
Chapter 563 Final Chapter-The End of the Story

She had been following me before because she just thought I was doing the right thing. Once she felt that I was doing the wrong thing, it would be time to leave me. "

The Soul-Eating Tree did not respond. It was just an extension of Xu Le's spiritual world and could not even be regarded as a living thing.

At Xu Le's level, there is no one left to talk to.

Most people don't understand or understand what he is thinking.

At this stage of strength, he can no longer be regarded as a pure human being, but as a god.

Just like he is now, standing in front of those people in the Red Moon Temple.

The eyes of those once aloof warlocks looked at him with awe and fear.

If Xu Le told them a cold joke at this time, others would just think that he was intimidating the Red Moon Temple.

That's how people are...

Xu Le has now reached this point.

Whatever he said or did, even if he wanted to make a joke, others would not take him as a joke.

The height is here, there is nothing we can do.

Xu Le squirmed a little and allowed himself to sit up.

Why squirm?

Because all his limbs were chopped off, and they were irrecoverable.

After rebuilding his limbs with psychic crystals, Xu Le stood up.

To be honest, his physical condition is quite bad.

The broken limbs made it impossible for him to live like a normal person.


"It's not clear whether it has a future or not.

And next, it’s the eldest brother..."

Xu Le suddenly felt a little sad, thinking that Night Fury was always accompanied by a black sheep.

But as his strength grew, there were fewer and fewer companions around him. Now, he didn't even have anyone he could talk to.

Originally, Chi Xiao was considered a fellow traveler, and he might become a solid partner in the future.

But now they part ways because of some of Xu Le's own choices.

It's sad...

The power of Hong Yue was digested in the Samsara Tribulation Mirror, and Xu Le began to think about how to face the Night Fury next.

His beginning, everything, seems to be because of the Night Fury.

But the Night Fury is the cause of all darkness.

And it’s no longer an inducement, it’s the fundamental reason.

The darkness falls because of the power of the Night Fury.

Without the suppression of the Fading Fire, the Night Fury became stronger and stronger, and she became stronger at an absurdly fast rate.

In a few months, Xu Le has found it difficult to figure out what the Night Fury will reach now.

"It's time to go see big brother."

On the beach, in a wooden house near the sea, Night Fury is repairing a house of his own.

The black sheep was grazing on the side. Although it actually didn't eat grass, the night spirit asked it to eat it, so it ate it. There was nothing that could be done about it.

The grazing black sheep glanced at the side. There was some meat that the Night Fury had brought back from somewhere.

I want to eat it……

I don’t know whether to take it or not, because the Night Fury doesn’t have any money either.

"Hey, forget it, it's good if she doesn't destroy the world. Just take some."

The Night Fury who was repairing the window suddenly stopped, turned to Black Sheep and said:

"How old are we, Lamb?"

"Older than those whose footprints have long since disappeared."

"Will they forget us?"

"Everyone will always remember us, the white wolves of darkness and the black sheep of death."


"There are some."

"What does it feel like?"

"A long, fruitless hunt."

"What is death?"

"Death is the end of everything."

Night Fury finally nodded:

"he came."

Black Sheep, who was looking at the Night Fury, was a little flustered.

"So fast?"

Licking the foam on his lips, Black Sheep stood next to the Night Fury.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't know yet."

There was a fluctuation in space, and Xu Le shuttled through the power of chaos.

When he landed, Xu Le staggered a little.

He has not dealt with the injuries and hidden dangers left by the previous battle, especially the blood remaining on his right arm, which has not dried up yet.

Night Fury glanced at Xu Le's condition, and his eyes stayed a little longer when scanning Xu Le's crystallized limbs.

"It looks like you've been through some extraordinary battles."

Night Fury's words were still so calm and indifferent, as if Xu Le had defeated multiple sons of Gu Yinduo in succession and defeated Hong Yue, which were all insignificant matters to her.

"Brother taught me well, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do those things."

"I actually want to help you, but once I take action, I can't take it back."

Xu Le looked at Night Fury and nodded heavily.

"I understand brother's choice."

"Do you really understand?"

Xu Le hesitated for a moment and continued to ask:

"What level has eldest brother's strength reached now?"

"I'm not very sure, I just feel that many things are actually very easy for me."

"..." Xu Le probably understood the meaning.

It should be an easy thing for her to end Hongyue, at least not like Xu Le, who almost got herself involved.

Xu Le was a little unconvinced, especially since he was now very strong.

At level 8, he was basically in an invincible state, and he was still a little proud.

"Has eldest brother been promoted to level 9?"

"I can kill level 9 and it will be easy."

Xu Le:......


Xu Le's little pride disappeared.

As we all know, Night Furies disdain lies, so this thing is true.


Xu Le wanted to say something more, but Night Fury interrupted him.

"Don't talk about this for now. We haven't seen each other for a long time. Have you prepared a new story?"

Xu Le was stunned for a moment, but a smile still appeared on his face that had been weathered and battle-stricken during this period.

The eldest brother is still the eldest brother, she has always been like this, and it has never changed from the beginning to the end.

"Yes, there are many. What type do you want to hear, brother?"

"Ah, I want to hear a lot. I want to hear all the stories you know."

Xu Le was silent for a moment, realizing that Night Fury's request might not be that simple.

"Okay, let's start with a more pleasant love story, it's called "Pumping Heartbeat"..."

In the next few days, Xu Le just sat on the beach and began to tell Night Fury his story.

From love, comedy, tragedy, all kinds of angles, all kinds of stories, as long as I can remember them clearly, I told them all to Night Fury.

The two of them won't be tired even if they don't eat or drink.

Night Fury was just immersed in these stories, his eyes full of yearning and pursuit.

Until one morning a few days later.

The sun still did not appear as promised.

In fact, it's not just today. Ever since Xu Le told the story to Night Fury, daylight has never come again.

Night Fury did not continue to be a listener, but interrupted Xu Le:

"Your story is better. The culture of the world you live in must be very excellent."

"Ah?" Xu Le suddenly realized that what Ye Sha was talking about was actually about him traveling through time.

Xu Le was silent again, then nodded.

"Well, it is indeed more prosperous than here. Even though there are many disadvantages, it is still happier than here."

The Night Fury nodded and looked at the sky.

"It should have dawned, but it didn't. It's been like this for several days. Those humans must be in a panic..."


"Tell me one more story, the last one."

"Okay, brother, what kind of story do you want to hear?"

"A sadder story would be nice. I quite like the tragic ending."

Xu Le's heart twitched inexplicably, but he still satisfied the Night Fury's request:

"Then let's tell a sad story about a little person. It's called Manchester by the Sea."

As Xu Le told this story, Night Fury's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Xu Le, my darkness can no longer be suppressed."

"Brother...what are you going to do?"

Xu Le was a little sad, but stood up straight.

Seeing him like this, Ye Sha smiled sarcastically:

"Do you think there will be another battle between us? No, there won't be, and you can't beat me."


"The world doesn't need my existence, and people won't like me."


"It's no different, because I don't like them either, I don't like humans...

Xu Le is just an exception. Don’t regard yourself as the entire human race.

If I had to exchange all human lives for your life, I would probably do it without hesitation.

You are different. You are the only person I recognize. "

Xu Le didn't know what to say. Is this the Night Fury's love?

This kind of love really makes people sigh.

"Master Night Fury's love, Xu Le will always remember it in his heart."

"My name is Bai Ye, you know."


"Night Fury is just what they call me because they are afraid of me."

"I understand, Lord Baiye."

"The next step is your choice."

"My choice?" Xu Le was a little surprised and didn't understand what he needed to do next.

"I have more darkness than I can handle, but there will always be cracks and loopholes in the rules, and that's where the light will come in."

"What should I do?"

"Darkness has absorbed too much of this world, and I'm afraid you can't contain it anymore.

I will deliver the power of darkness to you, but you must also find a true balance for this world. "

"What will happen to Lord Baiye?"

"will die."

Xu Le suddenly clenched his fists. Although he had done a lot of mental construction before, at this moment, Xu Le was still a little out of breath.

He thought of Li Wen's words and his friends, relatives, and partners.

And all the people of Zion.

People can't stand the darkness, so they can't accept the Night Fury.

The Night Fury doesn't want a dark world either.

People need light, and he, and everyone else, is fighting to find it.

But at this moment, Xu Le himself hesitated.

"Lord Baiye, do you have to die?"

"Don't be sad Xu Le, being emotional is a human characteristic, but it's not mine.

I don't have much nostalgia for this world.

I've lived too long.

Now that you have made such a decision, don't hesitate.

Hesitating will only lead to defeat. "

Xu Le took a deep breath and finally nodded.

"I understand, but I still don't know what I should do?"

"I will keep the night dark, but I cannot bring light.

The real light can only be found by yourselves..."

After the Night Fury finished speaking, his body quickly turned black.

This blackening is almost irreversible and irresistible.

Powerful power covers the sky.

Darkness covers every corner of the world, and even bright lights can only bring short-term light.


At this moment, Xu Le finally understood how powerful the Night Fury was.

Darkness brings eternal night.

This is truly enough power to envelope the world.

But the darkness at this time is just darkness.

Its erosion, its decay, were all left in the heart of darkness in front of Xu Le by Night Fury.

The Night Fury is still absorbing the surrounding light.

This is the darkest moment of the deep blue world.

The Night Fury, which had completely turned black, gradually merged with the darkness.

She condensed part of the darkness into a heart and handed it to Xu Le:

"Take it and treat it as a parting gift."

"Are you going to die?"

"I don't know, this place can't hold me. I need to find a place that can hold me."



The moment Xu Le took hold of the Heart of Darkness, endless power immediately integrated into his body.

This power can almost break through the Samsara Tribulation Mirror.

Xu Le was shocked and looked at Night Fury in surprise.

Only then did he understand the significance of Night Fury asking him to quickly increase his strength, absorb all the ancient Yinduo rules, and absorb Red Moon.

Because only when Xu Le absorbs everything can he be able to carry this darkness.

Otherwise, no one in this world can carry the power of darkness.

Once the Heart of Darkness is not contained, the world will quickly be swallowed up by darkness.

And Xu Le is the person who carries the darkness.

Xu Le looked at Night Fury, his eyes flickering.

"Brother, do we... have a chance to meet again?"

Xu Le couldn't see Night Fury's expression, but he could feel Night Fury smiling sweetly at this moment.

"It's precisely because we won't see each other again that it's called farewell."



The Night Fury turned into black light and merged into the darkness on the world line, starting to explore the void on his own, looking for a path that could carry him.

Xu Le stared at the dark sky for a long time, saying nothing and not knowing what to say.

What! ~

The cry of the sheep brought Xu Le back from his thoughts, and he turned to look at the sound.

But the black sheep before turned into white.

Although there are no lights here, Xu Le can still see that the black sheep has turned into a white sheep...

"Lord Black Sheep?"

"Hmph, Bai Ye is gone, and there is no need for me to stay here. Farewell."

"Um, Lord Black Sheep, what should I do now?"

"Now that you have the ability to carry the darkness, then look for a light for this world."

Black Sheep's words were imprinted on Xu Le's heart.

He thought of the Night Fury's instructions before leaving.

If he wants the world to regain its light, he needs to find a balance between light and darkness.

To distinguish between day and night.

Since it is eternal night now, daylight is naturally needed.

"The yin and yang in the mirror of reincarnation..."

Xu Le knows that darkness is just darkness. If you want the world to regain light, you need the power to dispel darkness.

This is true even in the previous life.

"The sun..."

Xu Le thought of Gu Yinduo's method, separated the light cast, faded fire, and created a sun.

But it definitely won't work at this time.

The power of darkness is too powerful, and the only person who can illuminate the darkness may be himself.

Xu Le smiled bitterly.

But without any hesitation, he flew directly into the sky.

He couldn't become the sun, but if he just brought some light to the world, he could do it.

The Soul-Eating Tree was connected to the sea, quickly absorbed the seawater, and began to grow into a towering figure.

Xu Le stood on the top of the tree, the rules on his body condensed in his chest.

He pressed his palm on the soul-eating tree.

The Soul-Eating Tree, which absorbed infinite power, began to grow crazily and covered the sky.

Its branches, branches, shade almost every corner of the continent.

Xu Le closed his eyes at this moment.

Memories of the past resurfaced in his mind.

From the time they traveled to this world, Bai Jing, Wang Shu, Gu Beichen...

Then he went to Night Fury and Chi Xiao, then traveled to Zion, and met Ai Li, Li Wen...

Those images passed by like a revolving lantern.

Until Xu Le opened his eyes.

The Soul-Eating Tree also emitted a dazzling light at the same time!

Became a tree of light.


Finally reappeared in this world.

The hearts of people who have been shrouded in darkness are trembling. The darkness for several days has brought the entire world to the verge of collapse.

But the appearance of light gave them hope.

At the same time, Zion.

"Dad, it's light!" A child from Zion said excitedly, pointing to the glowing Soul-Eating Tree.

"Yes, it's light."

Listening to the cheers of passers-by, Alley, who was holding Ding Ke, trembled slightly.

"Ding Ke, is this Xu Le?"


Ding Ke's voice became much softer and he did not answer the question directly.

Ever since it was sent back by Xu Le, it has stayed with Alley.

In fact, Ding Ke has already felt something, but he feels that if Xu Le is gone, he should be stronger.

But at this time, it found that it was not strong enough either.


Alley took a deep breath.

Seeking light has always been her dream.

But if the price is to lose one's lover, then this dream seems to be meaningless.

"Will he come back? You speak..."

"No, I do not know."

With light, the world seems to be back on track again.

Although many people don't know what that towering tree is, it seems to have replaced the sun.

Every day during the day, this tree emits light.

As time passed, the world finally returned to peace. Although there were still weird things in the wild, the black tide no longer appeared.

Without the Kuroshio, humans finally began to expand and explore outwards.

Everyone wants to explore the edges of this world and understand what this glowing tree is.

one year later!

Time flies by and everyone seems to have a new trajectory.

But at the end of the East China Sea, a fiery red figure stood on the line between the sea and the sky.

"finally found you."

Chi Xiao's eyes were firm, but there was some joy on his face.

In front of her is the Guyinduomu tree!

As if feeling Chi Xiao's arrival, the ancient Yin Duomu tree trembled slightly.

Chi Xiao made no response and had no intention of talking to the mother tree.

"This hatred has been deep for many years, and this love has lasted for a long time.

Gu Yinduo, he has done so much for this world and for you, he should not be the sun of this world. "

Chixiao rushed straight towards the Guyin Duomu Tree.

"Be the firewood that lights up the sky! Let the flame purify everything."

Sunshine, real sunshine fell on Xu Le's face.

His skin, which was almost integrated with the soul-eating tree, suddenly shattered.

He had no limbs and could only stay limply on the tree trunk.

He didn't know how much time had passed, and he didn't know either.

But when he looked up at the sun in the sky, even though Xu Le had now reached the level of the ancient Yinduo Mother Tree, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned.


"Is this warm light her?"

Fire can also become very gentle, and it will bring warmth and hope to people.

Just like when Xu Le first came to this world.

Flame always brings hope to mankind.

Xu Le pondered for a while, then he dragged his weak and exhausted body and flew into the sky.

Just when he was about to touch the sun, a burst of heat prevented Xu Le from approaching.

"That's enough, stop."

The familiar voice made Xu Le a little speechless.

Chi Xiao didn't want to see the same thing as making his own decision.

Now that Chi Xiao has allowed himself to become the sun, Xu Le is not willing to see it.

"You shouldn't do this, Chi Xiao."

“I am the leader of the dawn, and I should be the light that illuminates people’s darkness.

Xu Le, what I shouldn’t do is you. You already have a lover, family, and friends.

So many bonds make you no longer pure.

But I am alone and have no worries, so I am the most suitable candidate. "

"There will be a better way!" Xu Le said.

"There is no better way." Chi Xiao said.

"Goodbye Xu Le, Ai Li, Ding Ke, and your friends. They are all waiting for you. Darkness also has its way back. It's time for you to go back."

After a conversation, there was no result. Xu Le was silent for a while, and then slowly asked the same question as he asked the Night Fury:

"Will we meet again?"

Chi Xiao was also silent for a while:

"The Night Fury told me that when people tell lies, they try to tell the truth. There is no hope in life, and there is no peace in death. It is not fate or destiny.

I have always felt that I am the protagonist of this world. The protagonist should save the world.

This is a dream I have never told anyone.

Now, I tell you, and, Xu Le, I like you. "

"Your ending shouldn't be like this."

"The boat has crossed the Ten Thousand Mountains. Even if time could repeat itself, with our mentality, experience, and strength at the time, we would still make the same decision.

So the ending of the story, does it matter? "


"Don't cry, let me be your hero for once."

Xu Le didn't have a better answer, so he could only leave quietly with regret.

Ten years later!

Ding, ding ding, ding, ding ding...

The sound of hammers resounded next to a tree house on the beach.

Two little girls, about 4-5 years old, one with red hair and one with black hair, stared at the direction of the knocking sound with wide eyes.

The little red-haired girl subconsciously touched the black cat that was eating a can and asked curiously:

"Aunt Cat, what is mom doing?"

"Your mother is building a prosthetic leg for your father."

(Complete book)

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