
Chapter 75 Betrayal

After Xu Le read it, he understood the reason why the two frowned.

The contents of this notebook... look really miserable!

After Xu Le closed the notebook, the voice appeared again.

"Master Psychic, you are finally here. Are you here to help me?"

"Yes, I'm here to help you." Xu Le nodded.

The team members on the other side have thoroughly understood the surrounding environment. This is a slightly empty underground laboratory.

After conducting a survey, it has been basically confirmed that there is no ancient Yinduo tree here, and there is no additional weirdness except for the ghosts that have penetrated inside.

What we have here is just the information in front of us.

"Any other discoveries?"

"There is another passage over there, I don't know where it leads at the moment."

Xu Le opened Gu Yinduo's vision and looked at the passage at the end of the room.

[This area is affected by the ancient Yinduo Tree and is undergoing unpredictable changes. 】

"Is the tree inside..."

When looking towards the passage, the girl's voice appeared again.

"Yeah, it's in there, I'm in it."

Xu Le nodded slightly. From the moment he entered this pit, the voice owner's ability changed from listening to hearing and seeing.

If she is the Lan recorded in the notebook.

Then she should be the researcher's daughter. If this is really her identity, how did she survive?

Why is she trapped here?

There is no record of Lan's personality in the notebook, but judging from the way she seduces him, she doesn't look like a kind-hearted being.

Is it because he has been trapped here for hundreds of years and his psychology is distorted?

Just when Xu Le was thinking about the situation of the voice owner, Gan suddenly said:

"Xu Le."

"I'm here, Teacher Gan."

"Can you feel it now?"

"What do you feel?"

"Does the Ancient Yinduo Tree really exist?"

"Yes, it really exists."

Gan nodded to show that he understood. He took a deep breath and seemed to be adjusting his state.

But the expectation in his eyes was completely seen by Xu Le.

Teacher Gan...

Xu Le looked at Bai Jing and winked at her several times, but Bai Jing ignored his small glances and directly ordered:



Wang Shu turned on the bright light to the maximum. Although this state could only last half an hour, it was enough.

When the entire team is basically here, if the problem cannot be solved in half an hour, then they are not far from being wiped out.

"Niu Yuan, break the door."

"Captain, are you still using a bomb? Will it blow up the contents inside?"

Breaking down a door with explosives is a very normal method, and it is also the safest method.

But their goal this time is the Ancient Sound Tree!

If the Ancient Yinduo Tree really exists and is inside, such a blasting method may blow up the tree, which would be more than worth the gain.

"How can the ancient Yinduo tree be so fragile? And even if there is a tree, the safety of the environment must be guaranteed.

Don't risk your own life for the sake of the Ancient Sound Tree. "


Niu Yuan installed small explosives, but the amount used was somewhat reduced.

But it should be no problem to use it to blow up doors.

"Get ready to explode."


There was a burst of fire and loud noise, and the sound of the closed door collapsing appeared at the end of the passage.

Some flashing blue light spots were flying, and they were running around in panic.

The seven Night Watch members standing under the sun exuded the aura they hated most, light.

Sunlight is purer than light, and is more disgusting to creatures adapted to darkness.

"Captain, it's a ghost body."

Gu Beichen and Wang Shu knew that these ghost bodies were the ones that attacked them last night.

Although they are very weak individually, when gathered together, they still have the ability to kill level 2 extraordinary beings.

"Prepare the ashes."


To deal with spirit bodies, the best item is weird ashes mixed with alchemy. It is cheap and easy to use. It not only has the effect of materializing spirit bodies, but also allows them to enter a semi-materialized state.

After entering this state, the spirit body is much easier to deal with.

Wave after wave of ashes were scattered into the passage.

Bai Jing pulled a grenade directly from under Niu Yuan's pocket and smeared a large amount of ashes on the grenade.

Pull off the lead and throw it towards the door.


By the time the dust cleared, the spirit body inside had already let out wave after wave of screams.



Bang bang bang...

Gunshots continued to sound, and these fragile ghost bodies were unable to withstand the impact of bullets after being semi-materialized.

Almost every bullet takes away a ghost.

Bai Jing and the others stood under the sun, with the light guarding the left and right, and the ghost body did not dare to come out at all.

They could only let the night watchmen stand on the outside and shoot the inside of the spirit body in circles.

"Master Psychic, I feel so uncomfortable, can you ask them to stop..."

Xu Le touched his nose. By this time, Bai Jing was fully responsible for the battle command.

He was not qualified to interrupt at all, so he had no intention of talking to the other party.

But he secretly glanced at Gan.

Coincidentally, Gan was also looking at him at this time.

"What's wrong? Xu Le."

"No, it's okay, Teacher Gan."

Xu Le said it was okay, but the suspicion in his heart became stronger.

Bai Jing used a strong light to illuminate the door at the end of the passage. After confirming that there was no ancient Yinduo tree in the area, she directly took a few grenades from the hands of several other team members.

Throw them in one by one.

Boom boom boom!

The continuous explosions were truly deafening in such a narrow environment.

After some random explosions, Bai Jing took another large bag of phosphorus fire from Wang Shu's hand.

Even Xu Le couldn't bear it now.

"Captain, you still have a fever? Isn't this a bit outrageous?"

Bai Jing glanced at Xu Le with disgust.

"Why, didn't you say you were going to hang around the door but not go in, making her anxious to death? Now you are anxious yourself?"

When Bai Jing said this, several men present laughed out loud.

Xu Le touched his nose and lowered his head.

"I'm probably stupid, why would I want to argue with my captain."

Bai Jing's method of using phosphorus fire is basically the same as Xu Le's previous method. In such a relatively narrow place, the deflagration of phosphorus fire will bring additional impact.


After several waves of fire, looking down the passage, there were not many faint blue light spots left.

Continuous explosions, shooting, burning, sprinkling of strange ashes, and driving glare caused heavy losses to the ghost body.

When Xu Le thought they were about to enter like this, Bai Jing remained unmoved and even had time to light a cigarette for herself.

"Si~ha! Lao Niu, this cigarette is good. The prisoner bribed me last time."

"Then give me one too."

Ever since, the tense atmosphere of exploration has turned into a gathering of smokers to share their spoils.

A few old guys started talking dirty jokes again, and even the team leader Bai Jing was able to make some jokes.

However, Xu Le has already seen that he is far less calm than Bai Jing in dealing with mission incidents.

Bai Jing is really stable. She uses all kinds of consumption methods to the extreme to weaken the possible dangers of the opponent.

After several people finished smoking, they also became immersed inside.

Bai Jing threw away the cigarette butt and winked at Gu Beichen.

"let's start."

Although Gu Beichen has not been here for a long time, his fighting talent and strength are indeed very good.

It was natural to understand what Bai Jing meant.


Thin wisps of wildfire spit out from Gu Beichen's mouth, like a leaping fire dragon, constantly burning in the room for further cleaning.

Such continuous explosions and burnings made Xu Le a little confused and couldn't help but ask:

"If you burn it like this, won't there be insufficient air inside?"

Bai Jing looked at Xu Le as if he were an idiot:

"You went to college in vain. Don't you know that the burning factor of the warlock's flame is only the spirit of the red moon?

As long as your spirit is strong, the warlock's fire can burn in any situation and in any environment.

You have enough spiritual power to even make the flame never go out in the void. "

"Is this...well, I really don't know."

"In the future, you should learn more about basic knowledge and don't act like a father-in-law." Gu Beichen stopped the fire and said something.

"What is zhangyu?"

"Zhangyu is illiterate. Because illiterate people cannot write well, they are called Zhangyu."

"Only you can!"

Xu Le was a little unhappy, but Gu Beichen had released the wildfire again and pushed the flames forward.

"Follow him, don't be too far away from him, enter in a triangle formation, let Xu Le and the others be in the middle."


Bai Jing stood next to Gu Beichen, and the others followed behind Bai Jing, and the team advanced steadily.

Wildfire was burning in front, and the ghost body could only avoid the flames while tumbling around.

Seven people entered the room in the passage one after another.

Although there are still some dappled sunlight here, the brightness is no longer enough.

Wang Shu and Niu Yuan immediately turned on the maximum lights and illuminated the room.

The huge room was very empty, with only a few scattered ghost bodies, which seemed to have no atmosphere.

What Xu Le is more confused about is, where is the owner of that voice?

There is no hiding place here. Where is she?

Before he had time to think clearly about the problem, he was already attracted by the things in front of him.

In the center of the room, there is a tree.

"It's really...the Tree of Ancient Sound!"

Yes, it is really the ancient Yinduo tree, with almost no leaves on the branches, a brown trunk, and a faint blue halo.

All show that this is a genuine ancient Yinduo tree.

But what can I say...the tree in front of me is a bit small.

At least it was much smaller than the tree in my mind, let alone compared to the Mother Tree Realm.

After Xu Le took a look, his eyes were attracted by a fruit on the trunk!

That one should be the wild Guyinduo fruit.

[Guyinduo Fruit-Element Lower Level-Electricity]

Xu Le shook his head. After making it up for so long, he was just a subordinate...



What the hell, is it an electricity?

Star, you star, she made up stories over and over again, but in the end she didn’t lie to herself?

Xu Le was really moved. As a former street writer, he had naturally read countless novels.

Therefore, he knows that light can only alternate with darkness.

Only thunder can break the darkness.

You are looking for light, and I am looking for thunder. This makes sense.

When Xu Le was looking at the Guyinduo fruit, others were also looking at the fruit.

"Guyin Duo Fruit, it's really Guyin Duo Fruit!"

"Captain, you've made a lot of money this time."

"Yeah, I don't know what kind of fruit it is, but this mission is not considered a failure. I got a lot of blood back."

While others are still discussing how much this fruit should be sold for.

Xu Le is already considering how much loan he will need after returning.

There should be discounts for internal transactions, right?

There won't be any insiders trying to cut off the rumors or engaging in malicious bidding, right?

When everyone was very excited, Xu Le suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why don't those few remaining ghost bodies fly upward?

While they are afraid of the night watchman and the fire, they are also afraid of the things above?

But there’s nothing on it? When I first came in, I had already seen the ceiling.

It's just an ordinary ceiling. What are they afraid of?

Suddenly, Xu Le felt his body stiffen slightly. While he was surprised, the girl's voice appeared again.

But this time, she became extremely resentful:

"Two master psychics, you finally came to help me, although it cost a lot of anima and spirit slaves.

But I still want to thank you, after all, no living person has come here for a long time..."

This time, not only Xu Le and Gan could hear the sound, but everyone could hear it.

The sound came from above, and everyone looked upward.

On the ceiling, a girl's face appeared.

Later, those dead and dissipated ghost bodies actually reunited in the air, as if they were inspired by some kind of power and resurrected.

These spirits gradually gathered and condensed, becoming a real ghost.

A girl floating in the air, wearing gray gauze.

[Resentful Demon-Lan, level 3 ghost species, polluter of ancient sounds, unique, awakening-shielding, voice of the heart. 】

Awakening? Is it because Gu Yinduo has a weird talent?

Looking at the other party's pale face, Xu Le always felt that this resentful demon was very weak. Not sure if it was an illusion.

Suddenly, Lan's voice echoed in the room, and Xu Le felt dizzy.


Then he subconsciously looked at Bai Jing. He remembered that Bai Jing said yesterday that she had a way to deal with level 3 polluters.

But what's going on with Bai Jing now? Why aren't you moving?

Not only Bai Jing, but everyone except him seemed to be unable to move. Xu Le didn't move either, but he had already begun to consider a retreat.

Do we really need to use Sunny Doll here?

If used, everyone will be killed.

At this moment, Gan Ju slowly walked to the tree and said to the resentful demon:

"You should give me what you promised me, right?"

"Hehehehe, of course, Gu Yinduo will witness everything, Mr. Psychic."

The fingers of Resentment Orchid turned into entities, and she picked the elemental electric fruit from the tree and held it in her hand.

"Master Psychic, should you fulfill your promise before you get the fruit?"

Gan Jiang retracted his hand, nodded and looked at Xu Le:

"Xu Le, every Red Moon Warlock is a master of mind control. You shouldn't be controlled, right?

What, are you planning to surprise me with a sneak attack in the dark? "

Xu Le, who was exposed, took a deep breath and finally stood up.

"Teacher Gan, why? Why exactly?"

Gan smiled and looked at Xu Le as if he were looking at his proud disciple.

He spread his hands and his expression became sincere:

“Do one good deed in a day and avoid a calamity in a month.

Everything is to make you believe, everything is to break through the limitations of life. "

Gan Wei raised his hand, and Xu Le felt that the previous fatigue on his body was swept away.

Spirit, life, and strength all converge on Gan, and he is sublimating.

Gan, a breakthrough!

Storms of anima suddenly rolled up inside the room, but eventually they converged into Gan's hands.

"Red Moon Warlock - LV2 - Psychologist, finally succeeded."

Seeing that Gan had been promoted, Lan clapped her hands:

"The promotion of the Red Moon Warlock is really complicated. Can we take action? Mr. Psychologist."

Xu Le looked at Gan and suddenly realized that Gan's words just now seemed a bit...

Everything is to make him believe.

What did he believe?


I wrote 13,000 yesterday, probably because I am greedy for money.

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