
Chapter 538 Taijun invites you inside


Cangming and Feiyu glanced at Xu Le.

From the words expressed by the puppet, we can conclude that Xu Le, in a sense, has the same characteristics as the son of Gu Yinduo.

However, Xu Le shook his head directly:

"No, I never wanted to be you..."

Although he was confused at the beginning.

When he was weak, he relied on the power of the Night Fury to grow.

But when it comes to being a human being, one doesn’t care about one’s deeds or one’s heart.

Xu Le has never done that kind of thing... Mr. Gu Yinduo, please come in!

At least Xu Le has never done this kind of thing.

He has always adhered to the bottom line of mankind and retained his own will, and this is also the reason why everyone gradually trusts him.

In fact, he has always hidden a deeper vision in his heart, which can also be said to be ambition.

He wants to surpass the so-called son of Guyin Duo, he wants to be the one standing at the top, and he wants to formulate a set of rules that he thinks are reasonable.

Only then can his friends and lovers truly live in a peaceful environment.

Everything is for one's own ambition.

And killing the puppet is an important step in realizing his ambition.

Thinking of this, something in Xu Le's heart became a little firmer, and his voice became more certain.

"Yeah, never thought about it."

Xu Le suddenly clenched his fists, and the power of chaos burst out in an instant as he clenched his fists.

Chi Xiao, Cang Ming, Fei Yu, in fact, they are all ready to fight.

But just now, due to the puppet's attracting attention, no one was willing to be the first to take action.

Until just now, Xu Le, through some kind of will, broke the spotlight and took the initiative.

This allowed the other three to take action without the interference of the public eye.

Chixiao's Yandi was the first to speak out. She and Xu Le had a tacit understanding, so she was the first to react after Xu Le attacked.

"What a regrettable choice."

The blue maid-like puppet stretched out its hand, and a big fat man appeared in front of his eyes.

Although it is as lifelike as the maid, if you look closely, you can realize that this thing is not a human at all, but like the blue maid, it is a doll, or a puppet.

[Medium shield, level 8 weird, son of Guyinduo-Puppet]

Xu Le’s multiple perspectives on ancient music also well confirm this point.

"Zhongshi, it sounds like the name of a weapon or tool."

The blue maid is very slow, and the middle shield is even slower. At least in the eyes of Xu Le and the others, they don't have the lightning speed of Fei Yu.

But just when they concluded that the puppet was very slow, Zhongdun suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared in front of Emperor Yan.


Emperor Yan sent out a burst of explosions that were not very strong. An explosion of this magnitude was definitely abnormal.

However, the distorted space environment around the explosion and the remaining traces of space in the air all explain the reason.

"Void walking and phase shift." Cangming said directly.

As the first human to become level 8, his research on the Son of Ancient Yinduo is also very rich.

Unlike the son of Guinduo who has less information in the forest.

The puppet is a son of Gu Yinduo who often appears in human vision. Both of its abilities have been demonstrated in the process of releasing projections in the past.

They were all clearly recorded by Cangming.

"Void walking is an unlimited spatial displacement ability. It is very strong and has almost no interval. However, the phase shift takes a certain amount of time to recover.

But you should be aware that my information may be inaccurate. "

Cangming said as he flew towards the puppet.

He raised both palms, and the soul lock spread instantly like a spider web.

"Snaring barrier."

The soul lock itself is powerful enough to block the surrounding space.

When Cangming took action, the blue maid was immediately restrained by Cangming's power.

"Capture without mercy!"

Cangming's snare tightened as he clenched his fist, and the soul-locking snare that had already materialized was about to stick to the puppet's body...

"Weapons." The blue maid suddenly said.


The third doll appeared, also a female doll, a doll with hands and legs all made of sharp blades.

At the same moment as the puppet, her sweeping kick cut off one of the soul locks, breaking Cangming's control.

The sharp-edged puppet did not stop after breaking the soul lock, but went straight towards Cangming.

The sharp blades were dancing wildly, with the power to behead Cangming on the spot.

Although Cangming is a level 8 master, even he cannot solve the problem of human warlocks' weak melee combat abilities.

There is no way, the growth problem of human body prevents most people from developing into the fighting system.

Meeting a melee master of this level and cracking his own moves, Cangming felt a little helpless.

Seeing Cangming's defeat, Feiyu knew he had to take action.

She rolled up her feathers, covered them with the spirit of the red moon, and launched them instantly.

"The sky is filled with flying feathers."

But the weapon doll had no intention of slowing down or defending at all. It began to rotate at high speed, and the metal blade and metal skin of unknown materials protected each other.

Guyinduo's spiritual energy is also covered in it. Feiyu's feathers shoot on it, which can only make a tinkling sound and cannot stop its high-speed movement.

"Oops!" Cangming frowned slightly. With this distance and speed, it was too late to move in space.

His space magic is not that fast...

If he wanted to avoid the damage, he would probably have to use the power of the soul link to transfer the damage, and use Fei Yu's powerful vitality and body to help him bear the damage.

But the problem now is...their battle with the puppets has just begun, and they basically still know nothing about the power of the puppets.

This is going to be forced by the puppets to use some of their trump cards, which is too uncomfortable.

"no solution anymore."

The soul lock shattered and then condensed again in Cangming's hands. He was already preparing to use the soul link to transfer the damage.

Just when the rotating blade was only a few centimeters away from him, the soul chain was about to be activated.

A big hand grasped Cangming Destiny's neck like a chicken.

Cangming was about to resist when he was startled, but Xu Le's voice comforted him at the same time:

"The more this time comes, the more you should stay calm. You don't want to hand over your trump card at this time, right?"

After saying that, Xu Le didn't even have time to wait for Cangming's reply, so he pulled him back.


The power of chaos formed a fog, and Cangming was pulled into the fog by Xu Le at this moment.

Clang, clang, clang!

The flurry of sharp blades swept away Xu Le's chaotic fog, but there was no trace of Xu Le and Cang Ming.

Feiyu has learned through Cangming's soul chain that he is safe at this time, and Xu Le has had an effect, which is good.

As long as Cangming is in a safe state, she can deal with the puppets with all her heart.

"The blood is boiling."

The muscles on Feiyu's body suddenly swelled, and his body, which was originally adapted to flying form, suddenly became like the bodybuilder Xu Le had seen in his previous life.

And it’s not female bodybuilding, the kind of exaggerated male bodybuilding.

The wings on his back began to shrink, and the feathers on his body became completely close to the skin, as strong as a layer of scales.

Feiyu, who had completed changing his form, suddenly struck out.

She instantly arrived in front of the mechanical maid.

Although the other two puppets are not fast, they seem to have the ability to share vision.

The moment Feiyu took action, the sharp-blade mechanical maid had already reacted.

With machinery on one side and flesh and blood on the other, it had no reason to be afraid at all.


Feiyu's hand knife struck the mechanical blade, but the splash of blood and flesh that everyone expected did not appear.

Feiyu's feathers were as hard as steel, and the powerful and heavy hand knife was even more unbearable for the Blade Maid.


Blocking with the knife in hand, punching with the other hand, the sharp-blade maid was directly smashed into the ground.

The powerful impact caused the dust around the mother tree to form a ring.

But this is just the beginning of the attack.

When Feiyu collided with the sword maid, he had already determined one thing.

That is the intensity of a single puppet, which is far less full of invincible oppression than a forest.

She could deal with the sharp-edged puppet in front of her.

As long as there are no problems with Chi Xiao and Cang Ming.

"Help me capture the formation."


Chi Xiao used flames to suppress Fatty Zhongshi, while Cangming and Xu Le used their own warlocks to deal with the space slash released by the blue maid.

The battlefield is divided into three parts, but the most intense place is undoubtedly Feiyu and the Blade Maid.

"The curse of flesh and blood."

Feiyu directly grabbed the blade maid's blade foot with his flesh palm and lifted it up.

Then a mouthful of old blood sprayed on the body of the Blade Maid.

The flesh and blood tissue immediately began to spread.

The so-called curse of flesh and blood can not only curse flesh and blood.

The metal body of the Blade Maid immediately bent and twisted after touching the blood spurted by Fei Yu.

Flesh moves on its metallic skin like living tissue.

The defenses of these areas covered by blood are also declining rapidly.

"Raptor Strike!"


A heavy punch hit the blade maid in the abdomen.

As a doll, it seemed to have no concept of pain, but Fei Yu's punch really broke its defense.

The solid metal defense was shattered with one blow, revealing various rotating gears inside, as well as the sticky ancient Yinduo psychic energy.

But what surprised Feiyu was... the puppet's ancient Yinduo spiritual power was blue.

This means that it does not integrate its spiritual energy with the red moon like the mother tree here.

This... is a bit strange.

"This guy's psychic energy is actually blue?"


The mechanical maid who was punched through the abdomen suddenly laughed at this time.

It folded its arms, twisted its body, and picked up Fei Yu.

But the hands holding Fei Yu rotated at high speed like a chainsaw.

Feiyu knew that his distraction just now revealed a flaw, but it didn't matter. In this one-on-one situation, it had no reason to lose.

"Tianba Hengkong!"

Fei Yu clapped his palms, and the red moon spiritual energy in his hands instantly exploded to the extreme.

Then a layer of blue Gu Yinduo actually wrapped around her palms.

This is the ancient sound multi-spiritual compound that Cangming and Feiyu have been studying.

They have no way to truly integrate the multi-spiritual energy of Guyin like the mother tree here, like Akabane and Xu Le.

But they managed to combine two kinds of spiritual energy to produce more powerful moves.

At this time, Feiyu used Tianba Hengkong, which was this move.


The mechanical maid's arms were instantly torn off by Fei Yu.

The wings behind Fei Yu suddenly expanded and flew towards the sky with the broken body of the mechanical maid.

Her sharp claws tightly grasped the head of the mechanical maid, and then she suddenly fell towards the ground.

"Cangming! Catch it."


The two people's minds met for a fleeting moment, and they already understood each other's thoughts.

At this time, Feiyu wanted to kill a puppet with one strike.

This idea is very good, and Cangming also agrees with it.

So cooperation is needed at this time.

"Xu Le, can you drag the puppet for a while?"


"Don't talk about non-stick pans, I need to deal with that mechanical monster." Cangming spoke concisely.

Xu Le was not an ignorant person. After Cangming gave his reasons, he immediately gave a thumbs up.

"Go, Mr. Cangming, little puppet, watch me twist it to death."

Like a falling meteor, the flight feathers descended rapidly.

But she was on top, and the mechanical maid was underneath.

After Feiyu made the request, Cangming had already ducked and arrived near the point of descent.

The four soul locks entangled each other, grew larger, and gradually formed a spiral cone, which began to rotate in place.

That's right, Cangming and Feiyu's attack convergence point is not the ground.

No matter how solid the ground is, it is impossible to kill a clone puppet of Gu Yinduo's son. After all, the opponent's strength is also level 8.

Only Cangming's soul lock and powerful attack power can truly kill them with one strike.

"Souls meet."

Feathers fell from the sky, and Cangming's chains also flew upward.

The mechanical maid seemed about to be killed in one blow.

When the two came together, a layer of scattered space fluctuations appeared between the two.


Feiyu and Cangming were directly out of position.

Cangming's chain passed by Feiyu and almost hit Feiyu's wings.

Cangming quickly stopped his hand, and Feiyu could only follow the trend and hit the ground.

But even such a second-choice attack method that had no decisive effect had problems at this moment.

A black hole suddenly appeared on the ground about to fall.

Black holes seem to be connected to different dimensions.

Looking at the location of the black hole, Feiyu had to hesitate.


Feiyu forced the brakes in mid-air, and the mechanical maid in his hand also broke free at this moment and fell to the ground.

The black hole on the ground gradually solidified, turning into something like a pocket watch magnified hundreds of times.

The figure of the mechanical maid stopped near the pocket watch, creating a circle of ripples that spread to the surrounding area.

As ripples were produced, the hands of the pocket watch also began to rotate at this moment.

The pointer moves counterclockwise.

When the pointer starts to rotate, those ripples also start to shrink inwards.

Then, a shocking scene happened.

The body of the mechanical maid quickly began to recover out of thin air, just like reversing time and space.

The arms that were torn off by Tianba became intact at this moment.


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