
Chapter 550 Promotion

What exactly does the mother tree want to do?

This question is too simple and too profound, especially after Xu Le gained strength, he became increasingly confused about what the mother tree wanted to do.

If it is to seize the body, it is actually not that difficult. The mother tree has too many opportunities to do it.

But in those opportunities, it did not take action, which allowed itself to survive until now.

Surviving better and better, gaining more and more power, Xu Le had new doubts about everything he had imagined before.

The more he grew, the more Xu Le felt the power of the ancient Yin Duomu tree itself.

That is real power.

Each of the rules of the Son of Guyinduo that it split off belongs to a powerful existence that cannot be expressed in words.

The so-called three gods of the Red Moon are essentially unable to compete with the power of Gu Yinduo's son.

This point has been basically confirmed after Xu Le's two hunts for Gu Yinduo's son.

After splitting so many sons of Guyinduo, the remaining power of the mother tree can still oppress the world.

Fading fire, underworld, and its impact on the entire weird world of Guyinduo.

These are powers that even the sons of Gu Yinduo cannot achieve.

What does the mother tree want?

Is this what it wants?

Xu Le's question still hasn't been answered.

But at this time, a wisp of breeze came from nowhere and blew on my face.

It was like gentle fingers caressing Xu Le's body, forehead, and cheeks.

It was a bit comfortable... Chi Xiao also felt it.

Xu Le looked at the tree in front of him with some surprise, and seemed to understand what it wanted to express.

He stretched out his only remaining right hand and grasped the not-so-thick trunk of the tree in front of him.

Hold tight!

The Soul-Eating Tree left the body and gradually entangled itself in the tree in front of it.

"Xu Le, what is this tree?"

"I don't know if it is, but I think it should be its own choice."

Chi Xiao's expression suddenly became a little complicated.

Xu Le's growth rate is too fast, and it is showing an increasingly faster trend...

In the past, she only had a vague feeling of discomfort, but now, that vague feeling has gradually turned into substantive information.

That is, Xu Le seems to be coerced by Gu Yinduo's power.

He was forced to grow up quickly.

As Xu Le's strength grew, he absorbed more and more ancient Yinduo rules.

Chi Xiao couldn't tell whether these rules were obtained by Xu Le or whether they were deliberately imposed on him by Guyin Duomu Tree.

When Xu Le was at a low level, these rules could not reflect the ridiculously powerful effect.

But as Xu Le's strength improved, by the time he reached level 7, some of the perversions of his abilities had gradually emerged.

With the superposition of various abilities, Xu Le has the combat power to crush the same level at level 7.

By now, Xu Le seems to be breaking through level 7 and reaching level 8, which is the true realm of gods.

So what will be his performance at level 8?

Chi Xiao couldn't guess Xu Le's thoughts, but she could feel that as Xu Le's strength grew, he seemed to be getting more and more unhappy.

"Xu Le..."

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that you are not as happy as before."

"Ah..." Xu Le was stunned for a moment, then smiled:

"It seems so."

"Why? Your strength has improved very quickly. Isn't that bad?"

Chi Xiao didn't quite understand. At least she was always in a happy mood every time she was promoted. Is there any difference between her and Xu Le?

Xu Le had no intention of hiding anything and responded directly to the question:

"What is the sentence I often said to Cangming Feiyu before? Do you still remember it?"

Cangming, Feiyu? Something you often say?

Chi Xiao immediately recalled it, and immediately thought of the classic rhetoric that Xu Le had always emphasized before.

"The less ability you have, the less responsibility you have. I don't stick to the pan?"

"Yeah, the same sentence, if you say it the other way around... doesn't it mean that with great power comes great responsibility? I'll take all the blame, and that won't be very uncomfortable."

Chi Xiao:......

Can it still be understood this way?

"But no one imposes responsibilities on you? Not everything needs to be borne by you. You still have companions."

Chi Xiao was almost ready to say, "Look at me, look at me, I can do the job."

How could Xu Le not understand what she meant, but Xu Le still shook his head:

"There are some things that can't be helped. The rules of this world are fixed. Under these fixed rules, if you want to make some changes, you have to pay more than others.

I want to change, so there are certain things that I will inevitably take on as my strength grows.

Just like me now, I am afraid that I can no longer say in front of Cangming that the smaller the ability, the smaller the responsibility, and I will not stick to the pot. "

"Xu Le, are you really..."


The two ended their conversation, and Xu Le calmly extended the Soul-Eating Tree, eating away the small tree in front of him bit by bit.

Xu Le himself was not very clear about what this small tree could bring him, but he felt that it was something very important, something that could allow him to truly break through the essential boundaries of life.

These things may be more important than the rules of Gu Yin Duo's son.


"Uh? What's the matter?"

At this time, Chi Xiao was still thinking about Xu Le's words. She didn't know whether she should be happy that Xu Le was about to break through level 8, or sad that Xu Le would have to take on more things after breaking through level 8.

"Give me the underworld fruit."


Naturally, Chixiao would not refuse Xu Le's request, not to mention that according to the previous agreement, this fruit belonged to Xu Le.

But watching Xu Le eat the fruit, Chi Xiao still felt uncomfortable.

According to her previous judgment, Xu Le absorbed more and more advanced rules as his level increased.

It's really too much.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, but Chi Xiao found it difficult to accept the burden brought by the gathering of rules.

As strong human beings, like her and Cangming, they are actually extraordinary beings with a single pure rule.

Her flame and Cangming's soul are like this.

Although a single rule ability has some obvious shortcomings in terms of combat effectiveness, such as a single combat system that cannot form a complementary combat system.

But in terms of maintaining self-purity, it is much superior to the composite type.

Xu Le's rules are becoming more and more complex, and this complexity is not entirely a good thing like ability superposition.

If something goes wrong, it's likely to be irreparable...

The complicated emotions made her a little upset.

And this kind of upset was not just psychological, the unknown fruit she had eaten before seemed to have had some impact on her.

She didn't know what the specific effects of the unknown fruit were, and she couldn't even tell what she got.

It's just that when fighting the puppets just now, I used my abilities more smoothly.

To describe it specifically, it would probably be silky smooth.

Commonly used moves such as Emperor Yan, Great Flame Realm, and Flame Snake are not particularly obvious.

Because even without any optimization, she is already very familiar with the ability to control these moves.

But Balrog is different.

In the second stage of the flame demon's possession, the body's spiritual energy is crystallized. This is an ability that Chi Xiao only realized after burning the remaining body in the forest.

The combat effectiveness of this ability is very powerful, integrating offense and defense. In frontal combat, it can be said that it has almost no shortcomings.

If there's a downside, it's that this ability is very difficult to master.

But when I used it before, it was extremely smooth, as if I had completely mastered this ability.

Integrate everything.

But the joy brought by the new ability did not worry Xu Le's emotions. Chi Xiao only felt a little useless, so the hands she and Xu Le held seemed to be tighter.

Where the crystallized limbs were exchanged, chaos and flames filled each other.

Although Xu Le was very weak at this time, too weak to concentrate, he also realized that his spiritual energy was polluting Chi Xiao.

He wanted to withdraw his hand, but Chi Xiao held it tightly.

"My power can purify the chaotic spiritual energy in your body." Chi Xiao frowned, feeling that this was the only thing he could do at this moment.

Seeing her serious look, Xu Le smiled and shook his head:

"I know you want to do something for me, but there is really no need to do this. Your flame is very pure, and there is no need to be contaminated by me.

And my power of chaos is not a harmful substance to myself.

Okay, let's do what we did last time, give me some private space... Just in time, you can also study the fruit you just ate and what it is. "

"..." Chi Xiao was silent for a while, and finally had no choice but to let go and nod.

There was nothing she could do, and there was no point in purifying Xu Le's chaos.

Now, she can only leave.

" careful yourself."

Chi Xiao warned, then silently backed away.

When she let go of Xu Le's hand, she suddenly felt an inexplicable throbbing in her heart.

It seemed as if she had completely lost something by letting go this time, but she didn't know what this feeling meant.

Xu Le is right in front of him, and this feeling... doesn't seem like an intuitive reaction.

"Is it the effect of that fruit again? What's going on?"

Chi Xiao felt uncomfortable again, feeling like something was growing in her heart, that is, something she didn't know was growing in her heart in a physical sense.

Very strange.

She clutched her chest and left Xu Le's vicinity.

Xu Le needs some private space, and so does she.

In the center of the island, the small tree with the fruit hanging on it has been completely absorbed by Soul Eater.

After absorbing this small tree, Xu Le felt that his world of the Soul-Eating Tree began to become distorted.

On the psychic ice sea, the last remaining ice blocks broke apart one by one.

They all turned into the purest spiritual energy and were completely integrated into this sea of ​​ice.

The vast sea water submerged the Soul-Eating Tree, and also nourished the growth of the Soul-Eating Tree.

Light emerged from Xu Le's eyes.

The Soul-Eating Tree began to grow crazily again.

In Xu Le's spiritual and soul world, there is completely uncontrolled and crazy growth.

It's getting bigger and scarier.

Endless spiritual energy was swallowed up by it, just like a giant devouring the heaven and earth.

Xu Le's Soul-Eating Tree world finally solidified at this moment and became a truly new land.

He knew that this was a world projection created by using the power of the Soul-Eating Tree to absorb the real world. Although the process of absorbing the real world was mostly passive.

But Xu Le never stopped it.

Everything he did was to keep himself alive and to keep his friends and family alive.

He just wants the world to be more comfortable, that's all.

"Soul-Eating Tree, spread."

Driven by Xu Le's will, the limbs of the Soul-Eating Tree quickly spread out from his body.

It soon penetrated every corner of the island.

The branches of the Soul-Eating Tree began to crazily devour everything in the projection world, and Xu Le had no intention of stopping in extending the Soul-Eating Tree.

Outside the island, the never-ending psychic storm quickly dissipated under the pressure of the Soul-Eating Tree.

It also allowed Xu Le to see the world outside this floating island.


Dark, colorful, and gray.

This is not a normal world, so just destroy it.

Xu Le raised his hand gently, and the world in front of him immediately shattered.

Later, he and Chi Xiao appeared in the projection of the Mother Tree Realm.

Before Chi Xiao could ask Xu Le what happened, Xu Le's soul-eating tree penetrated the ground in front of him, and even caused those tentacle-like branches of the soul-eating tree to gradually extend towards the ancient Yin Duomu tree.

The moment the Guyinduo Mother Tree felt threatened, the fusion spiritual energy of the entire Mother Tree Realm began to converge towards the Mother Tree.

They form the strongest shield in the world, almost surpassing the Red Moon Barrier.

But all this became meaningless in front of Xu Le and the Soul-Eating Tree.

The shield generated by the fusion of spiritual energy is indeed very hard. If Xu Le were to use the Soul-Eating Tree to attack, he would not be able to penetrate it.

But the question is... why should he break through the shield?

Let the branches of the Soul-Eating Tree adhere to this shield and absorb the spiritual energy here, and the shield will naturally break down.

This sounds like nonsense.

How huge is the spiritual energy of the Realm of the Mother Tree? Even if a simple individual warlock absorbs more, I'm afraid he won't be able to absorb all of them.

Even if all the warlocks in the entire real world are dragged in, I'm afraid they won't be able to do this.

But Xu Le can, and Xu Le’s Soul-Eating Tree can.

The soul-eating tree grew stronger again, looking like the most hideous psychic vampire in the world.

It quickly absorbs psychic energy, melting shields.

The complex and obscure fusion spiritual energy is useless in front of the power of chaos. As long as it is touched, it will be dissolved and swallowed.

Just like that, this layer of hard and indestructible psychic shield collapsed in a very short period of time.

The reason for its collapse was that the supply of spiritual energy was completely interrupted.

Without the protection of the psychic shield, the mother tree's projection was completely exposed in front of Xu Le.

Xu Le, surrounded by the chaotic fog, gradually floated in front of the projection of the mother tree.

The black crystallized palm was also pressed against the bark of the tree at this moment.


The essence of life is sublimated at this moment.

[Forbidden Warlock LV7, Legend - The Beginning of Chaos. 】


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