
Chapter 431 The world of ancient sounds

"Remember what you said? What?"

"************, do you remember?"

Xu Le:? ? ?

Did he not say it, or is there something wrong with my ears?

Why didn't you hear it? Blocked by earwax?

"what did you say?"

"Don't make any noise, Mr. Xu Le. This matter is very important to all the sons of Gu Yinduo. Remember it well. This is the choice of fate."

After Destiny said these words, Xu Le's first reaction was to look at the other pillars.

Sure enough, these guys were all staring at him with strange eyes, which made him feel hairy.

"You don't really believe it, do you?"

No one responded to him, they just continued to stare at him with the same strange eyes full of distrust.

"No... As the sons of Gu Yinduo, can you have some self-judgment? It is so strong. If it really spoke, would you not be able to hear it at such a close distance?

And you, please, please let me go. If you catch me masturbating alone, do you think I'm easy to bully? "

Xu Le's expression was vivid when he spoke, and he looked like he was about to burst into tears.

The other sons of Guyin Duo did not express their opinions, but just looked at him playfully. Some of them had already retracted their gazes and began to stare at the light and shadow in front of them.

And the initiator of all this, fate, just smiled and drifted back.

Standing in front of the light and shadow, he summoned all the ancient Yinduo cards, and then pierced the light and shadow.

"The endless void is like a dark forest. Every will of existence is a hunter with a gun. They sneak through the forest like ghosts, gently pushing aside the branches that block the road, trying their best not to make any sound from their footsteps or even breathe. All cautious.

This is true for every will, and Deep Blue is no exception.

He had to be careful because the woods were full of hunters and he was a hunter too.

Only ignorant ants will shout in this dark forest, explore ignorantly, and send signals ignorantly.

These ants can't even control Deep Blue's will.

They behave like a powerless baby shouting loudly in a jungle full of wild beasts, I am here, I am here!

Such behavior will eventually lead to disaster.

Fate will ultimately decide the direction of this disaster. "

All Guyinduo cards emit blue light.

Xu Le suddenly felt that the ball of light and shadow increased the speed of absorbing energy, and it no longer only absorbed the rules of Gu Yinduo's son, but also extracted spiritual energy together.

This feeling is not very pleasant.

Moreover, Xu Le's own spiritual energy may be called powerful and massive compared to others.

But if it is really compared with Gu Yinduo's son, then that's all.

After all, the corresponding level for Guyin Duo's son is the Red Moon God.

Xu Le knew that he would be drained if this continued, but in the current situation, it was obvious that no one could help him. Even the Night Fury was focusing on the light and shadow at this time.

The crisis befell him unknowingly.

"Relying solely on my own spiritual power is not enough.

Icefield! "

The soul-eating branch instantly connected to Xu Le's own alien space, and the soul-eating tree on the ice field also responded to Xu Le.

The ice sheet beneath its feet began to melt, and the melted spiritual water provided Xu Le with a large amount of spiritual energy.

The absorption of light and shadow one after another also starts from this moment.


The ice sheet began to crack, and the area at the foot of the Soul-Eating Tree quickly melted into a pool.

Xu Le couldn't tell exactly how big this psychic pool was. Anyway, it was definitely much larger than the previous one.

"Work harder."

Xu Le increased the intensity of psychic energy transmission, and a stable balance was gradually formed between transmission and absorption.

At this moment, Xu Le suddenly noticed Rose on the pillar next to her, and her figure was in a trance.

It feels like... a short circuit? Or poor contact.

"out of battery?"

No, there is no psychic power anymore.

Does a creature as strong as Guyinduo's son have different spiritual abilities?

In other words, Rose injected less psychic energy into this projection of hers.

"She is dying. I have to take action to get the rules and power contained in her projection..."

According to what Night Fury said before, in the sealed land, all projections will be discarded.

But he himself is not a projection. Isn't there such a problem?

"Okay, I'm not the son of Gu Yinduo, I have a chicken seal..."

The Night Fury asked him to absorb as much of these projection powers as possible before this place was abandoned.

So...Xu Le is going to pinch a soft-looking persimmon first.

In addition to the three soul-eating branches that maintain the light and shadow seal, Xu Le's soul-eating tree quietly stretched out a fourth branch.

This branch has been hidden in one of the three branches.


The extended branch directly stabbed Rose. Xu Le's initiative to attack other sons of Gu Yinduo really surprised everyone present.

If the person who took action was a Night Fury, they wouldn't be surprised at all.

Because the Night Fury is very powerful.

And the Night Fury has the experience of killing other sons of Guyinduo, which is the fear engraved on other sons of Guyinduo.

Normally, the sons of Guyinduo cannot kill each other.

The Night Fury's behavior has broken this silent rule.

So that’s a Night Fury! ~

What is Xu Le? How dare he attack Rose?

"You..." Rose also looked at Xu Le in surprise.


But Xu Le's soul-eating branch had no intention of stopping, and it successfully pierced her projection.

This scene surprised everyone even more.

"Can it break the defense? It does seem to be a very powerful ability!" Destiny praised. No one else spoke, but he spoke the most.

After Xu Le stabbed Rose's body, he realized what fate meant.

The projection of Son of Ancient Yinduo still possesses the power of Son of Guyinduo.

They themselves have defensive power comparable to that of gods.

This kind of defensive power is reflected in the rules, and the soul-eating branches released by Xu Le obviously override these rules, so they can easily break through the defense.

Rose stared at Xu Le, her charming eyes were frowning at this time.

She had paid attention to Xu Le, but they didn't have much communication with him.

Xu Le was the first to attack her, just because of the weakness of the projection, not due to any other factors of hatred or emotion.

He is so decisive and ruthless!

Xu Le has begun to extract the power of Rose's projection through the soul-eating branches.

But Rose did not interrupt the transmission of spiritual energy to light and shadow.

Just like what Night Fury said before, the Sealed Land itself is a dead land, and the projections of their sons of Gu Yinduo would have been abandoned here.

In order to lift the seal, there is nothing wrong with discarding a projection with its own original power.

This is a perfectly acceptable loss.

This is the second time in 400 years. It has failed once before, probably the time of Light Forging.

If they fail again this time, they don't know how long they will have to wait for the next opportunity.

To lift the lockdown, they could sacrifice everything here.

Of course, it is impossible to interrupt at this time. Rose is one of them, and she thinks the same way.

However, Rose still felt angry at Xu Le's behavior.

"How dare you?"

"Why don't I dare?" Xu Le asked.

"After the seal is lifted, I will truly descend into the real world of Lan Shen. It seems that you are ready to bear the wrath of Gu Yinduo's son."

"To bear the anger? No, no, no, you think too much, Ms. Rose.

Shouldn't the first thing after arriving be to kill Hongyue? This is the source of the threat to all the sons of Gu Yin Duo, and even Gu Yin Duo himself.

Therefore, killing Hongyue is your first goal.

If I were to be the target, I'm afraid it would have to be a little later.

And even if you kill Hongyue, you still have other things to do, such as the Ancient Sound Duomu Tree?

Another example is the other sons of Gu Yinduo here. "

"What else? I want to hear it." Before Rose could speak, Destiny urged her from the side, just like urging her to update.

Xu Le did not delay and continued directly:

“When I came here, I felt inexplicable and frightened. I was weak, helpless and pitiful.

But after coming here, it means that I have already possessed the characteristics of Guyin Duo's son and become one of you.

I understand my own weakness, but I also know that mutual conquest between Gu Yinduo will definitely occur.

Since mutual conquest is bound to happen and is inevitable, why can't I save myself?

Improve yourself as much as possible and do everything you can to become stronger.

Anyway, even if I don't offend you, you will eventually do something to me after the lockdown is lifted. "

Xu Le's thinking was extremely clear at this time.

The ethereal state clarified all his thoughts. His judgment may not be absolutely correct, but it is definitely beneficial to him at the moment.

"It's interesting, it's interesting, so just absorb it, but don't eat too much."

Rose no longer looked angry, but smiled sweetly at Xu Le.

Xu Le didn't care whether she was angry or not.

Just suck it and that's it.

With the absorption of Rose's projection, the original attributes of desire gradually flowed into the Soul-Eating Tree.

These energies make him very familiar and full of lust!

And these lusts are different from his.

This is the source of lust, the original power of Spider Queen Rose.

Xu Le pointed two fingers upward.


The Soul-Eating Tree immediately discarded all the fruits of lust originally produced on the tree to provide an environment for the fruit from which Rose was originally born.

The pink gradually becomes more intense, and a new fruit is born.

It's right next to the dark fruit.

【Rose's Forbidden Love - Lust】

Xu Le was slightly startled when he felt the fruit. What is the name of that dark fruit?

[Night Fury's Approval-Darkness]

"Is it a copycat version of the original fruit? Although it is a copycat version, it is still a bit interesting."

After the fruit of lust was formed, Xu Le stabbed out all six branches without saying a word.

Needless to say about Night Fury, her projection will also be discarded here.

It was agreed just now that Xu Le could absorb it with confidence and boldness.

As for the other five…

Dragon: "Fuck!"

Forest: "You are looking for death."

Gangshi: "..."

Puppet: "It seems that it is necessary to engrave your name on a puppet, Xiao Xu Le."

Destiny: "As expected, he took action, Mr. Xu Le."

Sure enough, with so many ancient sounds, it is not easy to raise 8 rebellious children.

"Scold, keep scolding!" Xu Le felt contempt in his heart.

These sons of Gu Yinduo were loud in their mouths, but they were very understanding in their hands and were completely unmoved by Xu Le's backstabbing behavior.

They can tolerate backstabbing, but they cannot tolerate the failure of unblocking.

"Forget it, let him suck it, and give him a nice look later."

This is a true portrayal of the mood of most of Guinduo's children.

Their indulgence brought Xu Lesu happiness.

A stream of powerful power flows into itself, and the Soul-Eating Tree, which is above the rules, is really powerful.

Not only can it safely absorb the power of these sons of Guyinduo, it can also summarize and produce a copycat version of the fruit of the rules.

Instead of letting the power of these rules dissipate and transform into the most primitive ancient Yinduo spiritual energy.

Counting from the beginning of darkness...

[Night Fury's Approval-Darkness]

【Rose's Forbidden Love - Lust】

[Rotten rhizome-plant]

【Stubborn material - stone】

[Changing Thoughts-Logic]

[Ant's Looking Up-Giant]

And finally...


The previous copycat rules are all very strange, and they all have certain rules to follow.

But when fate came here, things changed.

Xu Le didn't know whether this change was good or bad. In short, there was something wrong with this fate from the beginning.

Coupled with the uncertainty of the rules of fate and the danger of the thread of fate, this fruit is enough to be labeled as high risk by Xu Le.

Don't touch or eat it and that's it.

"Everything will start again, and the darkness that covers it will also be snatched away. Everyone, now is the time for us to arrive!"

With the last words of fate, this sealed land began to tremble.

The trembling sky and swaying stone pillars all indicate that this place is about to collapse and be destroyed.

All the sons of Guyinduo were unmoved by all this. They continued to send power towards the light and shadow, and the shape of the light and shadow was also constantly changing.

Xu Le was equally unmoved. He just silently absorbed the projection power of these sons of Gu Yinduo.

As he said before, he wants to become as strong as possible.

Stronger than ever before, strong enough to survive in the hands of Gu Yinduo's son.

The world in front of me began to shatter, really shattering, like broken glass.


An upward depression was opened, which was a giant space door in the opposite direction.

As the sealed land was shattered, the sky and the earth in the real world also trembled.

The weirdos were kneeling on the ground one after another, worshiping in different directions and prostrating themselves on the ground.

For a large part of it, even fighting the extraordinary beings exploring the wilds stopped.

Let these extraordinary beings slaughter them.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"I do not know."

When these people were at a loss, some extreme landforms that were usually impossible to see appeared around or in the intersecting areas of the four major city-states.

Lava, giant forests, intricate caves.

There is also a place of endless darkness.

These landforms seemed to appear suddenly, and all the strange things around them began to rush in the direction of these landforms.

The extraordinary beings stayed in place, wondering if they should pursue them.

They also didn’t understand that it was no longer Gu Yinduo who descended on the Deep Blue Star.

But the world of Guyinduo.

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