
Chapter 63 Fear of the Straw Man-The Replacement of Fate

Ding Ke's eyes behind him were a little shocked.

A normal Scarecrow's emotions cannot be so strong.

Because it cannot feel the existence of Guyinduo's Soul Tree.

So Ding Ke didn't understand why Xu Le's scarecrow of fate had such strong fear contamination, which was much stronger than the scarecrow he made at level 1.

Just like the lustful paper man it encountered last time, the scarecrow in front of it is releasing fear.


The scarecrow breathed out, and Xu Le felt many things from this breath.

Death, fear, and ancient sounds.

Xu Le couldn't describe what Guyinduo was.

He could just clearly sense the existence of this energy, which was a mixture of emotions and various distorted energies.

Xu Le looked at the Senyu scarecrow in front of him. It now has a new name.

[Substitute of Fate LV1-Fear Scarecrow]

Ability: Fear Aura.

Ability: Fate Substitute-Xu Le.

"Was it the same state last time? Last time I used lust, but I didn't use the fruit.

If there was an aura of fear this time, was there an aura of lust last time? "

To be honest, Xu Le is quite curious about the effect of spiritual energy.

Especially...ahem, fear aura.

Lust aura and the like are not very important, at least Xu Le hasn't thought of a way to use it yet.

It's different with fear, which is the food for all weirdness in these dark times.

It's a real killer.

"Try the intensity."

Xu Le tapped the scarecrow's chest with his fingers.

It is said to be a straw man, but in fact a large part of its body structure is made of silk metal and Senyu wood, which is extremely strong.

The overall evaluation is that the guy in front of me is much higher than the paper man in terms of strength, destructive power, and athletic ability.

Xu Le felt that to a certain extent, the fearful scarecrow in front of him was already as powerful as a level 1 warrior.

And it won't be afraid or worried about pain.

"I just don't know now whether the fear aura has an indiscriminate effect. If it also affects teammates, it would be really troublesome to use."

Xu Le knew that the night watchmen acted in small groups, which was safer.

The Warlock himself doesn't have too many enhancements in terms of physical fitness. Maybe he does, but he doesn't have it now.

Under normal circumstances, a warlock needs a certain amount of protection to be able to cause maximum damage.

Just like Gu Beichen and Wang Shu are partners, Bai Jing and Gan are also partners.

Since they are all team operations, the fear scarecrow with fear aura cannot be released casually.

"Try the power."

Xu Le took a few steps back, leaned against the window and moved his fingers.


The uncontrollable scarecrow immediately punched the door, causing sawdust to fly. The night watchman colleagues who lived next door poked their heads out to see what was happening in Xu Le's place.

Fortunately, Xu Le let the scarecrow hide in the toilet in time, so no one discovered him.

The guy in front of me is not suitable to be exposed yet.

Looking at the damaged door, Xu Le's face turned dark.

"Hey, 9 yuan is gone again!"

When Xu Le's face turned pale, the scarecrow also frowned, with a fierce look in his eyes.

This is the emotion of anger.

The spiritual connection between Xu Le and the Scarecrow is very special. He feels that he does not control the Scarecrow by relying on his spiritual power or will.

Rather, it is transmitted through the emotions of the Tree of Souls.

"Try the substitution of fate."

Xu Le looked at the scarecrow in front of him who bowed his head to him, took out his revolver and pointed it at his arm.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he still didn't dare to shoot.

"Forget it, if it doesn't work, you'd be a real fool if you shot your arm off with one shot.

But if we don’t use firearms, how can we test the effect of Fate Replacement..."

Xu Le took out the knife again and scratched his finger.

"Fuck, it's bleeding, where's the band-aid?"

After rummaging around, I finally found a band-aid in the small medical kit on the bedside table.

Xu Le was a little helpless. Fate Replacement, as the name suggests, could protect him from fatal injuries.

But this ability should be tested clearly, what kind of damage can be blocked and what kind of damage cannot be blocked.

If you don't figure it out clearly, you won't be able to use many fighting methods.

“No, I still have to test, I’ll be out on a mission in a few days.

Although the captain and others are experienced masters, they usually act as usual without any accidents.

But outside the city is outside the city after all, and the danger is always much higher than inside the city.

Opportunities only come to those who are prepared, so I should be fully prepared now. "

Xu Le picked up the knife and was about to try again, but heard Ding Ke shouting at this time.

Meow meow!

It was tugging at the Gu Yin Duo card in Xu Le's pocket. Xu Le was stunned:

"Yes, you can try divination."

Reshuffle the cards and inject Guyinduo's spiritual energy:

"Can the scarecrow of my life protect me from the damage that cuts my hand?"

【White Card-Joker】

Positive: Like a clown, something bad is about to happen.

Seeing the clown card, Xu Le frowned slightly:

"Isn't it possible for an injury of this level to trigger Fate Replacement? Try another one.

Can the scarecrow of my life protect me from an injury that pierces the entire palm of my hand? "

【White Brand-Four Leaf Clover】

Positive: Unconditional luck, good things will happen.

When Xu Le saw the four-leaf clover, his eyes narrowed and he felt a little relieved.

"hope so."

He was not completely reassured just because the divination result was a four-leaf clover.

The meaning of divination is for more accurate testing.

The four-leaf clover only strengthened his determination to test the destiny.

Only the power that is truly in your own hands is your own power.

After taking out gauze, analgesics, hemostatics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and even suture needles and other items from the small medicine box provided by the night watchman, Xu Le walked to the toilet.

Looking at the fearful scarecrow, Xu Le took a deep breath.

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

Putting his palm on the edge of the toilet, he picked up the sword and stabbed it into his palm.


The sword penetrated the flesh, and pain also appeared at the same time.

But the splatter of flesh and blood did not appear in Xu Le's hands.

The pain was clearly there, and the palm of Ke Xu Le's hand, where the sword was pierced, was emitting a layer of blue light.

The blue light covered the wound and seemed to transfer the damage on his hand.

Xu Le quickly looked at the scared scarecrow.

Only then did he realize that the scarecrow's palm had begun to disintegrate and crack, and was about to shatter. He suddenly felt heartbroken.

"Xingxing, you Xingxing, you might as well get hurt yourself, this wave of loss is numb."

Xu Le quickly pulled out the knife, and the scarecrow's palm drooped at this moment.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's still usable."

Looking at the scarecrow again, Xu Le's eyes almost glowed.

The effect of Fate Replacement was so strong that he couldn't believe it. This damage transfer effect could already be called a life-saving magical skill.

Although there is still no way to avoid continuous damage, it is a one-time attack.

For example, someone else's sniper shot, or a sudden explosion, should be able to withstand it by relying on life.

"Strong, invincible."

Xu Le knew that this secret technique was written down by Ding Ke. He quickly looked at Ding Ke:

"Ding Ke, what kind of existence are you? Why do you know such a powerful secret technique?"

Meow meow meow?

Ding Ke tilted his head, looking not very smart.

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