
Chapter 481 I want to change the leader

It seems like a joke, but it carries the absolute pressure of death.

Since you want to see my strength, I'll show it to you.

Xu Le stepped into the corridor, and the power of darkness instantly began to spread inside the corridor.

The rich darkness eroded the entire underground corridor, and Xu Le had no intention of holding back at all.

The corrosive energy began to corrode the walls and floors. Every corner Xu Le passed was being eroded. This was the power of darkness.

And on the roads that Xu Le walked, black lotuses grew out.

Under each lotus is a strange corpse.

Yes, they are all special weirdness hidden in this corridor. They are the research results of some warlocks of the Cangming Group.

The reason for staying here is to defend the entire base.

Of course, there are reasons like now to give people like Xu Le a chance to show off.

But it is a pity that this time Xu Le took action, these special weirdnesses were brought to life by Xu Le Bubu Shenglian without even a chance to show themselves...

For Xu Le, this can be considered a kind of transcendence.

Killing monsters with one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. He himself has no psychological burden anyway.

Killing one is killing, killing them all is killing, so let’s just kill them all.

With this idea in mind, Xu Le went all the way.

The power of darkness radiating from his body was unprecedentedly strong, and the power of darkness eroded this area faster than his footsteps.

Xu Le kept walking down, showing no intention of restraining himself.

That is to say, the entire corridor has been destroyed before anyone arrives.

This situation has obviously exceeded the expectations of some people in the Cangming group, and some arguments have begun to occur in the Cangming base.

"Teacher, stop him quickly. If this continues, the Netherworld Corridor will be completely destroyed...

This has been our research for so long, and there are many valuable weird things in it..."

The speaker's name is Zesimi, he looks about 40 years old, and he seems to be quite old.

But it is a pity that he is a bit small-minded, which is also Cangming's evaluation of him.

"I mentioned testing Xu Le before, and it was you who proposed it. Now you want to stop it and go back on your word. Is it still like what we Xiao did?"

"I didn't know this guy would destroy the Nether Corridor like this. If I knew..."

"Zesimi, don't be so useless. If you want to do something, the best way is to do it yourself. I think you should understand what I mean."

Zesemi's eyes flickered for a moment, but he finally hesitated.

His hesitation was naturally noticed by Cangming.

"I don't dare to take action at this level, hey... letting you stay here to study may not be the right choice.

Not even as good as Jidu. Although he didn't take the right path, at least he had the courage to go out.

In this regard, he is stronger than all of you. "

"Then Jidu was killed by Chi Xiao." Zesimi retorted, but his eyes also flickered.

Cangming was not angry, and what Zesimi said was true.

"So Chi Xiao is a better being than Ji Du. If you are not convinced, you can challenge her. I have never stopped you."

Hearing that Cangming asked him to challenge Chi Xiao, Jersey shook his head faster.

"Well, I'd better study mutants...

Teacher, do you really not need to stop this person? This kind of consumption is huge. These weird things have used a lot of our resources and wasted a lot of god's blood...

After all, they are all valuable weirdos. "

"It's valuable?'s weird to be instantly killed and crushed in a single encounter. You tell me it's valuable?"

Is there any value in being cannon fodder? "


"Zesimi, you have been with me for a long time, and you should have some understanding of my character. In my case, worthless existences will eventually be eliminated.

The reason why you can still stay here is because you still have value, not because of anything else...

Jealousy is an emotion that should be retained because it empowers people to thrive.

But your jealousy didn't let me see the possibility of progress, which is very dangerous.

Do you understand what I mean? "

"Uh, I understand, I understand."

Zesimi swallowed his saliva. Cangming's character has always been like this, making it impossible to figure out or predict.

But the words have already been said for this purpose, and what Cangming wants to express is very simple.

That means his personal value is running out.

So...he had to get up and do something.

For example, to intercept and kill Xu Le.

Zesimi knew that Xu Le was Cangming's favorite, and his interception was likely to be meaningless.

But he had to do something.

Cangming has just reminded him that what he has done still has some value, but these values ​​are rapidly depreciating.

When will he be eliminated?

Zesimi felt that maybe it was when Xu Le really arrived here.

"Before that... I need to show my worth, otherwise, I will be abandoned pointlessly."

Zesemi finally got up, which was somewhat inconsistent with his cowardly character.

However, many people understood that after Cangming spoke, Zesimi had no choice.

He didn't get promoted to legend...

Then a level 6 warlock might be called powerful elsewhere.

But here, it has become worthless.

"Thank you teacher for your long-term teaching. This time, it is really time for me to do something..."

As a very senior member, Zesemi became the trial stone when Xu Le arrived this time.

For many people, it is actually a bit uncomfortable.

Even Chi Xiao, she doesn't want to see Xiao like she is now...

Maybe she would have stopped it before, but not now.

She will also grow and have new ideas and practices.

She would no longer try many things she had tried before, such as persuading her teacher, Cang Ming.

She had felt the changes in Cangming countless times.

Every time, she would try her best to stop and persuade, hoping that her teacher would change her mind.

Because in Chi Xiao's opinion, what she was pursuing, the dawn she hoped for, shouldn't be like this.

But what she stopped and worked hard for was not taken into consideration by Cangming, and she gave it up casually.

He is determined to carry out his own plan.

As time went by, Chi Xiao became more and more silent at Xiao.

She thought Cangming's plan was executable, but she no longer approved of Cangming's approach.

In the eyes of many people, Chi Xiao has always been a simple, rough and straightforward person who is good at fighting.

Even now, these labels have not changed.

But the actual situation is not like this.

People, after experiencing something, will always change, become complicated, become silent, and become different from the past.

In fact, the same goes for Chi Xiao.

After experiencing many things, Chi Xiao's personality has already changed.

But she is smart, at least much smarter than many people think.

Especially after meeting Xu Le in the Mother Tree Realm, she began to think and learn to disguise herself like Xu Le.

Her technology and language may not be as mature as Xu Le's, but she also has her own advantages and methods.

Just like pretending to be silent...

The same silence as before, completely unchanged, at least in the eyes of others.

But in fact, Chi Xiao had already changed.

Chi Xiao has always adhered to Xiao's philosophy and recognized it.

Because the pursuit of light is her ideal, and it is also the ideal of many people.

Chi Xiao also knows that many people will waver and change on the road to pursuing their ideals.

For example, his teacher Cang Ming has embarked on a path that Chi Xiao cannot accept at all.

Chixiao doesn't want Xiao to embark on the path of destruction.

And after so many years, she also knew that she could not change her teacher Cangming, nor could she change many things.

But Chi Xiao is not someone who will just stand still.

Since I feel that teacher Cangming's philosophy can no longer carry this era, cannot carry the hope of dawn, and cannot fulfill the purpose of ending the darkness.

Then change the leader!

This is what Chi Xiao thinks.

It's still simple, rough, and straightforward, but it doesn't seem to be that simple, rough, and straightforward anymore.

As for the choice of leader...

In fact, Chi Xiao's original idea was to do it himself...

Adhering to one's own ideas and carrying out Li Xiao's will is naturally the best choice.

But unfortunately, she was not sure of defeating Cangming.

And in a sense, Daybreak also needs Cangming's ability to restrict Hongyue and Guyinduo.

She doesn't have this ability either.

This put Chi Xiao into a dilemma.

Obviously, the idea of ​​her becoming the leader and replacing Cang Ming might not be feasible.

Unless someone can replace Cang Ming, otherwise... the leader of Xiao may never be able to change.

Chi Xiao's thoughts fell into silence.

At that time, she had already cooperated with Xu Le, and she found that Xu Le's ideas were very consistent with her own.

Although he has a very adventurous personality, he is very reliable and is a trustworthy partner.

The only pity is that it is too weak.

Therefore, Chi Xiao has never put the leader's thoughts on Xu Le.

He is like a weak chicken, there is no way he can be good...

Until later, Xu Le saved her twice in a row and showed unprecedented strength in the world of the Soul-Eating Tree.

It carries the will of darkness and inherits the almost unsolvable power of rules like the Fading Fire.

At this point, Xu Le finally completed his transformation.

Mastering the rules in advance has the potential to replace them with others.

It is also the potential to become the leader of Akatsuki.

Chi Xiao feels that if Xu Le becomes the leader of Breaking Dawn, that would be the best choice.

He considers things more carefully than himself, is meticulous in thinking, has more plans in doing things, and has very strong execution ability.

My mission is to assist Xu Le.

Chi Xiao also fantasized about the specific content of assistance... For example, if anyone provoked trouble without a long-sighted approach, she would just set him on fire.

Pave the way for Xu Le, so that the world will be pure.

The idea is good, but Chi Xiao knows that it is difficult, and those are ideal results.

The difficulty is not only Cangming himself, but also factors on Xu Le's side.

As the contact increased, Chi Xiao became more and more aware of Xu Le's urinary properties.

According to Xu Le's character, if he knew that he wanted him to be the leader of Xiao, he would hunt down Gu Yinduo's son and the gods according to Cangming's original idea...

Needless to say, Xu Le will definitely run away.

Xu Le is a person who upholds absolute strength, which means that it is absolutely impossible for him to take action before he has absolute strength.

To put it simply, it is Lao Yinbi and Voldemort.

Do you want such a person to take action in advance?

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Rather than having such unrealistic ideas, it would be better... to use some unconventional means.

Yes, as an upright person who is harmless to humans and animals, Chi Xiao began to use tactics for the first time.

It’s not some complicated strategy, it’s just keeping in touch with Xu Le to let him know the past of the Red Moon Temple...

Chi Xiao, who couldn't think of any good solution at that time, could only lift the vat and lift Cang Ming out to let Xu Le know.

Xu Le also had many doubts.

There was no way, Chi Xiao's thinking really didn't allow her to devise more complicated seduction ideas.

After Xu Le got to know Cangming, he began to gradually understand Cangming, and then learned about the former enslavement plan of the gods.

Judging from Xu Le's ultimate goal, he is bound to be interested in this plan.

At the beginning of this plan, it was his teacher Cangming, so Xu Le would also be interested in his teacher Cangming.

If Xu Le wanted to implement this plan, or add fuel to the flames and assist Cangming in completing the hunt for Gu Yinduo's son, then he would inevitably come here.

Because the original purpose of the two of them going to the Red Moon Temple was to find a way to weaken the son of Gu Yinduo and also weaken the Red Moon system.

It would be best if both sides could be weakened in a balanced way.

Cangming's plan is completely consistent with this point.

As long as Xu Le comes here, things will be much easier to handle...

He has his own help, his own understanding of Dawn, and his understanding of Cangming.

Coupled with Xu Le's own outstanding ability, it is very feasible to overthrow the rule of his teacher Cang Ming, reshuffle the deck of Dawn, and then continue to implement the original plan.

Thinking of this, Chi Xiao also felt that he was a genius for being able to come up with such a plan that could be executed.

And it seems that success is not far away.

Well, assisting Xu Le to become the leader of Dawn is not stressful...

"Hey..." Chi Xiao, who was always known for being indifferent, actually laughed out loud when he thought of this.

This made Ding Ke next to him look strange:

"Why did you laugh out loud suddenly? Is there anything worth being happy about?"

"Xu Le is here, isn't it worth being happy about?"

Ding Ke:? ? ?

"Teacher is not an easy person to deal with. He may be in danger when he comes here."

Compared to Chi Xiao's thoughts, Ding Ke was more worried about Xu Le's safety.

She didn't want Xu Le to take risks after spending so much time with Xu Le.

But Chi Xiao also has his own reasons:

"Ding Ke, a peaceful life will not last forever, and even the most basic urban security cannot be maintained now.

The only way to achieve true peace is to end the Dark Ages. "

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