
Chapter 562 Destined Death

Hongyue said, Xu Le's expression became dazed again.

The black snake sword in his hand was almost impossible to hold steady.

He felt like his eyes were swelling, as if they might burst out of his sockets at any time.

And his body was twitching unnaturally.

Madness began to breed in Xu Le's heart...

"Full Moon Madness!"

"Crazy staring, but just let me stare at you. When you are staring into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.

Similarly, turning this sentence around can also be understood as saying that only when you look into the abyss will you be stared into by the abyss.

How does it feel to stare like crazy? "

Xu Le's shaky body was unable to stand at all, and there was no possibility of continuing to fight.

He staggered and held on to the Soul-Eating Tree, but did not back down because of Hong Yue's words.

"I said you will die tonight, and I always keep my word."

In this extremely unfavorable situation, Xu Le made a very bold fighting idea.

Close your eyes.

Even, they no longer use Guyin's multi-view to observe each other.

"Chaos spreads!"

Confusion cannot be captured with perception, the full moon cannot be gazed with eyes, and flesh and blood itself has extremely powerful defense and regeneration.

Faced with this combination, Xu Le could only unleash the power of chaos without limit.

Let the fog of chaos cover every corner of this sky.

His spiritual power has already reached its peak in this world.

No creature in the world can compare with Xu Le at this time.

Perhaps only the Night Fury, whose darkness erodes everything, has the possibility to compete with Xu Le in psychic abilities.

"I will use my spiritual power to sense every corner of this world. Your position, your body, and your breath will all be exposed to the fog of chaos.

Hongyue, are you ready?

Next, is the destined death I have prepared for you. "

Xu Le rarely makes such declarations of battle, because in his opinion, it is a very stupid behavior and it is easy for people to be defensive.

But he had to do it, it would delay time.

And the next move has almost no possibility of defense.

Xu Le clasped his hands together, his mind and spirit united.

He suddenly opened his eyes, but his eyes and pupils had disappeared, replaced by the water of the Huangquan Soul River, looking straight into the sky.

"Soul Oven."

The road leading to the land of underworld was suddenly opened by Xu Le.

The river of soul surged out, surrounding Xu Le and the red moon in front of him.

Because of the ruin of the world, countless dead souls cannot be saved, and they stay in the rolling underworld.

Resentment has already turned into powerful fuel, condensed in Xu Le's hands.

Then, souls filled the sky and flew towards the huge red moon.

Although the red moon is powerful and huge, it cannot hold back the innocent souls that have accumulated for thousands of years in the deep blue world.

The number of these innocent souls is beyond description.

Following Xu Le's soul-eating tree and the power of chaos, they quickly extended and adsorbed on every corner of Hongyue.

Then it penetrates into these flesh and blood, causing the soul and body to be incompatible.

After that, Xu Le's powerful spiritual energy once again appeared.

"Light it up!"


Countless souls were imbued with powerful spiritual energy by Xu Le, but they were completely incompatible with the bodies they were entrusted with.

A violent series of explosions completely began.

Boom boom boom boom!

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, Hong Yue screamed as she watched her flesh and blood body being destroyed.

Countless souls are coming one after another, and reincarnation can no longer save them, but if they can die completely, it will also be a very intuitive relief for these souls.


Destined death finally took shape.

The soul explosion tore apart all flesh and blood bit by bit.

Xu Le held a black sword in his hand, soared into the sky, and stabbed the red moon with one sword.


The black sword sank into his brain, and Hong Yue's breath dissipated instantly.


Half of his head was completely smashed by Xu Le, and he would not give Hong Yue any chance.

Especially in a battle like this, he won't give any opponent a chance.

It has been too long to wait for this day.

"Finally, have you won..." Xu Le suddenly felt a little relieved.

Although it was also a hard fight, and the pressure the opponent gave him was many times stronger than that of the other sons of Gu Yinduo.

But after the battle, it was actually okay. He still retained the Samsara Tribulation Realm and did not use it.

Red Moon, maybe not that difficult to deal with...

"it's over……"


Just when Xu Le was about to use the power of reincarnation to completely destroy Hong Yue, Hong Yue's arm suddenly swung out and cut off Xu Le's arm with a blade.

Blue light burst out, and the substitution technique took effect again.

Hongyue, who had no trace of life and even her head was incomplete, was still able to fight back.

He grabbed Xu Le's neck with one hand and lifted Xu Le up with one hand.

The half-cut brain looks a little funny because it has no eyes.

The bloody hand found the head that had been chopped off by Xu Le, and then put it back on his head.

This scene was instantly perceived by Xu Le, who was covered in chaotic fog.

"There is no way for the head to regenerate..."

Hongyue, who succeeded with one blow, immediately laughed strangely after recovering her head.

"Hey hey hey... Do you think I'm dead? Wrong.

For you, life and death will always be accompanied by the soul. Without the breath of the soul, life cannot be considered complete.

This view of defining life and death is not easy for me to use. "

"It's because I didn't think carefully and didn't realize that you are not a creature of this world and you don't even need to abide by the most basic rules of this world."

"As long as you understand."

Hongyue's bloody hand suddenly exerted force, but Xu Le just exploded in front of him and turned into a black mist.

Hongyue had a way to escape from death, and Xu Le had a similar way.

One hit to escape.

Black smoke rolled down, and Xu Le flew higher.

Looking at the bottom of the sky again, the blood mist spread even more. If this continues, it will not be long before it contaminates the earth...

Xu Le wanted to make a quick decision, but at this time... he realized that he might not be able to do it.

He took another look at Hongyue's condition.

The explosion of the soul furnace still caused severe damage to him. After all, the innocent souls in the sky were the accumulation of the entire Deep Blue Millennium.

It was also Guyin Duomu who deliberately accumulated the cards in his hand to blow up the red moon.

Now the Flesh Red Moon has been blown up, but the current Lord of the Red Moon still looks difficult to deal with.

He has become much more slender from the strong and corrupt person he was before.

The muscle lines all over the body are obvious, and the bloody hands have become sharpened.

Seeing such a red moon, Xu Le suddenly asked:

"Aren't you going to give yourself a name?"


Hongyue was surprised, but Xu Le's attack had already started.

"The Tribulation of Reincarnation - Immortality."

The wheel of yin and yang reincarnation immediately appeared around the red moon, and the order born out of chaos completely pulled the red moon.

The powerful tearing force seemed to tear the red moon into pieces.

Flesh and blood are separated bit by bit by reincarnation.

Feeling the threat of death, Hongyue struggled frantically.

If it were an ordinary level 8 creature, even the son of Gu Yinduo would be doomed by the calamity of reincarnation.

But Hongyue is Hongyue, he is a level 9 existence.

Even the son of Gu Yinduo is no match for him as long as he is not a Night Fury.

"Blood Song."

The red moon suddenly howled.

This howl is exactly the same as the howl of the red moon that Xu Le hears every time before the black tide.

Xu Le, who had kept his eyes closed, suddenly felt a heavy hammer on his chest.

His five senses were actually taken away at this moment.

Except for the feedback and perception brought back by the power of chaos, Xu Le can no longer perceive the other party's existence from his five senses.

Although most of the five senses can be replaced by psychic perception.

But once he loses it, especially the sense of touch, Xu Le can't even judge his own actions.

In his psychic perception, he had already felt the red moon rushing towards him.

But after losing his sense of touch, he became very slow to even react.


Xu Le's arm was cut off directly. This time, the effect of the substitution technique was no longer available.

Moreover, this is Xu Le's last arm.

Hongyue laughed wildly and continued to attack Xu Le, and the bloody claws continued to explode on Xu Le's body.

Xu Le could not feel pain or sadness, only endless nothingness.

He knew that if he continued like this, he might die.

He had to do something...

"Soul-Eating Summons."

When Xu Le's body was about to collapse, the huge soul-eating tree broke through the barriers of the spiritual world and finally descended into this world.

The power that destroyed the heaven and earth penetrated into the sky and tore apart the space.

Countless branches of the soul-eating tree stabbed towards the red moon.

But Hongyue's level is too high. He is already familiar with the attack strength of the Soul-Eating Tree, and he can deal with the heavy tree with ease.

Xu Le knew that doing so would only consume his strength and the tree.

But he also knew that the soul-eating tree entangled with Red Moon would create a final opportunity for him to attack.


The unconscious Xu Le released the cage, and the crazily growing soul-eating tree completely bound himself and Hongyue in this cage.


"In the dark age, everything dies, chaos begins, and order is born - the mirror of reincarnation."

The final reincarnation dragged Xu Le and Hongyue into it.

Reincarnation tore away everything, whether it was Hongyue or Xu Le himself.

Xu Le frantically injected all of his spiritual energy, which was almost as big as the sea, into reincarnation.

The refining of the Samsara Tribulation Mirror is tearing at their spirits and souls all the time.

"You think you can kill me? Huh? Hahaha?"

Trapped by Xu Le, Hongyue directly protected her body and exploded into a ball of blood mist. The blood mist penetrated the gaps in the soul-eating trees and escaped outwards.

At this time, Xu Le's five senses had been stripped away, and the blood mist and chaotic fog were mixed together, making it impossible for Xu Le to lock his position through spiritual energy.

Xu Le didn't know what to do.

He couldn't hear, see or feel at all.

So he could only calm down, forcefully pull the fog of chaos, and try to drag Hongyue into the cage again.

Obviously, the effect of this approach is not very good, and Xu Le has not yet discovered that Hongyue has the possibility of escaping.

Just when Hong Yue was about to escape, a red shadow fell on the Soul-Eating Tree.

“Soul-Eating Tree, it’s up to you now.

Balrog - Ignite. "

The blazing flames ignited the Soul-Eating Tree, instantly igniting all the spiritual energy in the Soul-Eating Tree.

The blood mist can penetrate the gaps in the branches, but it cannot cross the barrier of blazing flames.


The red moon wailed and was forced back by the flames, just like the faded fire could exert a more powerful effect by using the mother tree as fuel.

Chixiao's flames, using Xu Le's Soul-Eating Tree as fuel, can also exert more powerful power.

This power is enough to suppress Hongyue.

But Xu Le still can't see, hear or feel all this.

After losing his five senses, his heart has become very calm, although it is passive calm.

But this state gave him a strange fighting peace.

He just wanted to kill Hongyue.

Other things are no longer important.

"My name is Xu Le, the destined destroyer of the world, the end of all things, unstoppable and irresistible, I am reincarnation!"

As the cycle turns, everything here will be included.

A new era seems to be coming.

With the advent of this new era, it seems that Xu Le no longer exists.

During the reincarnation, Xu Le had no perception, so he could not detect the death of the red moon.

But he could feel that his flexibility was gradually becoming thinner.

Just when he felt that he was about to die and had many regrets, he suddenly felt a lightness in his soul.

It was as if a pair of warm hands held him, hugged him, and kissed him.

The reincarnation he escaped from reappeared in this world...

Everything, the end.

When Xu Le woke up, it was already three days later.

His five senses gradually recovered, but his perception was still very weak, simply inferior to ordinary people.

But it doesn't matter. Compared with the previous state of being completely deprived of the five senses, being able to see, hear, and touch now is already a very wonderful state.

"Life is so beautiful..."

Xu Le sighed a little with emotion.

At this time, he was leaning against the Soul-Eating Tree, and in the past three days, the Soul-Eating Tree had swallowed up the entire sky.

This is Xu Le's will.

was fully implemented.

Xu Le thinks this is good...

The red moon really shouldn't exist in this world.

"It's great that the outsiders are finally being dealt with."

Xu Le was delighted, and suddenly thought of the feeling of escaping from death when he fell into reincarnation before.

He didn't know who the other party was, and he had no ability to perceive him at all at the time.

But he vaguely guessed the other party's identity.


Xu Le immediately communicated with the Soul-Eating Tree's will and asked about Chi Xiao's whereabouts. Logically speaking, she should be trapped in the Soul-Eating Tree world by herself.

"she left?"

Xu Le immediately received positive feedback, which made him slightly confused.

Although Chi Xiao's strength is strong, there is definitely a gap compared to his current self, and the gap is not small.

Maybe she will have strong growth potential in the future, but's obviously not enough.

“Hey, forget it, this guy Chi Xiao always has his own ideas.

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