
Chapter 537 Blue Maid

"Mr. Cangming, how are you doing over there?" Xu Le looked at Cangming.

The reason why they came to a standstill was because Feiyu, the pathfinding human shield, was in poor condition in this area.

Before exploring, she still needs to deal with her problems.

"It's a bit troublesome. Is there anything Mr. Xu Le can do?"

Cangming did not avoid the problem of Feiyu's poor condition here. If he avoids this problem now, the impact may be greater in the battle later.

Xu Le thought for a moment, then took out a seed and handed it to Cangming.

"This is the seed of the tree."

"Tree seeds? What is their specific function?"

"When planted on Lord Feiyu, some special saplings will form, and these saplings will absorb the special spiritual energy floating on the surface of Lord Feiyu.

In this way, Master Feiyu will not be disturbed by Gu Yinduo's fusion of spiritual energy. "

Xu Le looked sincere, and Cang Ming couldn't see anything wrong with him.

But he still had Ruirui in his heart after taking Xu Le's seeds.

He had analyzed Xu Le's abilities more than once before.

Regarding the tree... Xu Le's ability is a bit exaggerated.

"What tree's seed is this?"

"Uh...Tree of Life."

Not the Soul-Eating Tree? Chi Xiao on the side turned his head away and twitched the corners of his mouth, fearing that he would be exposed.

In this environment and situation, Cangming had no choice at all.

Even if he felt that there was something wrong with Xu Le's seed, he had to use it for the next plan.

"Okay, thank you very much, Mr. Xu Le."

Cangming felt a little uncomfortable because he felt that he had been cheated by Xu Le, but he still had to thank him.

But these setbacks and sacrifices are necessary.

He had a feeling that the puppet was very close to them...

Pressing the seed on Fei Yu's arm, the vital seed immediately embedded itself into Fei Yu's flesh, and Fei Yu did not use his own power to repel it.

So soon, branches like vines were entangled.

It doesn't affect Fei Yu's movements very much, and it can indeed absorb the purple liquid-like spiritual energy around it.

And in the process of absorbing these spiritual energies, the roots of the saplings have begun to grow vigorously.

"Let's go."

Without the interference of spiritual energy, Xu Le and the other three simply jumped on Fei Yu's back and flew from Fei Yu's diameter towards the depths of the Mother Tree Realm.

Feiyu's speed was extremely fast, and as they flew, the distance that was once out of reach seemed to be very close.

The growing trees gave Xu Le a feeling of fear of giants.

"Is this the real mother tree..."

"No." Chi Xiao shook his head and denied Xu Le's statement.

"So what does the real mother tree look like?"

"No one has ever seen it. According to the son of Guyinduo, the Guyinduo Mother Tree can exist anywhere in the world.

As long as it is within the scope of the influence of this world's will, it is there and it is not there. "

"Isn't it said that it is on the eastern ocean?"

"Who knows, humans may not have been to the sea for thousands of years."

"All right."

Soon, the four of them came close to the mother tree. This distance took nearly 6 minutes at Feiyu's speed.

But when we got closer, the size of the tree seemed not as big as Xu Le had imagined.

"It feels like it's getting smaller."

“It’s not that it’s getting smaller, it’s that the line between fantasy and reality has become blurred.

If Mr. Xu Le doesn't understand, you can take a look at my soul lock. "

Cangming frowned at this moment, raised his soul chain, and motioned for Xu Le to take a look.

Given the opportunity to observe Cangming's abilities, Xu Le naturally wanted to take a closer look.

But the chain in front of me seems to have lost the aura of blooming before, and has turned into an ordinary chain of gray, blue and red.

"Is this...materialized?"

"Yes, it has materialized. My soul lock is my natal weapon, and I have an absolutely complete understanding of it.

The soul lock is a spiritual weapon. It is powerful, but it does not exist in reality.

But now, it has materialized.

In other words, this place is already at the intersection of reality and fantasy.

Maybe it’s the expansion of the real world…”

Cangming interrupted suddenly, and Xu Le added directly:

"Maybe it's the collapse of the real world, is that what it means?"

"Yes, maybe this is already the border of the real world. Our world is collapsing and shrinking, which is not a good thing."


"Keep looking for puppets, that's our purpose."


When they came here, they searched around, but the four of them still found no trace of the puppet.

The surroundings are filled with a strong ancient Yinduo atmosphere.

But the mother tree is right in front of them, so they don't know if the puppet is really hidden here.

"We seem to have lost the puppet's clue?" Cangming frowned.

"Xu Le, what should we do now?" Chi Xiao's side was much simpler.

If you encounter something you can't handle, just ask Xu Le. Generally speaking, Xu Le can give a solution to any problem that is not particularly difficult to handle.

Xu Le pinched his chin and closed his eyes.

This time, he was not thinking, but feeling the power of fate.

This is the ability that fate has given him.

He had used it several times before, but those were just vague perceptions.

But this time, he was really taking the initiative to use this ability.

"The thread of fate will connect us together, right? Puppet."

Silently activate the power of destiny in your heart.

After many days, Xu Le saw the thread of fate again.

Silk threads exuding a faint spiritual light appeared in front of Xu Le, chaotic and numerous.

But even with so many interferences from the threads of fate, Xu Le still sensed the difference in one of them for the first time.

A beating thread, it seems to want to escape the shackles of fate.

"Puppet, do you want to get rid of something? At the level of Gu Yinduo's son, I am afraid that things like fate can no longer interfere with them.

Maybe you can't interfere with everything?

But every time the son of Guyinduo changes his destiny, a new destiny will be formed.

With each change, the shackles and fetters of the thread of fate will become deeper, just like the trap of the puppet before.

Only by growing without limit in one's own strength can one completely ignore the constraints of fate.

But expanding oneself without limit will put oneself into some kind of new trouble.

Just like the Night Fury, it cannot control the growth of its own strength.

Everything will eventually be destroyed..."

Xu Le slowly opened his eyes. The brief interaction of fate gave him a feeling of spiritual cleansing.

Very comfortable.

He grabbed a silk thread in his hand, and while pulling towards the thread, the other end of the thread also pulled him over.

"Xu Le?"

Chi Xiao saw Xu Le being pulled up without warning and grabbed his ankle.

With her current powerful strength, psychic ability, and explosive power, she was unable to win this wrestling match. Instead, she was dragged over.

"Chixiao?" Cangming and Feiyu also noticed something was wrong.

They reacted and immediately rushed to help.

Cangming's soul lock held Chi Xiao, while Fei Yu quickly flapped his wings and dragged Chi Xiao and Xu Le back.

Three level 8 masters worked together to finally suppress the opponent's power.

The thread of fate seems to have broken the barrier of space, and the other side of the thread seems to be inside the mother tree.

As the pulling continued, a sticky feeling appeared in the hearts of several people.

It feels like you're touching sticky glue that's been spilled on the table, and you're digging in as you pull at the glue.

Cangming and the others are all at level 8, and they all understand that this is a entanglement of fate.

But at this point, they can't control that much anymore.

This may be the only chance.

"Come out!" Feiyu yelled and pulled hard.

Xu Le, Chi Xiao, Cang Ming, and the other end of the thread of fate were all pulled out by her.

A vague figure, the location of the bark of the mother tree is looming.


The thread of fate broke, and the vague figure gradually became clear.

A very exquisitely dressed... rag doll.

The doll wears a light blue maid outfit, complete with white apron and gloves.

Her hair turned into a cute twin tail with a pink bow.

There was some foundation applied to the face, but it seemed that the foundation was applied very unevenly due to poor makeup techniques.

If we express it in modern terms, it is stuck, and it is very stuck.

The black eye shadow is painted very deep, which also highlights her sapphire green pupils. Her eyelashes are long and very beautiful.

The lips are also small and exquisite, painted with a layer of pink lip gloss.

The shape of the entire doll is simple and playful, making people exclaim "cute" involuntarily.

At least that's how Xu Le feels.

[Puppet, a level 8 creature, the son of Gu Yinduo, a passer-by in the wheel of fate, a fetter, a misser, a transgressor, a controller, the one who attracts the most attention. 】

The puppet's multiple visions of ancient music have been displayed in front of Xu Le.

Some of her descriptions are a bit strange.

The first is level 8 creatures, not level 8 monsters.

Xu Le still hasn't figured out what defines weirdness and biology.

Guyinduo's vision is one of the original powers belonging to the Guyinduo mother tree, and it is one of the highest powers given to him by the mother tree.

It should be at the same level as Gu Yinduo's son.

If Guyinduo Vision represents the meaning of Guyinduomu Tree.

So... in the eyes of the mother tree, maybe only existences like Gu Yinduo's son can be called living creatures?

Are everything else weird?

Perhaps this is the only explanation that makes sense.

Then there are other descriptions. Does being a passer-by in the Wheel of Fortune mean that she has interacted with fate?

Because of this, the puppet can avoid the thread of fate and hide in the tree?

The one who binds, the one who misses, the one who crosses the boundary, the one who controls.

Only Xu Le, the transgressor and controller, can barely understand the puppet's ability, the power of space, and the power of control.

And what does the one who binds and the one who misses mean?

Is it an expression of her emotions?

If it's about bonds and longing, then the puppet's bond... is only to the Night Fury.

So much time has passed, so many things and conflicts have happened.

The puppet has made it clear that he wants to kill the Night Fury and the Black Sheep. this love giving rise to hatred?

Do you want to kill the Night Fury because you miss him too much? And then you can’t do it, so you miss it even more?

Xu Le clicked his tongue, your circle is really in chaos.

As for the final spotlight, Xu Le didn't quite know what it meant.

But he soon understood.

Because this ability is as simple and straightforward as described in words.

The puppet in the blue maid costume slowly moves her eyes, and her every move is very slow.

But her behavior gave others a sense of expectation.

Looking forward to what she will do next, looking forward to what she will say next.

The puppet's sapphire-green eyes met Xu Le's.

Time seems to have stopped...

Xu Le felt uncomfortable. There was something wrong with this kind of stare, at least he felt something was wrong.

There were some beads of sweat on his forehead, and the Soul-Eating Tree began to twist.

Driven by the power of Chaos Reincarnation, Xu Le suddenly turned his head and got rid of this gaze.

He subconsciously looked at his watch.

But he found that the hands of the watch were turning crazily like a small motor.

Clockwise, counterclockwise, different directions, different angles, it seems like time is dancing.

"Time is really a problem."

"Xu Le, are you okay?" Chi Xiao's sudden voice brought Xu Le back to his senses.

He looked at everything around him, as if what happened just now had never happened.

Hallucination? Sense of déjà vu?

Xu Le took a deep breath and shifted his gaze to the puppet's face again.

But he saw the puppet looking at him with a smile.

"In order to get rid of the pursuit, I set up a gray robbery mirror, passed through the underground, passed through the ancient Yinduo fusion place, and came to the realm of the mother tree.

He plucked the thread of his own destiny, evaded unlimited divination, and finally hid in the mother tree.

I didn't expect that under such circumstances, you could still be found.

Mr. Xu Le, the fateful bond between us is really too deep..."

I don’t know if these words are considered as praise or analysis.

In short, the puppet in front of him showed no sign of fear when facing Xu Le and the four of them.

Her relaxed posture and words made the four people feel more alert.

After all, in the legend, Marionette is the second most powerful son of Gu Yinduo after the Night Fury.

“Master Puppet’s trap is really sophisticated and can handle most people.

But I'm sorry, our combination today is still a little different. In this world right now, there aren't many things that can stop us..."

Xu Le's eyes were always on the puppet, but he didn't look at it again.

In essence, his life is only level 7. If the puppet masters certain super attacks, he can ignore the distance and be difficult to detect.

In that case, he would be in danger.

Especially for high-level enemies like puppets, the possibility of having this ability is extremely high.

Just like the exchange of looks just now, if Chi Xiao hadn't photographed him in time, he might have been tricked.

The eyes are the windows to the soul. Avoiding eye contact can greatly avoid the possibility of psychic and mental attacks.

"Mr. Xu Le, what a pity. I originally would become ours."

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