
Chapter 490 The Corruption of Huangquan

The target forest was also described by Cangming's name before, the son of Gu Yinduo, the King of Mists, and the master of plants - the forest.

Although the forest is obscured by mist, it is also full of life.

Therefore, as the god of corroded flesh and blood, Feiying's essence is indeed the most likely to attract forests with some similar characteristics.

In this way, he is indeed the best hunting target.

“After a brief thought, I found that Mr. Cangming’s choice was indeed the result of careful consideration.

With the forest as the target, I have no objections. "

To be honest, Chi Xiao didn't understand it at all. Although she was very smart, she didn't know as much information about Gu Yinduo's son as Xu Le did.

So many things cannot be judged.

But her cleverness lies in that after Xu Le makes a decision, she will follow him without hesitation.

Not only did he follow, Chixiao also often played!

Because the feeling of following Xu Le is... it's hard to lose.

"Since Xu Le thinks there is no problem, then there is no problem on my side either."

Seeing that everyone's opinions were unified again, Cangming smiled again.

"Very well, Xu Le, Chi Xiao, you are all necessary companions in hunting down Gu Yinduo's son.

Xu Le's ability can restrain the rule system very well, and flame is the best choice to disperse the fog and burn trees.

With your help this time, I am 70-80% sure about this plan.

Next, comes the specific details. "

When Xu Le heard this, his expression became slightly serious:

"Please tell me, Mr. Cangming."

"In three days, Hiei will go to the wetland as a bait to lure Koindo's son, Forest."


Xu Le remembered that after the seal of Gu Yin Duo was lifted, the first thing that the sons of Gu Yin Duo did when they arrived was to choose an area and transform it into a region suitable for their own survival.

This wetland is the area chosen by the forest.

It seems that this is no problem.

But the question is, if he takes the initiative to go to the wetland area for active baiting, will Guyin Duo's son still take the bait with his cautious character?

"Mr. Cangming, as the wetland is the home of the forest, if we go directly to actively lure it, wouldn't the motive be too obvious?

In this case, will the forest really appear on its own initiative? "

Xu Le's worries are not unreasonable.

But Cangming also had his own reasons.

“The sons of Guyin Duo are very powerful, and their power is based on their own rules.

Little friend Xu Le has never fought against the sons of Gu Yinduo, so he may not understand some of their behaviors.

In a macro concept, the sons of Guyinduo are immortal. As long as the rules are maintained, even if they are killed, they will be resurrected at a certain point in time.

What they fear is not to let themselves fall into the slumber of the world's rules, but not to fear death.

Within the rules, the sons of Guyinduo are almost invincible, but outside the rules, they are not that powerful, except for a few special sons of Guyinduo.

Therefore, as long as the forest finds a bait in the wetland area, it even knows that Feiying may be the bait.

With the advantage of playing at home, he will also take action with a high probability.

Because under the fog and above the vitality, he is an invincible existence.

But if we try to lure him out and lose the advantage of playing at home, the forest will become wary.

Even if we can spend a lot of resources and strength to defeat him once, he will immediately escape and there is no possibility of killing him. "

Well, I was taught another lesson.

Xu Le hit his left palm with his right fist and made a clear gesture.

"What about the specific process?"

"The process is very simple, Feiying lures, my men and I will hunt the forest, and Mr. Xu Le is responsible for expelling the forest rules and protection.

Finally, Chixiao carried out regional burning. After all, only when there are many trees can a forest be formed...

That's roughly it. I'll have a plan ready for you before tonight. "

It sounded like a simple plan, but Xu Le didn't know what the plan prepared by Cangming would look like.

But now it seems that it is time to temporarily disband.

"So, is Mr. Cangming okay now?"

"Yes, Fei Ying and I still have some things to deal with, and Qin, Chi Xiao, and Ding Ke should also have something to talk about, right?

Let Chi Xiao take you around. There is nothing much going on these two days. After three days, it will be our time to take action. "

"no problem."

Xu Le followed Chi Xiao and left the Gobi wasteland. He never looked back because he felt that Cang Ming's eyes were always scrutinizing him from behind.

Do you hope that you will leave some flaws? Or do you want to see something else in yourself?

"Anyway, it's better not to reveal any extra emotions."

Xu Le glanced at Chi Xiao who was walking in front. Like himself, Chi Xiao didn't show any extra attitude.

After Cangming ended the conversation, she did not stay to discuss with Cangming.

From this point of view, the focus of this god-inducing plan is still on gods and temptation.

Feiying, and the forest...

After walking a long way and confirming that Cangming's eyes were not focused on the two of them, Chi Xiao took the initiative and said:

"Do you think the relationship between me and the teacher is strange?"

"Uh? Well, it's a little strange. It doesn't feel like what I imagined before I came here."

Chi Xiao was silent for a while, as if he was making an important decision, and didn't move for a long time.

"Chixiao, are you okay?"

"Xu Le, how about you be the leader of Breaking Dawn?"

Xu Le:? ? ?

No, why do you people always like to put your own will above others?

"This kind of thing is simply impossible. If nothing else, your teacher's existence itself is a natural chasm.

At level 8, even if you and I join forces, we can't be his opponent. "

"Of course I know that, but we will grow."

"Growth is also regular. There is no reason to be able to compete with level 8 masters in the blink of an eye."

"What if you have the ability to compete?"

"Well, it's better to be more down-to-earth."

Xu Le did not answer this question directly. Although he now possesses the power of Gu Yinduo's destiny, the Red Moon system is also very good at such things as spells.

It's better to be careful.

Chi Xiao stared at Xu Le and suddenly smiled.

Although Xu Le didn't say it clearly, she already knew very well that this guy really didn't allow anyone to ride on his head.

Not even Red Moon, God, that kind of being can do it, let alone his own teacher.

During the cooperation process that Cangming seemed to be negotiating but actually coercing, Xu Le had actually come up with some ideas.

It's just that Xu Le is a bitch. It's impossible for him to reveal his thoughts before he has absolute strength.

"When you feel you are capable, I will assist you in becoming the new leader."

Chi Xiao's eyes and tone were very firm, which made Xu Le even more confused.

"Mr. Cangming's philosophy is not the same as yours, isn't it?"

"It used to be the same, but now, I'm afraid it's different. I don't know when the teachers stopped listening to our opinions.

The summary of Daybreak members has also changed from their former ideals to their current values.

And after you arrive, I'm afraid many people will become cannon fodder for the gods' seduction plan. "

Xu Le frowned slightly. He didn't know much about Cangming, so he couldn't figure out his previous personality. He could only continue to ask:

"Then when did he start to change?"

"His change... didn't happen overnight, but after returning from an outing three and a half years ago, his aura changed very obviously.

The style of doing things has also become radical and ruthless. "

3 and a half years ago?

That was not the time when I had just traveled to this world, so the timeline would probably match up.

"Your teacher... what specific changes have taken place?"

"God's Blood, the teacher at that time brought back the first bucket of God's Blood. Since then, the research direction of Dawn Research Institute has changed.

From the very beginning, the study of taboo god-killing techniques gradually transformed into the analysis, combination, and reconstruction of the bloodline of gods.

I know that it is also important to analyze the power of the god's bloodline. This may be one of the channels to decipher the power of the god.

But this research process has changed the original concept of Dawn Research Institute.

Extreme, cruel, and bottomless human experimentation, the teacher is no longer the same teacher..."

"The first bucket of god's blood!"

Xu Le realized that this might be a very critical point.

Because when he was fighting Zesemi before, he felt that the weird bodies of those evil beings had other powers besides the divine power of Fei Ying's flesh and blood.

Judging from the feeling of the battle, those powers should be at the same level as Hiying's flesh and blood power.

At that time, Xu Le just thought it was a mixed advanced spiritual power.

But now it seems that this power can be split, that is to say, it may be a combined energy.

But if this is the case, then the existence of at least two gods is needed to make this possible.

Two gods... is it possible?

"You said your teacher brought back some of the god's blood. Is there any stock of this blood now?"

"Is there any remaining blood? The teacher doesn't seem to have brought back any new blood recently. The remaining blood should have been used up.

If there is any left, it should be given to Zesemi who was killed by you. "

Chi Xiao's answer made Xu Le somewhat irritated, as the information clues were cut off again.

" doesn't matter even if there is no blood. Is there anything like the kind of evil and weirdness that Zesimi has researched?"

"God's evil? If there are indeed deformed bodies of God, there should be many more in the institute's prisons and petri dishes."

"Very well, take me over there and have a look."


Xu Le was very decisive in his work, and Chi Xiao was also quite careless. After confirming that there were weird things that Xu Le needed to observe in the prison, Chi Xiao directly took him to the prison location deep underground.

"This is where those weird things are."

The dark cellar did not affect Xu Le's vision. What surprised Xu Le was that the rules of darkness actually failed here.

Yes, the lights are not turned on in the cellar prison, and it must have been this way for a long time.

The underground prison that has been in darkness for a long time is actually safe and sound. It is not strange and unusual because of the dark rules.

"Isn't there something weird here?"

"Yes, the teacher has not explained the specific principle, but when he built the prison, he made it clear that under normal circumstances, weird things will not be refreshed here.

To maintain weird stability, there will be no light fixtures here.

Light will make the weird here troubled, riotous, and aggressive. "

Xu Le nodded slightly.

He could probably guess some of the reasons why the weirdness was not refreshed.

"I probably know what's going on."

"Huh? Can you guess it the first time you come here?"

"It's just a guess. The source of the dark distortion rules is still in Lord Night Fury. It was the pollution of Gu Yinduo's dark power that led to the birth of dark weirdness.

Although Lord Night Fury is very powerful, the rules essentially still follow the boundaries of level 8 creatures.

The strange gods here also have the divine blood of level 8 creatures in their bodies. As long as they are level 8 creatures, they have the same level of world rules.

The weirdos imprisoned here follow the rules of the gods, so they are strongly repellent to the rules of darkness.

There are many weird gods gathered here, and the aura of the gods exuding from them dispels or resists the erosion of the power of darkness.

There is no erosion by the power of darkness, so there is no strange and dark refresh here. "

"It makes sense." Chi Xiao nodded, then raised his eyebrows and looked at Xu Le.

You can tell this just by looking at him. This guy really has something.

"What's next?"

"Go in and take a look first."

Xu Le was about to go in, but was stopped by Chi Xiao.

She lit a flame with one hand as lighting, and stretched out her other hand towards Xu Le:

"Hold me."

"Uh, huh? I actually..."

Xu Legang wanted to show that he had the ability to protect himself, but Chi Xiao's attitude was somewhat unquestionable:

“The creatures here are not very friendly, and they are completely under my teacher’s control.

So here, try not to expose your abilities, you should know what I mean. "

Xu Le was stunned for a moment, then nodded heavily.


Then he held Chi Xiao's hand.

Chi Xiao's palms were not slender, but much stronger than those of ordinary women. They were also very warm and quite comfortable to touch.

"I just let you pull it, not rub it."

"Okay." Xu Le said honestly.

Following Chi Xiao, Xu Le stepped into this underground prison.

As soon as he entered the door, Xu Le felt an unusual atmosphere.

There was an aura that made him feel very familiar.

Xu Le suddenly tightened Chi Xiao's palm, then stopped, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath.


"It's such a nostalgic feeling, belonging to the river of ancient Yinduo's soul..."

That rotten smell unique to the land of hell.

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