
Chapter 64 Strength Test

Seeing Ding Ke's silly look, Xu Le burst into laughter. This guy was too good at pretending.

Forget it, just pretend, we are living together anyway, and when it wants to say something, it will naturally say it.

He has seen both the Scarecrow of Fate and the Scarecrow of Spirit.

In terms of power, the difference in ability between the two is not very big.

But there’s just too much functionality.

The Spirit Scarecrow needs to suppress anima, but the Life Scarecrow does not, which is a great convenience.

I haven't tried the Fear Aura yet, but it shouldn't be too bad. What's more, it also has the powerful protective ability of Life Replacement.

Xu Le felt that this technique was simply created for himself.

"It's too strong. Dingke, please add three cans tonight."

Meow! ~

Ding Ke rubbed Xu Le happily.

Xu Le covered the door with paper and let the scared scarecrow come to him.

"Spell-maker-odd-formation, psychic summoning reverse formation."

Xu Le put the technique in his hands, then followed the reversal formation that Gan taught him, and applied it to the Scarecrow's body.

There was a burst of white smoke, and the Scarecrow of Fear was indeed taken into the psychic space by him.

"The perfect storage method, but the technique is too troublesome and requires psychic energy. Otherwise, it would be just a space pocket.

Next, is the Forbidden Summoning Formation. "

Xu Le has already made some guesses about the forbidden summoning formation.

It can even be said that the ones he used for the first two summons were actually the Forbidden Summoning Formation.

Because for the first two summons, he used his anima.

[Secret Technique-Forbidden Summoning]

Based on the consumption of the heart, imagination is used as a mimic, the soul is connected with the ancient sounds, and the forbidden things are summoned.

For the first time, his mind kept thinking about Wu Chan.

Because he had seen Bai Chan near the teaching building, he consumed a lot of mental energy and even fruits when summoning, and Bai Chan also appeared.

The second time, what he was thinking about was the branches of the ancient sound.

Therefore, there are thorns that look somewhat similar to the ancient Yin Duozhiya.

Then, according to the situation, all his summons are from the ancient Yinduo system.

If he has a living corpse in his mind, can he summon a living corpse?

With doubts, Xu Le chose to sleep.

Well, only a fool would summon a living corpse in his bedroom. There are night watchmen living nearby, so just knocking and knocking is enough.

If he really wants to summon a living corpse, the people around him will report him in minutes.

"Sleep, sleep, it's been another fulfilling day!"

Lying on the bed, Xu Le pinched Ding Ke's face.

Ding Ke looked at Xu Le in a daze. He shuffled the cards for a while, and finally turned the card over to the red card - the red moon.

【Red Card-Red Moon】

A bright red moon covered the earth, and a warlock crawled at the feet of the red moon.

Front: red moon, taboos, rules

Opposite: obey

Meow meow!

Then, it jumped on the bed again, curled up in front of Xu Le, and fell asleep together.

The next day, Bai Jing was listening to Wang Shu's report.

"Xu Le asked for leave? Why did he go?"

"He said he wanted to go out of the city to test the effectiveness of his equipment. Captain, he went out alone. Is it necessary to follow him?"

Bai Jing frowned slightly. If she sent someone to follow Xu Le in such a situation, she was afraid that Xu Le would be resistant.

It took a lot of effort to get a warlock to join the team, but it would be bad to force him away.

But if he doesn't have someone to follow him, he won't be able to wipe his butt clean if he spends the night outside again.

"Why is this guy so careless at this time?

No, let’s deduct his full attendance award first. Let’s talk about it. What else did he say? "

"He said he would be back as soon as possible, no later than the afternoon. Captain, please be sure not to disturb him. He will never stay out overnight."

Bai Jing was stunned for a moment, then laughed:

"You brat, does this predict my thoughts in advance?

I really don’t know what good test that piece of broken equipment is. Isn’t it just a scarecrow? Forget it, let him be. "


Wang Shu nodded, although he obeyed Bai Jing's order.

But based on his understanding of Xu Le, he always felt that Xu Le went out of the city not just to test a scarecrow.

Cunning rabbit has three holes, that guy must be hiding something deep.

outside the city.

Xu Le stood on the edge of an abandoned wasteland, which was actually only 5 kilometers away from the lighthouse.

It's not that Xu Le doesn't want to go far, but that he doesn't dare to go too far by himself.

He is not a fool like the original owner. Following Lao Zhou, the two of them dared to run out to search for ancient items, relics, and even the ancient Yinduo fruit.

Even when he went out to explore, he had to follow the large army.

It’s true to hug the thighs of captains and other masters. Resources and so on, don’t they have reimbursement forms?

Xu Le has been here for a while.

He knocked out three magazines, practiced his shooting skills, and then turned to look at the Scarecrow of Fate not far in front of him.

And the four mice next to the scarecrow.

Three of the gray mice were dead, and the cause of death was unknown, but Xu Le thought it should be the influence of fear aura.

There was also a white rat peeing all over the floor, but it was not dead yet.

Well, it turns out that the ability of a white mouse to withstand stress is much stronger than that of an ordinary mouse, even if it is also a wild mouse.

After testing the fear aura, Xu Le put away the scarecrow.

He turned to look at the living corpse again and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This living corpse was summoned by himself. Yes, he could really summon a living corpse.

The living corpse has been standing in the sun for more than 10 minutes, but it is still not dead. The biggest reaction is just that it hates the sun.

But it shouldn't be killed by sunlight.

"Can you move around in the sun? However, the body's activity seems to have dropped significantly. Sunlight still has a significant impact on living corpses."

After briefly recording the effect of sunlight on the living corpse, and then testing the strength, ability, and duration of the living corpse.

Xu Le already had an idea of ​​the intensity of the forbidden summons.

Summoning a level 1 monster only requires a small amount of anima energy.

But if he wants to summon a level 2 monster, his anima will be drained in large quantities.

If the level is raised to 3, it means that he has to consume at least 1 fruit.

But now that he summoned the golden toad, he only needed to buy food tribute and enough earthworms. The consumption gap between the two was slightly large.

"Is it because of the leapfrog summons that it consumes a lot of money?

The Golden Toad is in a contractual relationship, so logically speaking it is not my summoned object. I will ask Teacher Gan what level his Guhuo Bird is in the future. "

When the living corpse lasted for 19 minutes, Xu Le could already clearly feel its instability.

It's like being rejected by this world and might disappear at any time.

Xu Le looked at the living corpse and took out the Sunny Doll:

"Finally, let's use the waste again."

【A wage earner on a rainy day】

Sunny Power: Summon a small sun.

Xu Le looked at this SU-level relic, filled with expectations and a little worried.

"No matter what, I have to give it a try, come on!"

Injecting ancient Yinduo spiritual energy into the sunny doll, the doll seemed to feel a vitality and opened its hands to the sky.

Like a child running towards its mother.

And the so-called mother is the sun.

I probably won’t be able to go to Sanjiang anymore, and it will only be available on Fridays.

I guess I didn't read enough, and I know that.

I'll post something like a testimonial on the launch tomorrow.

I'm actually thinking of posting 20,000 words on the shelves tomorrow. It's really not to give back to book friends, it's probably because I'm greedy for money.

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