
Chapter 531 The Raiders on the Back Wing

There was excitement in his eyes.

Rising into the sky again, the red moon began to speak to the void:

"Find Cangming again...well, and Xu Le.

Tell them that a new target has emerged.

The son of Gu Yinduo - Puppet.

A cunning guy with extremely powerful power.

Facing such an opponent, I wonder if they can succeed... Hahahahaha. "

Hongyue started laughing crazily again.

He already knew the purpose of the puppet projection here.

It's just fishing bait.

The purpose of the puppet is to understand his current situation and status.

Then, through the stability of the original power, a beacon is determined, and then its position is locked.

Yes, he understands all this.

But he doesn't care.

No matter how small the bait is, it is still a piece of meat. It is a holy item that is rich in the original power of the son of Gu Yinduo.

In his current state, as long as he swallows more of the origin of Gu Yinduo's son, he can merge into a faster state and grow on his own.

Even if it is a little bit of origin, as long as it is integrated enough and fast enough, his power will be endless.

His power will exceed any previous period or state.

And no longer bound to the red moon.

So even though he knew it was fishing bait, he ate it without hesitation.

And... the puppet's bait is not his bait?

If the puppet wants to determine the beacon, it must recover the origin left by that finger.

But if the finger returns, it will inevitably open a rift in space.

The other end of the crack may be the puppet's endless trap, the puppet's careful preparation.

But what does that have to do with him?

The people who handle the puppets will be Cangming and Xu Le.

He just needs to wait silently.

Waiting for Xu Le and Cang Ming to kill the puppets, or for them to be killed by the puppets.

No matter what the outcome is, he can reap the benefits, so why not?

Red Moon Temple, the sky under the black tide.

The full moon and Rose collided.

The strongest god of war in the Red Moon system is naturally not just talk.

In addition to the full moon deity, there are three full moon angels hovering around them.

The Red Moon Spirit and Gu Yin Duo Spirit Energy collided violently.

Everyone below can see that the two sides are still evenly matched.

But this is not good news...

Because of the collision between the two sides, the scattered spiritual energy, contaminated by Gu Yinduo, began to be absorbed by the weirdness in the black tide.

With a large amount of spiritual energy as a supplement, the strange creatures quickly became excited and violent, and they charged even more fearlessly than before.

Some weird ones even broke through on the spot, creating a new round of distortion.

The people of the Red Moon Temple, who had just defeated the giant rock hand, looked at the black tide in prepared formation.

Too much, too much.

This number... may have exceeded the limit that normal human troops can handle.

Because the warlock's spiritual power has a limit and will consume light.

The fierce battle has reached this point, and most of the low-level warlocks' spiritual energy has been almost exhausted.

The middle and high-level warlocks also took out their own trump cards, and they could delay it for a while.

But even so, the Red Moon Temple was still in a tough fight.

Because the Red Moon barrier was broken, the area occupied by the Red Moon Temple was too huge.

Although it is built on a winding mountain and there are city walls, the defensive range is too large.

This cannot continue.

There are many people who have noticed this. At this time, many people have turned their attention to Bai Ya, the puppet master of the palace.

The puppet palace master is also the palace master.

Many current Red Moon Temple masters have the consciousness to fight for the Red Moon Temple, but they need a voice.

The voice that brings everyone together.

Many legends and deputy palace masters are dissatisfied with each other, which is normal.

Bai Ya, the palace master, plays a decisive role at this time.

As everyone's eyes gathered, Bai Ya herself realized that she needed to stand up.

After sorting out the body that had been consumed so much before and regrouping the spirit of the Red Moon, Bai Ya took a step forward and shouted:

“In the current crisis, we must unite as one to fight against powerful enemies.

For the light! "

Bai Ya didn't say it was for the red moon, but for the light.

Many people were slightly startled when they heard her say this.

But more people reacted immediately.

This is the will of this young palace master.

Bai Ya consumed a lot of spiritual energy and even life to summon the Immortal Veil - Full Moon.

This move seems to be that of Hong Yue's most devout believer.

But as long as you have a brain and think about it carefully, you will understand the key.

That's right, the full moon came by summons, not by initiative.

What time is it now?

Kuroshio, the most powerful Kuroshio in history.

And where is the current position?

The Red Moon Temple is the beacon of Red Moon’s will for thousands of years.

When the Red Moon Temple was in absolute danger and the red moon barrier was broken by Gu Yinduo's son, the full moon still did not come.

It also depends on Bai Ya, the puppet master of the palace, to sacrifice his life and gather a large number of spiritual summons before he is willing to show up.

This already explains a lot of problems.

Hongyue... betrayed them.

Even Bai Ya, the summoner of the full moon, already knows this clearly.

The war between Hongyue and Guyinduo has reached its limit.

In the eyes of Red Moon Creatures, human beings may have become consumables that consume Gu Yinduo.

This is their value...

After all, humans who do not have level 8 power can only rely on the Red Moon God to fight against the son of Gu Yinduo.

This is the cruel reality and something that everyone must face.

Time flies and people always have to make changes.

Even the puppet master of the Red Moon Temple in Baiya, supported by the three gods, must realize this.

Fortunately, Bai Ya has taken a good lead.

Said the phrase "for the light".

Yes, they can fight for the Red Moon Temple, but not for the Red Moon, but for the light.

They fight for the light of humanity.

Melis, Black Crow, and several other legendary warlocks smiled.

They are all senior members of the Red Moon Temple, and it is difficult to change their respective thoughts and ideas.

At their level, the most important thing is to ensure the stability of the system and power under the premise of self-interest.

Hong Yue's betrayal undoubtedly left the Red Moon Temple on the verge of collapse, but Bai Ya's words made the confused people in the Red Moon Temple regain their confidence.

Give them a new reason to fight.

"For the light!" Melis also said.

"For the light!" Black Crow followed closely.

Although he, a person who practices darkness, said he was weird for the sake of light, at this time, he had to take a stand.

"United as one, for the light!"

Seeing the Red Moon Temple united as one, Xu Le couldn't help but feel a little weird.

His original thought was actually...

Looking at Bai Ya again, Xu Le shook his head and stopped his previous thoughts.

"Forget it, this situation is not unacceptable."

From beginning to end, Xu Le never wanted the Red Moon Temple to be completely destroyed.

After all, the Red Moon Temple can be regarded as the most brilliant civilization in the fourth era of mankind.

If the Red Moon Temple is completely destroyed, the inheritance of those warlocks will inevitably be lost and damaged.

There are indeed many bad things about the Red Moon Temple.

However, the development of the Red Moon Technique is the crystallization of hundreds of thousands of years of human wisdom, and Xu Le does not want this inheritance to be lost.


Since everyone is united, he must also contribute at this time.

It is very important to preserve the vitality of human beings. If one day the darkness really recedes and light returns to the world...

Only by retaining as many humans as possible can humans develop more quickly and restore vitality.

The Soul-Eating Tree can protect everyone's mental energy, allowing everyone to exert their due strength. It doesn't cost him much, and it can even be said to be beneficial, so why should he refuse.

When Xu Le released the soul-eating tree to devour the anima, his ears suddenly felt hot.

It was Chi Xiao's power that came through.

She had been hiding her repression before, but Xu Le was a little surprised when she suddenly spoke up.


"Xu Le, I'm afraid the battle here needs to be put on hold for the time being. Can you spare some time now?"

Xu Le narrowed her eyes slightly. Given Chi Xiao's character, it would have been impossible for her to say that if something important hadn't really happened.

So Xu Le also responded immediately, allowing the Soul-Eating Tree to develop its free will and grow on its own.

No longer bound to the Soul-Eating Tree, Xu Le responded quickly:

"It's definitely no small matter if I can get you to speak. Go ahead."

"I suddenly received a message from teacher Cangming."

"What's the specific content?"

"He confirmed the new coordinates."

Xu Le's pupils shrank slightly, and at this moment, the coordinates of the Kuroshio battle were interrupted.

The answer is already obvious.

"Which one?"

"Son of Guyinduo-Puppet."

When Chi Xiao's voice came, Xu Le was slightly surprised.

This guy, Puppet, among other things, his ability to hide, evade, and change identities is definitely more than just talk.

Among the many sons of Guyin Duo, it may even be the one best at hiding.

But Cangming was actually able to detect its beacon.

This is... a bit too "surprise".

"Your teacher...did he specify the information content of this coordinate? For example, how did he obtain this coordinate?"

"Xu Le, I know what you mean, but this kind of thing usually involves the other person's perception ability, and the teacher is unlikely to reveal it on his own initiative.

Moreover, what happened in the forest made our relationship with the teacher even more delicate than before.

If I had to ask, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to tell me the correct answer. "

Chi Xiao straightforwardly explained the situation and his own difficulties.

Xu Le also nodded slightly to express his understanding.

"I see."

Seeing that Xu Le did not give a clear answer, Chi Xiao urged him a little.

"Xu Le, the teacher said before...the coordinates of the puppet can determine its authenticity, and it also has the possibility of extremely high dangers and traps.

But if it doesn't arrive in time, given the cautious character of the puppet, it is very likely that it will give up its previous dominant place and move to other areas.

If this happens then, the value of this coordinate will be lost. "

Hearing Chi Xiao's urging, Xu Le frowned even more.

At this point in time, the Black Tide attack is at its most violent. Although there are many level 7 warlocks in the Red Moon Temple, level 7 warlocks do not have the ability of level 8 warlocks to change the situation of the battle on their own.

Under normal circumstances, as long as he and Chi Xiao stay here, the second son of Gu Yinduo besides Rose will appear in the Red Moon Temple tonight.

Otherwise, you can basically get through it without incident.

But once he and Chi Xiao leave here, things will happen again.

The situation that was originally relatively stable will fall into a whirlpool again.

"Chixiao, I don't doubt your intentions, but I still want to say, is this time... too much of a coincidence?"

"..." Chi Xiao was silent for a long time.

But time was really tight right now, so she didn't let herself hesitate for too long.

"So what do you mean now... If you think you can't go, then I'll listen to you."

Chi Xiao made a decision, which was to put the decision-making power on Xu Le's side.

But this also made it difficult for Xu Le.

how should I do it?

He glanced at the battle situation far away. The battle between Man Yue and Rose was still going on.

At present, it seems that the two sides are still in a state of even division.

But Xu Le, who had faced off against Gu Yinduo's son, knew very well that if Man Yue's strength could not surpass Fei Yu by a huge level, then she would definitely not be able to defeat Rose.

Lin Lin is already the weakest among the sons of Gu Yinduo.

It was this weakest being who was able to hold on to their wheel battle, and Feiyu, one of the three gods, who was finally defeated.

Compared with the forest, Spider Queen Rose, who dared to appear directly in front of the Red Moon Temple and led the Black Tide army to attack the human world, could never be weaker, she would only be stronger.

Therefore, Xu Le judged that the outcome of the battle between Man Yue and Rose was likely to be at a disadvantage, or even defeat.

After thinking quickly in the ethereal state, Xu Le had made his decision.

"Although the coordinates of the puppet are a very tempting thing, unfortunately, we have more important things to do..."

Xu Le focused his gaze on the Red Moon Temple.

He never thought that one day he would give up something very important to him for the sake of the safety of the Red Moon Temple.

Although it is only a temporary give up, the hunt for Gu Yin Duo's son will not stop in the future, but this is also a very outrageous result.


"What's wrong, Xu Le?"

Xu Le didn't answer immediately. He stood up straight and took a few steps forward.

Looking at the far end of the horizon, his expression looked a little incredible.

"Is that... Zion's new airship? No, maybe it should be renamed Guyinduo Sky Ship."

Looking at the dense dots gradually appearing on the horizon, Xu Le suddenly felt a numb scalp.

Li Wen!

It’s actually Li Wen!

Is this... really Li Wen?

For example, the first actual leader of Zion came to the Red Moon Temple at the most dangerous moment of the black tide?

"Uncle Li actually came to the Red Moon Temple in person. What does he want to do?"

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