
Chapter 455 Information about the Invisible Sora

“Have you eaten too much cat food, and then your understanding of the world has changed?

What is my level, and what is her level? Do I sleep with her? "

Ding Ke blinked a few times and his expression turned bitter:

"That's true."

"What kind of thing is it?"

"The reason why you didn't sleep with her is not because you have no idea, but because you are not strong enough. You will definitely sleep with her when you are strong enough."


Ding Ke jumped off Xu Le and walked around the room before turning to look at Xu Le:

"This is our new home?"

"It's just a temporary place to stay. This is Chi Xiao's house in the Red Moon Temple. We are staying here temporarily."

After hearing Xu Le's explanation, Ding Ke nodded.

"It turns out to be the Red Moon Temple. Unexpectedly... after going round and round, I finally returned to this place. It's really nostalgic."

Seeing Ding Ke's expression of emotion, Xu Le didn't know what to say, so he walked over and stroked its hair to make it as comfortable as possible.

"It will get better soon. We will go to the library of the Red Moon Temple right away. Maybe we can find a solution to the whispering body there."

"Hey, I'm not that anxious."

"But you have to stay here obediently during this period. The situation in the Red Moon Temple is a little different now, and it is probably equivalent to a state of war readiness.

If you run around, you are likely to be arrested. I can't help you here. "

"I know, I know, you are so verbose now, just like my mother."

"It's good to know."

After teasing Ding Ke for a while, Xu Le rested until the evening, when someone knocked on the door suddenly.

Tuk-tuk-tuk! ~

"Xu Le, it's me. It should be almost time now. Get ready and go out."

Hearing Chi Xiao's urging, Xu Le immediately stood up:

"Okay, I'll be out right away."

After agreeing to Chi Xiao, Xu Le turned to stare at Ding Ke.

"Ding Ke, stay at home honestly. Remember, don't run around. If you get lost, you'll be doomed."

"I know, I know, I'm not a child, really."

"I'm leaving."

"Let's go."

With that said, Xu Le left the room.

He always felt that something was wrong, it seemed that... Ding Ke's speech seemed to be much clearer today, yes, it was much clearer.

At least he doesn't have the usual meowing look.

Maybe it's because he came to the Red Moon Temple, and there is some kind of power here that makes Ding Ke's will no longer blur, so he won't enter the whispering state?

Xu Le didn't know, and he didn't have time to continue studying Ding Ke at the moment.

The top priority is to cooperate with Chi Xiao to go to the library.

After all, that was the clue given by Night Fury. With the strength of Night Fury, it was unlikely to give Xu Le and the others worthless clues.

Therefore, the information in the library should be very important and must be checked.

After tidying up his clothes, Xu Le opened the door, and Chi Xiao was already waiting for him at the door.



The two of them left the courtyard without talking nonsense.

After the two of them left, Ding Ke walked to the window with his own small steps, his eyes a little incomprehensible.

There was a flash of red light, and Ding Ke transformed his cat body into the human form Ding Ke.

She quietly ran to Chixiao's room, took out a few clothes that didn't fit well from the cabinet, put them on, and then sneaked out.

Xu Le and Chi Xiao's side.

Chi Xiao is providing Xu Le with information about nearby libraries.

"There are three libraries near our home..."

"so much?"

“It’s not that there are many here, but there are many libraries in the entire Red Moon Temple. It can be said that there are no efforts to cultivate warlocks here.

So the libraries here are free and open, and there will be a lot of real things in them. "

Xu Le also nodded slightly after hearing this.

The Warlock Library of the Red Moon Temple is actually somewhat similar to the Science and Technology Library of Zion.

Zion took the path of technology because they knew that if they followed the path of warlocks, their talents would be absorbed by the Red Moon Temple, so they found another way.

Moreover, Zion’s path has now been taken.

"Let's go to the nearest one."


The two simply disguised themselves and then arrived at the first library nearby.

As soon as you enter the door, the reddish decoration style comes into view.

A strong learning atmosphere hits your face.

The sound of turning pages, frowning thoughts, and the occasional beating of psychic energy...

There is no doubt that this is a warlock's paradise.

Whether you are an entry-level warlock or a senior-level warlock, you can find your place in the Red Moon Temple.

The current library is a very suitable learning environment for warlocks.

"It's really good." Xu Le admired sincerely.

"It is indeed very strong." Chi Xiao also nodded.

She has been developing and growing up in the Red Moon Temple since she was about 10 years old, and she already knows everything here very well.

It is undeniable that the Red Moon Temple's ability to cultivate warlocks is too strong.

She also grew up here.

Unfortunately, they didn't follow the same path after all.

Chi Xiao glanced at the library and didn't see anything strange, so he turned to look for Xu Le.

"How should we look for the clues left by Lord Night Fury?"

"I don't know. Let's just browse through the books here and see what we gain."


Xu Le's proposal was confirmed, and the two began to work separately to look for clues that might be hidden here.

In fact, they don't know what the so-called clues are, but they just feel that if they find a clue, they should be able to feel it based on their strength level.

Xu Le stood alone next to a row of heavy bookshelves, picked up an "Introduction to the Trinity Principles" and was about to read it.

Upon opening the first page of the book, a picture caught Xu Le's attention.

Endless chains are connected to a monster with eyeballs all over its body.

The red and white body and the blinking eyes from time to time will make readers focus on it.

But once his eyes focus on this pattern, an imperceptible trace of spiritual energy will be lost.

"Full Moon Angel - Invisible Sora."

The pattern in front of me is the invisible Sora where the Full Moon God, one of the seven archangels, sits.

It was the angel that appeared outside Tianrui Lifeng before.

This is not the first time Xu Le has seen Sola.

He saw it three times in total in the angel realm, outside Tianrui Lifeng, and in the current book.

But now this Sora pattern actually absorbs psychic energy, which is a bit of a problem...

Logically speaking, a creature of this level should not do such a seemingly obscene thing.

Xu Le didn't know much about the operating mode of the Red Moon Temple's god system, so he didn't know how to interpret this method of angels actively recruiting believers or subjects.

"Forget it, let's ask Chi Xiao later."

Quickly flipping through the books, with the help of his ethereal state, Xu Le flipped through the "Trinity Principles" at an exaggerated speed.

It's a pity that there is nothing here that he wants, and there are no so-called clues.

Open the second book in the same way.

What caught his eye was the invisible Sora.

Then it absorbed a small amount of Xu Le's spiritual energy.

"This bastard!"

These psychic powers are very few for ordinary warlocks, let alone monsters like Xu Le who have endless psychic powers.

However, this behavior still did not prevent Xu Le from calling it a bastard.

The main reason is that Xu Le really doesn't like this kind of behavior.

"never mind……"

Following the same idea, Xu Le continued to read books.

Then there was a situation where he got sucked while reading a book. He read about 163 books, and he took 161 puffs as long as he could remember.

There were two books that I didn't suck. They were "Introduction to the Basics of Warlocks" and "The Origin of the Red Moon Temple".

Only these two books have no problem, the other books have problems.

However, those books are all professional books, and these two books are more focused on integration and popular science.

It was already getting late at this time, so Xu Le put down the book in his hand and walked towards Chi Xiao.

"Hey, Chi Xiao, did you find anything?"

"No, I read 24 books in total. They were all found randomly. I didn't find any useful information."

24...Xu Le knew it well.

Without the help of plug-ins like the ethereal state, being able to read 24 books in detail in such a short time is already very impressive.

"No information? Didn't you find anything unusual? For example, a special pattern, or some bastard suddenly came out and sucked your psychic energy?"

Chi Xiao:......

Sometimes she felt that it would be better if Xu Le spoke in a more civilized manner.

"Absorbing a mouthful of spiritual energy... have you also encountered it? The special pattern you are talking about should be the invisible Sora, right?

And the so-called bitch, should he also be referring to her? "

Chi Xiao's answer surprised Xu Le. It turned out that Chi Xiao also encountered the same problem?

"Is this a historical issue left over from the Red Moon Temple?"

Chi Xiao nodded slightly:

"So, after all, all the books here come from the Red Moon Temple, and the Red Moon Temple relies on the Red Moon belief system.

Although reading books here costs no money, it will also take away part of your psychic energy as a fee.

This area belongs to the invisible Sora, so it exists in front of every book and absorbs some spiritual energy.

However, the spiritual energy they absorb is very small, and most people cannot feel it. "

"I see... I mean, most people can't feel it because they don't have good perception, and I'm not an ordinary person."

Chi Xiao nodded:

"It's your first time coming to the Red Moon Temple. You don't know that this kind of thing is normal."

"The pattern is so lifelike, it looks like the dynamic projection in our Zion. I thought it was quite weird..."

Originally, the conversation between the two was still on the same channel, but after Xu Le mentioned the so-called dynamic projection, Chi Xiao's expression became a little strange.

"Dynamic projection? When you flip through the book, will the patterns move?"

"Uh? Can't you move?"

Xu Le reacted immediately, picked up a book that he had just read, and opened the first page in front of Chi Xiao.

In a flash, the image of the invisible Sora indeed floated on the first page.

Just like a colorful 3D projection.

"It hurt."

When he saw this scene for the first time, Chi Xiao said with certainty.

Xu Le was a little puzzled. The appearance of the invisible Sora in front of him was exactly the same as the picture in his memory. Nothing had changed?

"How did you tell it was injured?"

"The invisible chain of Invisible Sora is symmetrical under normal circumstances, but it is not symmetrical now."

"That's it?"

"The discipline and strictness of angels are beyond your imagination. If they don't do a good job, the gods will be extremely harsh on them.

Unless there is something wrong with their own condition, they will definitely be meticulous. "

Chi Xiao taught Xu Le another lesson.

Before Xu Le could say anything, he "sucked" and received another puff of psychic energy.

A touch of blue flowed towards the book at an angle visible to the naked eye, and then dissipated on the first page of the book.

Even Chi Xiao himself saw this scene.

"Xu Le, your spiritual power just now..."

"Brother, this bastard has slapped me more than 200 times. If it wasn't for investigating clues, I would have burned it."

Xu Le was still complaining, but Chi Xiao shook his head:

"No, I don't mean that, I mean, your psychic energy is blue..."

"Yes, my psychic energy is blue, Guyinduo psychic energy, this is not a strange thing, right?"

"But the problem is that the Full Moon Angels cannot absorb Gu Yinduo's spiritual energy. Even if they are peak level 7 creatures, they cannot do this."

Xu Le's eyes immediately turned cold.

"Able to absorb many ancient sounds..."

"Only Guyinduo."

Finally, during this casual search, they found a clue about Gu Yinduo's son.

"The question now is to confirm where the spiritual energy extracted from the book is transferred."

Xu Le looked at his palm. Although his perception ability was very strong, the spiritual energy absorbed was still too small.

And psychic transmission should be carried out through some kind of space ritual.

After flowing into the book, it was transferred to another space area in an instant. It is really difficult to capture the information about the flow of spiritual energy.

"Xu Le, you have more psychic abilities, why don't you try again?"

Xu Le:......


With no reason to refute, Xu Le started to flip through the book back and forth, just turning to the first page.

Every time the spiritual energy is extracted, he will record the trajectory of his spiritual energy flow, but it will eventually be dissipated and transferred in the space of the book.

After many times, Xu Le simply mixed particles into this spiritual energy.

Not much, just one dark particle.

He cannot determine the direction of non-attributed psychic energy, but he can determine the location of dark particles.

As long as there are enough dark particles, he can confirm a clear direction no matter how far away it is.


Continue to flip through the book, each time Xu Le will inject a particle of darkness into it.

According to Xu Le's original idea, if the other party was in the Red Moon Temple, he should be able to detect it with 100-200 particles.

But after 500, 1,000, and 2,000 times, Xu Le still had no perception of dark particles.

This time he thought his strategy had failed.

But when the number of times accumulated to more than 3,000, a vague feeling appeared in the far end.

"? This feels... so far away." Xu Le frowned.

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