
Chapter 491 Chaos

"Xu Le, what did you find?" Chi Xiao asked immediately when he saw Xu Le suddenly pulling him.

She still has a certain understanding of Xu Le. If he hadn't discovered something, there would be no need for him to do this.

With Xu Le's character, it was impossible to be clever at this time and in this environment.

Then there is a high probability that something has been discovered.

"Here, there is the atmosphere of Guyinduo."

"Gu Yinduo? I...why didn't I feel it?"

"But it, no, it should be them, they do exist."

Chi Xiao frowned slightly. In fact, like Xu Le, she was also a human being favored by Gu Yinduo Mother Tree.

It's just that she's not as special as Xu Le.

Not only did he get the vision of Gu Yin Duo, but he also got so many rules of Gu Yin Duo, as well as the favor of Night Fiend.

But even so, the power of Gu Yin Duo in Chi Xiao's body has always been very pure, and her perception of Gu Yin Duo is also very clear and strong.

That's why she was surprised when Xu Le said that there was an ancient sound here.

As the top master of Breaking Dawn, he has come to the underground prison many times to deal with things.

She actually did a lot of the dirty work.

But after coming here so many times and being exposed to almost all the weird things here, she has never felt that this place has the atmosphere of ancient Yinduo.

This is absolutely impossible to be false.

But the moment Xu Le came here, he said that this place had the atmosphere of ancient music, which made Chi Xiao have some self-doubt.

She understood that Xu Le's perception of Gu Yinduo was stronger and more accurate than hers.

Even Cangming and Feiying said that Xu Le's concept was close to that of the ninth son of Gu Yinduo.

His perception and judgment of Gu Yinduo were not absolutely accurate, at least they were not comparable to hers.

"You just said there was more than one of them."

"It is true that not every one is there, but the number is not small. Go forward, there is the third prison on the left."

Chi Xiao nodded attentively and pulled Xu Le to the third prison door on the left.

As soon as he stood still, the strange thing hidden in the shadows suddenly slammed into the cell door.


hold head high! ~

A strong breath filled Chi Xiao and Xu Le's body, and the breath almost turned green.

Under the light of the fire in Chi Xiao's hand, Xu Le could see clearly.

"Guigui, is this why you let me hold your hand?"

Chi Xiao also glanced around, and even she felt a little disgusted by the strong green aura.

Fortunately, Chi Xiao and Xu Le were surrounded by a faint layer of fire.

These firelights will completely purify the surrounding green aura. Although there will still be a faint odor left, it is at least much stronger than inhaling it directly.

"This guy is not the most outrageous."

Through the firelight, Xu Le saw a strange figure.

His eyebrows were raised calmly.

A weird thing that he could hardly describe in detail, with a big head and an asymmetrical crooked mouth.

The green breath just now came from this mouth.

The long tongue drooped on the ground, looking like it was swollen.

These deformities and mutations on the head are already very outrageous, but what is even more outrageous is still below.

The swollen parts dragging on the ground were not just the tongue, this weird thing was also dragging on the ground.

And because of dragging the tongue and there, a lot of feces stained the room, scratching everywhere.

The weird hands also dropped to the ground, grabbing a handful from time to time and stuffing them into his mouth.

Perhaps the green breath that was exhaled just now has a strong smell, and this is also the reason.

Xu Le looked at this weird thing up and down, and nodded heavily:

"It's really outrageous."

Xu Le took a step forward, but was pulled back by Chi Xiao beside him.

Chi Xiao looked at Xu Le with an unspeakable expression and shook his head slightly:

"This guy...or, let's change him?"

This was a very constructive proposal, but Xu Le just took a look deeper into the prison and rejected the proposal.

"Not a safe choice."


"Don't worry, I also have a way to isolate the breath."


Xu Letuo left Chixiao's flame halo, and an indescribable stench instantly spread over him.

However, Xu Le had already been mentally prepared, and his steps staggered slightly.

The power of darkness began to spread around him, and all harmful substances were blocked by the dark particles.

But unlike the flame halo, Xu Le couldn't completely stop the stench emanating from Weird's body.

The strong smell filled his nose, Xu Le frowned, but didn't say much.

He moved closer to the weirdness and opened his mouth.


A series of whispers came from Xu Le's mouth. These whispers were so strange that Chi Xiao, who was standing behind Xu Le, felt an inexplicable trembling feeling in his soul.

"Does Gu Yinduo's soul whisper?"

Chi Xiao didn't ask, just stood behind and silently protected Xu Lezhouquan.

The weirdos here are very aggressive. Now is the investigation time, and it will be very troublesome to fight.

At the door of the cage, Xu Le's soul whisper obviously attracted the weirdness in the cage.

It opened its mouth wide, and saliva and vomit kept coming out of its mouth. The strong feeling of vomiting could be clearly felt even if Xu Le and it were not the same species.

Seeing the opponent's belly bulging, Xu Le subconsciously put up a layer of darkness protection.

vomit! ~

What followed was a violent bout of vomiting and squirting.

Sizzle! ~

The vomit at the beginning was still the green stuff, and it goes without saying that there was a stench and rotten smell.

But soon, the weird vomit changed. It gradually turned from the original shit green to shit yellow.

Then came yellow, orange, red, purple, and after almost twists and turns... the blue aura unique to Guyinduo finally appeared.

"Gu Yinduo?" Chi Xiao from behind exclaimed.

At this moment, she finally felt the pure spiritual energy that belonged to Gu Yinduo.

This ancient Yinduo power is indeed hidden in this weird thing. Judging from Xu Le's actions just now, it should be hidden deep in his soul.

Xu Le's soul whisper has the effect of extracting the ancient sounds hidden in the depths, that's why it is like this.

On Xu Le's side, the whisper of the soul has not ended yet. This strange creature polluted by the power of evil has gradually returned to a clear state.

The ancient sounds it spits out are getting more and more powerful, getting deeper and deeper.

At the end, a ray of bound soul finally appeared.

This is what Xu Le has always wanted to find.

The soul river leading to the land of underworld.

This ray of soul is a blind soul that has been baptized by the soul river. It has no self, no consciousness, and only carries chaotic emotions.

Just like the corpses in the land of hell.


The last mouthful of vomiting weirdly spit out Soul River's soul.

Subsequently, its body began to mutate rapidly. The originally swollen body was rapidly shrinking and being recovered.

The weird appearance gradually transformed from the original ugly and malicious appearance into a humanoid form.

What surprised Xu Le even more was that the prompts from Gu Yinduo Vision actually changed at this time.

From the original [aberrant body, level 6 weirdness, evil, talent-corruption. 】

Transformed into [Red Moon Prayer, level 5 weird, red moon, divine blood pollution. 】

"The red moon is weird? The predecessor of this weird thing is actually a red moon creature... But even if it is a red moon creature, it is still contaminated by the blood of God."

The red moon creature gradually regained consciousness, which made Xu Le very happy.

Because the biggest difference between Hongyue Weirdness and Guyinduo Weirdness is that Hongyue Weirdness is usually very sensible.

Being rational means that you can negotiate. As long as you can have some conversations, Xu Le feels that you should be able to get a lot of information from its mouth.

First, let’s talk about the mixing of Feiying’s divine blood and Huangquan’s power…

Xu Le knew very well that the power of the underworld, like the faded flame, was a unique power of the ancient Yin Duomu tree.

It is not assigned to any son of Guyinduo, and no son of Guyinduo can use it.

It's just that the faded flame was snatched away by the night spirit, and the power of the underworld was hidden by the ancient Yin Duomu tree.

Xu Le was about to speak when the strange red moon in front of him suddenly seemed to realize something.

It first looked at Xu Le, then looked at the surrounding environment...

Besides shit, it’s still shit…

And it’s all its own shit, which is sad.

Hongyue's strange expression gradually distorted, and its eyes that had regained consciousness also swelled at this time.

"Ah! Ah!~"

A scream that made people frown.

Xu Le took a step forward with some hesitation, but the strange red moon seemed to have been violently stimulated.

The entire body began to rapidly expand and inflate.

Chi Xiao behind her suddenly felt something was wrong. She pulled Xu Le over, and the melted metal shield immediately appeared in front of Xu Le.

"Xu Le, be careful."


The strangely expanding red moon exploded directly in front of Xu Le. Although it was only a level 5 strange life strength, the power of the explosion was really astonishing.

The explosion caused a commotion in the dungeon, with all kinds of weird shouts, roars, and chaos.

Sensing the chaotic environment around him, Chi Xiao stopped beside Xu Le.

If she couldn't burn down the whole place with a fire, then if some weirdo really broke through the cage and attacked, then she would have no choice but to run away with Xu Le.

After all, it stinks a bit here.

"Xu Le, are you okay?"

Chi Xiao turned to look at Xu Le, only to find that Xu Le did not seem to be frightened or hurt by the explosion just now.

It was as if he had been prepared and knew that Chi Xiao would take action in an emergency.

Xu Le stood there with stern eyes, hugging him with one hand and holding his chin with the other.

Clearly thinking.

And it wasn't the first time Chi Xiao saw Xu Le showing such a thinking attitude.

"This guy...has a really big heart."

When Chi Xiao complained about himself, Xu Le himself was still immersed in the incident just now.

A level 5 red moon creature, after being contaminated by Gu Yinduo's energy, was promoted and became a level 6 creature. This should not be an accident.

Many senior weirdos will have similar experiences.

But what made Xu Le suspicious was that this red moon creature still had divine blood contamination in its body...

Since it is pollution, it is most likely not a good thing.

And the most critical point is the Huangquan Soul River water hidden deep in its soul.

This is so important.

After pulling away the underworld soul, the red moon creature gradually entered a state of awakening.

Therefore, the soul of Huangquan Soul River should be the main reason why this weird thing fell into chaos.

Then, the red moon creature that woke up completely fell into madness.

Then there is a surge of energy, resulting in self-destruction.

During the whole process...the weird red moon looked at Xu Le before he died.

How should Xu Le describe that look?

Despair, confusion, collapse, no direction?

Although Taboo Warlocks have some training and some psychological issues, most of them serve Guyinduo Card.

Therefore, it is really difficult for Xu Le to guess the thoughts of this red moon creature through one look.

Basically something that cannot be accomplished.

"There are too many doubts..."

Xu Le had too many doubts in his heart. He felt that there were too many fogs and veils on this matter.

He needs to lift these veils layer by layer to truly discover the truth of the matter.

He actually doesn't know what the truth is now.



"Go on." Xu Le's eyes became firm. Now that we are here, let's continue exploring and continue to discover the truth about these weird gods.

Why did Cangming's character suddenly change, and why did he suddenly bring back the blood of gods?

Will the concept of Daybreak continue?

Perhaps many things about Chi Xiao and his obsession with light can be discovered in this incident.

This is Xu Le's feeling, a vague perception derived from the power of fate.

He didn't know if it was accurate, but it shouldn't be too bad.

Chi Xiao glanced at Xu Le, and she felt firmness in Xu Le's eyes.

Then naturally she wouldn't say much.

"Okay, hold my hand."

This can be seen from the fact that after several years of training, he came to kill his senior brother Jidu with his own hands.

Chi Xiao's character is like this, determination is just one of the synonyms of her character.

"Continue to look for the next weird monster. Go past the five rooms on the right and the one opposite."


Still with the same flame halo, Chi Xiao continued to walk deeper into the dungeon with Xu Le.

Because of the explosion just now, all the weird things in the originally silent dungeon have woken up at this time.

Some weird ones howled and wanted to attack Xu Le and Chi Xiao, but they were all isolated by Chi Xiao's flame halo.

Xu Le, who was following Chi Xiao, couldn't help but sigh.

It feels so safe to have such a bodyguard following me.

In this world, apart from gods, there seems to be no existence that can win against Chi Xiao.

Even the deputy hall masters of the Red Moon Temple would be hung up and beaten if they were one on one.

Arriving at the single room in the dungeon that Xu Le mentioned, Xu Le signaled Chi Xiao to stop.

"This one is more dangerous than the one just now. You should step back first."

"Danger? It doesn't exist, does it?"

"It's not us, it's it. If it attacks, I'm afraid you'll naturally fight back and kill it."

Chi Xiao tilted his head:


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