
Chapter 532 Zion Troops

Xu Le stood on top of a tall building in the Red Moon Temple, watching Li Wen from a distance.

His vision and perception have allowed him to lock onto Li Wen's aura from such an ultra-long distance.

But Li Wen on the ship couldn't do it.

Under the guidance of some Zion warlocks, he raised a pair of telescopes and looked in the direction of the Red Moon Temple from a distance, and then looked at Xu Le's position.

Xu Le felt right. Li Wen knew he was here and even knew where he was.

"Sure enough, I don't believe that there is no mole in Zion in the Red Moon Temple.

Oh, since they are in the same group, it is a bit inappropriate to call them a mole.

We should call like-minded underground worker comrades..."

On the ship, Li Wen waved to Xu Le from a distance.

His intelligence ability is very strong, but it is not as strong as Xu Le imagined.

The past made Li Wen always have a deep sense of fear towards the Red Moon Temple.

That is the fear of power.

In order for him to be able to stand here today, to be able to speak openly, to be able to look straight ahead, Li Wen has sacrificed too much.

Decades of intelligence agencies have all been used tonight.

This was a form of gambling that he disliked very much.

He almost risked everything.

Of course, all these are his own things, Zion's things, he kept them all.

He came here today just to fulfill his first dream when he was young.

In front of the Red Moon Temple, show the power that truly belongs to Zion.

He didn't have this qualification at all before.

In fact, he did not have such qualifications before meeting Xu Le and before the ancient Yinduo scientific and technological revolution was carried out in Zion.

But now, he has.

So, here he comes.

"Lord Li Wen, the ship is currently close to the Kuroshio cluster. The density of weird things is high. There are flying weird things that are interfering with our ships, but the number is small. Please give instructions."

"Keep moving forward. After advancing about 1,500 meters, raise the altitude and release the first... Heavenly Punishment."


According to the principles Xu Le left before, it should be called the Gu Yin Duo and Hong Yue phase transfer bomb.

Li Wen himself couldn't explain its complicated principle.

In short, this weapon combines the super spiritual energy of Gu Yinduo and Hong Yue, then adds the principle of space tearing, and finally uses a large amount of the blood of the ancient gods to stabilize its performance. This creates this terrifying weapon. arms.

When Li Wen came into contact with this weapon for the first time, a word recorded in the previous era immediately flashed in Li Wen's mind.

The most important weapon of the country.

Yes, this weapon is undoubtedly the most important weapon of the country.

Although the term and concept of country no longer exists in today's era.

But the emergence of this weapon has the ability to change the power structure.

It is powerful, simple and straightforward to use, and requires extremely high technical requirements to manufacture, but obtaining raw materials is not very difficult.

As long as you have the Ancient Sound Furnace, enough Red Moon Warlocks, and enough Ancient Gods, you can meet the demand for raw materials.

Obviously, Zion has all these conditions.

Li Wen sometimes even wondered whether Xu Le had known these prerequisites for a long time, so he came up with those cameras and made energy equipment like the furnace core.

Everything may be as he thought.

"Xu Le, for a long time before, Zion failed to help you, failed to give you support and strength.

But things are different now. As you said before, the development of science and technology takes time, and people's thinking also takes time to change.

Although the time we gained was not long, it was enough to change some things.

Xu Le, now Zion can stand behind you and be your help. "

Li Wen said silently, then raised his right hand to convey orders to the surrounding soldiers.

“All combat units prepare.

Prism of light. "

"Light Prism."

At the same time that Li Wen gave the order, the light beam had already descended around the Red Moon Temple.

This terrifying weapon, which was gathered and exploded by Gu Yinduo's spiritual energy, has become a conventional weapon for new airships.

Under the pressure of war and survival, the speed of extraordinary technological advancement is unimaginable.

Wherever the light beam swept, almost all living creatures were turned into ashes, but this was just the beginning of the Zion fleet's attack.

Then, a green and purple dot landed in the blank space where the light prism swept through.

This dot seems to be full of infinite charm, always attracting people's infinite attention and reverie.

This even includes Xu Le himself.

Everything was silent.

Everyone seems to be looking forward to something, and everyone seems to be afraid of something.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and the air seemed to be condensed by pressure.

But the breathing sounds of many creatures still make most people understand that the current time and space are not stagnant, but flowing.

Under everyone's gaze, this mixed-color light exploded.

First, there is light.

The light obscured everything and erased everything around it.


Then came the sound of an explosion.

But the surrounding creatures couldn't look around at all, they didn't know what was happening.

But the feeling of death coming does not seem to be fake.

When the warlocks of the Red Moon Temple reacted, mushroom clouds had already risen into the sky.

There are no other creatures around.

One blow shocked Gu Yinduo's weird and violent Kuroshio attack.

The fear of the absolute supreme power made them stop. Even the orders from Gu Yinduo's soul inheritance were of no use at this time.

"Zion, we must win."


The Zion sky fleet began to disperse, and beams of light shot towards the ground, killing the weird ones who were still in a trance mercilessly.

Wherever the Zion Sky Troops passed, there was almost one-sided massacre and crushing.

This gave the Red Moon Temple warlocks standing on the city head a serious sense of alienation and unreality.

In their impression, shouldn't Zion be just a clown who plays tricks and studies some strange supernatural objects?

Maybe they have really developed some convenient things, such as civilian airships, tracks, trains and the like.

But in terms of supreme power, Zion has not made any substantial breakthroughs for so long. There are very few warlocks above level 4.

These stereotypes make most people in the Red Moon Temple think that Zion is weak...

It was so weak that Congressman Xu Le was assassinated in a majestic manner by the Red Moon Temple. Zion could not say anything except strong condemnation.

But just such a weak person, now he is condescending and almost wiped out the large number of black tides that oppressed the Red Moon Temple with his backhand.

This kind of dual visual and mental impact was really unacceptable to the people of the Red Moon Temple.

"They... pinch my face first." A warlock poked his companion next to him.

"Stop it, it's them."


"Yes, that's Zion."

"This is inevitable..."

Conversations like this have begun to spread among many city defense warlocks, and their thoughts are actually similar.

Unbelievable, unreal, and frustrating.

Li Wen stood in the sky above the Red Moon Temple, narrowing his eyes slightly, staring at the city in front of him that he dreamed of subverting, and even once wanted to destroy.

Maybe if they use all their strength now, they can really destroy the Red Moon Temple.

But Li Wen just gritted his teeth and gave up the idea.

The release of their own selfish desires may be really satisfying, but this short-term pleasure will only make their past efforts and future visions go up in flames.

Li Wen has never been the kind of person who would give up the collective interests of the entire Zion for his own short-term gain.

For the rise of mankind and for the sake of light, he has endured it for decades.

Now is the time to harvest, no matter how much I hate the Red Moon Temple in my heart, I am disgusted by their actions, and I am even filled with hatred from the past.

At this time, he will let go.

Xu Le was able to temporarily give up his revenge for the assassination, so what could he not afford to take up or let go of?

Under the guidance of the soldiers, Li Wen came to the broadcast room.

He had something to say.

Although these words were embarrassing and he didn't want to say them, in this situation, no matter how embarrassing, he had to say them.

There is no way, if you don’t wipe your butt after you poop, it will be everywhere.

That's how they behave right now.

After clearing his throat slightly, Li Wen raised the loudspeaker and began to speak to the people of the Red Moon Temple below:

"Human compatriots of the Red Moon Temple, perhaps we had a lot of grievances and hatreds in the past, but at this moment, facing the pressure of the Black Tide and the persecution of Gu Yinduo, no matter what the grievances and hatreds are, we are all It should be put down temporarily.

I, Li Wen, Zion’s political agent, acting parliamentarian, and acting leader, on behalf of all members of the Zion Sky Fleet, invite you to put aside your past grudges and fight together.

This is our only chance, for the sake of light and humanity. "

Li Wen's voice was sonorous and powerful, and the young warlocks of the Red Moon Temple were naturally excited to hear it.

The older generation of warlocks were also thoughtful.

Li Wen's words are actually somewhat similar to what Bai Ya said before.

What they do is no longer for their own independent power, but for mankind itself.

For this reason, Bai Ya voluntarily gave up the original support and sponsorship provided to her by the Red Moon God System.

Li Wen also gave up his past hatred and grievances with Zion.

Those hatreds and grievances are indeed very serious, and many times they reach the point where they will never end.

But these endless struggles seem to be nothing compared to the light.

Black Crow, as Xu Le's ultimate pony, immediately raised his hand after seeing Xu Le's expression:

"For the sake of the light, for the sake of the human race, put aside the past grudges!"

Melis on the side looked at Bai Ya with some contempt in his eyes.

"That's what grassroots are like."

Although he had always despised Black Duck in his heart, the words Melis spoke were different.

"Black Duck is right. For the sake of the light, we are duty-bound."

Under the leadership of the senior leaders of the Red Moon Temple, low-level warlocks also joined in.

The Zion Sky Fleet's attacks continued, and the powerful power of the light prism gave the Red Moon Temple warlocks a lot of breathing space.

The strange impact of the black tide was finally contained at this moment.

The personnel who can participate in this Kuroshio war are all highly qualified combatants.

After obtaining the battle space, although the warlocks of the Red Moon Temple had not participated in the battle training of the sky fleet, they immediately found their own combat positions.

A joint combat mode with the sky fleet and light prism strikes as the main component, supplemented by scattered strikes by many warlocks from the Red Moon Temple, has begun.

Xu Le looked at the airship flying above his head, with an expression that ranged from surprise, shock, and embarrassment to now relief.

Yes, Zion today has indeed grown.

Became a force that could change the situation of the war.

Although the fleet still needs the protection of high-level extraordinary beings, in terms of power, Zion does have the ability to change the world.

This is the power of technology.

"Xu Le, do what you want to do."

Li Wen's voice came from above.

Obviously, he had already seen Xu Le.

Perhaps even the Sky Fleet's decisive action to defeat this wave of black tide army was due to Xu Le.

Li Wen's intelligence network learned about Xu Le's hesitation.

It's that simple.

"Uncle Li..."

"I finally helped you. Isn't this a bragging move?"

Xu Le originally thought that Li Wen would say some sensational words, but he didn't expect that this old guy would also talk about being cool...

He smiled casually:

"Uncle Li is so cool, I give him 82 points."

"What about the remaining 18 points?"

"I will issue it to you in the form of 666."

"Okay, I originally thought I was embarrassed enough, but I didn't expect that I'm not as embarrassed as you.

Go ahead, at this time, at this moment, you should have more important things to do. "

Hearing what Li Wen said, Xu Le's eyes sharpened.

Yes, he has more important things to do.


When Li Wen didn't arrive, Xu Le had already planned to give up the puppet beacon provided by Cangming.

But now the appearance of Li Wen and Zion's fleet has substantially changed the situation of the war.

Now he can free up his hands to do other things.

Xu Le looked up at the sky, where Chi Xiao was, and nodded.

"Chixiao, let's go."

Xu Le's voice was very firm and he didn't think too much.

He had already thought about what he needed to think about before.

All he needs to do at this time is hunt puppets.

A flame flashed in the sky, and his hot palm grabbed Xu Le and dragged him into the special space formed by the flame.

With a flash of space, the two people disappeared directly.

Li Wen looked at the direction in which the two disappeared and sighed softly.

"This guy Xu Le is really getting more and more powerful.

In the past, Zion's staff could still think about his abilities.

Now...heh. "

On the other side, where Cangming is.

The little old man stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes slightly changed.


"Oh? We can come here at this time. It seems that the pressure the black tide has put on the Red Moon Temple is not enough. We need to work harder."

Feiyu's voice was teasing, as if he was happy to see something happen to the Red Moon Temple.

This is somewhat inconsistent with her former identity.

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