!

These monsters are not something he can touch.

"Don't give it? If I don't give it to you, then you steal or rob. Isn't this difficult to understand?"

Seeing the confused look on Ye Fury's face, Xu Le felt the corner of his mouth twitching.

What is this and what?

"No, Lord Night Fury, won't you be resented if you do this?"

"No, you are my companion, and they had no intention of letting you go."

Xu Le:......

What an injustice!

"I'm just a small character, isn't it?"

"Originally, you were indeed just a small character, but now it is different. You have gained the light. Whether it is with them or with me, the relationship between us is no longer subordinate, but equal."


“Yes, after equality, they will put you in the position of your opponent.

To facilitate future equal hostilities and battles. "

"..." Xu Le's head was buzzing.

Night Fury's words were like thunder, putting him in the position of an equal opponent?

Is there any difference between this and letting him die directly?

"I can't beat him~!" Xu Le said truthfully.

"Yes, it's difficult for you to fight against them now, so you need to become stronger as soon as possible.

Absorbing the power of their projection is the fastest way to become stronger, and it also allows you to familiarize yourself with their energy rules in advance and improve your own advantages. "

Improve advantages? The difference is so big, what an improvement.

However, he is not completely helpless. He can't beat him now, and I'm afraid he won't be able to beat him for a long time in the future.

But you don’t have to fight hard if you can’t beat it.

When the time comes, go to the dark land of the Night Fury and fight. If you are not afraid of death, feel free to come. Can you beat the Night Fury?

Well, that's the truth.

"I understand, so why does the seal here exist?"

"It's Deep Blue's will."

Xu Le:?

Okay, it's another sentence Xu Le can't understand.

After a simple exchange, fate slowly came to the center of the seven pillars.

He raised his arm, and those ancient Yinduo cards suddenly appeared around him. These cards were connected to each other and eventually formed a pattern.

It felt like a colorful three-dimensional holographic projection to Xu Xule.

In the pattern, a red meteor crashed into the dark blue planet, and destruction followed.

The source of all disasters starts from here...

"Deep Blue is the supreme will, and Guyinduo is the embodiment of Deep Blue's will. They have occupied this world for nearly a thousand years.'s our turn."

The sons of Guinduo on the seven pillars had focused expressions, and even the puppets who usually acted like hip-hop stopped smiling at this time.

Seeing that these big guys are like this, Xu Le, as a weakling, must sit still at this time.

"What covers everything is eternal darkness. Only the true ruler of darkness can drive away the eternity that is hiding in front of us.

Lord Night Fury, please begin. "

Hearing Destiny's voice and watching him stretch out his hand towards the Night Fury, Xu Le was slightly startled.

Lifting the seal should not be a matter of everyone working together, working together, and not being afraid of difficulties...

No, no, they should attack together to be powerful enough to break the seal.

Now let Night Fury make the first move, and his risk will naturally increase during this period.

The Night Fury had just said it herself, and she basically had no dealings with the sons of Gu Yinduo.

Although they say they have the overall situation in mind, in practice, who knows if anyone will do anything wrong.

Not to mention others, Xu Le and Ye Sha themselves were ready to do something dirty.

So at this time, the Night Fury had no time to take care of him, so Xu Le had to be careful.

Xu Le remained silent, carefully observing the Night Fury injecting the power of projection into the light and shadow where destiny rose.

The way the Night Fury injects power is very simple. A dog, it should be a wolf howling.

It was a very clear sound, and when the wolf roared, the power of darkness almost overflowed.

"Is this a little bit of energy that big brother calls? A little bit is so much? Is it really not a billion bits of energy?"

The words of fate were not interrupted. He turned to look at Xu Le:

“The covering darkness finally begins to thin, and the world needs to usher in the dawn. That initial light is the hope of all.

It is the eye of the world and the eye of vision.

Then please ask Mr. Xu Le to open our eyes to the world and usher in the light of dawn. "

Xu Le:? ? ?

He is not stupid, of course he knows that the motto spoken by fate is related to him, and he is also preparing to play on his own.

But I didn't expect that this moment would come so suddenly and so quickly.

"The first big brother, the second me, are these guys causing trouble?

I haven't done anything yet, and they started to do something? "

Xu Le stared at fate with doubt on his face, and there was no clear movement on his hands.

The appearance of fate suddenly changed at this time, from the gentle man before to a gentle and lovely sister next door.

"Mr. Xu Le, why are you still hesitating? If Lord Night Fury doesn't teach you what to do, you can just say it and I will teach you personally, hahaha."

Destiny's voice was very sweet, but Xu Le didn't pay attention to him at all.

Before he could take action, Long, the guy with a bad temper before, also started urging him.

"Boy, this is our second chance in nearly 400 years, you'd better hurry up.

If something goes wrong, no one here will let you go. "

Xu Le stared at Long. The other party's golden eyes had left a deep impression on him before. When they looked at each other again, Xu Le felt something inexplicable.

A string of information actually emerged as the two parties looked at each other.

[Don’t worry, no one will take action against you here. Whether it’s a puppet or destiny, the value of unblocking is far greater than cheating you. 】

Looking at this message, Xu Le was in a state of confusion.

He thought of the scene when he met the dragon in the floating city, and that look in his eyes.

The relationship between the two parties is indeed not as bad as Long showed before.

"Is this a sign of goodwill? Or does it mean that Long and Big Brother have a relatively close relationship?" Xu Le thought to himself.

Can you see through people's hearts? This violent man has such a delicate heart that no son of Gu Yinduo can judge his true nature from his appearance.

"Ok, I see."

The meaning of the proverbs is not very clear to Xu Le, but based on the two proverbs spoken by Destiny, Xu Le can make a bold guess.

The Night Fury kept silent about the seal, and Xu Le had no other channels to obtain information.

The process of unlocking the seal by Guyin Duo's son should be a mantra composed of proverbs.

Following the order, peel off the marks on Gu Yinduo's sons, and the seals on them will naturally be lifted.

Xu Le didn't know if his guess was correct, but as of now, it was indeed possible.

"Soul Eater!"

Xu Le, who is active on the inside but silent on the outside, releases the soul-eating branch.

This powerful living plant is filled with the aura of the same origin as Guyinduo. Everyone present is the son of Guyinduo, so they naturally understand the power and potential of this ability.

"What a special feeling. It seems that Mr. Xu Le is not only favored by Lord Night Fury, but even the old guy also values ​​you very much."

Xu Le ignored fate. This guy always talked a lot, and would make invisible provocations and threats from time to time.

It seems that he is eager to get angry and cause some conflict.

He is irrelevant, but the Night Fury's attitude is obviously biased towards him.

If the Night Fury gets into a fight with the other sons of Gu Yin Duo, then the sealing lifting ceremony will basically be in vain.


Is this guy deliberately causing damage?

A very secretive one?

Xu Le looked at the fate of her eldest sister, and felt that what she had done before was not up to that level.

Moreover, fate itself is an existence that cannot be figured out. Could it be that I am overthinking it?

"Forget it, soul-eating stripping."

The branched branches extended three ways, entwining around the light and shadow released by fate.

At the same time, Xu Le opened up the multiple horizons of Guyin. This time, the multiple horizons of Guyin are no longer a passive observation ability.

It is the guidance that actively transmits the power of light.

"It seems that Lord Night Fury's teaching to Mr. Xu Le is quite good. He has just taken over and has already mastered the power of Gu Yin Duo.

Did Mr. Xu Le do a lot of practice to become the son of Gu Yinduo? "

Xu Le's eyebrows suddenly raised.

This guy is causing trouble again!

He definitely did it on purpose.

Because after he said these words, the other sons of Gu Yinduo also glanced at Xu Le intentionally or unintentionally.

He seemed to be thinking about whether what Destiny said just now made sense.

At this moment, Long stood up, still looking impatient:

"Hurry up, hurry up. I'm not here to chat. How long do I have to wait?"

"Long is right, hurry up." Gang Shi also spoke.

As soon as these two people spoke, others also agreed.

They immediately relieved Xu Le and reduced their focus on Xu Le.

Destiny smiled:

"Master Long is still so impatient, but don't be impatient. The lifting of the seal requires regularity and rhythm."

"No one can refuse true freedom." Lin Lin was fascinated.

"That's right, Destiny, don't sow discord here. If you have this time, why not come and play with me." The puppet suddenly said.

Xu Le was stunned for a moment. The branches injected with energy could hardly hold on.

The puppet also saw that this destiny was indeed causing trouble...

But there is still a gap in strength. He would not dare to say the same thing for fear of death.

After his fate was exposed by the puppet, he didn't care and just smiled lightly:

"Master Puppet, why do you want to expose me? What difference does it make to you?"

"Hehehe, I won't tell you."

The corner of Xu Le's mouth twitched, two Riddlers, the Riddlers would not die well.

The process of injecting light energy was relatively smooth. About a minute later, fate once again spoke the motto:

“Light emerged from the darkness, and it also opened up all the images, allowing us to see the world clearly and understand matter.

Nothing is immortal, but matter exists forever.

It's your turn, Lord Gangshi. "

The perfect man nodded and started to take action.

Then, fate continued:

"After the birth of matter, everything was too monotonous. Maybe it was the deep blue will that favored us, or maybe the Creator took a nap.

In short, life emerges during this period.

And the end of life is death and decay.

Lord Forest..."


The proverb continues:

“The bloom of life is always so gorgeous, and the endless will and soul nourish this land.

The entire Deep Blue has been blessed by this. This is the meaning of life.

But the birth of life not only brings blessings, but also disasters.

When the first greedy life appeared, desire began to appear in this world.

Lady Rose, it's your turn. "

"As you wish, my beauty." Rose said very charmingly.

But Xu Le felt that Rose's voice was somewhat familiar.

He had never heard this voice before, but it felt familiar.

"Rose's charm must be too strong..."

Even after Rose took action, the proverb continued.

"Desire is never-ending. Once it appears, it cannot be restrained or dealt with. Even if they are like ants, they still have the idea of ​​​​looking up to the sky.

I don’t know that the so-called ants think that they have understood the rules of this world.

Thinking that he has become the master of this world.

How ridiculous, how sad.

But desire cannot be stopped, and the ants finally looked up to the sky, bringing disaster to the world.

Lord Long, I've been waiting for a long time. "

"Already prepared."

The power of the dragon's sky was instantly injected.

After the light and shadow absorbed the energy of the seven ancient Yinduo children, the picture inside was reset like a mosaic.

Xu Le, who was standing aside, felt something was wrong.

Is this the end? Is there something missing?

As expected, the impatient Long spoke:

"Destiny, what are you waiting for? Where is the last motto?"

"Hehehe, Master Long, Master Long, I told you not to be anxious. Now I am the last person and have the initiative to end the seal, but in my hands, you should first understand your position before speaking. "


After fate said this, the other sons of Gu Yinduo also changed their expressions slightly.

But they have long been accustomed to failure.

If they fail this time, they will be disappointed at most, annoyed at most, and nothing more.

Night Fury suddenly spoke at this time:

"If you really fail, you will enter the dark world immediately."


Night Fury's reminder let Xu Le know that things might not be that simple.

He looked at fate, only to find that fate was also looking at him and smiling at him.

Destiny floated over directly, giving up the control of light and shadow and came to Xu Le's side.

He gently leaned over Xu Le's ear and said:

"Do you feel that your plan with the Night Fury is about to fail?"


"Stop pretending, you can't hide your little thoughts, haha...

Also, remember what I say next..."

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