
Chapter 479 Meeting Cangming for the first time

Bai Ya hadn't realized much before, but when she heard these words, she couldn't hold herself any longer.

"You're here, so the ending is different? Why can you be so confident..."

"What are you talking about?"

"No, it's nothing. Xu Le, you have to be careful about this matter. Cangming... is not an ordinary character."

"Is he scary?"

"If you look at it from the outside, he is not scary at all, but don't be deceived by his appearance.

That guy is a person who can give up the world. "

Someone who renounces the world?

Xu Le understood clearly that such people usually do not have any shortcomings.

Because he has a tenacious personality and always adheres to his ideals and career, it is difficult for him to be disturbed by others, and he is rarely moved by others, let alone shaken his mind.

In short, it is almost impossible to influence this kind of person from the mental aspect.

"You mentioned his appearance before. What, is Cangming's appearance special?"

"Well, his appearance doesn't need to be described. It's very special. You'll understand what I mean when you see him.

Okay, I'm done. Thank you for today. "

"No, didn't you also bring me some information about Cangming? It's mutually beneficial."

"Mutually beneficial, that's good. I hope our mutually beneficial relationship can continue."

When Xu Le said this, the communicator on the other side had already hung up, and he probably didn't even hear what he wanted to say.

This left Xu Le a little speechless, not very polite.

I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry, wait until I finish speaking!

Xu Le picked up the communicator speechlessly and handed it to the silent waiter standing in front of him.

"Has Mr. Xu Le used it? If there is nothing else, then I will leave."

Xu Le frowned slightly. Judging from the waiter's behavior, the warlocks here should have put a lot of pressure on them.

There may be many situations such as life threats.

The Red Moon Temple is a paradise for warlocks, but for ordinary people, it may not be that comfortable.

If you are not only an ordinary person, but also have no money, then I am afraid your life will be worse.

Although Zion's military force value is not as good as that of the Red Moon Temple, at least Zion has such things as people's livelihood security.

But in the Red Moon Temple, everything is based on strength.

This sounds fair, but to the average person, there is only despair.

"Sure enough, everyone is having a hard time. Hey, wait a minute."

Xu Le called the waiter. When the waiter heard Xu Le calling him, he almost sat down in shock. He quickly turned around and looked at Xu Le respectfully:

"Is there something wrong with Mr. Xu Le? If anything, just tell me and tell me everything you know..."

"Don't be so nervous. You did a great job just now. Here's a tip."

As a Chinese in his previous life, Xu Le rarely tipped others.

But now he really wanted to give the waiter a little tip, he deserved it.

"Okay, don't be so nervous. Warlocks are certainly a very scary group. They have mastered powers beyond ordinary people and become eccentric and difficult to get along with.

But there are also some warlocks who are not that bad and will not be as difficult to communicate with as you think, just like me. "

"Uh, I get it, I get it."

The waiter's attitude did not change just because of Xu Le's explanation.

The warlocks of the Red Moon Temple have already caused profound harm to the world. This is something that Xu Le cannot change with just a few words.

Unless there is policy guidance from the top and a long-term and subtle understanding of the times.

The traces left by the warlocks on these people will gradually disappear.

But the problem now is that the leadership has absolutely no reason to do that.

In peacetime, in order to maintain social stability, population growth, and the development of the entire city-state, there may be policies that favor civilians.

But in times of war like this, the most important thing is to grasp the extraordinary ones.

Although population growth is the foundation of extraordinary beings, no one knows what will happen tomorrow, even a place as powerful as the Red Moon Temple.

They all face the threat of Gu Yinduo's son.

The greater the crisis, the higher the status of the extraordinary. This is true at any time and it is difficult to change.

And even in a city like Zion, where technological weapons can already change a certain pattern, there will be certain preferential treatment for extraordinary people.

In this general environment, those who say that everyone is equal are truly stupid and unimaginably stupid.

"Forget it, go ahead."


After sending the waiter, Xu Le put an end to the people's livelihood problems.

There is no problem in people's livelihood, but the prerequisite is to solve the world crisis, and what he has to do now is to peel off the cocoon bit by bit.

Stay around these top powerhouses, weaken them bit by bit, and suppress them.

Let them conquer each other and fight each other, so that in the end they can have the ability to truly end this era.

"Then, let's start from Cangming."

The airship was sailing in the direction of the lighthouse, but the location where Chi Xiao was was not the lighthouse, but the area outside the lighthouse.

According to Xu Le's perception, it should be in the area outside the soul torch.

If this is the case, the airship's current position is almost ready for descent.

Looking at the people talking on the airship, everyone was busy with their own things, as well as the waiter who handed him the communicator before.

With a smile on his face, Xu Le waved to the waiter:

"Hey, young man, come here."

The waiter's face was startled and he looked a little scared, but he still walked over honestly.

"Mr. Xu Le, what's the matter?"

"Give me a glass of orange juice."


The waiter's hands and feet were very nimble. It could be seen that he had been doing this job for a long time. He carefully prepared a glass of orange juice for Xu Le.

When he handed it over, he didn't touch Xu Le's finger.

In short, Xu Le can see that he is trying his best to protect himself. This is indeed a kind of sadness for ordinary people.

"Don't be so nervous, there are some fake ID cards, passes, etc., and a little money in here.

Since I'm about to get off the airship, I won't need these things. I'll give them to you. "

"Get off the airship?" The messenger was a little confused.

Although it was not very far from the lighthouse, it would still be a long time before we got off the airship.

Xu Le in front of me? Could it be that he has become stunned because of his cultivation of demons?

After receiving the identity, information, and some money handed over by Xu Le, the waiter's expression became even more confused.

"Sir, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is very simple, if you want to change your identity, you can keep this information by yourself.

Instead, start a new life at the lighthouse.

Although the lighthouse is not as powerful as the Red Moon Temple, it is indeed pretty good for civilians.

Very safe and suitable for development. "

Xu Le chattered a lot, which made the waiter confused.

"Mr. Xu Le, why are you doing this? It should be our first meeting, right? It's the second time at most."

"Destiny, fate, I used to think this kind of thing was illusory, but then I thought it could be interfered with, and then it didn't matter anymore...

I give you things just because you and I are destined, and I want to use our destiny to build up character for myself.

Okay, farewell. "

The waiter didn't know what Xu Le meant by "accumulating character". Before he could refuse or thank him, Xu Le's next behavior had scared the soul out of him.

"Mr. Xu Le? What do you want to do?"


Xu Le grinned, then jumped off the airship.

His body merged with the thunder in the clouds, as if he had never been on an airship.

The messenger looked at Xu Le dumbfounded, and he had already reacted.

Xu Le is a strong man, a very, very strong man.

At least he was different from the ordinary warlocks he had seen.

Such a master will not die even if he falls from the sky.


Thunder seemed to be produced in the clouds that had already gathered.

The brewing clouds began to gather thunder and lightning.


The power of thunder penetrated the darkness, and all the energy in the thunder and lightning also descended on the ground.

Under the thunder, Xu Le stood up from the ashes.

It was also the first time for him to use this method of rapid landing.

"The speed is too fast, I feel dizzy."

Xu Le patted his head, and then wanted to confirm Chi Xiao's location so that he could find it easily.

But before he could sense it, when the dust cleared, Xu Le found a person standing in front of him...

To be precise, a dwarf.

In terms of height, Xu Le estimated that the other party was only 80-90 centimeters tall, which was too short.

Especially with such a short stature and a little bit of fat.

There are two beards hanging on the mouth like catfish whiskers, and small eyes, one of which is wearing a monocle, looks very funny.

If placed in the previous life, such a character would be very suitable for comedy or comedy.

But now, he appeared in front of Xu Le with a smile on his face.

Xu Le himself did not dare to look down on the other party at all, and had even raised his wariness to the extreme.

Needless to say, his perception ability goes without saying.

Ever since he came out, only one of the powerful people, including the son of Gu Yinduo, has been able to escape his perceived existence.

That is confusion.

Others, including the Night Fury who had reached the strongest level, had no way to avoid Xu Le's perception.

There may be a reason why Night Fury doesn't need to avoid perception, and Xu Le's attributes are biased towards Gu Yinduo.

But there is definitely a special relationship with the ability to be confused.

After being confused, the dwarf old man in front of him was the second person who could avoid his perception.

[His appearance does not need to be described, it is very special. You will understand what I mean when you see him. 】

Bai Ya's words suddenly appeared in Xu Le's mind.

The more such an existence exists, the easier it is to arouse people's contempt.

Because if such a person is mixed in the crowd, ordinary extraordinary people will not be able to detect it due to his ability to hide his own aura.

This alone is enough to distance yourself from other top powerhouses.

"Welcome, my friend, we are here waiting for your arrival, but it has been a long time."

Cangming's voice was a little sharp, a bit like a child yelling at you.

Coupled with the fluttering meat on his belly when he ran, Xu Le felt it was even more ridiculous.

Watching the other person open his arms enthusiastically towards you and running towards you is like a cheerful puppy running towards you...

Xu Le felt like the pores all over his body were nauseated.

"Legendary figure, the former master of the Red Moon Temple, a monster who guided the gods' enslavement plan and was abolished.

In the human world, it can almost be called the only level 8, near-god person - Cangming..."

He watched Cangming running towards him, slowly and leisurely. Although it felt strange, he had no intention of dodging.

the reason is simple.

Facing an opponent of this level, if you want to escape, the only option is to escape directly into the realm of the Soul-Eating Tree.

Beyond that, there are no options.

When Xu Le came here, he had the intention of looking for Cangming. Now that he saw him, there was no need to escape.

"Hello, Mr. Cangming, right?"

"Hahaha, it's me, little friend Xu Le, I've heard your name many times...

What you did was really loud and impressive.

Sometimes when I hear some of your experiences, I almost can’t help but want to go over and see you, but luckily I hold back. "

Xu Le touched his nose.

Many of his experiences are truly legendary, but those past experiences are only compared to those of ordinary extraordinary beings, or even ordinary people.

There are many people whose experiences sound much more legendary than his, such as Chi Xiao's.

As for comparison with Cangming in front of him, there is almost no comparison.

Being praised by him like this, Xu Le suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Mr. Cangming, please don't say that. The experiences I had in Zion are nothing compared to you."

As soon as Xu Le finished saying this, his palm was grabbed by Cangming's little hand.

To be honest, Xu Le was a little disgusted to be pulled by a man like this. At most, he could accept Wang Shu doing this, but others really couldn't.

But he didn't resist too much, mainly because he couldn't beat...

Since you can't resist, you can only endure it silently.

"Little friend Xu Le, you really don't need to belittle yourself. What you do in Zion is far more important than you think."

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

“What we are doing is actually the same thing, which is reform. Reforming a city is indeed not an easy task.

It's just that my way is more aggressive and yours is more subdued.

Judging from the results, you are much better than me. Alas, don't be too busy to refute, and don't be humble. What I said is the truth.

Zion's energy policy reform was very successful, and a series of subsequent reforms also followed your ideas.

There is no doubt that you are a winner as far as Zion's transformation goes.

The reform plan I proposed for the Red Moon Temple met with great resistance and ultimately failed, almost losing everyone.

So I said, but judging from the results, you are much better than me.

And...actually, I was already paying attention to you before you went to Zion. "

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