
Chapter 551 LV8-The Tribulation of Reincarnation

The moment Xu Le touched the projection of the mother tree, all the resistance of the projection of the mother tree collapsed in an instant.

The rules, systems, growth in the dark ages, and experiences in previous eras were all seen before Xu Le's eyes.

This is what Gu Yinduo sees from his perspective.

The projection of the mother tree collapsed into countless particles in front of Xu Le and dissipated directly into the air.

[Forbidden Warlock LV8-The Tribulation of Reincarnation. 】

Life and death, light and darkness, space, destiny, reincarnation, yin and yang, underworld.

The rule system that Xu Le got reached a certain balance at this moment, and they seemed to gradually enter a state of balance and perfection.

Each rule has found its place in Xu Le's power system.

And each rule assists other rule systems.

These rules were gradually born out of the chaotic spiritual energy in Xu Le's body.

Out of chaos, order is truly born.

And this order will be dominated by him.

Xu Le stretched out his palm, gathered a little strength, and a small black hole appeared between his thumb and index finger.

As he continued to inject spiritual energy into the black hole, many small white dots gradually appeared around the black hole.

If you can magnify the black hole countless times, you can clearly see that the black hole is like a universe.

And those white dots are the stars in this universe.

The universe at your fingertips, reincarnation in your hand.

Thus was born.

Xu Le clenched his fist gently, and the small black hole was shattered.

Everything returns to chaos. This is the calamity of reincarnation.

Xu Le did not have the consciousness to become the Creator, and he also knew very well that although his power was very powerful, it was so powerful that he could not even imagine it.

But it’s still not strong enough!

He's still missing a few things, missing some rules, and has some tougher enemies to deal with.

Now, it's time to recycle those rules...

Xu Le turned his head and glanced in the direction of Chi Xiao. The soul-eating tree blocked the line of sight between the two. He could feel that Chi Xiao wanted to push through the trees to find him.

But he didn't take the initiative to go to Chi Xiao.

Next, he was not allowed to take Chi Xiao with him.

She ate the unknown fruit.

Xu Le, who has experienced the projection of the mother tree, certainly knows the great significance of that fruit.

By now, he has completely understood many things.

The mother tree has always been the will of this world.

From beginning to end, it has been guarding the world.

This has never changed.

But just like humans, no matter how powerful humans are, they will still have the problem of weakness and aging.

During the Third Era, the Ancient Yin Duomu Tree had already begun to age. Although it aged very slowly, it was completely irreversible.

The aging of the world's will is not as simple as the aging of human beings, but there are many common principles.

For example, human aging is usually accompanied by many diseases.

Disease will eat away at a person's vitality bit by bit and eventually lead to his death.

In other words, many people actually die not of old age, but of illness.

Even if the disease can be cured, it is essentially meaningless.

The life of an aging person simply cannot withstand such consumption.

So many people say that as you get sicker, you get older, and the sicker you get, the older you get, until you die.

The situation of Guyin Duomu tree is similar.

It is old and sick.

It means the coming of an era of chaos.

The mother tree will eventually die, and everything in this world will also perish with the death of the mother tree.

Deep Blue will completely turn into a dead silence until void creatures discover this place and occupy it, turning Deep Blue into a colony eroded by the void.

Guyin Duomu Tree doesn’t want this to happen…

Therefore, Guyin Duomu Tree needs to do something to change this seemingly unchangeable ending.

As the will of the world that gave birth to this world, the Ancient Sound Tree has had too many glorious pasts and is powerful enough to protect the world.

But these rules will always change over time.

Just like human organ disease.

Many of the rules of the Ancient Yinduo Mother Tree are gradually no longer constrained and controlled by it, and gradually become crazy and difficult to control.

These rules are like cancer, eroding the mother tree all the time, absorbing the original power of the ancient Yinduo mother tree.

In order to check and balance the rules and abilities that it could no longer control, the ancient Yin Duo mother tree finally split and created the sons of Gu Yin Duo.

Every son of Guyinduo carries part of the power of rules of Guyinduo's mother tree.

The splitting of Guyinduo's son greatly slowed down the aging rate of the mother tree.

But at a certain time, the mother tree also realized the almost immeasurable growth and terrifying destructive power of Guyin Duo's son.

Every son of Gu Yinduo has a diseased spiritual energy that is extremely strong and cannot be dealt with.

These sons of Guyinduo were originally lesions classified by the mother tree, so these lesions were not really dealt with.

Therefore, the distortion of Gu Yinduo's son is almost inevitable.

The distorted ancient music has a lot of energy and will pollute everything...

The pure spiritual energy of Gu Yin Duo will be assimilated by the spiritual energy of Gu Yin Duo's son and become the same source of pollution.

Just like cancer cells are still their own cells, facing this problem, Guyin Duomu Tree has nothing to do.

Therefore, after Guyin Duo's son becomes powerful enough, there will no longer be a pure land in this world.

Because of their great strength, and because of the arrangement of Ruoyouruowu, the mother tree of Guyinduo, the sons of Guyinduo began to conquer each other.

They fought wantonly and suppressed each other.

The original intention of the mother tree in creating this behavior was good, to suppress the sons of Gu Yinduo and prevent them from becoming too powerful.

But the problem is that the conquests of Guyinduo's sons against each other have accelerated the pollution of this world.

Pollution will also destroy everything here.

In order to restore all this and save all this, Guyinduo Mushu made a very bold decision.

It means actively releasing a dark blue beacon into the void, using part of one's body as bait to attract a being that is powerful enough but capable of being dealt with.

Use the power of this invader to temporarily suppress the damage caused by Guyinduo's pollution to the world.

This approach is like using poison to cure poison, and using poison to fight poison.

And this introduced intruder is Hong Yue.

red moon.

Certain poisons can become the best life-saving medicines in the hands of doctors.

What Guyin Duomu Tree has done further confirms this point.

The arrival of the red moon completely broke the original melee situation among Gu Yinduo's sons.

The Ancient Yin Duo Mother Tree used the powerful power of the Red Moon to suppress the seven sons of Gu Yin Duo for a time.

The bloody battle went through an era and ended the third era.

Until the beginning of the Fourth Era, the Red Moon system in the human world has been fully matured, combined with the secret methods of the Ancient Yinduo Mother Tree and the powerful level 9 origin of the Red Moon itself.

In the end, they were successfully sealed in the Sealed Land by the hands of the creator of the Fourth Age of mankind.

Of course, in making such a major move, there will be sacrifices.

The sacrifices in that battle were the creators of the human era and nearly 90% of human lives.

The son of Gu Yinduo was sealed, and Red Moon naturally entered a prosperous era, developed rapidly, and civilization flourished. The Red Moon Temple was also established because of this.

And the Guyin Duomu Tree was not idle during the period when the red moon rose.

It silently made up for the world, modified history, and tried to restore itself, but at this time the mother tree discovered that it could no longer do these things.

It's too debilitating.

Without the son of Gu Yinduo as a wing, the mother tree at this time was somewhat helpless even with the Red Moon itself.

It has no way to deal with the red moon. It can only confront it and watch the red moon flourish.

But even so, the world has not entered the dark ages.

Until...the awakening of the Night Fury.

The previous lesions on Guyinduo's mother tree were probably equivalent to ordinary lesions, and the mother tree could resist them on its own.

And Gu Yinduo's son is like a tumor, benign. If it is cut off, his life can be extended.

But the Night Fury's awakening completely changed everything.

She is as crazy as a cancer cell that has left the body and is able to absorb nutrients from the outside world and grow freely.

Her darkness gradually erodes everything in this world.

The aura she exudes unintentionally will erode the darkness of this world.

Endless weirdness begins to emerge from the darkness.

That's because the darkness of the Night Fury has completely affected the normal trajectory of the world's rules.

Even if she doesn't take the initiative to do these things, under the erosion of the power of darkness, these things will inevitably happen.

The moment Guyin Duomu Tree noticed the darkness coming, she already understood what she was destined to do.

[When the will of the world is broken and the rules collapse, there may be new rules and will to carry the world. 】

Yes, the Night Fury also noticed what Guyinduo Mother Tree noticed.

At first, she wanted to do something for the world, which could be considered as the mother tree.

This is awakening.

But when she really did it, she realized that everything would become out of control.

Darkness will swallow everything in this world.

This kind of result is not only unacceptable to Guyinduo Mushu, but even Night Fury himself is willing to do so.

She didn't want the world to fall into eternal darkness, so she took away the Fading Fire and sealed herself.

But this approach can only be suppressed for a while.

We must think of other ways to save everything.

And Xu Le was the best choice that Guyinduo Mushu thought of.

It was the mother tree that brought Xu Le into this world.

[The order born out of chaos will become the new rules in this world. 】

"If it weren't for you, I would have died long ago, and I wouldn't have been able to experience so many wonderful experiences and meet so many trustworthy friends and companions.

Thank you. "

Xu Le thanked the mother tree sincerely in his heart, glanced at Chi Xiao again, and then closed his eyes to calm down his slightly tired body.

Then, thousands of meters away, he let his voice reach Chi Xiao's heart:

“I am Mother Tree’s first plan, a complete and excellent plan, but also extremely risky.

Once I die or fail, everything will be in vain.

For this reason, the mother tree considered the second plan.

The projection of the mother tree realm and the unknown fruit are all the contents of the second set of plans.

The unknown...will give birth to all possibilities.

So you, Chi Xiao, you have to live well. If I lose, you will be the master. "

Finally, when Xu Le opened his eyes, his figure also disappeared.

boom! Space shattered.

Chi Xiao, whose way was blocked by the Soul-Eating Tree, had already felt Xu Le's departure the moment he shattered the space.

Xu Le's words still echoed in his ears.

But Chi Xiao's eyes never changed to softness and sadness.

She pressed her palm on the soul-eating tree, feeling the unknown fruit in her body, and whispered:

"find him."

The Soul-Eating Tree ignored Chi Xiao's intention at all. It was an extension of Xu Le's spirit and soul. Under normal circumstances, it was impossible to communicate with other creatures.

But unfortunately... this is not a normal situation right now.

"I said, let you find him."


"I said, let you take me to find him."

Chi Xiao spoke more and more, and his voice became colder and colder.

But this cold voice conveyed the will of the Soul-Eating Tree, but there was an irresistible will.

That was derived from the will of the ancient Yinduomu tree, the former supreme ruler of this world.

It cannot be violated, cannot be resisted, and cannot be argued with.

Therefore, under the pressure of Chi Xiao's will, the Soul-Eating Tree, an extension of Xu Le's spiritual soul, compromised.

At the same moment when Xu Le was promoted to LV8, the Night Fury, who was wandering on the edge of the world, turned his head as if feeling something.

"What's wrong?" Black Sheep stood aside and asked.

The black sheep looks a bit thick at this time.

He seems to be a lot fatter than before, and the hair on his body is also very thick, which does not match the clean and tidy appearance before.

"He got promoted."

"Promoted? So quickly? How is this possible?"

Regarding Xu Le's growth rate, Black Sheep could only say it was impossible.

"It actually only took me a few days to advance to level 8. It's not that fast for him, right?"

The Night Fury asked embarrassing words in a flat tone.

If she was not a Night Fury, Black Sheep would no longer want to talk to him.

"Okay, even if the speed of promotion to level 8 is reasonable, but even if he is promoted to level 8, do you think he can change everything now?

If nothing else, the puppets, dragons, Rose, all of those guys are monsters.

Their wills were born, and some of them are older than you. In order to seize the real mother tree, they have been planning for countless years.

If Xu Le wants to get everything back on track, he must deal with all those old guys.

In addition, there is Hongyue, and that bitch has no idea what he is planning.

In short, it is too difficult for Xu Le to get everything back on track..."

Black Sheep told many things that Xu Le sounded completely impossible to do, as if he had been emphasizing that Xu Le was impossible.

But Night Fury just responded with one sentence:

"Just now, the puppet died."

Black Sheep:? ? ?

Upon hearing the news of the puppet's death, Black Sheep fell silent.

But he quickly reacted:

"It's great that the guy is dead."

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