
Final words

"bright! "Finally finished, with more than 2.5 million words.

I know that Guangming has too many imperfections and many shortcomings, but I finally finished it.

It's a complete story, and it doesn't go off track.

The problem that it's not good enough and not enjoyable enough is that my own level is not good enough, so I can only improve it in the next book.

This book has advantages and disadvantages, and you can feel them all.

I’ve read all the comments and can’t refute it, and I don’t know what to say.

At the end of writing, it seemed that finishing the book was the only thing I could do.

I hope the next book will be better.

Thank you to my book friends who have always supported me. I am really grateful.

It’s really painful to write a book in the later stage, especially when you feel like your brain is running out of energy. It’s really uncomfortable.

It is because of you that I insist on writing.

But it was really too painful to write the rest of it. The follow-up reading was actually okay, much better than Circle of Doom, but I just couldn’t continue writing.

Many great masters don’t know how to handle the middle and late stages, so it seems normal that I can’t handle it well? (wry smile……)

Anyway, thank you for your company.


The story of light is over.

Next, I will rest for a while, mainly to see a doctor (my health is not good).

It’s good to write and think about the next book.

The next book will most likely feature a fairy tale.

Ye Ji wrote a book called "Dayu Zhenmo Si" more than 2 years ago, which has 50,000 words. It is also the only eunuch book I have cut.

For the next book, I want to pick up some of my previous thoughts on the Demon Suppression Division and write them down.

However, two years have passed, and there are already a lot of people writing about Demon Suppression Division, and I don’t know if I can keep up with the times.

Okay, everyone, see you in the next book.

The new book should be a living, breathing story, and well, that’s it!

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