
Chapter 74 To survive

Under normal circumstances, if Gan was surprised by Bai Jing's order, he would definitely stand up and question it.

Bai Jing once said that as Red Moon Warlocks, the two of them have the right to question the captain.

Because in many cases, Red Moon Warlocks have a more stable mood and thoughts, and can make more ideal combat judgments.

Ke Gan, I didn’t say anything just now.

He wasn't even a little surprised. He acted too calmly. Calmness was the biggest unreasonable thing.

For some reason, Xu Le found it hard to accept that Gan had a problem.

Although people often say that it is not scary to have a problem, but the scary thing is not knowing where the problem is.

But when you really find that someone of your own has a problem, it’s really difficult to make a decision.

"Is the captain thinking the same thing as me?"

At this time, Xu Le was tapped on the shoulder again, no, several times.

The girl's voice appeared again.

"Master Psychic, why don't you go down?"

"Because it will take a while."

"Wait a minute? What are you waiting for?"

The voice came again, a little urgent.

Although Xu Le didn't see her appearance, he had already begun to think about it.

An old witch with eight heads pretending to be a little girl?

Or a crawling monster that mimics a woman's voice like a caterpillar?

Or is he just an ugly guy who can only seduce him with his voice but cannot show it with actual actions?

Shaking his head slightly, Xu Le took out his sunny doll and played with it a little.

"I'm waiting for the skill CD."

I don't know whether he was surprised or didn't understand the meaning of Xu Le's words. His voice was silent for a while before he said:

"Well, I will prepare rich fruits and wait for the arrival of the psychic."

It sounded like he wanted to end this conversation, but Xu Le didn't think so.

He felt that since the other party could induce him, could he also induce the other party in turn?

It's all about language exchange, Xu Le thought it would be a good idea to give it a try.

"Hey wait, what does that fruit look like?"

"Of course it's a very powerful fruit."

"I guess it must be a superior element, or some kind of powerful superior creature? Could it be the Thunder Fruit?"

The other party hesitated for a few seconds, but not for too long:

"You really hit the mark."

"It's really the Thunder Fruit, then I must get it."

"Okay, Master Psychic, I'm waiting for you to come."

Two people...well, maybe one person and one ghost? Or is it one person and one monster?

In short, after the two of them ended their conversation, Xu Le had some smiles on his face.

It's really interesting to tease an unknown weirdo and let him speak according to his wishes.

"Captain, I was so busy this morning that I didn't even have time to eat. I'm hungry. How about we make a pot to eat?"

Xu Le's proposal was ridiculous, when everyone was looking at him and thinking he was a fool.

Bai Jing nodded in surprise:

"This proposal is good."

The so-called pot is nothing more than a night watchman's individual lunch box.

Because it is a foldable style, it can be used as a pot if it is slightly sealed.

In addition to dry food, the people in the team also took out some snacks and placed them in the middle.

In the wild, snacks are a must-have, because they are the simplest things that can make people feel happy.

Especially sweets.

When you are very anxious, panicked, or even scared.

Eating some sweets is very helpful in calming down your mood.

Therefore, snacks at Night Watch are the simplest and most practical mental neutralizers.

Although the team members were a little anxious, they also realized it belatedly at this time.

There must be a reason for the captain to do this, just do what the captain says and that's it.

"Then, let's eat?"

"Eat eat eat."

Everyone’s snacks are everyone’s treasures, so you can’t take too many things with you when you go out exploring.

Now that I have the opportunity to eat other people's food in a reasonable way, it is naturally very satisfying.

"Xule, where are your snacks?"

Wang Shu asked.

"Is this it? An ordinary cake?" Gu Beichen followed.

"Fart, can this cake be salty? This is a salted fish cake without salted fish."

Xu Le drank soup and ate cakes, his face indifferent and his heart desolate.

In this way, a group of people were not in a hurry, eating, drinking, chatting and joking, and let the time reach noon.

And noon is when the sun is strongest.

Xu Le took out the Sunny Baby and took a look at it again.

【A wage earner on a rainy day】

Ancient Yinduo Relic-SU

The power of sunny weather: Summon a small sun to bring you a sunny day.

Workers: The hard-working workers have had a rest for 6 days, 23 hours and 58 minutes.

Smiling slightly, he put away the sunny doll and drank the last mouthful of soup in his hand.

Xu Le turned to Bai Jing and said:

"She's quite able to keep her composure. She hasn't reacted yet."

Bai Jing also nodded and looked at the scorching sun in the sky.

August is when the sun is at its most intense.

"about there."

"Um, what does the captain think we should do now?"

"This kind of huddled thing is actually easier to deal with than you think."



Xu Le was stunned. While he was still stunned, Niu Yuan, Wang Shu, and Li Shunliu had already opened their backpacks.

Taking out some purple and yellow liquid, Xu Le looked at it intently.

【Unstable Alchemical Item】

After several people took out these unstable alchemy potions, Gu Beichen started to prepare them.

"What does this do? Do you know how to do alchemy?"

Gu Beichen shook his head:

"Of course this is not alchemy. During the pioneer mission, in addition to routine cleaning tasks, mineral exploration is also one of them.

After all, the development of cities and technology requires coal and metals.

Therefore, explosive methods are a skill that every Night Watch team must master.

The yellow one is Lighthouse No. 3 Explosive Glycerin, and the purple one is No. 4. After matching in a certain proportion, a powerful bomb can be formed.

That is our commonly used mining bomb. "

"Then go down and plant the bomb now?" Xu Le said hesitantly.

"Go down? Too young."

"What's too small?"

"The layout is smaller."

While Xu Le was wondering, Wang Shu, Li Shunliu, and Niu Yuan were already taking out their engineer hoes.

Dig into the circle Bai Jing drew on the ground before.

They don't need to dig a big hole, just a location where they can put down enough explosives.

"Captain, this..."

Bai Jing glanced at Xu Le, took out a pen and paper and wrote.

“Judging from last night’s experience, the location of the underground pothole in the health center is approximately 4 floors underground.

Calculated according to the height, it is about 11 meters, which is not very deep.

The height of the pit is 3-4 meters, so we took the hole in the health center hall as the center of the circle and extended it about 30 meters to the south, blasting out a 7-meter deep pit.

This allows sunlight to reach the main location of the underground pit and dispel the darkness there. "

"Fuck, is this okay?"

At this time, Bai Jing finally demonstrated her abilities and qualities as a captain of the Night Watch.

At least Xu Le never thought of it this way.

Without the dark environment, the level of danger will be greatly reduced.

Does all typical fear come from insufficient firepower...

If there is enough firepower, you can plow this place aside, slowly find the location of the ghost, and even blow up the ghost species directly.

"let's start."

boom! boom! boom!

After the explosives were planted, three loud explosions shattered a large amount of floor and pavement.

Without the protection of stones, the soil below the ground is as fragile as tofu dregs.

In this first explosion, Wang Shu and the others had already created a 1-2 meter deep pit.

This move made the owner of the voice appear directly in Xu Le's ears:

"Master Psychic, what are you doing?"

"Probably, they are opening a road."

When Xu Le responded to the voice, the second round of blasting had already begun.

Boom boom boom!

"Master Psychic, this will blow up the fruit. Don't you want the fruit?"

Xu Le remained silent.

Then came the third round.

After the explosion ended, followed by a collapse sound, just as Bai Jing thought, the sun shone directly into the pit.

Standing at the blast hole, you can already roughly see the main potholes below.

Broken petri dishes, some unknown liquid, and a large number of corpses.

When the sun shines into this place, the ghosts wandering around the corpse box immediately let out bursts of screams.

Without the protection of a dark environment, these fragile ghosts would be easily killed by sunlight.

They wailed and burrowed toward the other corner of the pit.

There should be another room there.

"Psychic, you're crazy, stop."

Xu Le continued to keep silent, but when someone else did, it was Gan.

"Captain, it should be almost ready, right?"

Gan De's sudden voice made Xu Le stunned.

"Teacher Gan really heard it, so he spoke up to stop it."

Xu Le looked at Bai Jing subconsciously, but Bai Jing's expression was as calm as ever, and nothing could be seen.

"The sun has indeed penetrated into the pothole, but the current environment does not guarantee sufficient safety. I think we should continue to use explosives to eliminate hidden dangers."

Bai Jing's statement seemed to attract the voice's attention.

"Master Psychic, stop her, stop her from doing that..."

Xu Le still didn't speak, but Gan across from him spoke, and the meaning in his tone was really to stop him:

"Captain, we have two purposes here.

The first is to understand the town's information, find out the source of the white-haired blood vessel disease and the specific situation of the ghost in white, so as to prepare for the next pioneer mission.

The second is for the ancient Yinduo tree and the ancient Yinduo fruits that may appear on the tree.

Regardless of the purpose, the continued use of explosives is undesirable.

The explosion is likely to destroy the research data here, and may even blow up the Ancient Yinduo Tree. In that case, for us, the gain will outweigh the loss. "

What Gan said was well-founded and convincing.

Even the other uninformed team members nodded.

"Yes, Captain, there is sunshine now. Mr. Gan is right, any more explosions may cause damage."

Bai Jing said nothing, holding her chin as if considering the feasibility of this plan.

After a while, she looked at Xu Le:

"Xu Le, what do you think?"

There seemed to be something extra in Bai Jing's eyes. Was she sad because of Gan's concealment...

At this time, should I say something for the captain?

Teacher Ke Gan's pursuit of fruits is actually not a mistake in the final analysis. Everyone has the right to pursue their own interests.

But there is a premise, which is that teammates should not be harmed in the process of pursuing interests.

"I think……"

"No need to say anything, just do as Gan said. Wang Xu, you stay and take care of Zhou Zimo. The others will go down with me."


At this time, Xu Le did not refuse. The risk assessment here had indeed been done before.

The sunshine also completely solves the problem of dark environment.

It is noon now, and the direct sun is strong and bright, and the situation under the pothole can almost be seen clearly.

Under these conditions, the level of danger below has been greatly reduced.

Even if there is real danger, he still has some trump cards. Xu Le touched the Sunny Baby in his pocket.

The SU-class relic gives him the ability to literally flip tables.

Soon, several team members lowered the rope next to the pothole.

The warriors are powerful and agile, so it is easy for them to slide down the pit.

Gan You has been exercising for a long time. Although he doesn't look very comfortable these days, it's not too troublesome to go down.

Xu Le has the blessing of the veteran's soul, so there is no problem.

Only Gu Beichen...

"Don't hold me back, I can do it myself!"

When he came down, the skin on his hands was blurred. Xu Le looked at the pain on his face and shook his head.

Maybe this is the end of being stubborn.

Bai Jing looked around the pothole, and the Ancient Yinduo Tree should not be here.

However, a lot of sealed information is currently stored in this area. Except for the soil pressed down by the explosion just now, everything here is well preserved.

The writings of the Fourth Age are the continuation of the Third Age.

So there is no problem of not understanding it.

"Clean this place and look for useful clues."


Everyone gathered firewood with great enthusiasm, and everyone worked together to clean up the scene, and quickly sorted out rows of information.

Xu Le didn't talk nonsense, and at Bai Jing's signal, he directly picked up a volume of information and quickly read through it.

Most of the information here was medical research that was useless to them, about white-haired blood vessel disease. But in the corner of the pothole, Wang Shu found a handwritten note and immediately gave it to Bai Jing.

Bai Jing frowned slightly after reading it and handed the note to Gan.


Gan also read quickly. After he read it, he handed the information to Xu Le.

Said to be a note, this thing is more like an undated record.

The writing on it is very messy, including medical research records, handwritten healing records, and some notes from the owner.

[It is true that leukoplakia is a rare blood stain disease, but leukoplakia in this town is special. Judging from the pathogens brought back from abroad, the pathogens of the two are completely different. 】

[Alchemy, alchemy, these guys know alchemy, and they actually started doing human experiments? Turn people into puppets. 】

[The so-called bulletproof materials are just words from those in power. I know what they are doing. 】

[This disease is actually man-made? 】

[Okay, now Lan and Aiya are saved. They don’t have to die. They will live forever. 】

[Aiya is still dead. I really want to die with her, but no, Lan is still here. I have to save our daughter. 】

[The mayor’s wife actually wants Aiya’s hair. She is a ridiculous woman. I will kill her with my own hands. 】

[Lan is saved. This should be the serum. The general clinical trial has been completed and Lan can be injected. 】

[Damn it, the mayor actually used such despicable methods...]

【I can't hold on anymore. 】

[Lan, you have to live. 】

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