
Chapter 480 Business blowback

Hearing what Cangming said, Xu Le's eyes narrowed slightly.

Before Zion?

Isn’t that the days of being a lighthouse watcher?

Xu Le thought about how during those days, he just clocked in to work normally, then encountered political injustice, was persecuted and hunted, and finally escaped from the lighthouse and headed for Zion.

Just one of those little people in the past, really nothing worth bragging about.

Now that Cangming said that he paid attention to him before he was in Zion, is he probably talking awkwardly?

"Mr. Cangming, please don't fool me. When I was at the lighthouse..."

“When you were in the lighthouse, before you could reach the level of true transcendence, you already had the courage to face weirdness.

Looking at his teacher from a distance in the dark night, he made a calm judgment and decisively killed his mutated classmate with lightning speed.

At that time, you had already demonstrated qualities beyond ordinary people. "

"I'm not that good. Sir, you've given me too much praise."

"No, no, no, you are more powerful than I said. Greatness lies in knowing how to hug your legs and how to rely on someone stronger when the foundation is still insufficient.

In an unfamiliar environment, decisively choosing to join the Night Watch system is simply the finishing touch in your life development.

Just because you joined the Night Watch system, you have a systematic education in the extraordinary profession system.

Laying the foundation for subsequent development, these are excellent, even perfect choices. "

“But my experience at the Lighthouse was ultimately a failure.”

"No, that is not failure. People will always encounter beings that they cannot defeat.

Xiong Zemo... For you at that time, it was just like a divine moat, and it was simply beyond your reach.

But even in such a bad situation, you did not give up, and finally turned the tide, reversed the situation, and escaped from Xiong Zemo, who was several levels behind.

This experience is truly legendary.

In my opinion, your experience is no less than Chi Xiao's attempt to survive with a broken limb. "

Xu Le wiped the sweat from his forehead. He came here to investigate things, even with a not-so-good purpose.

But the target in front of him was bragging about himself like this, which made him very embarrassed and particularly embarrassed.

"How can I compare with Chi Xiao? The kind of desperate situation that Chi Xiao has experienced is beyond my reach."

"Each has its own advantages. The situation Chi Xiao encountered at that time was indeed a desperate situation, but her strength was also stronger than yours at that time.

She has her decisiveness, and you have your own judgment.

Although they are all different, these are the potentials of an outstanding talent, am I right? "

"At those times, it was pretty clumsy."

"Clumsy? I don't think so. There are so many students at Beacon University, and none of them behave like you.

Over the years, I have been paying attention to the young people of the four major city-states, hoping that more young people with amazing talents, potential and desires will emerge.

As time passed, I did discover many outstanding talents and recruited them under my command.

But only, I kept you out..."

Xu Le's expression was a little strange. According to Cangming, he had already discovered him.

Then why don't you do it? Xu Le was a little curious.

"Uh, why?"

"Because I think you are very special, special than most people, special than Chi Xiao, so I think you should be free to develop.

And time has proven that my judgment is correct. You who develop freely are stronger than others who hide under your wings. "

Staring at this old boy, Xu Le felt like losing himself for a moment because of his bragging.

Fortunately, Xu Le often brags about others and is well aware of the dangers of bragging.

When he realized something was wrong, he had already absorbed all the anima with his Soul-Eating Tree.

Well, if your heart is as clear as ice, you won’t be surprised if the sky falls.

"Master Cangming is really overrated. If I were as powerful as you say, I wouldn't be homeless in this world, and I wouldn't even be able to return home."

"Haha, you can't go back? You just don't want to go back.

Now you have the ability to go back at any time, a person who can confront Melis head-on.

For a person who has mastered the ability to escape at any time, the Red Moon Temple will not continue to embarrass you as long as he is not stupid.

And... isn't the reason why you came here also because of your excellence?

The person who was chosen by Gu Yinduo, and the person who was chosen by Red Moon. "

"Guyin is far from being selected in many aspects. As for Hongyue, I was actually coerced."

Xu Le's excuse meant nothing to Cangming. The little old man walking in front jumped on a stone, stood on the stone and shook his palms.

The spiritual energy spread, and the gravel wilderness in front of Xu Le actually receded layer by layer.

It seems to be an illusory barrier.

As the barrier dissipated, a secret underground passage appeared in front of Cangming and Xu Le.

"Hongyue's coercion? Haha, don't you have some ideas of your own?"

Xu Le also narrowed his eyes slightly. He was actually very curious about Cangming's plan and had always been curious.

What is it like to enslave the gods and seduce the gods?

Moreover, what Cangming would do next was in line with his interests, which was to weaken both Guyinduo's son and Hongyue.

This is the real reason why he came here.

As for Hongyue’s coercion...

If he really doesn't want to do it, he can go to the Night Fury or the Soul-Eating Tree World Yigui. Even Red Moon itself can't do anything to him.

"I am really interested in Mr. Cangming's thoughts. There is a reason why Chixiao invited me here, so..."

"So, Xu Le, give me a helping hand.

I need you, I need your strength, and your young mind, your young ideas and judgment.

The need for a successor is too far away.

But by working together, I believe there will be obvious results soon.

For example...killing a Gu Yinduo. "

At this time, Cangming changed his posture, from the playful posture of a little old man just now, to the domineering and unparalleled former palace master.

The cloak floating behind him and the bald head no longer seemed so funny in this domineering posture.

However, Xu Le did not get excited and join in because of his declarations.

He just stared at the underground passage in front of him and said solemnly:

"Let me see it first."

"See something? What do you want to know?"

"I want to see what kind of plan Mr. Cangming, who is considered taboo by the entire Red Moon Temple, has researched."

Xu Le's eyes were blazing, completely different from his humble and conceding look just now.

When facing the domineering Cang Ming, he still had no intention of being cowardly.

Just like how he behaved when he faced the God of Obscurity - Confusion in the Red Moon Holy Land.

"Hehehehe... interestingly, the only person who can completely ignore my aura at such a close distance is actually Chi Xiao.

And you are the second one. "

"It's meaningless to just talk about momentum without talking about combat." Xu Le said something ambiguous.

"That's true. Just talking about momentum is meaningless."

"Then, can you show me, a junior like me, who has no knowledge? Mr. Cangming."

At this time, Xu Le's momentum had also risen. Standing in front of Cangming, his conversation and behavior were not at all like a junior.

Instead, it feels like talking with peers.

"Of course, come on."

Cangming waved his hand, and the stone door of the underground passage slowly opened. The old dwarf walked down first, while Xu Le followed him.

When he reached the stairs, the old dwarf suddenly turned his head and looked at Xu Le. The corners of his mouth were irregularly split, and it seemed like a bloody mouth.

Rows of sharp teeth appeared at the corners of the mouth.

Cangming's mouth seemed to have a zipper, opening towards his ears.

He smiled and said to Xu Le:

"Thieves, thieves, thieves...Xu Le, the road has appeared. Whether you can reach the place depends on your own ability.

Although I am very optimistic about you personally, I can't help it. This place is not controlled by me alone.

There will always be people who question your ability.

So the best choice is to use your strength to slap them in the face...

This path is proof of strength. "

Cangming's distorted face began to break and dissipate as he spoke, leaving only this dark underground passage in front of Xu Le.

Xu Le stared at the dangerous-looking road and smiled casually:

"If it were before, I would definitely not have taken this dark path.

But since it's a show of strength, I can give it a try...

If any unnecessary damage is caused, please don't blame Mr. Cangming. "

After Xu Le finished speaking, he stepped directly on the first step of the underground passage.

Chaotic energy immediately began to erupt, and the originally dark passage began to become distorted like Cangming's deformed face before.

The stone steps actually melted at this time.

The melted stone turned into arms and wrapped around Xu Le's legs.

These arms even continued to climb upwards, as if they were trying to pull themselves out.

Xu Le looked down at the ground. As the stone arm stretched, his face had emerged from the ground.

There is no doubt that the face emerging from the passage is extremely ugly.

The densely packed small mouth with round sharp teeth is all over the head of this stone monster, which is enough to make patients with trypophobia violently die.

And in the middle of these densely packed small mouths, there is a big eye covered with green bugs.

The rancid smell filled Xu Le's breath, like stinky soybeans that had been stifled for more than ten years and then mixed with feces.

Even Xu Le couldn't help but waver at the smell.

The environment has indeed become extremely bad, and most people would probably have fled at this time.

Xu Le also felt uncomfortable, but his main attention was still on the stone monster at his feet.

"I can't prick it too much. If you pull it again, my pants will fall off."

Xu Le lifted up his trousers speechlessly. The stone monster had no eyesight and tugged on his trousers.

The underwear is already exposed. What does it sound like?

Xu Le thought that Chi Xiao most likely knew that he was here, and might even be watching him.

If Ding Ke was there, she might also be watching.

In this case, if your pants are pulled off, you will be really embarrassed.

After pulling up his pants, Xu Le slapped the stone monster under him.

"go away."

When he slapped the stone monster with his palm, the monster's eyes showed excitement and enthusiasm.

A dense swarm of sharp teeth has already pounced on it.

Judging from the way the stone monster is now baring its teeth and claws, if Xu Le slaps it, at least four of its five fingers will be bitten off, and then half of the flesh on the entire palm will be bitten off.

It's hard to imagine a better outcome for a warlock's flesh and blood to come into contact with such deformities.

However... Xu Le's slap continued as usual.


The stone monster, which looked very scary, ugly, hard and frightening, exploded at the entrance of the stairs like a full-blooded mosquito that had been swatted.

Broken corpses and pieces of flesh were scattered on the ground, completely dead.

Xu Le certainly had many gentle methods to kill this guy. It can even be said that most of his methods were gentle.

But since he is here to show his strength, he must be more violent.

The visual impact of slapping the monster to death is absolutely powerful and fits the aesthetics of violence very well.

Xu Le is very satisfied...

At the same time, Chi Xiao and Ding Ke, who were standing in Cangming's secret base, also looked at this scene with satisfaction.

The expressions of the two of them are very strange now...

It felt like...comfortable.

"Ahem, when did this guy become so violent? I remember he was quite weak."

From Chi Xiao's perspective, Xu Le's previous performance can indeed be described as weak.

At that time, Xu Le basically stood at the back, and rarely fought head-on even if there were battles.

To play some tricks, the words "I am weak" are almost written on the face.

"Actually, he has always been violent, but he was too weak before and rarely showed it." Ding Ke explained.

As if he felt that his explanation was not detailed enough, he added:

"For example, when he has absolute strength, he usually suppresses them with absolute violence and shows no mercy at all."

"When it comes to absolute strength, what does it usually mean?"

"For example, he was very cruel when crushing ants."

Chi Xiao showed an "Oh!~" expression.

Then he expressed his affirmation of Xu Le’s behavior:

"Indeed, when I was a child, I was very cruel when I crushed ants to death. I even used water bombers and other things."

Ding Ke:......

"Okay, let's continue reading."

"Are you worried?"

"Well, I'm still a little worried."

"Don't worry, with his character, if he dares to do things in such a public way, he is certainly confident.

It shouldn't take long to get here, just wait. "

After Xu Le slapped the stone monster into pieces, the entire passage became silent for an instant.

But soon, new monsters began to appear.

This situation was completely within Xu Le's expectation, so he just waved his hand again.

"The darkness recedes!"

The black wind burst out, like the invasion of death and demons, and instantly swept through the underground corridor.

Standing at the top of the aisle, looking down, he smiled and said:

"Mr. Cangming, I'm coming in!"

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