
Chapter 454 Night Fury’s Guidance

Xu Le agreed eagerly, but before he was ready to leave, he turned to look at Chi Xiao.

Needless to say, the relationship between him and the Night Fury. In front of the other sons of Gu Yinduo, if he said "Father, the Night Fury", they would probably believe it.

But the situation is different here in Chixiao.

Chi Xiao was tortured by Night Fury last time, and the relationship between the two was far from good...

Moreover, Night Fury's good temper is actually not a good temper, but she can't get angry when there is nothing too important.

However, Chi Xiao succeeded in making the Night Fury angry last time, which was quite impressive.

"Um, Master Ye Sha, Chi Xiao..."

Xu Le hesitated to speak. He hoped that Ye Sha could be a little more tolerant and at least stop targeting Chi Xiao. After all, they were all friends.

Night Fury glanced at Xu Le, his eyes seemed a little dissatisfied, and then looked at Chi Xiao:

"You, come together, as a return to my invitation last time."

"Uh? Okay." Chi Xiao was stunned for a moment, but she didn't object to Ye Sha's invitation.

The feeling that the Night Fury gave her was completely different, and there was no resistance at all.

Following the Night Fury, Xu Le felt much more relaxed. He even felt that it would be better if the Night Fury stayed here.

"Brother, why do you stay here all the time? I remember you were here a few months ago."

Facing Xu Le's inquiry, Ye Sha thought seriously.

"Although the human city is not very big, the richness of its content is too strong. I want to taste the food here and read the books here.

Several months have passed and this goal has still not been achieved. There are too many books and food here. "

Seeing the serious look on Ye Fury's face, Xu Le also felt a little speechless. Is this the result of Chixiao's language education?

Caused the Night Fury to stay in the Red Moon Temple and not leave?

Those people in the Red Moon Temple would probably be disgusted to death by the Night Fury.

"Okay, I haven't eaten at this restaurant yet, so this is the place."

The place where the three people and one sheep stopped was a stew restaurant. Although the area of ​​the Red Moon Temple was not as large as Tianrui Lifeng, the population density here exceeded that of Tianrui Lifeng.

The food and culture are also much more mature than Tianrui Lifeng. This stewed stew shop is a century-old shop inside the Red Moon Temple.

Only a place like the Red Moon Temple can support something like a century-old store.

"Boss, please serve 10 servings of our braised pork."

"Ten servings? Okay, okay."

Seeing Ye Sha ordering food and wine with ease, Xu Le suddenly felt an unreal feeling.

The older brother he knew...wasn't like this.

"Does Xu Le drink?"

"Uh, no need, brother, I'm just an ordinary warlock. Most warlocks don't drink."

"Huh, boring."

Tons tons tons tons tons tons…

In Xu Le's surprised eyes, Night Fury filled himself a bottle first.

Xu Le looked at Black Sheep subconsciously, not expecting Black Sheep to persuade the Night Fury, but found that Black Sheep had already pressed his nostrils into the wine basin, and was not afraid of drowning himself.

"Li Liyuan is on the spectrum."

The silent eating and drinking lasted for a long time, and it was obvious that the Night Fury was very focused on eating.

Experiencing taste, food and wine in life really gave her some more meaning to her existence.

The current Night Fury even occasionally has some regretful thoughts, that is, when the darkness swallows everything, there will never be a chance to taste these delicacies and drinks.

"Last time, we fought well."

Xu Le, who was eating, suddenly looked up and found that Ye Sha was talking about Chi Xiao...

The only battle that could make the Night Fury nod in approval was probably the last battle with the puppet projection.

Chi Xiao, who had not used his chopsticks much, couldn't help but clenched his trousers with his fingers after receiving the approval from the Night Fury:

"Can it be considered good to be in such a state of embarrassment?"

"Of course it's not bad. Although the puppet is average in strength, it is still the son of Gu Yinduo, and its projection inherits all the rules.

this point is very important. "

Just when Chi Xiao was about to ask why it was important, Xu Le started to interrupt:

"Does it mean that if you can defeat the projection, you can defeat the main body? It's just that the scale of their power is different?"

Night Fury turned to look at Xu Le and nodded:

"That's true for them, but it shouldn't be so complicated for you."

Xu Le understood that the Night Fury should be able to feel that she had absorbed the faded fire. For the son of Gu Yinduo, this was a very restrained attribute, so she said this.

"If Chi Xiao breaks through level 8, will there be a chance to kill a son of Gu Yinduo?"

Seeing that Xu Le's questions were getting more and more outrageous, Chi Xiao on the side wanted to stop him.

However, Night Fury was indeed not disgusted by such a blind and arrogant question when asked from Xu Le's mouth.

"If she is alone, it may not be enough to break through level 8. If you are included, there is indeed a chance, and the chance is not small."

Chi Xiao was a little surprised by Night Fury's positive answer, but it was more exciting.

Level 8, a combination with Xu Le.

As long as these two conditions can be met, then she has a chance to kill the son of Gu Yinduo?

What an exaggeration this is.

"Thank you, Lord Night Fury, for mentioning..."

"Don't be too busy thanking..." Xu Le raised his hand again.

He rubbed his hands together, poured a glass of wine for the Night Fury, and continued to ask:

"Then brother, do you know what would happen if we were not facing the son of Gu Yinduo, but a human being, an ancient god, or the red moon god?"

The corners of Chi Xiao's mouth twitched. Xu Le's map cannon covered a somewhat wide area.

But she was also curious, from the Night Fury's perspective, could she do these things?

"Ancient God? This group is a little weak. There is no need to discuss it. I have killed all four holy beasts. It is difficult for them to rise again depending on their bloodline."

Xu Le:......

Chi Xiao:......

This is another achievement that has not been recorded in books.

Xu Le doesn’t know what the Four Sacred Beasts are. Let’s ask Toad later.

"What about humans and Red Moon?"

"Red Moon is also very weak. Their strength system relies too much on Red Moon itself. This is their weakness."

Chi Xiao didn't quite understand the meaning of Ye Sha's words, but Xu Le immediately understood the meaning.

The son of Guyinduo can completely get rid of Guyinduo himself. This is the biggest difference between him and the Red Moon God.

"As for humans, level 8 humans have strong potential, but it is only potential. Whether it can be transformed into strength depends on the individual."

"I understand." Chi Xiao and Xu Le nodded in unison.

Although Night Fury's comments didn't mean any specific guidance, they had great significance for the two of them.

Especially for Chi Xiao, it is very important combat information to be able to clearly plan at what level and what kind of opponents she can encounter.

Seeing the harmonious scene between Chi Xiao and Ye Sha, it didn't look like they had quarreled or even fought before, Xu Le felt relieved.

If Chi Xiao's passive beating counts as a fight...

After three rounds of drinking, Ye Sha got excited about eating and leaned on the chair and said to Xu Le:

"Have you prepared a new story this time?"

"Story?" Chi Xiao on the side was still a little confused.

However, the tacit understanding between Xu Le and Night Fury needs no further explanation. Xu Le paused for a moment and asked:

"Brother has been in the Red Moon Temple for a while, and he should have read some of the classics here. Is there any story you particularly want to hear?"

Night Fury frowned and thought for a while:

"Let's love."

"Um? This is a bit beyond my expectation. Why is it this type?"

“The Red Moon Temple has a lot of books, including many human epics, hymns of courage, and the like, as well as a lot of philosophies and beliefs.

But people here don't seem to be interested in love. I didn't even find serious love stories, which are a bit scarce. "

Hearing Night Fury's explanation, Xu Le nodded.

"It's normal to not find love stories here in the Red Moon Temple. Not only the Red Moon Temple, but also the four major city-states probably can't find many descriptions of love stories.

Everyone is in dire straits due to the black tide and weirdness, and praising love is really not the right time to bring it out now. "

"Then why do you know so many emotional stories?"

"That's all popular in our village." Xu Le began to talk smoothly.

"Oh, your village has quite a few stories."

Night Fury smiled, but did not reveal Xu Le's intention.

"Since eldest brother wants to hear a story about love, I'll tell you one. This story is called "Farewell My Concubine."

"The name... sounds more like a story about a king and his concubine."

"It's really not the case. This story is a somewhat special love story, but it can't be said to be pure love. Maybe it also has ideals, times, or some respective ideas."

"let's start."

At the request of Night Fury, Xu Le began to tell this somewhat special love story.

Chi Xiao, who had hardly heard Xu Le's stories, was unusually quiet at this time. She saw that Night Fury seemed to like Xu Le's stories very much, and would even compare the entire story of the Red Moon Temple with Xu Le's stories.

So she was also curious about what kind of story made a being like Night Fury so interested.

"The story of Farewell My Concubine begins with a child named Xiaodouzi..."

Later, Xu Le began to slowly tell the story about Xiaodouzi Cheng Dieyi.

Overlord, Yu Ji, era...

As Xu Le said before, this is a rather special love story. It can also be said that this is not a love story.

When he heard Cheng Dieyi's ending, Night Fury couldn't help but snorted.

"The epitome of the times? In fact, you humans have a lot of shit."

“Well, it’s true, it’s because of the many things that humans do that leads to this kind of tragedy.

But it is precisely because humans have so many things to do that they have all kinds of ideas and stories.

Infighting and the like are actually only part of it, and there are more beneficial things happening. "

"Indeed, human beings have always been the most talented in developing abilities."

Night Fury said, not forgetting to glance at Chi Xiao.

But at this time, Chi Xiao was staring at Xu Le with a strange look on her face. She didn't expect that Xu Le, with his loach-like character, could actually tell such a delicate emotional story.

And she had never heard this story before.

"Xu Le, is this story of yours spread in Zion?"

"Definitely not, it must be a rumor in their village."

"Um, that's true." Xu Le nodded. Representative of Global Village, is that okay?

"Today's story is good. Although it is a pessimistic story on the outside, at its spiritual core, it is a manifestation of self-will.

Although this human being named Cheng Dieyi is just an ordinary human being, he is a strong man worthy of respect. "

"Yeah, I think so too."

When Xu Le nodded, the Night Fury opposite had already raised his hand:

"Waiter, settle the account."

Xu Le was just about to say I'll give him the money, and then he saw Night Fury grabbing a handful of money from nowhere and placing it on the edge of the dining table.

It can be seen that she is already familiar with payment.

"Brother seems to come out to eat often."

"Stop saying those useless words. If you want to know what's going on next, I suggest you go to a few libraries here.

There may be something in those places that interests you. "

Xu Le did not ask what was in the library, but directly thanked:

"Thanks for the reminder, brother, we will go there later."

"Okay, I'm leaving. Take care of yourself, Xu Le."


It was a treat, but it was a treat. Xu Le really didn't pay for this meal.

Xu Le and Chi Xiao stood at the door and watched Ye Sha leave. Chi Xiao couldn't help feeling envious in his heart:

"The relationship between you and Lord Night Fury is really extraordinary."

"That's natural..."

From the first day he came to this world, the first thing he saw was the Night Fury.

After the Night Fury, there is Lao Zhou, the deceased, and then Toad, Bai Jing and the others.

"What's in the library?"

"How do I know this?"

"Are we going to the library now?"

"Before going to the library, it's better to go to your house, put down your luggage, and take a rest. Ding Ke also needs a place to stay."

Hearing that Xu Le had brought Ding Ke with him, Chi Xiao nodded.

"You really took her with you wherever you went."

"Definitely, Ding Ke will bring me luck. Luck is a very important attribute."

"Black is a symbol of bad luck."

"I am in darkness, but my heart is in the light."


Too lazy to talk nonsense with Xu Le anymore, Chi Xiao took him to his small courtyard in the Red Moon Temple.

"Except for my room, you can stay anywhere else. Make your own choice."

After giving Xu Le the key, Chi Xiao let Xu Le make the arrangements himself.

Xu Le was not a picky person. When he saw that room No. 1 belonged to Chi Xiao, he simply chose room No. 2 and was too lazy to continue searching.

Room No. 2 was obviously renovated. Although Chi Xiao didn't understand this, she was rich.

Most of the time, money can solve all problems.

Xu Le made the bed a little, then lay carelessly on the bed, immersing himself in his consciousness and controlling the Soul-Eating Tree.

"Ding Ke, come out."

"Why does your tree nest smell like Chixiao?

Why does this room smell like Chixiao?

Xu Le, you... slept with her first? "

Xu Le:?

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